Way of the Devil

Chapter 1064: Goodbye two

This turmoil, if she was just in the club, was safely carried together here, I am afraid that she has already become one of the wild monsters outside.

It’s not like now, all the best treatments are the first-time enjoyment of the nine-life group’s own employees. Guarantee maximum security.

She actually understands in her heart.

"Do you have time now?" He couldn't help but whisper. "I want to thank you very much"

"Nothing, this is only a small matter for me, don't care." Lu Sheng Ping said.

"It may be a trivial little thing for you, but for me, this is enough to affect my life!" He couldn't help but grab the hand of Lu Sheng who wanted to leave.

"I just want to use my method, thank you, repay you!" she said seriously.

Holding the thick palm of Wang Mu, she has always been a person, and suddenly felt an indescribable strong sense of security.

Looking at Wang Mu's strong and sturdy tall body, she suddenly had a short peace and ease.

She has always been supported by one's hard work, protecting herself in this strange city and working hard.

Every month, I send money back to my sister to go to college.

The burden on the whole family is on her, the heavy debt left by the father’s failure to do business, the mother suffering from chronic diseases, and the need to spend money all the year round.

Such a pen burden made her almost out of breath.

But now, just holding the hand of Wang Mu, she feels a sense of security that she has never had before.

"You look, very tired." Lu Sheng saw a pleading from her eyes, a faint fear of losing her care.

"I" 甄荷 nodded slightly. "It's tired. But it's a lot of time to get used to it."

She tried to squeeze a smile and tried to make herself look happy.

"Life is responsible. I often have your feelings like this." Lu Sheng Shen Shen. "If you work hard, there will be a good future in the Nine Life Group."

"I think so too." Yan He smiled a little brighter. "However, I want to be with you, can you?"

"Why?" Lu Sheng was a stranger.

"Because, you are a big man, there is more to do with my own struggle than with me." Hehe answered with a smile, very frank.

In fact, she cares more about the deep sense of security.

Lu Sheng also saw that there was no chance in her eyes. She really does not know his true details. Just want to follow him.

"According to the old saying, I call this team in advance." Xiao He smiled. "The Nine-Life Group is so big, it is definitely a lot of factions. It is not bad to set a mountain that you are familiar with, right?"

This girl is really smart.

I know that I seize the opportunity, but my heart is very candid. This is hard to come by.

Lu Sheng was silent.

"Yes. But I don't need an assistant, you first." Suddenly his voice was a meal. The line of sight can not help but look at the back of the lotus.

I don't know when I am slowly getting out of a room with a long-haired girl.

Seeing this girl's moment, Lu Sheng's eyes suddenly expanded. The look is slightly moving.

"How come you?!"

"I will come and see."

The girl wore a black and white plaid woolen dress, and the dress was close to the body, highlighting the perfect hot body. The pair of perfectly slender legs are still wrapped in pure black pantyhose.

"I can only stay for a few days. Now I am only a temporary make-up." The girl smiled and said.

"You can come, I am already very happy." Lu Sheng slowly stepped forward and took the girl's initiative to raise his hand.

"Hey, I can be here to accompany you. I like this more than Xiao Xiaoling." The girl smiled and said.

"Why? You are not jealous?" Lu Sheng is a bit strange.

"It's just a toy. You like it, don't like it, eat it." The girl smiled, but the words she said made it a slight glimpse.

Wang Jing, compared to her last time, seems to be more indifferent to life.

He didn't know if the change was good or bad, but he didn't like it a bit.

Even if it is food, there is the dignity of food!

"I understand. You pray before you like to eat." Wang Jing continued to smile. "In fact, you don't have to care about me at all."

"I don't like you like this." Lu Sheng looked dull.

"What do you like about me?" Wang Jing let go of his hand and turned into a circle. The long black hair of the shawl exudes a faint scent as she turns.

She slammed into a body, and her body was tightly attached to Lu Sheng. The chest and legs are tightly squeezed on the road surface.

The squat on the side couldn't help but slammed his mouth and whispered.

When she met the girl named Wang Jing, she took the initiative to approach Wang Mu, and she was also advised by her.

At this time, I did not expect that Wang Jing himself and Wang Mu were in this relationship.

"Yes, have you eaten me?" Wang Jing looked up and looked at Lu Sheng with his eyes blurred. "I am hiding a gift in the deepest part of my body."

"However, you have to take it yourself."

Lu Sheng did not say a word, directly hugged her, strode into the back room.

He had a red cheek and immediately guessed what they were doing. Before that, they thought carefully, and they disappeared instantly without knowing where to go.

"It's also a big man like him, how can I see an ordinary girl like me?" She bowed her head slightly.


In less than five seconds, the door was suddenly opened.

“Hey? What about Wang Jingjie?” Hey, I saw that there was no one in the room.

"Eat." Lu Sheng touched his mouth and held a small, delicate white gold box in his hand.




Hahahahaha! ! !

In the dark space.

A burst of laughter continued to spread like a thunder.

In the laughter, Wang Jing was sitting in the white flame, and a white jade-like face rose red.

"He really ate!!?? Hahahahaha!!!"

The teacher on the side laughed so that even the projection could not be maintained, and the stomach was cramped.

"He and his younger brother are still young and still don't understand." Wang Jing reluctantly squeezed out an excuse.

"I have told you, send things and send things, you still want to keep warm with him, and you look at it." The teacher laughed and burst into tears.

"It's okay, it's just a toy. Eat it and eat it. I don't care." Wang Jing gritted his teeth.

"Yes, it is that it took you half a day, and it wasted a lot of power to transmit to the super-energy world. Of course, for the future king of the magic guide, you really do not care." The teacher waved his hand and comforted. , wipe off the tears that just laughed.

"Well, if things are delivered, they will practice well. I can only help you here." She paused and continued. "Don't worry about your brother. If you die, he won't die. The invisible demon is not so good."

"En" Wang Jing helpless, the shame of his face slightly faded. She decided to talk to her brother next time, or to point it directly to avoid some unnecessary misunderstanding.



"It was just a joke." Lu Sheng explained.

"" 甄荷 still can't understand.

The two are driving towards the headquarters of Jiu Ming Tang.

Since the lotus is a specially selected toy by Wang Jing, she must have made a lot of understanding of Wang Jing by Lu Sheng.

He also brought this girl together and temporarily stayed with him as an assistant.

This also makes Wei Zhenyu very dissatisfied. Look at the eyes of 甄荷 from time to time, some are not good.

However, I don’t seem to notice it, but I have always smiled softly and friendlyly to Wei Zhenyu.

"Now go to the headquarters first. What needs to be dealt with, you decide on your own, and wait until the task is completely completed, and report it to me in unison." Lu Sheng told him.


Wei Handong Wei Wei fish in unison.

The sputum spit out his tongue and felt more like he made the right decision.

Wang Mu’s status in the Jiu Ming Group is obviously not low.

The vehicle was slowly parked in front of a 100-story building that was intact.

Lu Sheng four people have got off the bus.

People who have nine lives at the door meet to check their identity.

After the check, he quickly prayed for a few people and watched several people walk into the hall of the building.

There are already two teams in the hall, all of whom are members of the Nine Gods wearing black exoskeleton armor.

Two meters tall and tall, strong muscles and hard armor luminescence, intertwined into an inexplicable sense of strength and oppression.

Lu Sheng took the lead and walked into the hall.

In the middle of the hall, the brothers of the White County are all wounded, and they are standing in the same place.

"You, what's the matter?" Lu Sheng stopped in front of the White House, and he was low.

"There are masters who have blocked the entire white house. Our brothers have lost their lives to get out of that area." Bai County's eyes flashed a hint of hatred. "My dad is still in the rescue, not out of danger! Please ask the teacher to shoot!"

"Reassured." Lu Sheng nodded. "After that, you will rebuild the characteristics of the group of people who will be shot, and give it to me."

“The modeler is already doing it.” White County has always been arranged to do things.

"This is?" He looked at the load on the side of Lu Sheng.

甄荷 now has a bit of awkward brains.

From the beginning of the door, until now, she has fully realized that Wang Mu, who is with her own, is afraid that status is not as simple as she thought before.

Judging from the welcome of the queue, Wang Mu’s status is at least one of the largest amnesties in the Shantou Group.

Now being stared at by a pair of **** eyes in White County, she instinctively feels like she is being stared by a carnivore terrorist beast. The physique of the body instincts trembled.

"She is just an ordinary person, don't scare her." Wei Handong measured his body to block the sight of Baijuncheng.

"Ordinary people? People who can follow the teacher are not ordinary." Baijuncheng laughed. "Sorry, I am abrupt." He quickly apologized.

甄荷 opened his mouth, but found that he did not even have the courage to speak.


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