Way of the Devil

Chapter 1063: Goodbye one

Lu Sheng and the two walked down the underground passage and took the direct elevator down.

Some old, large elevators make a subtle buzz.

Lu Sheng took care of his clothes.

"how is the situation?"

"Your family members are not bad, they are under the protection of the masters of the Ministry of Health, and they have successfully taken refuge, but there are still a few distant children infected with the virus."

"You have tried your best." Lu Sheng looked up at the changing floor figures.

"Is it a good thing for my uncle?"

"Nothing, we took measures to isolate the first time." Wei Handong replied.


The elevator door slowly opened, and there was a circle of armored soldiers guarding the door.

They all wore full armored covered military exoskeletons. This type of armor is much weaker than the armor, but the protection is far more than the average body armor. It is one of the best equipment used in urban violence.

"Right! Salute!"

The armored soldiers who led the team put down the kinetic energy gun and held down the chest against Lu Sheng, bowing their heads and saluting.

All the other soldiers are equally uniform and act like the same.

Lu Sheng glanced at this layer of the eye.

The entire small flat is empty, in addition to armored soldiers, it is a variety of high-tech security devices.

"Here we have set up twenty-five lines of defense, enough to deal with various assaults such as lurking, hard smashing, external destruction, long-range bombing, hacking, etc." The captain of the armored soldier quickly explained.

"Good." Lu Sheng nodded.

"From here, there is no direct elevator, you need to go through this layer to get to the next refuge area." Wei Handong explained.

"Let's go." Lu Sheng strode out of the elevator. The soldiers divided one person to lead them, and carefully walked through various defense lines and circled a few times. Soon I walked in from a dark door separated by a wall.

Going down a stairway, finally, the real refuge is here.

As a huge metal door blocked with a pressure valve slowly opened, Lu Sheng walked in and felt suddenly clear.

What caught his eye was a huge square-shaped hollow that was hundreds of meters wide.

The cavity is divided into three layers, like sandwich biscuits, where dense escaping people can be seen everywhere.

Each floor is drawn into a small square room of the same size.

Some fully-fed micro-delivery aircraft, like a bee, shuttle between rooms, sending a large variety of supplies and drinking water.

"The sound is very good here." Lu Sheng only heard very small voices, more of the engine humming of the aircraft flying over.

“The sound insulation level here is the highest level a, because it is necessary to prevent large-scale sonic weapons from oscillating on the ground. So when it was built, it was built to the highest level,” said the armored soldier.

"Well, let's go, I will take it with you." Wei Handong told the soldier.

"Yes, sir!" The soldier stood up, turned and quickly ran away.

Lu Sheng walked on the automatic conveyor belt under the guidance of Wei Handong.

These conveyors can transfer people to a fixed location as long as they enter the location.

Wei Handong introduced the location while introducing Lu Sheng.

“Now, your relatives have thought that their placement is a government act, and we have not clearly expressed their special preferential treatment for them.”

"They can't communicate with outsiders. Once there is contrast, they will naturally be aware. There is no point in hiding."

Lu Sheng Ping Road. "Let's see it in the past, go to the uncle first."


Wang Junhao took the quota material bag he had just received and walked into the distribution house where he lived. The face is still a little confused.

Originally they were still working in the unit, everything was fine, and suddenly there was a scream outside, and all kinds of zombies were like a burst of eruption, and they instantly destroyed the world view that he had established over the years.

Before he had returned to God, a large group of police officers quickly rushed into the unit, gathered all of them to check one by one, and then transported by truck to the shelter.

Along the way in the car, they also really saw a lot of almost infinite endless corpses. It is also full of powerful creatures with varying abilities.

Sky, ground, and even underground, may suddenly appear some incomprehensible monsters.

"I feel that it is not the original world in life." Wang Junhao sighed. The only thing to be thankful for is that his daughter and son are safe. There is no news until now.

He has already spent money to ask for help to ask for a job, but people will not accept it.

"Da Bo!" Suddenly came knocking at the door.

When Wang Junhao heard the sound, he immediately got excited and quickly opened the door.

Wang Cheng and Wang Yunyun in the room quickly came out.

They all thought that Wang Mu was dead. In a chaotic environment, it is almost a miracle to survive safely.

Without adequate protection, ordinary people are a dish.

The three people saw the road victory standing in front of the gate, they all looked happy.

At this critical juncture, there are many people, and there is always more power.

"Come in!" Wang Junhao pulled the road into the room.

"How did you come over? Are those police escorts?" Wang Junhao said quickly.

Lu Sheng was pulled into the room to sit down.

"I have a little friendship with the people of Jiu Ming Tang. They arranged for me. Before I pulled you into the first batch list in advance, I also found a friend here." He explained directly.

Wang Junhao was relieved. He felt that something was wrong. He had no money and no power. The other people who lived in the first batch here were mostly rich and powerful, and they did not meet his family.

"Brother" Wang Xiaoyun slowly came over and screamed.

The car accident made her almost die once, and she is too mature now. At the same time, she is also one of the people who know a little bit of success.

"Well, what about your cousin?" Lu Sheng looked at her.

"Sister Jing lives on the other side and is with us." Wang Xiaoyun quickly returned.

"The rest of the people? Are you there?" Lu Sheng asked again.

"It's okay, I just don't know what to do in the future? Brother, you are well informed. Can you help us inquire about it, what's going on now?" Wang Xiaoyun pleaded.

"I only came back from the outside, basically no problem, it is to detect the residual state of the virus." Lu Sheng returned. "You can rest assured that there is any news from my friend. I will inform you as soon as possible."

"Well, thank you brother."

Lu Sheng stood up.

"You can do nothing, then I will go back first. I live in another refuge area, and I want to come over and still find a friend's relationship."

"Well, if you go to work, the signal here is not good. Otherwise, if the mobile phone can be used, you can always contact." Wang Junhao said helplessly. "Wait no longer wait, wait for your aunt to come back and see you?"

"Forget it, time is urgent, I don't want my friend to do it." Lu Sheng shook his head.

"Go go," Wang Junhao can only promise. "This time, thanks to your friend, I have time to thank him for his kindness."

"Well, I know." Lu Sheng nodded.

He got up and resigned with the uncle, and finally got out of the room and closed the door.


Lu Sheng spit out a sigh of relief, Wei Handong, who is not far away.

"Teacher, are you going to see your parents?"

"Forget it, they can do nothing." Lu Sheng faint. "To what extent is the removal work outside?"

"With your extra help, we are moving very fast, and almost all zombies will be completely removed tomorrow morning."

"What about virus concentration?"

"The concentration has been sprayed with a hedge virus, and the dilution is almost the same. The vaccine has also been developed rapidly and is being vaccinated for the population." Wei Handong explained.

Lu Sheng nodded.

It is worthy of the super-energy world, and the Motu Empire is not a huge empire across the galaxy.

But in this critical period, it can fully reflect the comprehensive response quality of a country.

If the virus is placed in other low-energy worlds, it can almost destroy the entire planet. But less than a day here, the vaccine and countermeasures were quickly developed. The speed of its response is a complete demonstration of the powerful technological strength of the Magic Empire.

"Let's go, say as you walk." Lu Sheng walked onto the conveyor belt.

"Yes, the collection of other scales has reached the limit. We lack management talent. We need to recruit a large number of professionals in mining. The Ministry of Commerce has more than 70% of the deaths. The gap is too big."

"There is recruitment for refugees. I don't want the process, as long as the result. Of course, we must guarantee the most basic order and justice. We are not villains, we are good citizens who are co-produced with the government. Let the people have enough trust for us. degree."


The two just stood on the conveyor belt and walked towards the exit.

Suddenly a crisp female voice came from far away.

Lu Sheng turned his eyes and saw a red woman with long hair fluttering. He ran quickly and rushed toward himself.

The woman was amazed by the money he had eaten before.

She is still dressed in a good shape, red t-shirt and light blue skinny jeans. When she ran to Lu Sheng, her slender legs were slightly closed, and she stung and gasped.

"It’s not easy to see you once." Yan He gasped and looked up helplessly.

"You go out first, I will come out later." Lu Sheng confessed.

Wei Handong nodded and walked on the conveyor belt again and left in the distance.

There are many people around the belt, and the two of them are not conspicuous. I just didn't expect him to recognize him at a glance.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Lu Sheng faced Yan Hao, a good person who didn't know his own details, or a good person who had good intentions for himself. His expression was slightly softened.

"Nothing, I want to thank you for the special trip!" Yan He looked up and stared at the man who almost changed his destiny.

Since she entered the club, she has more or less understood, and she can introduce her into the club's Wang Mu, which is actually far from being as simple as the surface.

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