Way of the Devil

Chapter 1014: Class 2


Bai Anyi jumped up on the spot. The entire face is distorted.

The other Zhao Guoyou, the two eyes are shining, the fat is shaking.

"From now on, Bai Anyi can follow me to learn the load fighting technique." Lu Sheng pulled out his arm.

"Yes!! Teacher!" Bai Anyi felt that his money was spending unprecedented value.

In fact, Lu Sheng only showed them the power of the next level of power.

KONE can achieve this effect quickly if it is exercised and with a self-limiting exercise method.

Lu Sheng explained to Bai Anyi how to achieve the KONE realm. What are the requirements that KONE needs to do?

Then the two fat people will go home first.

Just the next thing, what Lu Sheng did not expect was that the fat man Bai Anyi's promotion speed far exceeded his expectations.

In just one month, he has made rapid progress, and he has mastered the mechanics of seven hundred and eighty-eight.

Lu Sheng couldn't help but ask carefully, only to know that after the little fat man came home, it was not just simple to practice.

At the same time, he also used the simulated exercise machine that was eliminated from his brother to imitate the special power state of the KONE realm.

After debugging the parameters and inputting the human body model, the computer machine allows the little fat man to check his status all the time and see if he is doing the right thing.

Plus some of the nutritional supplements his brother used before. Bai Anyi's speed of improvement is far more than the average practitioner.

With the help of the computer, he almost did not go the wrong way, so he went straight to the destination.

This made Lu Sheng lament the development of technology, but also gradually had some expectations for the little fat man.

He also wants to see how the little fat man can reach the fastest with the help of technology.

Another month later

puff! !

Bai Anyi's fine-skinned scorpion meat is a punching punch in front of the sandbag. The fist integrates his whole body strength and beats on the sandbag, making a dull percussion.

The sandbags were raised high, and the forty kilograms of sandbags were like the weightless ones.

Lu Sheng sat on the side of the stone and watched.

On the other side, there is another little fat man Zhao Guoyou lying on his side.

Zhao Guoyou is also the last self-limited exercise today, and the same KONE exercise can be started next time.

Looking at Bai An Yicai District for two months, it has reached the results of the years of practice in Huang Quanxing. Lu Sheng’s heart is also very lamentable.

"It seems that your technology-assisted exercise is really effective. You can try more on this in your own future." He faintly said to Bai Anyi.

"Yes, teacher." Bai Anyi was more excited than the two months ago, although the eyes were still excited.

Recently, because of the success of weight loss, he has become a very eye-catching figure in school.

After all, not everyone can lose more than 100 kilograms of fat in two months. In addition, in the school, the two bullies who had previously bullied him were overwhelmed by his last easy slap.

This made Bai Anyi understand deeply, and the fist is the last word. More and more, the teachings of Lu Sheng are more and more gods.

"You are now integrating the power of the whole body, absolutely do not save, what supplies are all stuffed to the body, this time will stimulate the body's secondary development, is the best time to play the foundation." Lu Sheng slammed.

"Well, I understand the teacher." Bai Anyi also heard this theory from the coach of his big brother. So quite nodded with approval.

"But the master, after the KONE realm is reached, what is the follow-up?" he asked curiously.

"Don't worry, wait until your body is integrated, and the adaptation period is over. Next, you need to do more. KONE is just the beginning."

Lu Sheng’s face is lightly explained.

"I understand!!" Bai Anyi looked awkward and nodded. He suddenly remembered his big brother who was addicted to fitness and fighting.

He mentioned to himself that the comprehensive training program that integrates the whole body strength may have reached the level of the so-called comprehensive training program.

"Big brother, he believes that after the integration of the whole body strength, it is the end. Only continuous exercise to strengthen the stimulation of the whole body, there is no other progress behind, but unfortunately he does not know that I met the high man!" Bai Anyi has a faint sense of superiority at this time. A dark smile.

If you continue to learn with the master, you may one day be able to surpass the strong and abnormal big brother.

"What are you thinking about? Don't think about it when you integrate the power!" Lu Sheng suddenly slammed a stone on his hand and accurately hit the soft meat on the side of Bai Anyi.


Bai Anyi almost didn't fall into the ground with a hemp.

At the moment, I dare not go away and continue to adapt to the feeling of integrating this whole body power.

Zhao Guoyou on the side is staring at Bai Anyi with envious eyes. Although she has now reduced the fat of almost a few pounds, the effect is very obvious.

But compared to Bai Anyi, who is making rapid progress, the gap is still very clear.

"Right, teacher, I have other sisters, friends in the circle, I want to come and learn from you, I don't know if you can't accept it?" Zhao Guoyou suddenly asked loudly. "But their main purpose is to lose weight."

"I will set up another class for ordinary students. You will let them sign up by themselves. I don't accept the report." Lu Sheng said simply. "In addition, the tuition fee was given to you two people. Now they have to lose weight, one month. Receive 100,000. Let them think clearly."

"100,000??!" Bai Anyi and Zhao Guoyou are all screaming. For ordinary or students, the money is almost a huge sum.

"You just say that. In addition, I have no age limit here, as long as it is not too old, sixty or seventy years old, the rest can apply. Of course, the training method does not allow rumor." Lu Sheng added a few words.

In fact, even if it is rumored, others do not know how to get it.

His core of weight loss is not training KONE, but self-limiting exercise. And it is a self-limiting **** that he personally implements.

Bai Anyi and Zhao Guoyou, in fact, rely on this in a very short period of time, successfully consumed a lot of fat, slimming success.

"It is a rumor, in fact, people can't imitate it." Bai Anyi sighed. "I don't know where the average student comes from so much money."

However, Zhao Guoyou seems to have thought of something.

They used to be too fat, and often exchanged activities in a circle full of fat people. The person who is looking for the door now is actually the group of people who have money in the circle.

For students and children, there are a lot of 100,000, but it is different for adults.

An adult with a normal income can save more than 100,000 yuan. With one hundred and twenty thousand, he can completely cure the obesity that affects his health and image. This kind of profitable business is absolutely for people to do.

To know obesity, it is not only the image, but also the search for a partner in the future.

After learning that Lu Sheng was planning to start a shift, the two children began to help publicize after returning.

There are two of them, and some of the fat people who are familiar with them in some circles have begun to contact them with doubts.

Soon after a week, when Lu Sheng’s physical adaptation period had just passed, the peripheral classes began to have a new group of students.

A total of six people are all rich and fat people in the circle of Bai Anyi. Most of them are not students, they are adults who have already worked, and there are even a few parents who are even fat people in the circle.

Lu Sheng was very worried. Bai Anyi helped collect the money, and then gave a finger to the open space behind the library.

Under the powerful exercise effect of self-limiting fingering. A group of people want to die, and they die to die.

The peripheral class quickly became a source of income for Lu Sheng to be extremely stable.

The six peripheral students add up to 600,000 a month, plus Bai Anyi's one hundred thousand a month. A total of 700,000.

Seven hundred thousand cash was collected on the spot, and Lu Sheng had to do it one finger every few days. Anyway, their willpower could not hold the second finger.

Something unexpected about Lu Sheng is that among the six peripheral members, there is a young female fat man who is almost thirty years old, which is quite suitable for the load fighting technique he created.

However, the fit fits, and he will not look at it because the other person is a genius.

Not paying everything is no good.

When it comes to genius, is there anyone who can compare him?

Life is on the right track, and there is no shortage of funds. Although Lu Sheng will consume at least 30,000 yuan in food for a month.

But if you consume more and you get more money, he won't be in a hurry.

Next, Lu Sheng intends to change places, for example, to buy a house of his own in the vicinity, and then rent a block as a training disciple.

These all require money, and this is not enough for him in his hand.


Lu Sheng twisted the door and was about to walk in.

Suddenly the neighboring door next door opened.

A sly girl in her early twenties, a white dress with a small white handbag in her hand, long hair fluttering, with a fragrant wind out of the door.

The girl's appearance is on the middle, and the makeup is light, and the lips are cherry pink, which is very moist and moist. A pair of long legs are not fat or thin, slender and round.

Seeing that Lu Sheng walked out of the door. The girl paused.

"Dong Wang, have you not exercised recently? You haven't seen you many times." She was familiar with a smile.

Lu Sheng quickly recalled it.

The girl is called Yu He, and he is a neighbor. They are tenants who rent a house here. Because I often exercise in a small park not far from downstairs, I am slowly an acquaintance.

But that’s how you meet and say hello.

It is also a night-running partner for exercise, and a neighbor living on the first floor. Plus Wang Mu has always been a light-hearted, light-looking, to see who is indifferent to the face.

He also has not been too wary of it.

Because the former Wang Mu always gives people a temperament that refuses to be thousands of miles away.

Even when he and Yu He knew each other, it was also that he had run more times when he met him, and he took the initiative to come forward and join him.

Although I also want to run at night to find a neighbor security point.

"I have been busy recently. I have not gone to the night for a while." Lu Sheng recalled the identity of the other party and nodded back.

Wang Mu is also a bit interesting to Yan He, but he hides too deeply. Also because the skin is thin, the more you care, the less you actively contact each other.

This awkward personality, instead, let him think that he is completely harmless.

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