Way of the Devil

Chapter 1090: Simple two

The huge red flame almost completely stained the entire galaxy.

Except for the prison star where Anfuletti is located, the rest of the prison stars were completely destroyed and blasted at the same time.

A horrible wave of turmoil emerged from the rest of the prison star.

These fluctuations turned into a vague and huge black shadow, flying quickly toward the prison star.

Dean's face suddenly became iron blue, but his figure did not move, not only him, but even Hill and Belian on the side, just as standing still.

The three men stared straight at the Anstrudi father and daughter not far from the opposite side.

"Kill them!" Dean rushed forward and slammed the rest of the planet. Go straight to Kafiledil!

Lu Sheng looked up at the An Fulei and his three grand lords who were fighting fiercely.

Among them, Belian’s figure flashed in front of his eyes.

Kafiledil and Anforetti can barely tie in with two enemies.

He found a corner of the place to hide and carefully watched the situation on both sides.

The interstellar criminals who were released around, the ones who dare to retaliate against the Imperial Army, are all horrible characters whose hatred is hard to describe.

At this time, these big men are also squatting from the three generals of the Imperial Army from time to time.

This also hampers a considerable part of their strength.

"It’s spectacular." Seeing a nearby planet was distorted by Dean and sag into a large piece, and it was about to explode.

Lu Sheng could not help but sigh slightly.

"Is this my future team?" He watched as Annette was kicked out by a punch and slammed into the surface of the star not far away.

"The people sent by the imperial party and the people of the blue starlight are all generals without any vain power. Oh, that's interesting."

Lu Sheng seems to have faintly captured the hint of a black hand behind the scenes.

"But now is not the time to consider this."

The battle was short and intense, but in just ten minutes, the five strongest top generals had already played with some red eyes.

Dean and Hill fight against Kafiledil, Belian and Anfuletti are old rivals, and they are half-pounded and mad in the sky.

Both sides have mutual damage. And because of its large area, the fleet that had previously been besieged had to jump further away.

There were only five people left in the entire starry sky, and a few top Wigana-level numerologists left behind.

Lu Sheng carefully converged, hiding behind a fragmented piece of the planet, waiting for the final battle.

“Nothing to win!!”

The starry sky slammed, as if all the light was attracted to the blue giant python for a moment.

On the wide and huge cutting edge, a smattering white light suddenly lit up, and countless tiny flower-like light spots swirled around Kafiradir.

He clasped his hands with his hands and stood on the back of the giant python, squatting to the next meal.

Hey! !

A circle of transparent cockroaches blasts from the end of the cane.

The giant cockroach suddenly disappeared, and at an incredible rate of terror, it was immediately in front of Dean and Hill.

The whole giant python is like a star that crashes at a high speed. It is unstoppable and unavoidable.

"Eternal roar! The scorching factor!!" Dean screamed, and burst into the air like a sun, turning into countless golden lights and rushing toward the front of the giant clam.

"Farewell! Kafiledil!"

"No, it should be me!"

The two rays of light instantly converge.

boom! ! !

The entire surrounding space star field is like a huge warhammer smashing into the sky, the space is shaking, the time is distorted, and the distance and dimension become rapidly changing.

A lot of time and space turbulence is accompanied by energy radiation, turning into a series of colored translucent twisted light columns, like a searchlight sweeping everything around.

Anything touched by these beams of light was disintegrated and disappeared in the first place.

The vibration caused by the explosion lasted for a few minutes, and then slowly eased.

Around the prison star that calmed down a little, no planet could be found anymore.

In the light years nearby, all the planets were exploding or destroyed, or pushed away from the star field.

Everything gradually subsided.

Inside a flowing nebula, a faint yellow meteorite on the surface.

Dean was covered in blood, lying on the ground, looking at Kafiledil on another meteorite not far away.

Kafiledil’s arm didn’t know when it disappeared silently.

He was still straight and his legs were standing on a piece of silver trench, and he looked safe and sound.

If it weren't for a little blood on his feet, perhaps no one could see that he was hit hard.

"This time, I still won." Dien smiled slightly.

Kafiledil's face is unchanged, but the eyes are faintly revealing a trace of luck.

"This time I won." He turned his eyes and looked at the starry sky to the left of the two.

There is a burly man figure slowly emerging there.

Lu Sheng was indifferent and slowly flew to the gap between the two.

"It’s been too long for me to haven’t met my opponent for too long. In this world, there are too few people worthy of my shot.”

"Long-time empire will always be Dean, even if you can think of it in the top ten of the Star Tower. I didn't expect it to be so good today."

"There is one of the five holy stars of the blue star, and Caffey Leyre is also here."

"You, let's go together."

The smile on Kafiledil’s face slowly disappeared.

"Oh." Dean couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"This kid is dedicated to funny??" Hey! ! !

His mouth was wide open, his tongue was protruding, his eyes were drumming out, and the whole man arched his body and was beaten by the heavy force of a terrible terror.

boom! The large nebula behind the meteorite was instantly emptied, revealing the blue sea in the distance.

"Unspeakable." Lu Sheng took back his right fist and looked calm. "If this is the strength of the empire, it really makes me too disappointed."


A large blood vomited from Dean's mouth, and he fell to the ground and trembled.

"You have a kind of courage to say when I am not hurt!" Dean squeezed a word hard.

"Strength is strength, the weak will always find various excuses to show their powerlessness. Sadly, Lu Sheng is holding hands."

"You guy!!" Dean trembled.

"We should go." Kafiledil reminded, "The reinforcements of the Imperial Army came, and the turmoil of the prison star could not be supported for a long time." Although Lu Sheng changed his appearance, he was the top thinker of him. Words, recognizing a person is not the light to rely on the face.

"Forget it, don't make a joke. Want to kill him?" Lu Sheng looked at Dean who still had no resistance.

"No. Killing him is useless to us," Kafiledil calmly said.

"I don't think you are the only one who is willing to support us this time." He was slightly moved.

"But it was the original feeling of Anfuletti." Lu Sheng faint.

The two did not look at Dean, and turned and flew away in the distance. Lu Sheng quickly started the jumper, and the two disappeared in the same place, completely blending with the vast sky.



The Imperial Prison exploded. Nine consecutive prison stars exploded at the same time, including the heavy criminals detained, and the most dangerous dark minds were out of the trap.

At the same time, there is also the blue star of Anfuletti.

This event caused the destruction of seventeen life planets. Three of them were completely destroyed.

Nine prison stars exploded, and the empire always severely injured Dean. The head of the army, Hill, and Belian, were severely damaged. They were unconscious in the explosion and flew out several galaxies.

The cofferdam fleet suffered heavy casualties. The number of injuries and injuries of the Wienerga class can continue to rise. Many people can't even find the body, and they are swept into the horrible time and space.

For this terrorist attack, Blue Starlight announced that it is responsible. For a time, the popularity of the entire blue starlight far exceeded.

Lu Sheng originally intended to kill himself once, but after seeing the last two major generals, he estimated the gap and found that he was a little worse than this.

So when the two sides played against each other, he quietly hid and waited to clean up the mess.

The outcome is exactly the same as he thought, the two strongest lose both. Finally arrived when he played.

Just what he didn't expect was that Kafiledil didn't ask him to help kill the other side.

Anfuletti was quickly found. She was rescued by the blue starlight in the explosion. She was sent to the returning warship in a coma, and was chased by the fleet of the Imperial Army.

Fortunately, there was no danger, and Ann Freddy returned successfully.

Both sides of this battle have suffered both losses, and no one is taking advantage of anything. The people who really take advantage of it are actually road winners.

He madly spread his fame on the battlefield, leaving no more than one hundred and two hundred.

To know these faculties on the battlefield, the worst is the Wienerga class, which is the elite of the elite, whether it is the Imperial Army or the blue star.

It even includes digital dark energy.

Lu Sheng can feel that their spirit is struggling. The struggle of darkness is obviously much stronger than that of the general numerologist. But to no avail, the brains of the life-threatening species, almost rolling nature, a few times will suppress the opponent's dark resistance.

The only regret is that in the end he tried to plant the eviction into the consciousness of General Dean.

But it was forced out by its unconscious.

For example, Dean, Bellian, Hill, the strongest of this level, has almost stood at the top of the empire.

If you can conquer these strong players, you will be able to be too powerful and powerful. unfortunately

After the Anfuletti incident, the entire Motu empire temporarily subsided, and the power near the blue starlight was also badly hurt and had to be quiet.

For a time, both sides fell into a slight deadlock.

Lu Sheng also began to study the ability to use the mind, arrange a new approach to the field, and leave the world.

He intends to observe for a while. If the situation is stable, he will take the world as the main world and pull the rest of the people.

After all, the most important thing is that there is a lot of sentimental power here. Lu Sheng is not interested in anything else until he has completely tapped the power of collecting it.

If he had to continue to find the rest of his loved ones, he planned to settle down in this place.


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