Way of the Devil

Chapter 1088: Hands-on 2 (thanks to the host of Su Xiaopa for his reward)

The door slowly opened and Lu Sheng strode out.

Passing through several passages in a continuous lightning, Lu Sheng stepped into the last position of the spacecraft, the compartment.


The air in the cabin was quickly emptied.

The heavy metal gates slowly separated from one to the other.

A large amount of airflow is discharged to the outside, forming a fierce wind, pulling the road to win the body clothes constantly shaking.

What he didn't expect was that, outside the gate, I didn't know when, but still quietly suspended a gray robes.

"Mr. Wang, please come back. The battlefield here is not something you can participate in." The voice of the figure seems to be transmitted through the voice changer, hoarse and cold, and can not distinguish between men and women.

Even his face was covered with subtle distortions, apparently not wanting to reveal his identity.

"Are you sent by the parliament?" Lu Sheng asked with interest.

"I am here to prevent you from using your emotions and impulsively. Compared to the current Anfuletti, you are even more valuable to us." The figure calmly answered.

"That's a great honor." Lu Sheng slowly took off his coat and revealed the black soft armor that was worn inside.

"However, just because you want to stop me, is it too careless?"

The voice did not fall, he rushed forward, the body brought out a large afterimage, and instantly hit the palm of his shadow.

Hey! !

The layer of layered energy barrier was quickly broken through. The last layer covered the silver on the body surface of the man's body. Like the egg shell, it didn't wait for the road to reach the palm, and it automatically split and cracked.

call! !

Strong fluctuations and fluctuations, like the wind, the figures are wide and the movements are not allowed.

The strong sense of suddenness and threat made him almost uncontrollable in his body. I can only watch the palm of the hand approaching quickly, then gently put it on my forehead.

Unexpected pain, just being touched, the figure took a few steps backwards, and it was discovered that the former member of the class was not sure when it disappeared.

Although the person has disappeared, the horrible power just now has been deeply implanted in his mind. Let his heart roll over.

"Go back, I don't want to hurt you."

The final voice slowly echoed in his ear.



Kafiledil Parrion, former Prime Minister of the Empire, is one of the five stars of the Blue Star.

At this time, this powerful and powerful old man is slowly strolling on the vast land where the prison star is dark and the high-temperature poisonous smoke.

The surrounding plains are wide and boundless, and you can't see the margins at a glance. From time to time, there are a few small points that are agile, and they are flying fast in some places with lower temperatures on the ground.

They are indigenous people here.

The prison star is not just a place to imprison prisoners. There are also living people, human beings, and life. It is only because of the excessively harsh environment that the density of life is extremely low.

Kafiledil smelled the poisonous smoke in the air, and calmly walked toward the intended target.

He knows where his daughter is and knows that this is the real information that the enemy deliberately released. But he had to come.

If it is someone else, maybe he will not have to live and die, let him die. But Anfuletti is different

There is still a wave of fierce confrontation in the sky, and Nesser and several darkness levels are the strongest strengths of his majesty.

Some of them are his disciples. Some are his subordinates.

The people who were scattered all over the place, just because of one of his recalls, gathered together to form a powerful force that could not be underestimated by the entire blue starlight.

"Quick speed, let's take advantage of the Dragon Emperor to help me lead the empire's main force, even if it is a little ambush, it doesn't matter." The idea is a move, Kafi Ledier's foot is a foot, and the figure is a few kilometers away. The sensing target rushed to the point.



Lu Sheng was transformed into a light, dark light, and quickly rushed toward the prison star.

The beams and explosions continued to illuminate beside him, and they were constantly being left behind.

Flashing several times in a row, he quickly came to a place near the prison star with a small jumper that he carried with him.

Individuals who are capable of acting in space must carry small jumpers. Otherwise, at a speed that is not at the speed of light, if you want to move rapidly in space, it is simply a dream.

In many places, the distance is measured in light years.

Even the speed of light has to fly for many years to come, let alone the speed of light.

After several flashes, Lu Sheng quickly saw that there were four figures in front of each other who were entangled in each other.

The huge monsters with different four-headed shapes are attacking each other under the command of four singers.

boom! !

A huge explosion turned into a dark red fireball, just blocking the way forward.

He slammed and his body quickly distorted and changed into another person's face.


A white stream of light quickly fell from a distance into the space on his side.

The white light turns into a human form, revealing the face of an imperial army that can be seen in different shapes.

These people are old and young, but the minimum age is not less than 30 years old.

"Who is you? Don't you know that it is fighting here?" An old man who took the lead asked.

Lu Sheng sighed.

"My name is Zhou Ning!"

Hey! !

When the voice did not fall, his whole person suddenly turned into a red stream, and a lightning-like light brought out a twist of light.

Flowing light, Lu Sheng flew straight toward the prison star.

Hey! ! !

A sound explosion behind him accompanied by the blazing smog of smoke, his face slightly mournful.

"Remember, the person who beats you is called Zhou Ning."

He accelerated straight and swept away toward the prison star.

The battle group is becoming more and more dense, the density of the opponents is getting bigger and bigger, and the distribution pattern of the surrounding warships is becoming more and more strict.

Lu Sheng straight forward, the stream of light quickly passed through a battle group. Wherever they went, all the battle groups exploded.

All the empire of the empire can be spared, almost all serious injuries.

On the monitor of the surrounding surveillance, a dark red line emerges clearly at this time.

At the end of the line, the **** stabbed straight into the surface of the prison star, almost cutting the entire front line in half.

The first ship.

Kuidian stood up in the middle of the huge transparent porthole and looked at the streamer that the dark red puncture.

He has a conspicuous red hair and a red beard with a face, as well as a strong and straight body, as well as the noble atmosphere of the nobles, which makes him faintly esteemed by the ancient king.

As the head of the Fifth Army of the Empire, he is the chief commander responsible for this cofferdam.

At this time, although it seems that the battlefield is very fierce, the real darkness of both sides can not really break out.

Both sides are waiting for each other's cards.

The amount of dark energy is not the key to determining the outcome.

The power of science and technology has developed to the extreme, and there is no way to deal with the dark energy.

"Is it out who is it?"

"No. But this person claims to be Zhou Ning. It's just that the name is too unusual. There are too many people who may meet the standard. There is no way to check it." The deputy officer said.

"This level of master is not unusual to find, there must be clues." Kuidian launched a heavy cloak behind him. Turn around and walk towards the exit.

"Let Bennes go to see it." He didn't look back.

"Yes." The adjutant bowed deeply.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, after a violent explosion, the entire battleship was faint and trembled.

"Bebeennis lost contact!!" The adjutant changed his face and panicked.



Lu Sheng embraced his hands and looked down at the imperial empire that had just been left by himself.

The other party is a handsome middle-aged man with red hair. It was only his resentful expression that completely destroyed the perfect temperament of his original sunshine.

"Why let him go??! Adults, this person is the first squad of the Imperial High Army, and he will be the best of the best!"

"Don't say it!" Lu Sheng raised his hand.

"Killing is a sin" Lu Sheng face the sadness. "If the world can rest on everything by killing alone, then all regimes will only be able to stay in the army."

"But!" The darkness of the blue starlight still wants to persuade.

"I came here this time, the purpose is not to kill, but to quell the fearless struggle between the two sides." Lu Shengzheng.

"If killing is a crime, let me bear it alone!"

He flashed his body and shot it with one hand and one hand.

boom! !

In the violent transparent ripples, the darkness of the blue starlight can be worn on the spot by a palm, and the vomiting blood is inverted.

Lying in the trough! !

This is his last thought.

I was beaten by myself? ?

In the end, he could not believe this reality until he was confused.

Lu Sheng recovered his hand in a stunned manner, and he also stunned Bernese. This time, his body shape accelerated toward the prison star.

"There is a good life in heaven, let me Zhou Ning, to help you get through the abyss!"

He was fast and lightning-like, passing through a hand-to-hand battle group, in which the masters of the Imperial Army were injured and killed.

It doesn't matter if it is too low, but Nesser's level or above is severely injured when it is swept by Lu Sheng, but can't help but leave.

What is incomprehensible is that he not only beats the masters of the Imperial Army, but even the masters of the blue starlight can do the same.

After several consecutive defeats of the entangled battle group, even after two consecutive defeats.

Lu Sheng’s name quickly spread throughout the ears of all sides of the fight.

The closer he is to the prison star, the more unreliable the road wins, the sadness of his face, and the rescue of the field.

As soon as you see the master who is still in good combat, he will immediately rush to the second and not to mention the first move.

"I am for you!"

"The war brings pain, and I, bring peace!"

"Go back to get married, love will be late, but never miss it."

"My name? No thanks, I Zhou Ning just did what I should do."

The speed of the road victory is very fast, and soon both sides know such a weirdo, powerful, but acting is speechless.

There is no obvious sign on which side, and entering the battlefield seems to be just for why peace and reduce disputes.

Even one time he was sneaked and almost hit hard. He had let go of the sneak attacker extremely, but just let him get hurt and let go.

Such weird behavior gradually led people on both sides to slowly give him face. When he saw him, he would no longer be able to do it.

But no one knows, this figure named Zhou Ning, whose image has been deeply immersed in the minds of everyone.

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