Way of the Devil

Chapter 1050: Cooperation II

puff! !

Neissuan’s mouth and nose all sprayed with bleeding water.

He was like a broken doll, and he was held in his hand by Lu Sheng with one hand.


The huge meat wings slowly fanned, and the road triumphed and rose back to the lake.

"How can you be so strong!!?" Nesian struggled to dare to set the channel.

"This is my true strength. The last time was just to deal with you casually." Lu Sheng looked flat.

"I don't want my strength to be exposed to everyone's vision."

"You!" Nessan was unwilling to open his mouth. "chip"

"It's really weak" Lu Sheng couldn't think of it. The strong enemy who was able to share the same color with him last time has become so vulnerable.

Is he progressing too fast, talent is too good, or is the other party progressing too slowly? He is not known.

The feeling that this kind of thing is human is that he can't help but feel awkward.

"Know why you are defeated?" He left Nesian on the ground.

"Because you are not working hard enough.

When I was practicing, you were playing.

When I am working hard, you are playing.

When I am thinking about it, you are still playing! ”

When he mentioned the right fist, Lu Sheng no longer went to see Nesian’s face of begging for mercy, and he slammed it down.

Hey! !

The ground exploded and the rock and soil scattered.

Nessan screamed, and the lower body was hot, and she was incontinent.

He was so angry that he turned his eyes and stunned.

Retrieving his fist, Lu Sheng brought up Neissian, who was in a coma, and turned away.

The artificial lake was originally clear in water and pleasant in scenery. At this time, it was completely like a typhoon crossing, and there was chaos everywhere.

Shortly after Lu Sheng left.

A piece of soil not far away was quickly turned up, and a disguised place on the ground was uncovered.

Su Shi struggled out of the deep pit under the soil.

She quickly climbed to another place and knocked **** the ground.

"Dehn! Dean!! Still alive?" Her face was blood, and the blood ran down from the wound on her head.

There is no reaction under the soil.

Su Shi hurriedly dig the soil with his hands, and there was a small room under the soil. There was a young man who was covered in blood and silent at the moment.

Su Shi saw this person and slammed into a shock.

"Dern" tears quickly gathered in her eyes.

"Dehn!!!!" She jerked her body and burst into tears.



Two hours later.

Su Shi quietly gave a scent to the grave in front of him. The other two members, one with a bandage tied to one hand, one leg hit a mechanical prosthetic leg, and one eye was missing.

Su Shi is still lucky, and the internal organs are shocked, the liver is bleeding, the stomach is torn, and the spine is broken. It’s really not a big injury compared to the rest of the people.

"I am so stupid," Su Shi said with tears.

"The first time I was seriously injured, I should let you give up the action right away!"

"It's all my fault." She shed tears of self-blame.

"team leader!"

"big sister!"

The other two people couldn’t help but feel sad. When they stepped forward, the three men supported each other and shook their heads against their heads.

"Are they in the soil?" Not far away, White County and Ansha looked at these people and cried.

"People are dying, is this kind of soil treatment useful?" Ansha is also confused.

Lu Sheng specifically asked them to come over with Su Shi and others to cure the wound.

Especially one of the guys who are dying but not completely dead, it’s really no fun.

Only when they came, they saw that this group of people actually buried the person.

“Perhaps this is the treatment that is unique to their hometown?” Ansha guessed.

The funeral of the magic figure empire has always been cremation, and there has been no burial.

"Then we wait again?" White County asked.


Ten minutes later, Su Shi and several people planned to leave.

The two people in Baijuncheng watched them split down the mountain. Then he left the guy who was not dead in the mountains.

The two suddenly realized that they had to go out and ask people to dig them out, and then they went straight to the Nine Life Hall.



Jiu Ming Tang headquarters.

"Does the main **** squad have no normal mechanism for life and death judgment? They don't know if their teammates die or die?"

Lu Sheng was quite confused. He quickly moved in front of the human body that had not yet died.

A force with different strengths penetrates the skin through the skin of the clothes and activates the major organs in the body.

After a while, he slowly recovered.

"Come on." Lu Sheng got up from the bed.

Several disciples stepped forward and carried this man named Deen down.

Lu Sheng sat in the lobby with his knees.

The fifth life after the blood, the bone marrow, has changed his body. The medullary changes are fundamental to the evolution of the brain. Let his whole human life essence get a higher evolution.

"Just, if you follow the information provided by Su Shi, this planet will be destroyed a year later. The Nianneng Alliance and the Blue Starlight have the secret ability to steal the manipulation.

I have to be hard and hard now, even if I am not afraid of it, the people around me will only be slaughtered. ”

Lu Sheng’s mind is very clear.

What he wants is a huge network of relationships. The power network, Lu Ning is definitely here. If you want to find a son, such a huge star field, there is not enough powerful force to find someone.

"Either directly with money to reward, or use their power to search. Or a two-pronged approach." Lu Sheng has a calculation in mind.

"The owner, Su Shi and others asked for it." A disciple asked in a low voice at the door.

"Let them come in." Lu Sheng faint.

Soon, Su Shi walked into the lobby with the rest of the people.

The injuries on them were properly handled, but the eyes were still squatting, and the arms were gone, and they were still gone.

It just didn't look so bad on the surface.

Entering the lobby, a few people saw the road sitting in the middle of the road, they immediately recalled the horror scene when they were killed with Nesera.

It was just the shock wave of the two people colliding with each other, and they let the whole song and dance flattening team fall into desperation, and almost did not return.

If they did not move the location behind them, I am afraid that their entire team will be completely destroyed.

"How do you make this look?" Lu Sheng put on a pair of surprises that I didn't know, and asked strangely.

"I have encountered some accidents" Su Shiqiang endured the sorrow and helplessness, whispered.

They actually know that this is no stranger.

Lu Sheng didn't know that they were going to ambush and help, and they were a little bit more serious.

"The owner, we are coming, I hope that you can abide by the promises we have promised before." Su Shizheng.

"No problem." Lu Sheng is very refreshing. "However, you don't even know the basic information of the other team. There are no photos, no traces. You can't locate them like this."

"This time there is a chaotic battlefield bonus. All the information is closed. We can't even have a teammate." A team member behind Susie couldn't help explaining. But when the words were not finished, they were pinched by Su Shi.

"This is the case, we have already found the other team's trace. This killing, we also have a certain anti-reconnaissance means, can roughly judge the identity of the other party." Su Shizheng.

"Since they have come to this city, they must be hunting others."

"Also, in this case, you will stay in the vicinity of the main hall on weekdays. Once there is any danger, the manpower here can also support quickly." Lu Sheng told him.

He is also very curious, what level of team members will kill each other. In fact, he does not have illusions about the level of energy, mainly to look at various power systems and show adaptation in different worlds.

He was suppressed by the major worlds and could only be rebuilt. He intends to observe how these people solve this problem.

"Please also ask the owner not to care about it, the strength of the other party may not be as good as you, but the means are diverse, and extremely sinister, it is impossible to prevent." Su Shi looked at the wrist, clearly there is nothing, but she seems to really see what is there. same.

"Starting tonight, the day after tomorrow, there will be a small-scale raid. Everything depends on you." Su Shi said seriously.

"In exchange, I want you to tell me how to really avoid the big star disaster." Lu Sheng asked.

"About this, we can say step by step, you can completely judge whether it is true." Su Shi calmly said.

"In addition, I don't know the simplified version of the thousand lock dragons that the church master taught us. Is there a full version?" she asked with a hint of expectation.

Lu Sheng’s heart moved and looked at the people carefully. Their body contours were significantly stronger than they were when they first saw them.

Heart sounds and lung sounds come up to judge that their internal organs are also a lot stronger.

How long does it take to get to this point?

However, Lu Sheng also knows that what they are most suitable for is this kind of quick success method. Anyway, after returning, there is a recovery from the Lord God.

Looking at the three pairs of eyes in front of him, Lu Sheng sinks into the air.

"Thousands of Locking Dragon's complete book, I can pass it on to you. But I need you to do something for me."

The three of Su Shi are almost at the same time, and you automatically appear in the task column.

‘The nine life hall owner Wang Mu, I hope you can help him a lot, after the event will have to thank. Mission Reward: Thousands of Locked Dragons complete this set.

Note: You can spend the potential point in Wang Mu to upgrade the thousand lock dragon power, up to the seventh floor. ’

The three people are almost unstoppable surprises. This is the legendary side mission! !

Lu Sheng looked at the three people's expressions inexplicably from cold, to surprise and even with a little pleasing.

"The task is very simple. I hope that you can cooperate with my skill experiment."

He would like to see if this group of people will now be suppressed by this more super-level world.

To know the suppression here, the original he even suppressed the body to understand him.

Susie three people hesitated, and they agreed.

This is not a troublesome request, even before dealing with the enemy, first understand your strength.

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