Way of the Devil

Chapter 1075: Transfer one

"Father." Anfuletti looked at the image of the swaying in the huge light curtain, and his face was slightly awe-inspiring.

"I heard some bad rumors, are you okay?" Anfuletti leaned forward slightly. "If you need my help, please speak."

In the light curtain, the lion-like old man was holding a cane and his face was calm.

"I haven't reached this level yet." Kafiledil Parrion shook hands with a cane.

"Things on your side, deal with it, after a while, come to my side of the galaxy. I have something to say to you in person."

"I understand." Annrefetti nodded. "So, I still wish you good health."

"I hope you will do everything well."

The light curtain is slowly broken and extinguished.

Anfuletti stood still and did not move.

In her mind, her father, Kafiledil, is an absolutely strong person from a young age, but she has never had such a time and will take the initiative to let her go back to see him.

"Do you think I don't know? Actually, I know." Annrefetti looked calm.

She is very aware of her father's situation at this time.

The Dragon Emperor is the head of the blue starlight, and the strongest and the core. He will never allow his father, who controls half of his military strength, to leave his big plan.

Now she got the news that her father was severely opposed to the pure plan that Longdi was doing. If this is a long time ago, there may not be much problem.

But now, after the fusion of the power of illusion, the emerging new darkness can be more and more, they occupy an increasing proportion. And the old secret can make the camp less and less

"Father," Annrefetti had a bad feeling in her heart.

She believes in the strength of her father, but she is so hard to stand alone and helpless. When there are fewer and fewer allies around, the pressure on yourself will increase.

She already knows that, to date, three of his father’s allies have been completely drawn and joined the virtual power camp.

"Father's pressure is getting bigger and bigger"

Anfuletti reached out and held a black-purple crystal necklace in her palm.

"I hope there is no time to use this necklace."

She retracted the necklace and turned to get out of the liaison hall.



Lu Sheng slowly entered the Cultural Relics Museum, followed by officials from the General Defence Department. In addition, there are neighboring guards to accompany them.

As soon as he took off the ship, he went straight to the nearest point where he stored the bow.

Around the local officials, these people quickly rushed to the side after checking his identity, and the rest did not even have time to respond.

The museum was forced to clear the scene because of his arrival. The number of visitors was not much, and soon they were all gently invited out and reimbursed their tickets.

"Recently because of the temporary war, many people are very interested in some ancient spiritual offerings.

Many people who come here are worshipping and praying for the messy objects in the cupboard. ”

The curator walked in front of Lu Sheng and smiled.

He turned a corner and soon stood in a remote corner room.

"The thing you are looking for is here."

He pointed to a square glass cabinet in the single room and sank.

Lu Sheng looked at it and suddenly saw something in the cupboard.

"This is a bow of God??" He asked with some doubts inside.

"Although you may not believe it, this is really a bow." The curator answered his question with certainty.

Placed in the glass cabinet is not a bow in the ordinary sense, but a wire like a group of wires.

Yellow wire.

"Well, pack it for me." Lu Sheng plans to try it for himself.

"Yes!" The curator quickly told the staff around him to take out the bow carefully and wrap it in a delicate gift box and send it to Lu Sheng.

Carrying things, Lu Sheng walked out of the museum, and his body flashed, and then he rose up. Under the package of Nianneng, he flew straight toward the giant ship in the sky above his head.

In midair, he pulled the box apart and took the wire coil from it.

"There is something in it." The powerful thoughts made him feel vaguely, and there seems to be some special power flowing slowly.

Back to the giant ship, at the entrance of the hive, Lu Sheng happened to meet a group of nine-sentence people, with several people of different forms just down to transport the spacecraft.

This group of people saw Lu Sheng, and quickly bowed his head and bowed.

And the guys around them who are differently dressed, although they followed the low-profile avatars, but Lu Sheng saw their true identity at a glance.

"Who are they?" he asked directly.

"Return to the lord, and a few helpers who came from the ground division." The answer is the captain of the Jiu Mingtang squad.

"Although I don't seem to be a facilitator, the information and intelligence investigations are all correct." He seems to feel a bit strange.

The facilitators are all strong men who are good at killing the use of force. These people, although strong, are mostly thinner than bean sprouts. It doesn't look like an armed helper.

Lu Sheng’s eyes were swept away on these people.

A long-haired girl who looks very beautiful and looks like a model star.

One is a strong man wearing a chef's outfit on the earth.

There are two young men and women who are just wearing casual clothes, and they don’t see any career.

What is important is that these people's eyes and gas fields are very flustered, their heart rate is accelerating, and the endocrine is in a state of rapid operation at any time.

Obviously, they are very nervous.

Newcomers to the main **** team?

Lu Sheng thought of this possibility for the first time.

"Isolation of these people temporarily. I need to scrutinize." Lu Sheng spoke by the way, turned and walked inside the giant ship.

"Yes." A few Jiu Mingtang disciples behind him quickly responded.

At this time, the Lord God will actually send new people into the blue starlight camp. Inaccurate to say is to enter the nine life hall.

Lu Sheng associates with one of the inexplicable tasks released by the main **** before, and his heart is slightly alert.

Where there is often a squad of the main god, there will be trouble.

"It seems that I have to ask Su Shi."

Before the war, Su Shi was rescued by the core cadres of Jiu Ming Tang, but he was only injured and was shocked. Now I have also joined the giant ship and retired in the inner city.

Just in the past asked about the situation.

Lu Sheng also remembered the many reincarnations he had controlled before. Although he had suffered a lot of deaths and injuries in the previous war, he still had to come up with some people to ask about the situation.

He puts the wire in his hand and arranges the things to be dealt with after the heart.


Suddenly a slight sound.

Lu Sheng stepped forward and looked down at the wire in his hand.

The voice just now was uploaded from this line.

His thoughts and movements, a special kind of silk wheel of the special thoughts can quickly flood into this wire group.


Suddenly, the whole group of blasts exploded, and there were countless metal wires scattered around him.


In an instant, all the wires were in front of the road, and they gathered a brass bow that was about half a meter long.

"Is it really a bow?" Lu Sheng reached out and gently held the bow.

He can feel that the thoughts in the body can be consumed continuously, and the consumption of this small thing is still quite a lot.

He could read it again, and suddenly the bow of the gods quickly disintegrated into a myriad of fine silk threads. The sublime flies into his hands and gathers into a group.

The bow of the **** was thrown into the pocket, and Lu Sheng rushed straight toward the residential area of ​​the giant ship.

After passing through the layered warning door, once again isolated and sterilized, Lu Sheng entered the inner city of the giant ship, and found a Su Shi and others who were nurturing the body in a nursing home.

Su Shi is pushing the teammate of the spiritual power and sunning in the yard.

"The light of the artificial sun also has various normal analog values ​​here. It is good to have more sun drying. I will take you out once a day."

Su Shizheng and his teammates whispered, and suddenly saw the road wins coming in from the opening of the courtyard door. She quickly got up and looked up.

"The owner!"

After joining the Jiu Ming Tang, their name for Lu Sheng naturally has to be changed.

"I have recently come in a lot of newcomers like you. What can you tell me?" Lu Sheng said bluntly.

"We did receive the task, but it was not explicit. From a literal point of view, I suspect that we will soon have trouble." Su Shi approached some, some hesitated. "If we can provide the exact message, can the church owner"?

"Your major practice, I can help to upgrade one layer in a short time. One layer per person." Lu Sheng calmed.

This is the case for the returnees, which are clearly marked and exchanged fairly.

Su Shi and his relationship are not bad. He is also willing to make good friends with these people, as the tentacles to test the essence of the Lord God.

"The deal!" Su Shi's eyes brightened and he should respond quickly.

"Respond directly to your question, we will be warned and punished. It is even possible to obliterate, but indirect, it should be."

Su Shi thought for a moment, "The churchlor can think about the current situation of the blue starlight. The situation of our camp. In addition, I can only mention one sentence, the strength is weak."

"Sports force is thin?" Lu Sheng closed his eyes slightly, his mind instantly flowed through his situation at this time, and then the situation of Anfuletti. As for more, his information is limited and there is no way to consider it.

"You must collect more information." After getting the content you wanted, Lu Sheng once again looked at Su Shi.

"A few days, come to the city where I live. If the news is true, I will respond to my promise."

Su Shi and the two are unstoppable on the surface, and nodded.

When he left the sanatorium, Lu Sheng used his personal portable terminal device to bring up the main intelligence news about the blue starlight on the way back.

But basically there is no relevant news on the top, not here to fight the disaster, that is, there is a gossip about a certain star over there.

The news on some military affairs in the military is almost very poor, and the following comments are hundreds of thousands. And other tens of millions of billions, even billions of comments are completely incomparable.

"Inquiry, former Prime Minister of the Empire, Kafiledil Parrion." Lu Sheng Nian can enter keywords.

After the terminal paused for a dozen seconds, it quickly brushed up a lot of related news and news.

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