Way of the Devil

Chapter 1080: Looking for two

"I didn't like to play games recently. I went to a large online game that is now the most popular, inter-galax network! Oversized!

I found the operator of the game inside and gave them a little money. They helped me list all the people whose registered ID card is Luning. "Wei Zhenyu quickly said.

"And then?" Lu Sheng's action, a little faintly believe.

"Then I didn't find it. I didn't have this person at all. So I searched for the game account directly. I didn't expect this search. I really found it! I tried to add his friend. The result was only the words of Qingzong. He immediately had Reacted." Wei Zhenyu quickly got excited.

"And then?" Lu Sheng continued to ask.

"Then I will meet him offline. He promised!" Wei Zhenyu was happy. "I think he must be the one you are looking for!"

"Have you investigated his family background?"

"No, Soso ID is OK, but investigating the specific background, our technology has not reached this level." Wei Zhenyu shook his head. "The backstage behind the game is also the top of the empire, I can't penetrate."

"Where do you meet him?" Lu Sheng is also interested.

"At the distance of more than 30 galaxies, the Mercury seat of the Mercury is two stars. When you enter the galaxy in the past, you can contact the mobile phone." Wei Zhenyu quickly returned.

"What are you sitting in?"

"After a few times, the car will arrive. It takes less than three days for the space to jump." Wei Zhenyu doesn't care.

"What is the name of the game?" Lu Sheng asked.

"Star Wars."




Lu Sheng slowly put on his helmet. The eyes were suddenly dark, and a faint energy followed the line, and soon touched his forehead skin, trying to penetrate.

He let go of the protection and let this extremely weak force slowly enter his mind.

A messy, star-studded animation of the Star Wars slowly released, and Lu Sheng felt boring after watching it for a while, closing his eyes and slumbering. When you are finished, go to the Select People interface.

He was able to move, and the picture in front of him suddenly flashed. Quickly skip the step-by-step procedure.

Soon the whole picture was a bit of a paste.

Numerous feedback back to the subtle energy is like a silk thread, and the madness of his thoughts can be quickly feedback.

In less than a minute, he was dressed in a new gray cloth and stood in a small, abandoned village.

The surrounding houses are burning fire.

Lu Sheng, who had a line on his head, slowly moved his body.

“It’s very realistic, and the feedback is a little bit of electrical energy that will dictate certain parts of the brain.”

Lu Sheng carefully perceives the principle of this game, and suddenly feels a bit interesting.

The essence of this game seems to be the use of electrical energy to stimulate the development of the human brain.

It's just that the process is extremely slow, so it's so slow to stimulate it. It takes a few hundred years to estimate the degree to reach half the level.

"Then, first find someone to say." Lu Sheng listened to Wei Zhenyu said that the game's appearance is in accordance with the real person configuration. So when you meet people, you can't recognize them.


He whispered.

Suddenly a fuzzy character panel appeared in front of him, Lu Sheng quickly selected the account search, and the name given by Wei Zhenyu was named Lu Ning's account.

Soon, the search results came out. According to Wei Zhenyu's information, Lu Sheng quickly locked the account she contacted.

The name is Lu Ning. It’s just a bunch of things behind.

‘Luning Angras·僾铌薏苼·鈈蕫懮鬺. There is also a string of space signatures below.

‘No less, no. Hey, hey. ’


Lu Sheng no face re-opens the search bar.

If it is determined that this is really Lu Ning, he estimates that people can't help but kill him.

But he believes that his son will not do anything like this.

Under the dim light, outside the bar.

Lu Ning wore a windbreaker and gently pulled a cigarette from the cigarette case and bit it into his mouth.

"Ning Ge. Forgot her." The man behind him whispered. “Where is she worth paying so much?”

Lu Ning heard the voice of the brother behind him, and smiled with a grin. He reached out and wiped the red airplane head of 18 centimeters on his head.

"I really can't do it. I thought she was everything to me. Later, the reality made me recognize this. It turned out that she never loved me."

The man behind "Ning Ge" cried angrily, and Lu Ning could not help but tremble.

"Don't say it!" He turned and the smoke in his hand shook slightly. "I really are real"


The flash on one side slammed loudly.

Lu Ning and the man were relieved at the same time.

"Director, did you do it?" He quickly raised his hands. "I really can't stand this hair. When is it finished, I feel that I will spit after playing again."

"Spit a fart!" A yellow-haired director squeezed a paper roll and rushed closer.

"You know a fart. Now it's popular on the Internet. The visual department knows that the screaming visual system is not? It is to give people the first time impact on the senses.

What sensory sensation is most stimulating? Of course it is the eyeball! ! ”

The director shouted around Lu Ning.

"You think about it, night, bar, drunk, two lonely people. What kind of story can stimulate the eye?"


The director roared and gave a paper tube to his head.

Lu Ning feels that it is a helpless mistake to work out and make money.

Before being told by the director to be a funny film, he would come when he walked away from the dragon. Although it is acting in the game, there are also many requirements for acting.

You must also request to modify the name of the game character.

The name on the head of this game can be modified at will, just spend some money. I just didn't expect that the real performance would become such a posture.

"Forget it, it's like this, everyone is resting today!" After the director reprimanded, he felt that the two people were not in the state, simply shouting loudly, and then everyone was relieved.

Lu Ning quickly walked to the make-up with an 18-centimeter airplane head and took off the wig on his head.

In the past few years, the numeracy of the faculty has not been practiced, and the task has been piled up, and the result is still mixed high and not low.

After graduating, he originally wanted to go to work honestly to find a job, but the reality gave him a great deal.

His education is not high or low, and he is always a big one.

Now I still live with my parents. I usually rely on the game to do some kind of chores to earn some living expenses and pocket money.

Speaking of it, he is still particularly grateful to the current family, and his parents have outsourced any choices.

There is also a younger sister in the family. Only after graduating from college this year, I went straight to the graduate school of the 20th Imperial College.

In the future, the top talent talent template is perfect. The person has a big waist and a thin waist. For him, he treats him like a brother. In twos and threes, he secretly withdraws some relief from his pocket money.

My sister firmly believes that he will be a good teacher. After all, he has this qualification. Although it is only the lowest level of qualification.

"It seems that I have used up my talents in my life. This life is so abolished. If the old girl knows that I actually ran to play this funny film, will she be mad at me on the spot?"

Lu Ning looked up at the blue sky and looked a bitter smile.

In this life, he did live a very wasteful life, and he gambled everything on his mind. As a result, nothing happened to the present. Academics are just barely going to be.

Now they are nearly twenty-seven years old, and they are still at home.


Suddenly a subtle message sounded from the ear.

He quickly opened the contact and swept his eyes.

A big pink long hair beautiful girl headshot popped up.

"Brother, listen to your brother saying that you are making funny movies, and you must inform me when the broadcast is over!" The name below is Zhou Wei.

"I am just a set of dragons and dragons." Lu Ning looked at the 18cm head of the plane that he had taken off. If you know that you are playing this kind of movie, you will not come to death.

"Do not worry, there is me at home, your sister is very heroic, talent is superb, our family has me one support is enough, my brother will do it after you want to dry up, we will be your strong backing." Information again Pop up.

"That's a thank you." Lu Ning smiled. "Right, you have no problem learning now? Is that Li Ransheng still entangled you?"

Before, there was a rich second generation crazy infatuation with Lu Ning's sister Zhou Wei, who spent a lot of time and energy chasing for a while.

It was almost successful, and the result was unexpectedly discovered by Zhou Wei. He had several female students over the stomach.

The two finally blew.

After Zhou Wei was admitted to the Imperial Star Osman University, he did not expect that the rich second generation had a lot of energy, and he also chased it. After all the various entanglements.

After knowing this, Lu Ning was angry for a while and wanted to teach each other, but unfortunately, he was just an ordinary person who was not a teacher. After several impulses, he was forced to press down.

‘The empire is too big, too strong, maybe even if the father of the previous life is here, don’t dare to do it.’

He smiled bitterly.

"No, I have a good sister to help me block him."

Zhou Yu’s words and stops are also helpless. Although I have gone one, but now there are new troubles.

Her sister's family background is very strong, and really helped her block the pursuer. The problem is that one has come one after another.

This time this is stronger. Even her sister has no good idea.

"It’s okay. I’ll be relieved if nothing happens.” Luning breathed a sigh of relief. “I told you, if I couldn’t find someone else, I’m going to slap the grandson!”

"Well, I know, brother, you are the best." Zhou Wei smiled softly.

"I told you to tell me the address of the grandson, you just don't listen. If you are not dragging, I solved this problem early!" Lu Ning blocked the voice.

"Yes is." Zhou Yi helplessly listened to Lu Ning and began to blow the atmosphere.

"I told you that if I put it in the past, I will be able to kill the stupidity by slap in the face!" Lu Ning whispered.

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