Way of the Devil

Chapter 1076: Transfer two

‘Kafiledil, the former prime minister, one of the five stars of the blue star of the terrorist organization, is a powerful force and one of the main powers of the entire blue starlight. ’

Among the pop-up news, one of the most comprehensive is opened by the road win point.

‘The man has led the fleet of the emperor’s corps several times to conquer the aliens and make achievements. However, due to excessive temperament, his wrists were too irony, leading to massive planetary protests and eventually stepping down. Her daughter, Ann Frederick, is the strongest genius of the empire. ’

No value.

Lu Sheng frowned and continued to inquire for a while, but only to find the most basic information.

He suddenly recalled the description of the power of illusion that Nesian had mentioned before.

Kafiledil is an advocate who firmly resists the power of the fusion of illusion. When he was in the position of the Prime Minister of the Empire, he vigorously promoted the boycott propaganda policy in this regard.

Later, after leaving office, he joined the blue starlight and became one of the terrorist leaders. Still continue to advocate the rejection of the fusion of virtual power.

"Associating to the root of the virtual power" Lu Sheng’s heart has already had a hint of speculation.

Collapse the terminal screen, he hurried to the rest area where Ann Freddy was.

When she found Anfuletti, she was changing her swimsuit and lying on the edge of the indoor pool. The black swimsuit only covered two points on her chest, and the lower body was a black and slender cloth. It seems that it will be dewed just a little bit.

But no matter how she works, the little piece of cloth at the key point can't fall.

“Like swimming?” Anfuletti waved her hand at the road.

"No." Lu Sheng approached slowly. "Come to ask you something."

"You said, I listened." Anfuletti took off the sunglasses on her face, and the proud bust bounced a few times, slowly rising straight from the lounge chair and stretching.

"It’s about your father." Lu Sheng was outspoken. "Why did your father oppose the virtual power at the beginning?"

Anfuletti looked at Lu Sheng inexplicably, his eyes slowly stopped at his left eye.

"The power of virtual shadows will have a great impact on people's mentality. It can be seen that you also have the power of illusion, but it is not integrated with your own core, so it is not a new secret."

"What is the new secret?"

"The sacred shortcuts, the ability to combine the power of the shadows." Anfuletti reveals a natural disdain.

She stood up, took off her sunglasses and gently threw it, controlled the glasses box that flew into the distance, and walked to the edge of the pool and jumped.


A circle of ripples swelled in the pool.

She waved her arm slowly, rolled over and leaned back on the water, just gently swinging her legs.

The slender legs are white and dazzled under the light.

"My father, is a very strict person. Old-fashioned, traditional, stubborn. You can think of bad adjectives for the elderly, can find traces in him."

She was swimming and chatting casually.

"So, is his body still okay?" Lu Sheng asked from another angle.

"It’s healthier than you and me." Annfetti laughed. "What are you worried about? The Parrene family is not weak. Whether it is me or my father."

"I get news from the book channel, we may have trouble." Lu Sheng calmly said, "You don't care about the source, I just want to make sure that there will be problems in your short time?"

"No." Annfetti smashed the railroad.

"So, I understand. Let's leave." Lu Sheng nodded. Turn around and walk towards the exit.

"A few days later, your information will be down. If you don't want to go to the Black Sakura Galaxy, I can help you hold a teleconference." Annfetti said behind him.


"The projection technology conference is actually no different from a face-to-face meeting." Ann Freddy smiled.

"Actually, I don't recommend going to the Black Sakura Galaxy."

"Why?" Lu Sheng paused to ask.

"There are all the fusion of the power of phantom, all of them are a group of junks." Annfetti showed disdain and slowly stood up from the water.

"That will trouble you." Lu Sheng is too lazy to trouble. Although I really want to see what the so-called anti-space base is like. But now there are more important things to deal with.

The family and relatives of Wang Mu in the giant ship are all here. Once something goes wrong, the whole family is fully accountable.

"Right, you shouldn't be married yet?" Annfetti said suddenly.

"No. But I already have someone I like." Lu Sheng quickly answered.

"That's a pity." Ann Freddy said sorry.

Lu Sheng walked out of the swimming room and slowly left the residential area to the giant ship test area.

The entire blue starlight ship has the largest and most luxurious power test hall.

The test is mainly based on the test method of participating in the operation of the giant ship.

Nian Neng Shi injects his own thoughts into the test core. The injected thoughts will be filtered by layers and converted into the most basic chemical energy, which will be stored in the huge ship energy library.

Through this test, the giant ship system will make a rough energy level judgment on the numerologist.

Along the way, Lu Sheng actually can already determine what the so-called trouble is.

Anfuletti’s father independently supported the oppression of the forces of nothingness.

The penetration of nothingness into this world has reached an extremely exaggerated level. Now the only magical empire is still supporting, that is, the faction led by Ann Freddy and his father.

But in fact, Parrion's father and daughter are not a party of justice in pure sense. Their temperament is fierce, and the blood in their hands is no less than the fusion of the restless powers.

"Is this a typical internal bar? Terrorist organizations are no better than nothing." Lu Sheng thought.

"They are not like me, after all, although the means are dark, but the heart is always bright."

There is some emotion in Lu Sheng’s heart.

Good people, in fact, are often difficult to define.

Just like him, if he just looks at his appearance, he may be confused by his fierce appearance, but in fact, his inner being is indeed a partner of justice.

Suddenly a subtle nuance can fly invisibly, linking on the barrier of the mind in front of him.

"The owner, just caught a group of unknown geeks who want to sneak into the huge ship, the strange thing is that their identity is actually recorded in the fleet. And"

"I know, let's throw it away." Lu Sheng said faintly.

"But here is the height of tens of thousands of meters." There is some hesitation in the numerologist.

"Since it is silently drilled into the battleship, it means they must have means of flight. So, it doesn't matter." Lu Sheng added a sentence.

"But I see a few of them are ordinary people."

"Then buy them insurance. If you die, you can give your family some protection." Lu Sheng reminded. "To let them feel that our nine lives are not terrorist organizations, but civil peace institutions for the sake of the people."

"The amount is" there is nothing to say.

Hang up the communication mind, Lu Sheng gently vomited.

In fact, it is not necessary, he does not want to deal with these guys of the main **** team. But since they are trying to find a boat, it means that they must have some special tasks here.

The task represents trouble.

He paused and continued to walk toward the test area where he was able to test.

The Blue Star's Pole Fleet stayed at the Double Star for a month. It will slowly vacate and fly towards the distant starry sky.

Most of the core members of Jiu Ming Tang have left, and some of them are left to the peripheral members of the industry that cannot be taken away.

They hold the luck and think that if they do not have an accident, then they will have the industry left by these nine lives.

At the same time, following the departure of the fleet, there are also relatives and friends of the members of the nine life halls, and some high-ranking officials and rich people from all walks of life, a total of more than 300,000 people.

More than 300,000 people are just a few for the entire double star. Most people still live as usual. For the previous earthquake, they only thought it was a natural disaster.

After the long-distance anti-space jump for several consecutive years, the Blue Shadows high-level team passed the review application of the new members of the Red Cross, and sent three representatives to perform the qualification review of the newly added Lusheng. .

At the same time, Anfuletti arranged the fleet to divert, a small number of giant ships with frigates returned to the planet, most of the main steering, to pursue the third universe of Belian.


In the wide conference hall, the screen on the floor shows the huge star-galactic universe, and the red-white comets are slowly slid across the ground and flew toward distant galaxies.

Lu Sheng twisted the door and walked in slowly.

Inside the hall, there are three white metal seats with high backs.

The three chairs are arranged in a triangle in some dark conference halls.

Lu Sheng walked slowly into the door, calmly walked across the three seats and sat down on a regular leather chair that had already been prepared.

"I am very happy to be a judge of the qualifications of Wang Zongshi, sitting here and now." In the middle seat, there was a calm and honest voice of the old man.

"My name is 珞珈, you can call me a poison arrow."

The person on the seat is slender, but the head is quite huge.

He pointed to both sides.

"These two are also qualified examiners. The one on the left is Mercury and the one on the right is Foola. They are also two of the members of the Cross." Poison Arrow said.

"I am very pleased to see three. So, what is the main review of me?" Lu Sheng put his hands on the armrests of his chair and his face was calm.

The worst of the cross-members must also be secretive, so, that is to say, the three people sitting in front of him are all secret agents.

All three are powerful thinkers who can easily destroy the double star.

"Your assessment is very simple." Poison Arrow explained, "Before you faced the commander-in-chief of Belian, facing the Empire's third cosmic fleet.

You are obviously not as strong as Belian, but you still choose a positive hard bar. In the end, I almost died. What I want to ask is, what did you think at the time? Why can't you be afraid of death, rushing up and compelling with Bellian? ”

Lu Sheng was silent.

"Everyone has a death, death, but it is not terrible. Terrible is fear."

"So you rushed up at the time?" The Mercury MP on the left spoke up.

"If I die alone, I can change the stability of the entire planet, then, I am willing." Lu Sheng calmed. "I was actually thinking about nothing at the time. I know that I may die when I go up. But what is it? For the ideals and justice of the heart, many times, what we want is nothing but a conscience."

"Your mind is admirable." Foola on the right couldn't help but praise.

"No, actually, I am just doing what I can do." Lu Sheng showed a humble smile. "Although I am using my life to gamble, but in the end I still gamble to win, isn't it?"


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