Way of the Devil

Chapter 1089: Simple one

"Cut the knife and burn the red star sword!"

A red-red, like a meteor-like sword crossed the traces and quickly smashed toward Lu Sheng.

Hey! !

Lu Sheng is currently punching, smashing the traces of swords and swords, and his body shape is like lightning. In a flash, he will be behind him and he will be behind him.

"Ground Shadow Boxing!"

Hey! ! !

Can not see the trajectory of the fist, the dark can be turned into a huge explosion-like destructive power, hitting the body to ooze blood.

The huge shock constantly echoed in his mind barrier, even if the barrier did not have any signs of damage, but the shock was also dizzy, nausea and vomiting.

Lu Sheng slowly passed through him, and another dark man was able to manipulate the huge silver monster and swooped at him.

"Ground Shadow Boxing."

I can't see the boxing, only a piece of black light blasts.

In an instant, the silver monster exploded and the darkness of the past made the body crack directly into the deep scars. It is like being smashed with a knife.

Here is the final atmosphere within the prison star.

The dark purple atmosphere around it is like a thin mist, or a strange mist, mixed with the huge magnetic field of the planet's gravitational magnetic field, constantly involving Lu Sheng, trying to pull it in.

"Would you like to fight?" Lu Sheng looked calm and watched the two last secrets in front of him.

Both of them are the strongest players in the Imperial Army camp, and they are the strongest before they are shot at the rank of the commander.

A Wiener plus, a standard darkener.

What surprised him was that the Venagar-level player seemed to want to break through the higher realm anytime and anywhere.

He is in an extremely mysterious state and may go further at any time.

Unfortunately, this is not a retreat.

no answer.

Lu Sheng slowly floated from among the two defeated opponents.

Passing through the final barrier, the prison star is in front of you.

The so-called prison star is essentially transformed by the empire, with a huge planet far beyond the gravity of the general planet.

It is so easy to completely penetrate the line of defense. Obviously, the other party has been prepared, or has no intention of blocking people from outside.

As soon as he flew into the prison star atmosphere, Lu Sheng slammed his head and looked back.

In the space around the entire prison star, I don’t know when a dark red glow emerges.

This halo wraps the entire planet in it.

"Is it ambush?" Lu Sheng regained his sight and accelerated.

From the high altitude, rushing to the earth, the black ground in front is approaching quickly, and the smoke from the ground is clearly visible.

Lu Sheng can even see the indigenous people who are lying on some black rocks and are struggling.

call! !

He landed gently, chose a fairly flat surface, and stood firm.

Mind can spread like a wave in all directions.

The situation of most of the planet in an instant is reflected in Lu Sheng’s mind.

The planet is much larger than the two planets he used to live in.

"Now, first find the specific location of Anfuletti." Lu Sheng is not worried about leaving.

In the first time he saw the red light, he probably estimated whether his strength could be broken.

As a result, red light has a strong hindrance to energy energy, but it is very weak for physical impact.

It may be very difficult for a pure linguist, but there is no difficulty for him.

I can quickly scan the whole planet, and the road wins a little. The whole person is like a light, flying across the sky in the sky.

His huge mind can also continue to spread as he moves rapidly.

Not much time.

"Found it!" Lu Sheng has a bright eye.

He turned sharply and flew toward the detected point.

The black mountains are rolling and rolling, and they are quickly slid underneath him, turning into a vague illusion.

After this scene lasted for more than a minute, Lu Sheng finally slowed down and soon landed in front of a weird mountain range that was burning white flames.

The white flame looks like countless white ribbons fluttering upwards, without the slightest temperature escaping, pure white seems to be not a flame at all.

"It's here!" The place where Lu Sheng Nian can perceive is here.

Anfuletti’s thoughts are constantly leaking out from here.

These white flames are actually not fires, but they are simply the great minds that Anfuletti leaks.

"There have been people." Lu Sheng noticed that the mountain area has a subtle trace of bombing.

He landed gently, staring at the white flame in front of him, and did not hesitate to take a step forward.

Into the fire, and there is no temperature around it, the only thing that makes Lu Sheng feel a little change is the white that is constantly boiling in the air.

"Don't come in!" Suddenly a conscious voice pierced his mind and rang directly in his superficial consciousness.

Lu Sheng has a footstep.

"This is a spiral spiral staircase. Never go any further!" Annfetti's voice shook with a hint of urgency.

"Rotating spiral air ladder?" Lu Sheng did not hear this thing.

"The strongest space isolation technology in the history of absolute barriers. It is not so much isolation technology as ultra-long-distance transmission technology." Anfuletti quickly said. “This is the use of gravity and several of the latest cutting-edge technologies to create a spatio-temporal isolation phenomenon. All your actions are transmitted to special empty fields that are not known far.”

Lu Sheng raised an eyebrow. "Don't give it a try, how do you know how it works?"

He stood in the ground, and quickly gathered a large transparent distortion behind him.

The disc-shaped twist slowly rotates, and a deep purple electro-optic glow appears from time to time in the center.

"Go." He pointed to the mountain in front of the white flame.

call! !

The huge disc behind him turned and whizzed toward the mountains.

"Reading can drive a bomb."

Bang! ! !

The disc exploded suddenly, and numerous distortions were accompanied by a burst of purple arcs.

The mountain covered with white flames glimpsed and seemed to be blown up by the explosion. But then the flame was restored to its original state.

"Sure enough?" This is one of Lu Xun's technical skills from the inside of the Blue Star organization.

Only a small range of annihilation techniques that can make it very practical can be said to be the most powerful trick in his hand.

But at this time it is actually useless.

"Useless here is a huge space-time transfer technology. Your attack will only be transmitted to extremely distant stars."

Annfuletti’s voice continued.

"Although thank you very much for helping me, but this is not the level that your strength can solve. Leave it. I will not die, my father is here, he will help me out."

"What about the former prime minister?" Lu Sheng stunned, and Parren’s former prime minister actually arrived here so quickly.

"Or do you think that I am really imprisoned so easily?" Anfuletti's words reveal a bit of weirdness.

Lu Sheng is silent.

"I understand."

His body flashed, and he quickly retreated. In a blink of an eye, he withdrew from the flame coverage and flew straight toward the distant starry sky.

But just how far it did not fly, the originally calm prison star ground, suddenly shocked.

There seems to be something that is about to be arched from the depths of the earth.

A vaguely loud voice slowly sounded.

“Double water phase!”

Lu Sheng looked down and saw a huge giant blue trench, which broke out from the inside of the prison star. He stabbed in the direction of space.

The trench was full of one-third of the entire prison star, and the whole planet was divided into two pieces, like the cut apple, slowly separating it.

Such a powerful blow, when just broke the atmospheric magnetic field, was stopped by the seemingly weak red light.

Lu Sheng does not move his voice to converge on his own breath.

He faintly felt a hint of conspiracy.

The trenches and the red light nets are smashing.

Lu Sheng saw the top of the back of the trench and was standing firmly at the former Prime Minister of Anfuletti and one of the five holy stars, Kafiledil.

The two men swelled a lot of white flames, and they continued to replenish into the trenches below.

"You really came! Kafiledil!"

Behind the red light net, a tall man with a red, steel-like straight and hard wing behind his back, his hands clasped his chest, his eyes coldly watching the two fathers and daughters on the trench.

"Dean" Kafiledil looked slightly different and seemed to recognize each other's identity. "How come you are here!? You are not being the Dragon Emperor"

"You want to say, shouldn't I be led by the Dragon Emperor and go to the nearby galaxies? Right?" The man calmly said.

"So many years have passed, you are still so naive. How did you get out of the Imperial Hub at the beginning? Did you completely forget this time?"

Kafiledil’s hand-cuffed sticks were more and more low-faced, but the lowness also revealed a trace of sorrow.

"Sure enough, he is the dragon"

"Is this not taken for granted?" Ann Fleet did not agree. "Since everyone is here, what are you waiting for?"

"With my understanding of you, Kafiledil, take out your cards. You have never placed your own safety on someone else." The Empire always calmed Dean.

Two figures were slowly appearing behind him.

One is a beautiful woman with a top body and a fish.

The other is a noble old man with a long cloak and a majestic look.

"Sil, Bellian, the trouble is two." Dean whispered.

"If you succeed in leaving the main members of the Five Saints, this is a huge victory for us." Women Hill calmly said.

"For the empire." Bellian calmed.

At the same time, the two men condensed a huge white gold glory, which is a special vision caused by countless words that can manipulate metal dust.

Great battle.

Kafiledil closed his eyes slightly.

"The three stars will encircle the towers and they will really be able to see me. Andy, take people off. In addition, start the b plan."

Anfuletti smiled and didn't know when to have a black purple remote control and gently pressed the red button in the middle.

Subtle volatility quickly came from afar.

boom! boom! boom! boom! !

A huge explosion that followed, produced around this galaxy.

The rest of the prison stars around the prison star, all of them, were completely disintegrated with the mega explosion.

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