Way of the Devil

Chapter 1049: Cooperation one

The courtesy of Lu Sheng probably understands the level of power of the blue starlight.

He didn't have any idea of ​​whether to join or not. Let me not say that this terrorist organization itself has a spiritual problem.

It is the weird breeding pig idea that they preached that they will not get his approval.

In the battle hall hall.

Lu Sheng and the old man are silent, no longer nonsense.

Both of them feel that the other party has a problem, and there is nothing to say.

"So, I will send you back now. What you are here now is just a virtual shadow. Your real body is still stored in the double star, so the speed will be very fast." The old man calmed.

"Okay. There is work." Lu Sheng nodded.

"I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future." The old man finally reached out.

The two shook hands.

While releasing his hand, Lu Sheng felt an inexplicable and wonderful touch, wrapping himself like a jelly.

He let go of his physical resistance, and his body was suddenly stretched by some kind of power. He turned black in front of him and re-entered the long dark passage.

But this time is different from before.

A color image of the scene emerges slowly around the channel.

Scarlet on the ground.

Countless people are crying, kneeling on the ground, begging for God.

The floods plundered and the fire spread. Earthquakes, meteorites, radiant energy explosions, gravitational orbital guns, odd dead lights.

Etc. and so on, all kinds of devastating extermination weapons have slaughtered humans in the image.

Countless human beings have been destroyed by disasters, and life is as helpless as ants in the face of natural disasters and weapons of destruction.

A large amount of color fluorescence is reflected in Lu Sheng's face.

He was expressionless, but his heart had already unknowingly recalled the time when he was still in the Yellow Spring Galaxy.

The same painful and desperate world. Human beings are like pigs and sheep, and they are raised and raised by the mother of Huang Quan.

Unconsciously, the effect disappeared automatically, and his eyes lit up, and he had once again stood by the artificial lake, stepping on the ground with his feet.

"The transmission just was affected by unknown fluctuations, and hopefully it didn't affect your mood."

There is still a person standing by the lake, which happens to be a familiar face.

"Neisser?" Lu Sheng gave a slight glimpse. He did not expect Netherian to take the initiative to appear here.

Be aware that he should be the person who can read the alliance. And the blue starlight is dead.

"I am very surprised here? Not me, do you think that your affairs can be so quick?" Neissian whispered.

"You come here, not afraid that I will kill you?" Lu Sheng straightened up, his thumb gently slid open the collar, revealing the muscle contour of strong steel. Be ready to do it.

"Are you sure to do it with me? Our level, once it is here, will cause much destructive power, and you should be clear." Nesian did not think that he laughed.

"Don't worry, I am here to help you join the organization."

"I have already said it, I need time to think about it." Lu Sheng frowned.

"You need time to think about it, but we don't need it." Nesian laughed.

He didn't know when he was, and there was a middle-aged green skirt woman with a faceless indifference.

The woman carries a small green lantern in her hand, and the lamp has a subtle green fluorescent light.

"What do you mean?" Lu Sheng looked condensed, but as soon as the voice fell, he felt a strange cool energy burst into his brain.


He took a few steps back and he was going to run the spiral nine life method.


A green light flashed out of the lantern and flew straight into the road to win the forehead, and disappeared into it.

Lu Sheng suddenly became a stalemate and stood still in place.

"It's not the ice magic light, it is said to be able to freeze all the powerful energy beams of life consciousness." Nesian laughed and said with a smile.

"A powerful power that can be compared with me is actually so simple."

"He is now temporarily separated from consciousness and body. We need to inject some loose body remedies and implant the brain into the brain." The middle-aged woman calmed.

"Let's do it. Ice magic light can control him for half an hour at a time, is time enough?" Nesian asked.

"Enough is enough. Ten minutes is good." The middle-aged woman slowly approached Lu Sheng. Quickly remove the watch from the wrist, the slender silver metal watch, the rapid deformation, expansion, expansion, and quickly turned into a palm-sized silver metal instrument.

A few metal needles pop up in the instrument.

She took the metal needle and approached the road to the past.


The metal needle licks the road and wins the skin. Produces a crisp, hard crash.

"The skin is a bit hard, I need to let his muscles relax." The middle-aged woman looked back at Nesian.

"No problem." Nesian fingered a little, and the sleeves suddenly flew out a liquid of pale golden water, and the liquid quickly fell on the skin of Lu Sheng's arm, and quickly penetrated into it.

The skin at that place quickly softens and relaxes.

The woman quickly looked at the position and stabbed the metal needle into Lu Sheng’s arm.

The mysterious liquid injected into the pale silver is pushed in the needle.

"These ultra-micro robots will enter his body and swim to his brain to assemble the implanted chips we need," the woman explained.

“How long does it take?” Nesian is also seeing the entire process of implant control for the first time.

"About two minutes." The woman replied.

Soon after the injection, the woman pulled out the metal needle.

"Now we just have to wait....??" She used her strength and felt a little wrong.

"What's wrong?" Nesian looked at her strangely.

The woman is expressionless and her hands are used up. "Can't pull it out."

She worked hard to hold the instrument and pull it back.

"His muscles are too tight, maybe the metal needle is a little bent, hooked up. Rest assured soon." She began to use Nian Neng. A distorted force covers her hands and helps her to work harder.

"Be careful of his blood, his blood has a strong erosive force, don't touch it!" Nesian reminded.

"I know, you said before." The woman nodded. "Just....just..."

Her forehead saw a slight sweat.

"I need more softeners!" She turned back to Nesian.


Slowly, unconsciously, a shadow gradually enveloped her face and body.

In the moonlight, a pair of huge meat wings slowly opened. The shadow under transmission is like a demon, twisted and twisted.

The woman's body was stiff, and she saw that Nesian's face was different. She suddenly turned her head slowly and stiffly.



A huge palm that is twice as big as her entire head, gently pinching her long hair and lifting it straight up.

Lu Sheng was dark and his muscles were covered with a vertical grain texture like a cloth. In the dark night, his eyes are like jade, with dark red fluorescence.

It’s just that this fluorescence is completely inconspicuous compared to his huge body of up to three meters.

A fluffy red long hair drifted from behind him.

"It's humble."

Lu Sheng gently put the woman to the same level as herself.

Ah! Ah!!

The woman screamed, and she could continue to tear and punch on his arm, but there was no other effect besides breaking the fine sparks.

"You are treating your guests like this?" Lu Sheng slammed.

Hey! ! !

Suddenly a black heavy object slammed into his chest.

It was a piece of metal with a lot of spikes. It looks like a hammer.

However, the huge impact force caused the spikes around the spot to be completely broken, and the entire metal block was deformed and flattened to the side.

Lu Sheng holds his chest and holds his body. The middle-aged woman in her hand was not so lucky. She was shocked by a huge sound wave and it was bleeding. It was impossible to see it.

He left the body with his hands. Step on the foot.

boom! ! !

More than ten meters around the ground collapsed instantly. Lu Sheng’s huge body turned into a black shadow, and he punched Nesian in an instant.

"God Shield!" Nessan held a red gemstone pendant on his chest, snorting and stepping back.

A deep red translucent tower shield emerged in front of you.

Hey! !

Lu Sheng punched a punch on the tower shield. The airflow burst, and the invisible shock spread rapidly. The ground on the side of the two people burst and cracked countless lines.

Centered on them, hundreds of meters above the ground, all the plant stones are broken.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

The lake water blows up dozens of white water columns, and the water splashes around, like artificial rainfall.

On the surface of Neissan, there was a flash of redness, which quickly receded, and the tip of the toes was on the lake, flying backwards.

Lu Sheng rushed to catch up, the two like a phantom, a few seconds will leap over the distance of kilometers. Come to the center of the lake.

"Light God substitute!" Neissuan can quickly twist the rotation, then shrink and blast.

Bang! ! !

Great explosive power, suddenly separated the two straight.

A huge puddle of tens of meters in diameter was blown out of the lake surface, and a large amount of lake water splashed into the sky, sprinkling water mist.

Nesian was ugly, he didn't expect Wang Mu's resistance to Ice Magic Light to be so strong. He actually calculated this part of resistance to go in. According to speculation, the fastest and fastest, Wang Mu will take half an hour to break free. ,did not expect.

He leaped gently and his body floated in midair.

"Today is here, next time, I will...."


Lu Sheng appeared behind him like a teleport, and slammed his hand to his neck.

"You!!??" Nessiah changed his face, his arms instinctively set up, and he could once again form the dark red giant shield before his body.

boom! !

The white air blasted and he was thrown down from the air on the spot and fell into the lake.

Bang! !

The lake is swaying, and the center splashes with waves of more than ten meters.

Lu Sheng walked through the air and slowly walked down from the air. Slowly unfolding a pair of black flesh wings behind him, the body is extremely burly.

"An Hughes, fly, gold...." Nesian rushed out of the water and looked stunned.

Lu Sheng’s teleportation appeared in front of Neisser, blocking his mouth and holding him back.

Pulling his head and legs, his knees slammed up.

Hey! ! !

Nesian's whole body suddenly bent, and the tears and snots overflowed.

He lay flat and floated, and the entire waist spine was broken on the spot.

I have been able to block his barrier of energy before, and in front of him, it is like no existence.

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