Way of the Devil

Chapter 1092: Desperate World II

"Xiaoen, the dish is ready, it is delicious, my mother has something to go out and come back later." The mother's voice came from the entrance. It seems to be bending over to wear shoes.

Dunn calmly looked at the untouched dishes in front of him, two dishes and one soup.

Two salad dishes, one broth.

There seems to be some unseen worms or roots in the salad, all things he doesn't know.

The soup is some kind of pale, I don't know the meat quality of the animals, they are cut into pieces of meat, and they are constantly rolling in the white soup with the boiling heat.

Dunn silently picked up the bowl and gave himself a bowl of soup and started to eat.

He didn't want to touch the seemingly weird salad, and the broth on the side looked strange, but at least it was cooked. The high temperature heating made him feel a little relieved in the tight heart.

In the sound of the quiet tableware, he quickly ended his dinner.

After dinner, he slowly walked to the small balcony, went out for the special shoes for the balcony, and began to water a pot of unknown green plants placed on the balcony.

As he was watering, he looked out from the balcony and looked out.

His family lives on the fourth floor.

This is an unlucky number, but after that big change six years ago, he will choose four numbers for whatever he does.

In Dunn’s belief, numbers were never invented by humans, but discovered by humans.

They exist in ancient times, perhaps representing some wonderful, unspeakable influence and power.

While watering, he carefully removed four extremely fine seeds from the potted plants.

Then throw it out of the balcony.

This habit has been maintained for several years.

He knew that he was irrational, just simply repeating the belief in the number four. But he has no choice.

He doesn't know how long he can hold on, such a life, such a horror.

"Maybe it won't take long, I will be completely like those people." Dunn said to himself.

No one can speak, no one can communicate.

Looking out from the balcony, the whole community was empty and could not see any shadow. It is like a ghost town in a movie.

The mother who just went out did not see a trace at all.

Everything is so weird, but he has long been accustomed to it.

"How long can I stay?" He asked himself.

Putting down the kettle, he turned and saw a man standing in front of the sofa in the living room.

The man was wearing a beige skirt, tall and bun, with his back facing him, quietly saying nothing.

He knows the man, that is his mother. It seems to be the mother who just went out.

But he did not do anything, just silently walked past his mother.

No communication, only silence.

Go out of the living room. He looked back and looked at it as usual. The mother who was still standing there, I don’t know when it has disappeared.

He bowed his head, and the bloodshot eyes were slightly trembled.

"Going to sleep again, everything will be fine when you sleep." He is so hypnotized. Then walk towards your bedroom step by step.

Before entering the bedroom, you need to pass through the corridor. There is a window on the side of the corridor, you can look at the street outside the community.

There is a bustling downtown fountain pool.

When Tang Enlu passed, Muran looked up and looked out the window. The city outside the window is quiet and dead, empty.

But he still looked seriously, this is the habit he has developed over the years. It is also the expectation and hope of his heart.

"I got to go and walk." He said to himself. "If I go this way, I will be crazy!"

He walked into the bedroom, paused, and then speeded up, quickly took the coat out of the closet, slid the hidden fruit knife into the pocket, and then put on the hood of the jacket.

When Dunn walked out of the bedroom and passed the kitchen through the corridor, he could not see his mother again.

She was sitting in the kitchen, facing away from what he seemed to be looking at.

No sound, no movement. Sitting like a sculpture.

Dunn didn't dare to look at it, walked quickly to the entrance, opened the door and put on shoes.

Behind him, the woman suspected of his mother, slowly stepping out of the kitchen, standing in the living room and staring at him quietly.

The other party did not speak, but Dunn clearly felt that the gaze and gaze of the gaze was burning on his back as if it were.

He speeded up and twisted open the door to go out.


Backhand closed the door, he gasped in a big mouth, looking at the stairwell where no one had accumulated a lot of dust, his heart was a little more peaceful.

"Go to the bookstore! Bookstore!" He said to himself in his heart, the heart beats violently, he seems to have a hunch, and I feel that something may be unpredictable today.

Entering the elevator, Dunn saw a young girl with long hair wearing hot pants.

The girl stood facing him in the corner of the elevator, motionless, and the hand holding the pink phone hangs down, with a slight screen fluorescence flashing on it.

The hair covered the girl's face and made him unable to see any faces.

When Tang En was in a stiff state, he slowly withdrew from the elevator and watched the elevator door slowly close and close, then moved down.

Soon, the elevator stopped on the first floor, and then the indicator light suddenly turned red and became a maintenance state, which could not be used.

Dunn was silent, turned and walked toward the stairwell, and he decided to go down the stairs.

It is also only possible to descend from the stairs.


Suddenly a subtle whistle came from behind.

Dunn shuddered.

He felt that his home was slowly opening.

A figure of a beige skirt is standing at the door and slowly stepping out.

He could feel that the person who was suspected of his mother was staring at himself with an incomprehensible look.

Gazing at his back.

He heard subtle footsteps.

‘Mother’ is coming towards him.

The distance is getting closer and closer.

run! !

A sudden thought came out suddenly, and Dunn rushed down the stairwell without saying a word.

Running a few corners of the stairs in a row, he could use the corner of his eye to see that the 'mother' is following behind him without hesitation.

She is not fast, but she is always getting closer to herself.

A sense of horror that made him inexplicable, and it came to my heart.

Can't be caught! Can't be touched! !

He subconsciously emerged this idea. The instinct of the body broke out with the greatest power and rushed toward the first floor.

But what scared him was that the ‘mother’ was getting closer and closer behind him, and he could feel that she reached out and slowly grabbed her shoulder.

No matter how crazy he runs, he still can't avoid the palm that is slowly approaching.

He has a feeling that once touched by this hand, some extremely terrible result will happen!

Do not! !

no way! !

Dunn sprinted wildly. Turned a corner, the front is the stairs exit on the first floor.

He saw the dawn in his eyes.

But suddenly, he saw a hand from the right side of the exit.

A hand holding a pink phone.

It is the one in the elevator! !

The happiness of Dunn’s rise just turned into despair. His sprinting body could not stop at this time.

Hey! !

He was smashing on the wooden door of the exit. I rushed out of the exit.

"Hey!" A strange voice plunged into his ear.

"Are you OK!?"

Dunn looked up, and his gaze clearly saw that the side was standing with a burly young man.

And that cell phone, the pink phone, is being held by the man.

Dunn’s heart hangs high and almost collapses. It seems to be thrown up by people, thrown into the sky, and then draws a thrilling parabola. Finally, he is caught by himself.

This feeling like a roller coaster made him unable to hold his head and stared at the man in front of him.

"You are a person???" Dunn finally asked this question, a strong psychological stimulation, so that he finally could not bear it, both eyes turned over and directly fainted.

"Of course I am human. Pure 100%!"

Lu Sheng gave a thumbs up and licked his mouth to reveal a white tooth.

He held this seemingly awkward young man.

"It looks like you are not good."


A subtle wind blown out of the stairwell, some cold.

Lu Sheng couldn't help but look at the stairs, but did not see anything.

This world is very strange.

When he found the world, there was only a small hole in the entrance.

There was a strange and desperate breath in the hole.

Why the breath can give people a specific feeling, Lu Sheng can not say clearly, but when he saw the small hole, the first time to think of it, that is strange and desperate.

An inexplicable impulse, let him choose to enter the world for the first time.

Anyway, the world of that piece has to be investigated one by one.

A total of three high-energy worlds, all in the area where the fuzzy coordinates transmitted to him by the class.

According to the class, Miguang Sakura and the rest of the road family may stay or leave clues in these three high-energy worlds.

However, when he just entered the world, climbed up from the ground, and did not figure out the specific identity of the body, he heard movements in the stairwell.

Then I saw a boy who was only seventeen or eight years old and rushed out with a look of despair.

As for the mobile phone, it is just something he just picked up from the elevator.

"This world" held the boy in one hand, and Lu Sheng quickly sorted out the information in his mind.

Suddenly he couldn't help but frown.

It is very strange here.

Compared to the previous world, the situation here is slightly different, but the numerous rules are mixed together, and the density is as high as a group of high-density coils.

And the rules here do not have any form of energy.

There is also great suppression.

Lu Sheng can feel Wang Mu's body fusion into the body, turning into a similar base point, hidden in the heart of this young body.

This body, which is entirely of ordinary people's quality, is his barrier and cover in this world.

Lu Sheng can confirm that he can explode all his body strength anytime and anywhere, but an inexplicable threat and terror is reminding him faintly. Once done, it may bring extremely fatal danger.


Just like deliberately tempting outsiders to enter

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