Way of the Devil

Chapter 1093: Abnormal one

"Hey, wake up, wake up?"

Lu Sheng hit a few boys' cheeks, and the other's head swayed and woke up.

He tried several tips to wake people up, but it didn't work.


Lu Sheng held the boy and looked around.

There was no sound in the space in front of the elevator and in the stairwell on the side.

The wind whispered and made a small noise. It also appears to be quiet and dead.

It seems that there is no one except myself and the little guy on the side.

Lu Sheng looked back at the elevator and dragged the boy into the stairwell with both hands. Then go out from the stairs.

The outside sun is dark and faintly transmitted from behind the clouds, and no temperature is felt.

In the empty neighborhood, some finely lit garbage was blown away by the wind.

"This place..." Lu Sheng feels a bit weird. But the strange world he has gotten a lot, and he doesn't care about such anomalies.

"Let me see, this memory in the body."

He found a corner in the dark, put the boy against the corner and sat down cross-legged.

"Let me see...."

Lu Sheng will slowly cover his mind in the depths of his mind, and will dig out a little bit of memory belonging to this body.

‘Thomas Jenny. ’

This is the name of the original owner of the body. But unlike other worlds, this body is not a division of Lu Sheng in this world.

It is a normal individual who is completely unrelated to him.

He was only an occasional chance to enter the young man.

That's it.

‘Let me see, Thomas Jenny, twenty-one years old, college student, hometown is far away from here, Sives is only temporarily renting a house....’

Lu Sheng looked down on Thomas's memory and did not find anything of value from it.

What made him very strange was that before he came, the memory of Thomas seemed to have stayed on a certain day long ago.

It's like a memory fault. There is no such absurd and dead scene in his memory.

After absorbing Thomas's brief twenty-year memory, Lu Sheng took a little rest and adjusted his state. Start testing this body.

"Body strength, it looks strong, but some large muscle groups have meat, and many key small muscle groups are not exercised at all. It seems that this guy used to exercise only to look good." Lu Sheng accurately judged .

But then he was a little worried.

It is also a high-energy world, and the concentration of world rules is enormous, almost tens of times as great as the last world.

This result leads to the limit of the rules to an extremely exaggerated point.

The power of his own body, except for a little nourishment, cannot be used at all. It takes at least a year to get used to the rules here.

"That is, this year is almost entirely dependent on yourself?" Lu Sheng thought about it.

"Oh..." At this time, the boy on the corner of the wall made a slow sound.

"Are you awake?" Lu Sheng stopped thinking and looked at the man.

Dunn slowly woke up from the confusion, opened his eyes, and his mind was a little confused. "You...!" Suddenly he sat up. His face was pale and his body was shaking, and he would have to flee in the distance.

"What are you running?" Lu Sheng grabbed his arm and forced him to sit down and sit down.

"You...you are human!??!" Hearing the voice, Dunn suddenly slammed, and consciousness finally woke up a lot.

He turned his head and stared at Lu Sheng. He thought that he was a traveler who had been walking for a long time in the desert. When he was the most thirsty, he suddenly saw a well-cooled well.

The sudden ecstasy makes Lu Sheng somewhat incomprehensible.

"Of course I am a human. You have already asked this question twice." Lu Sheng answered quickly.

Dunn got a positive reply and looked at Lucent’s humanized actions and voices.

After staying for a while, he finally couldn't help it. The repression and despair accumulated in the past six years, like the flood of the dyke, broke out instantly.


He smothered his mouth and nose, but his tears and nose were still flowing down the line, and he couldn’t stop it.

Lu Sheng was somewhat puzzled, but he quietly waited for him to vent his emotions.

The venting cry continued for half an hour and slowly eased.

Lu Sheng sat aside, patiently waiting for the boy to calm down completely, and the clothes were all covered with a snot of tears before handing over a piece of paper.

"Save the point, this one."

Dunnton paused, took the paper, and wiped his face indiscriminately.

"Are you looking for a gathering place?"

His nephew cried hoarse, but his mood was quiet.

"What gathering place?" Lu Sheng did not understand, "I have been living on the second floor here." He pointed to the building where Dunn lived, whispering.

"The second floor!!?" Dunn was amazed and surprised. He stayed on the fourth floor for so many years, and he never saw this younger brother in front of him.

"Let's go, find a place to sit down and rest. We need to communicate well."

Lu Sheng’s body is obviously waking up from memory, and there are still many doubts he needs to answer.

"Good!" Dunn nodded seriously.



An abandoned coffee shop.

Lu Sheng and Dunn sat down face to face, the tables and chairs in the cafe were all over and over, and some were even violently smashed.

"After the cataclysm six years ago, the world has completely changed." Dunn bowed his head and sighed.

"I don't know what happened, I only know that when I wake up, the people around me are gone."

Dunn was low.

"Everyone, can you imagine? Parents, relatives, neighbors, classmates who are still talking to you yesterday....all of them..... can't see it.

However, from time to time, there will be some unusual movements. Those guys.....the guys, they... will appear occasionally, still the same as before, doing the same thing as usual, but if you really think they are harmless... then it’s a big mistake. Up..."

"Which? Which guy?" Lu Sheng frowned. This body is still just an ordinary person, he does not want to encounter any extremely troublesome monsters.

"Have you ever met?" Tang En wondered.

"Well, I have been hiding at home, eating and drinking a lot at home. I have no way to come out after eating recently...." Lu Sheng found a reason for Setang.

Unexpectedly, this reason why he did not believe in himself, actually let Dunn completely believe it.

He nodded.

"Yes... wise choice. Those outside who seem to be alive don't know how many, don't touch them, otherwise... you will be in trouble..."

"What kind of trouble?" Lu Sheng asked further.

Dunn gasped and didn't seem to want to recall his previous experiences.

He rubbed his face with his hand and took a deep breath.

After a while, he slowly calmed down.

"I don't know what will happen, and I don't know how those guys came into being. They seem to be no different from our loved ones and friends. But I can feel it, can distinguish. They...not people!! ”

There was a horrible groan in his eyes, and even Lu Sheng was shocked by the madness in his eyes.

That is the fear of being able to collapse anytime, anywhere. It is the madness that personality is about to break.

"Calm down, hey, calm, don't be excited!" Lu Sheng quickly pressed Dunn's shoulder, he could feel the other side shaking. Being scared.

His nerves have tightened to the extreme.

Dunn's muscles were tight and trembled, and he maintained this state for more than ten minutes before he slowly calmed down.

"Thank you!" He bowed his head, and he was really mean and low.

"Thank you.... still alive....appears in front of me...."

Lu Sheng shook his head and reached for the shoulder of Tang En.

"You need rest."

"I think so too." Tang En bored his voice.

The two did not say anything for a while.

Suddenly a burst of water screamed out of the back kitchen of the cafe.

Then there is the sound of the tableware and the knife and fork colliding with each other.

It seems that someone is standing by the faucet and cleaning the tableware here.

Dunn looked stiff and didn't move.

Lu Sheng looked at him and didn't move.

"Would you like to see it with your own eyes? These guys....." He lowered his voice and shivered with a hint.

Lu Sheng nodded. Although he came to come here, he didn't know much about the situation here. It just happened to be in contact with the past. What made Tang En so fearful.

Dunn rubbed his face with both hands and slowly stood up.

Lu Sheng followed him, and the two quietly went to the back door of the kitchen and looked inside.

The café also sells pastries, and the back door of the kitchen is made of glass, which clearly shows the chef's every move and hygienic conditions.

This is to facilitate the customer to supervise the glass door set by the chef.

At this point the two stood in front of the glass door and saw the faucet opened through the semi-open door.

A tall man in white chef's clothes is facing away from them, standing in front of the pool, motionless.

The chef was like a daze, quietly looking down at the water flowing out of the faucet.

"Don't try to see their faces. Because you can't see their faces at any time. But once you see their faces one day, close your eyes!"

Dunn whispered by the cover of the sound of water.

He said that he took Lu Sheng and quietly left the cafe and walked out of the gate.

"Why?" Lu Sheng did not understand. Being shameless is one of the virtues he is best at.

"I don't know....." Dunn walked slowly along the sidewalk. "In the year after the Cataclysm, I also met a normal person."

"I told you?"

".......Do not....."

Dunn was silent.

"Suddenly one day, he told me that he saw a guy's face....."

When he finished, he stopped talking and fell silent again.

Lu Sheng thought that he was sorting out the ideas, but did not expect to wait for a long time, no postscript.

"And then??" he asked again.

"No then." Dunn returned. "The next morning, I saw him go out from his bedroom and told him not to return. From that day on, I never saw him again."

Lu Sheng frowned.

"Is it infected? Like a virus?"

"I don't know.....maybe..." Dunn was depressed.

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