Way of the Devil

Chapter 1081: Background

After a while, Lu Ning disconnected and gasped.

Here, his name is Zhou Ning, and his surname is followed by his adoptive father. However, when he is older, he still habitually names his name to commemorate his life.

In fact, now, his memory is beginning to blur, and his own past life is slowly becoming unclear.

The life that once flourished, compared to the current calm and tranquility, is more like an unreal veil.

"Forget it, don't want to be so much. Hurry and take the film and go back to rest." Happy thought, Lu Ning does not want to spend brain cells.


Only he was ready to go offline, and suddenly there was a tone in the mailbox. Something is coming.

Lu Ning gave a slight glimpse. Since he received the money for a super speechless name and signature, he never sent a letter to him.

Except for the director's salary, the rest of the time is not, all system information.

However, he swept his eyes at random, but he accidentally discovered that this information was not a systematic email, nor a director.

I opened the mail and looked at it. The letter is the one who contacted him last time.

‘Children: Did you say that you want to meet? Is it real? Don't fool me, I told you that the people who flicked me didn't end well. ’

'of course it's true. 'Lu Ning quickly recovered. "You mentioned Qingzong, I want to ask you where do you know the name?" He also has some doubts, but because of the different language, the other words of the Qing dynasty are only pronounced. Similar, different from previous life, so he did not care.

Perhaps it is a coincidence that it is a mourning for memories of past lives.

Lu Ning was idle and painful, and began to take the initiative to chat with this child.

Soon after the two talked to meet offline, Lu Ning repeatedly sent the address that he sent last time. But he did not think that the other party would really take the initiative to find him.

If you don't say it first, just to see a netizen, who will take time and effort. It is such a long distance that the waste of money is not in the minority.

The other party also quickly left their own planet coordinates. But it is a location that I have never heard of.

Lu Ning does not care, the empire is too big, not to mention the planet, that is, the name of the galaxy is incomplete, not to mention a two-star.

“Can you give me an offline contact or photo?” The opposite child sent a message again.

"Okay. The photo is gone." Lu Ning gave an email to his school dormitory.

"Go back and send you some souvenirs." Although the other party is a girl, but Lu Ning feels very good, not the opposite of the opposite **** of men and women, but the confidant of the same taste.

After saying goodbye again, he disconnected the communication.

"This is really going to go offline."



"The communication function needs ten levels to open up the ghost game!" Lu Sheng took the wooden knife and went out of the novice village.

The fields outside the village are all black scarecrow monsters standing on the ground.

He went forward one by one and constantly harvested the so-called experience value.

After practicing for a while, Lu Sheng was bored and offline, ready to find someone to practice.

It is a pity that this game is extremely strict and there is no way to change people.

Soon Wei Zhenyu came out again.

"Master, I have to go to his specific address! Go to school!"

"The line will reward you with one million, go back and spend your time." Lu Sheng said casually.

"Thank you Master!" Wei Zhenyu's sweet spoiled road, one million, spends a hundred pieces to sell the souvenirs to the kid, and the rest are all their own. She just made a profit.

"Find people and say." Lu Sheng did not care, money, for him is a number, can not change the resources needed, no more money is meaningless.

The next ten days.

Lu Sheng began to quickly integrate the remaining work tasks, and solved all the training tasks of Jiu Ming Tang on the blue starlight.

Business commonly after a few hundred of genre, and then he has started to make arrangements for the journey from his home.

However, before leaving, he ordered a batch of squama refining mines already on the way to this side.

Because it is an order from the nearby star inside the blue starlight, it is extremely fast. It will be less than two days.

According to the estimate, this shipment can provide Lu Sheng with at least 3 billion units of power.

Under the pressure, Lu Sheng was temporarily unable to walk and was dragged, and continued to work hard.

This drag is more than half a month.

Anfuletti has once again pursued a big victory, but the Extreme Shadow fleet also suffered heavy losses, almost no one. This has a negative impact on its reputation and its image within the organization.

The blue starlight convened two consecutive internal crosses. Lu Sheng also has to listen once.

All are accessed via long distance communication.

However, because he is a new member of the legislature, his strength is not very prominent, so he did not put forward any opinions. But even a fool can see that there are very few people in parliament who support Parrion's father and daughter.

The former Prime Minister of Parrion made two consecutive proposals and were voted against.

Lu Sheng also settled down, waiting for Ann Freddy to completely lose power, and then go to the snow to send charcoal.

As the situation deteriorated one after another, Lu Sheng was preparing to leave the planet and go to the week before the suspected Lu Ning.

On the side of Anfuletti, finally got into trouble.


The newspaper was unfolded by Lu Sheng, and the line of sight fell straight on the largest page.

"The empire's strongest genius, Ann Fleetparen was finally arrested"

Taking a side of the coffee, Lu Sheng frowned and slowly drank.

"What is going on?" he asked quietly.

"Master, this is the news that came out this morning. In fact, we have looked for people inside the organization, saying that people have already caught it the day before yesterday. Only the news was issued to announce it."

"After the battle, Anfuletti will not be so shackled. This ending is not suitable for her." Lu Sheng shook his head.

"This is not clear. But there may be an inside story." White County is also a bit strange.

Lu Sheng was silent.

"It’s been almost a year since I joined the blue starlight?"

"Yes, teacher."

"Our people are now branching to those places?" Lu Sheng asked casually.

"In addition to the core Tianlong Department, the blue starlight division of this star field, the rest of the department has our people. All this is under the brilliance of the teacher's stalwart, in order to develop so rapidly." Baijuncheng took a small shot Flattering.

"Because I suddenly took turns to send people to improve my physical fitness, I didn't hold back, and I started quickly." Lu Sheng nodded. "But the people in the Tianlong Department are all top experts who are close to the dark. I am too obvious to start, and I will be noticed, so I have not moved for a while."

"I understand that I can only do it one by one." Baijuncheng understands very well.

"Do not pay close attention to where Anfuletti is being held, and where is the empire's specific treatment plan?" Lu Sheng told him. "In addition, Prime Minister Parrion will not sit and watch his daughter's accident. Pay attention to his dynamics."

"The master, what is our position?" asked the red thorns on the side. Since the opening of the nuclear energy upgrade mode. Her thinking is getting more and more confusing, and sometimes it is a bit confusing.

However, in exchange for the rocket-like arrogance of the military force, from the second place, it has become the most powerful disciple of Lu Sheng.

"For the time being, the surface supports any decision of the organization, but once there is a need to cooperate with the rescue of Annette, it will act in secret." Lu Sheng gave the arrangement.

"Yes!" The cadres of the core departments below responded.

Lu Sheng knocked on his fingers and looked at the top players standing in two rows in the hall.

The people here have been streamlined to the standard of twenty people.

Except for a small number of disciples that he personally taught, the rest were all joined by outside artists.

One third of them are Wiener plus grades

The core department is the survival of the fittest, and the strong players will rank higher.

Lu Sheng has implemented a ranking system in the headquarters, taking an asteroid nearby as a training ground, and anyone can challenge the higher rankings. There are three different candidates for challenge in a year.

And those who are here are the twenty people who have hard to come in with strength.

As a matter of fact, he directly quantified his disciples by numbers. From the first place to the twentieth place. Everyone has extremely large rights.

Money, beauty, subordinate power, everyone has their own independent power.

"General Anforetti, the location of the arrest is in the middle of the empire. And I happen to have something to go over there. Who are you willing to be with me?" Lu Sheng looked calmly and glanced at the many disciples present. .

After a while, two people slowly came out.

One is Bai Anyi and the other is Nesian.

"You are willing?" Lu Sheng is a bit strange, Bai Anyi is even, but Nesian is actually willing to know that he is an imperial noble aristocrat, this time together, once exposed to identity, the negative impact on him is extremely serious. It may even be devastating.

"Yes teacher, I have always enjoyed everything under your wings. Now, it is time for me to return you." Bai Anyi looks firm and is different from his brother. After the breakthrough, he is more like other disciples. Road wins.

Because he is the only pure warrior who has no ability to practice and does not rely on any external energy to practice alone.

Load fighting was left alone by another broad avenue.

Lu Sheng taught him the spiral nine life method, and he took out the essence and integrated it into his own martial art concept.

A while ago, I went to the rest of the planet to challenge the strongman. After the reunification, more and more master temperament.

Lu Sheng compiled all the disciples, feeling that the only one most likely to break through to the darkness of the realm, fear is Bai Anyi.

Although everyone accepted his blood energy transformation. Strength will increase rapidly as he improves.

But these forces are all derived from his joint transformation, not his own.

Only the ones that belong to oneself, only the realm of martial arts.

Bai Anyi is blessed with the uniqueness of the martial arts masters in a very short time.

At the master level, Lu Sheng was only reached after a few hundred years old. In this respect, the talent is far less than Bai Anyi.

As for the later realm of the guru, he was stuck for a long time and then barely broke through.


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