Way of the Devil

Chapter 1065: Meeting one

"Ready. Let everyone come over." Lu Sheng looked up and saw the time. “The location is here, open a small meeting.”


Wei Handong quickly responded.

"Small fish, you take the lotus to go to participate in daily special training. To follow me, you must lay the best foundation." He ordered.


“Starting from the most basic?” Wei Zhenyu is also somewhat surprised. Isn't she specifically for the teacher to be rbq? For a long time, it was also an assistant.

"The most basic start, after entering the standard, enter the three holy parts, and then turn to the core. If she can come in." Lu Sheng Ping said, he does not intend to give any special treatment to the lotus.

Since she is the person chosen by Wang Jing, then Wang Jing will never let her be an ordinary person.

甄荷 must have its own special features, first step by step from the most basic step.

"I understand! I will work hard!" What He seems to understand. This is a key turning point for her from an ordinary non-staff, officially joining the Nine Gods Church.

If she persists, her fate will change dramatically.

For a big bang like Wang Mu, there is no shortage of beauty. Then those who are really useful to him and who can stay with him must be capable people.

"Go. When can I meet the standards, come see me again." Lu Sheng is no longer training the basic members. At the core of his team, anyone has the strength and qualification to perform self-limiting exercises for these people.

Although this exercise method is difficult, but after being woven into a systematic method by Lu Sheng, it can be mastered with more training.

Yu He was taken away by Wei Zhenyu.

Lu Sheng and Wei Handong went to the elevator together.

The inner door of the golden elevator is like a mirror, reflecting the appearance of several of them.

Lu Sheng saw himself at this time, and the gap was too big compared to himself when he first came.

The way it is now is not so much Wangmu, it is better to say that it is gradually becoming the original way to win.

Lu Sheng looked at his own face and thought about it.


The elevator is here.

When the door opened, Wei Handong surrounded several people and walked into the corridor.

Just outside the glass wall on the side of the cloister, a helicopter was approaching quickly and stopped towards the top of the building.

The huge propeller sound, even inside the building with excellent sound insulation, can be heard clearly.

"They are coming."

White County City whispered.

"Let's go. Wait for everyone to arrive." Lu Sheng took the lead toward the building's conference hall.



Susie sat in a rapid reaction aircraft and whizzed past the city.

Through the dish-shaped aircraft side window, several people can see the city of Anmin below which has become the ruins of the last days.

Su Shiqiao’s face was a bit lucky.

"Fortunately, this time there is no wrong position. This time it is too dangerous. If you take the wrong step, you will never be able to recover."

"Sidford Reddy?" Dean coughed a few times. Before he was able to protect a few people in the team, he was injured by the aftermath of the explosion. It is not finished yet.

"What about the protagonist of the plot?" Su Shi frowned.

"He was hired by Li Shaozong and became a bodyguard. The plot is still going this step.

He was in the group of Li Shaozong, suffered a drastic change, and thus unexpectedly got an adventure. ”

"Li Shaozong's Juyi Group is focused on biotechnology. As one of the heirs of the tribe, he is willing to hide in this remote planet. No matter which point of the plot is judged, this coincidence is too deliberate," Deen explained.

"Juyi Group is the largest technology group in this planet, and its force is not something we can resist." Su Shi shook his head.

"Even if the guess is deliberate, there is no way. Before that, many of the reincarnations played the idea of ​​Li Shaozong, but he is not good enough to attend various event meetings."

Dean is also silent.

Assassin sands hesitated, or slowly voiced in the spiritual link.

"You said, what happens if we give this news to the head of the nine lives?"

"You have seen the strength of Wang Mu before. It is much stronger than the original plot. The forces have also grabbed a lot. Although it is certainly not the two metamorphosis, if it works properly, it will definitely become a great help." Proposal.

"Li Shaozong is definitely not a nine-life group. The possibility that you said is really possible." Su Shi also nodded.

"But even if you get the chance that you belong to the protagonist, you can guarantee that Wang Mu can beat those two metamorphosis. That is the horrible big boss that can kill the stars casually!"

"No. But the original protagonist can rely on that thing to escape the birth of the day, Wang Mu is stronger than the original protagonist, we may also be able to absorb the light." Sandy explained.

"Don't say this first, people who came to the blue starlight immediately asked Wang Mu to become a plot of the vassal forces.

According to the original plot, Wang Mu refused to anger and angered the other side, and at the same time provoked the blue starlight and the Nianneng alliance, causing the nine life hall to lose its backing. We must change this story! ”

"The representative of the blue starlight is a bag, and the outside is strong and dry. When you get here, you will be very high-spirited. The first look of the world is the same. In fact, it is easy to say a little back." Su Shi smiled.

"Don't forget, we are also part of the Blue Stars camp, which was sent to train for the Nine Gods. In fact, we are really blue stars. It is not difficult to get close to that guy."

"At that time, a reminder of the acupuncture needle will be solved. In the original plot, will the protagonist solve him so soon? A idiot that tempts the phone to lie."

The rest of the players were happy to laugh.

Now wait for the little white face to come and contradict the nine life hall. Their key moments to save the field can highlight their role.



"Ah! Your martial art is just as dazzling as the sun, and it's incredibly bright! It's the first time in my life that I have seen such a powerful, so powerful battle!"

Spacious meeting room.

Lu Sheng sits on a large black leather seat, his hands are naturally placed on the armrests, and he looks at the white face of a white suit projected in front of him.

This little white face is praising him with a look.

"Wang Tangzhu, the behavior of Nesian before is only his personal action. I am here to represent the organization to express my sincere apologies. I must be as strong as you, and will not care more." Is it a little offensive?"

"It doesn't matter, Nesian has given me enough compensation. I have always been a big man. Don't care about these little things." Lu Sheng said casually. I feel a little bit unbearable.

Just when he was about to start a small meeting, the blue starlight suddenly came over a team, and it was this little white face called Xixiang.

"You are a powerful and generous person. It is worthy of being the leader of such a powerful nine-minded leader." Xiaobai's face is quite sweet.

"This time, on behalf of the organization, I hope that I can cooperate with Jiu Ming Tang more comprehensively. I hope that Jiu Ming Tang can organize training for us for a long time."

"Dead?" Lu Sheng raised an eyebrow. "The people before, have you seen it?"

"Very satisfied, your special training effect is very good." Xiaobai face praised, he is actually a very proud second generation.

However, after reading the video of the killing of Jiu Mingtang, he clearly realized that the strength of the owner in front of him is very likely to reach the top level of the Wienerga level.

Being able to reach the Wiener Plus level on the martial arts is equivalent to the numeracy.

Such talents are simply national treasures that are rarer than endangered animals. If the faculty can get such powerful martial arts training, then how strong will their comprehensive strength be?

This is hard to imagine.

So this time he came to win over the Wang Mu.

"Actually, according to the upper level, I hope that Jiu Mingtang can join us, so that you can get the maximum support of all kinds of support, and we also hope that Wang Tangzhu will become our full-time martial arts trainer. However."

He turned his head. "From the moment I saw the heroic battle before the Lord. Our resolutions are unconsciously offset. You are such a powerful Wienerga-class powerhouse, and there are so many powerful martial artists under your command. Strength, already qualified to be our collaborator."

"Thank you for complimenting. I am also honored to be a partner of the powerful Blue Star organization." Lu Sheng was left by his left-handed sentence, and the right one was strong, and he smiled slightly.

"If you can, if you join us, you will be invited to enter the Supreme Cross Council and become one of the 50 full-fledged parliamentarians. Have the supreme power far beyond the present." Xiaobai face with a hint of confusion.

In fact, it is plain, they are the strength of the road to win and the speed of training.

Lu Sheng’s rise is too fast, and his strength is still deep, and he has never broken out. There is a real conflict, and their local losses may be large.

In particular, it is even more cautious at the critical moment of reconciliation with the Nianneng Alliance.

"I need to consider it." Lu Sheng is indeed really heart-warming. If you can become the official logistics trainer of Blue Starlight, then the trainee who passes through his hand will become his tentacles and spread throughout the blue starlight.

But he is not sure if anyone will find this means. Thereby being exposed.

This world is different from the others. The energy levels here are too high, and there are not many powerful monsters. Be cautious and cautious.

"The proposal you said, I can't answer it right away, it takes time." Lu Sheng answered directly.

"I understand that these big events naturally take time to comprehensively. We will stay here for a week. I hope that you can give a reply as soon as possible. In addition, I will introduce myself again. In Xixia, my father is the member of the Cross Council, Sisei." Xixiang was slightly stunned and his figure slowly dissipated.

Lu Sheng touched his chin and thought about it.

Soon, a slender figure in the corner slowly stood up.

"The owner, Xixiang, this waste did not lie to you, this time really really wants you to join." It is Nesian.

This guy now has a respectful explanation.

"Xichai is abolished, but his father is a famous and powerful role in the Cross Council. He will not take this kind of news."

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