Way of the Devil

Chapter 1013: Class one

"Now, let's see what happens to the body after the muscles are self-limiting."

Lu Sheng slowly stood up from the ground and took off his upper body clothes, revealing a muscle that was strong and flawless.

He picked up a piece of metal cube and gently pinched it.

The magic square was squeezed into a shovel, and then he was smashed by the left and right, and completely turned into scrap iron.

In this way, the muscles on his arms have not felt so hard.

"The power instantly increased by a hundred times to match the hardening strength of the skin. The muscles also increased the skin hardness of the first life.

The two complement each other, this is really amazing."

Lu Sheng was amazed. He doesn't have any extra reinforcements to the body, just a practice to open the self-limiting wheel.

Actually, the second life reached the effect of almost superman at this time.

“It’s incredible. The material of this world is so powerful that it’s incredible.”

Lu Sheng stood in the same place, carefully understanding the various changes in the body at this time.

It is said to be a single strengthening of the skin and muscles, but in fact the internal organs have been strengthened, which is a collateral effect. It's just that the center of gravity is on the skin and muscles.

He predicted that if he was replaced by an ordinary person, he would like to follow the spiral nine-step method and step by step. If you are lucky, your body will naturally fit in and you can break through the first layer in a short time.

But the muscle life of the second layer is not so good, it takes a long time to exercise repeatedly and strengthen the stimulation.

Even the most suitable genius, with the full support of his geography, will take at least three to five years to make a safe breakthrough.

"But it doesn't matter if I don't need it now, it's time." Lu Sheng probably estimated the time flow rate. It is a little bit more than the Tianmo world. The Tianmo world is a little bit faster than here.

In the case of a small difference, the hometown there is now in a state of peace, and it is no problem to stay here for a thousand years.

Next, he tested the indicators of the lower muscles.

The results made Lu Sheng feel extremely surprised.

This second-life breakthrough, the skin hardness and the lethality of muscle strength bursts, is at least equivalent to the strength of the demon world. This is a bit exaggerated.

"That is to say, the people here are facing the second life, which is equivalent to the ordinary people in the demon world."

He carefully measured that the maximum sustained force has reached more than 12 tons. If the acceleration is broken, a punch can be made, and the destructive power can reach more than 20 tons.

Under the premise of skin hardening, it is completely a head-shaped tyrannosaurus.


Lu Sheng spit out a long breath, and his skin was like a cooked shrimp, hot red.

"And this transformation has not been fully completed, and the body is still slowly changing the human body potential here, it is really powerful and terrible."

Lu Sheng admired a sentence, slowly closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Too much energy to break through, he needs to take a good rest, get up and eat a lot tomorrow, and supplement nutrition.

No dreams overnight.

Early the next morning, Lu Sheng saw the information that the mobile phone uploaded the bank card transfer. Bai Xiaopeng had already transferred the registration fee to his account.

He got up slowly, took a shower, and changed his clothes. Then slowly walk towards the Wenda Library.

Seven or eight breakfasts were bought on the road, all of which were big meat bags and mineral water. Most of them were wiped out in the middle of the road. When I got to the library, he only had bags for buns.

The little fat man was much more active than yesterday. He had already waited at the entrance of the library in the morning. As soon as he saw the road wins slowly, he quickly greeted him and yelled at Lu Sheng.


Lu Sheng took a slap in the face of a small fat man.

"Normal point."

The little fat man snorted and glared at his head.

"Just call my teacher." Lu Sheng walked to the front door and took out the key to open the door. The two walked in together.

"Teacher and teacher are good." Bai Xiaopeng quickly made up.

In the short-term, Lu Sheng did not intend to teach Bai Xiaopeng Fighting, and the fighting fighting technique was the basic premise of the practice of the Spiral Nine Life Method. He was nourished by the earth, and his own realm was high enough to manipulate himself accurately enough.

But the ordinary boy, a little fat man, has nothing to lose. He can only slowly develop from the beginning.

As for how to control the power, how to manipulate the subtle changes in the muscles.

KONE, general, and meditation, these three realms can be universally placed anywhere.

KONE is the force that integrates the main muscle groups of the body.

The general idea is to achieve self-hypnosis through artistic conception and achieve the power to integrate small muscle groups.

Condensed, it is the combination of spirit and flesh, able to self-develop and promote the potential, let the body go further, combined with the internal gas to the peak, but there is no internal gas, and the human body here is very strong, so it is enough to go to the general It is.

Lu Sheng is still step by step, guarding the library, borrowing books to give him registration, and returning books are fully automatic.

The rest of the time, he used to read through a variety of books, no matter the foreign language or the national language, no one has any difficulty for him.

Bai Xiaopeng came early, did not go to school, and all the way around the road to win all kinds of courtesy.

Lu Sheng is not moved, simply take him as a miscellaneous, see how the heart is.

I didn't expect this little fat man to really be able to withstand temperament. According to his own embarrassment, he was able to wait for a limited edition and wait for a pillow.

At that time, when the mobile phone had no electricity, forgot to bring it, and it was cold and hungry, it was in the early hours of the morning that it became the third distinguished customer to grab the pillow.

Speaking of perseverance, he is really worthy of anyone.

Lu Sheng also saw that this little fat man is born with a lot of energy.

At noon, I ate a small restaurant together. When the little fat man took the initiative to pay, his face was green. Lu Sheng has eaten more than four times the amount of ordinary people, which is why he has restrained a lot. Just the little fat man is only paying the money, the wallet is empty.

In the afternoon, I went to the tutoring time. After dinner, the other two girls also came. Unlike the little fat man, the orange and the Chen Hongyi, the two girls started to feel fresh, this time it seems that Lu Sheng is a special point to make up the teacher, and there is no additional reaction.

After the normal foreign language tutoring, the little fat man wrapped up with Lu Sheng to start the fighting training.

Receiving the money of others, Lu Sheng will not be completed, and it is **** against Xiaopeng.

The kind of sorrow-like pain appeared again before, and the little fat man died to death and rolled on the ground. But to no avail, this pain is derived from his own muscles and meridians, no way to escape and reduce.

It lasted for more than a minute. This time, the whole fat man was like a fish from the water, and his body was thinner.

But he didn't complain at all, but after a break, he gritted his teeth and climbed up from the ground. He was smashed and succumbed to Lu Sheng, and went home.

So for a week, Lu Sheng waited for his body's second life to complete the transformation, while constantly carrying out a violent self-limiting body exercise for Xiaopeng.

The feeling of full body cramps is very painful, even if the road win is reduced to a third, it is an unimaginable torture. But the little fat man actually did not complain at all, but he was silent and honestly allowed to train.

A week later, the results of the little fat man had begun to pay off.

He lost weight

The original big fat man of more than two hundred kilograms now has only one hundred and ninety pounds of weight. Although it is still fat, it can be seen that it is obviously thin.

And under his effectiveness, two more fat people came and joined the road training course.

One of these two fat people can't stand the kind of pain. The first class paid the money and then didn't come. Do not say refund money.

The other one is reluctant to stick to it.

And surprisingly, the fat man who persisted was still a girl. The name is Zhao Guoyou.

Soon, Lu Sheng’s self-limiting exercise method has achieved results.

Xiao Anzi Bai Anyi can begin to officially teach load fighting.

Barren hills in the suburbs of Anming City.

Large pieces of gray stone gravel piled up into rolling hills. This is a garbage dump for dumping construction waste in the city.

A large amount of construction waste was crushed into gray sand, piled up here, waiting for a new re-use.

But unfortunately, the city of Anming, which used to be a prosperous era, has ceased to exist. Nowadays, the urban areas that are deserted cannot use so much building materials.

So these building sands can only continue to be piled here, waiting for the future.

Lu Sheng took Bai Anyi and another little fat man, Zhao Guoyou, to the depths of this construction garbage dump.

Between two building faults that were not completely crushed.

Lu Sheng is wearing a black shirt and jeans. The two fat guys are similar to him. They are black t-shirts and jeans.

The three men walked to the side of the broken building like a broken knife and stood in the shadow.

"Today, Bai Anyi can start the process of self-limiting exercise and carry out the study of load fighting." Lu Sheng turned and looked at the two little fat faces calmly.

"Really??!" Bai Anyi was still somewhat listless. When he heard this passage, the whole person’s eyes were bright.

"Really." Lu Sheng nodded. Looked at Zhao Guoyou on the side.

"Xiaoyou, if you don't want to learn fighting, you can go back first."

Zhao Guoyou is not for the sake of fighting, her purpose is very simple, is to lose weight. What is lacking in fighting?

But when I think of myself, I also paid the money. If I don’t look at this load fighting technique, isn’t it a big loss?

"You have to think clearly, my load fighting technique, once you have seen it, you must not pass it outside. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious. If I find it leaked in the future, I will personally clean up the portal." Lu Sheng simply reminded.

“Hey? Clean up the portal??!” Zhao Guoyou was shocked and hesitated again.

She became more and more curious, and what she learned was actually dangerous when she was rumored.

"I will never pass on!" Zhao Guo was determined to fix the god, and finally answered seriously. Although I don't know how Lu Sheng cleaned the portal, but this master is mysterious, maybe there are other special skills.

Lu Sheng nodded and looked at the environment.

"Before, I want to show you how much power can be broken by load fighting."

He gently rolled up his right arm sleeve and gave the two men a gesture of his arm.

"Now, see it clearly"

Nourish! !

Suddenly, the road swelled and the blood vessels bulged, and the muscles swelled rapidly. In just a short moment, his arms were more than twice as thick as normal.

puff! !

Lu Sheng took a hand to the side.

The entire arm was trapped on the spot and embedded in the building fault. It is like a knife tip piercing a tofu block.

The two fat men had not had time to react, and they saw that Lu Sheng was shocked. His arm was like a sharp knife. He pulled it out again and instantly pierced the stone wall on the other side.


The stone wall was once again pierced into it without any hindrance...

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