Way of the Devil

Chapter 774: Filial piety

Although Pang Yuanjun is a member of the semi-magic organization, the strongest in this organization is actually a few of them. Originally, there was a leader in the semi-magic, but in an accidental accident, the leader incident was killed, leaving only the so-called six major demons below.

The four of them are four of the six great demons.

Nowadays, the semi-magic is completely in the hands of the six major demons. They have five people united together. The remaining one is the famous emperor of the emperor, the mysterious and incomparable, rarely appearing, and they can't contact.

"Just like this, the map we used to grab was completely useless." When thinking about this, Pang Yuanjun hated the nerves that forced them to enter the relics in advance.

"Plus here we have never been here, we must be careful step by step." Sha Wang Shen Shen.

The four left the edge of the abyss, along the boundless white bones of the ocean, marching hard in the distance.

The gray sun is shining on the body, and I can't feel a little temperature, but I feel more and more chilling.

Far away, suddenly the four people saw a towering and large temple-like building in front of them.

The walls on both sides of the temple have collapsed, leaving only the other two walls full of sore holes.

"The bones of the temple may have good things, or may you have trouble going in?" Su Han whispered.

"First observe one or two, see if there is anything inside." Pang Yuanjun did not speak, and he saw the small ashes raised in the temple in the distance.

The dull crashes are far away, but they are a bit empty because of the vast surroundings.

Then he saw a tall man with a gray-eyed pattern on his upper body, slowly coming out from the side of the temple.

"Damn! It's him!! Go!!" Pang Yuanjun changed his face and turned and ran.

The other three are also far away from seeing the road wins, all the pupils shrink, followed by turning and plundering.

In the distance, Lu Sheng was also the first time to find the movement here.

Looking far away, I saw that it was actually Pang Yuanjun’s other people. He suddenly hooked his mouth and caught up with lightning.

Looking down from the sky, the speed of the front four is much slower than the road behind.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly shortening at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Go to the place we just met!"

Pang Yuanjun shouted in a hurry.

The other three people took the lead and turned together, rushing to the position where they had been in danger before.

Lu Sheng quickly chased after the cemetery. Just after he tested the cemetery, he gained a small amount of power on the idol. He realized that this place is likely to provide him with many benefits. He is going to study it in depth, but he did not expect to feel it immediately. There is a voice outside.

When he came out and looked in the direction of the sound, he saw Pang Yuanjun and others who were slowly approaching in the first time.

Two people chased one and escaped, and in a blink of an eye, they crossed the road for dozens of miles, surrounded by white bones or white bones.

In addition, the only difference is that in the bones and oceans, there are gradually more large bones that are towering and stabbed.

These bones, like big trees, play an unknown role in this white world.

Pang Yuanjun quickly arrived at a passage like a human sternum rib.

A rib is bent and wrapped into a small space, like a neatly arranged zenith, and a faint gray film between each rib.

The most striking thing is that there are some dead bodies lying on the ground in the channel. These dried corpses have a cracked skin and a uniform white porcelain-like smooth mask on the head.

The mask is like a smiling child's face, the skin is smooth, and there are no traces other than the tiny corpse.

As soon as Pang Yuanjun approached here, he quickly accelerated and sprinted.

"Quick and fast!!" Shawang first rushed to the front, and the last Su Han old man's deliberate footsteps rang.

In the slight vibration, these dead bodies that fell to the ground slowly moved.

Immediately, a large number of gray moths climbed out of the eye hole of the corpse mask, and thousands of moths gathered into a cloud of gray clouds, just blocking the road wins that followed.

"What a ghost thing!" Lu Sheng stepped forward and looked cold.

He took a deep breath, and the abdomen once again swelled a ball and slowly rotated. The surface of the ball highlighted the thick veins of the roots.

Roar! ! !

A loud roar, the large moths flying in the air were shaken on the spot, and then fell down like a raindrop. Splashing large pieces of toxic powder.

Lu Sheng far smelled a little poisonous powder, and suddenly felt dizzy, obviously this poison is not even able to afford it now.

Fortunately, the ground slightly turned, and immediately eased.

Lu Sheng looked at the white moth that had been shaken in the air, and slammed his nose into the nose, rushing in, and keeping up with the four people in front.

Only for a moment, under the nourishment of the earth, Lu Sheng’s body has quickly developed resistance to the toxic powder, and soon created its own anti-skin cells.

A large amount of poisonous toxic powder was blown on his skin, and was quickly blocked by the fresh, smooth, thick cuticle, which was completely immune.

Soon the front is the end of the rib channel.

But the first time Lu Sheng saw was not the four people who fled, but the four tall, tall, gray fluffy long legs.

He rushed out of the passage, looking up, and a giant gray moth, which was more than ten meters in front of him, was bowing his mouth and opening a huge mouthpart.

Lu Sheng's face was indifferent, and one jumped up, the right fist quickly expanded and became bigger, and the blink of an eye disappeared, exploding a large piece of sonic boom.

Bang! ! !



A few days later.

The depths of the bones.

A team of exquisite metal armor is slowly and firmly moving between the bones.

The team walked along a spacious avenue that seemed to have been opened very early, pulling the carriage forward.

At the forefront are two tall warriors wearing black robe costumes and dark gold scales.

Except for these two people, the rest are black armor with a black jacket.

There are no people sitting in the carriage, and there are hidden boxes in the corner.

This group of people is the team of the two major forces in the martial arts today, such as the Dragon Gang and Shan Hai Bang.

Their contact with the gray world is far more than half a demon, so they took the team one step at a time and entered the gray world.

Such as the dragon helper Chen Qiao even confident in this action, because not only this time with the Shanhai Bang team, but also the exact information they got, a message about the ancient secret treasure.

And this time they are also fortunate to have invited the legendary idle wild crane, Wu Di Liu Fei.

It can be said that no matter which action, it is not as great as this time.

Chen Qiao even thought that this place could not help but look at the side of the eye to help the mountains and seas.

The look of Wen Huai was calm, and an iron fan was gently shaken in his hand. This lucky invitation invited Wu to join, and so many of them carefully prepared, and countless hands. For this treasure hunt trip, his confidence is stronger than that of the dragon.

There is the Emperor Wu here, the difficulties encountered along the way are only pediatrics.

I was thinking about trivial matters, and suddenly there was a faint sigh of relief in the distant wind.

Wen Huai raised his hand and stopped the team.

The whole team moved from silence to silence, and the discipline was strict.

"There is something close! The speed is very fast!" Wen Huai is a master of the Emperor Wu, the first gang of the world, the cultivation is natural and unparalleled. In the crowd, except for the Emperor Wu, the rest is his strongest.

Even Chen Qiao is weaker.

Hearing his words, the team's more than a dozen masters have a look.

In this world, there are movements, almost every time is a great threat and danger. Even if there is a Wudi sitting in the town, if you are not careful, the **** will die.

"Can you tell the number?" Chen Qiao even sighed.

"Four, it seems that there are footsteps, maybe humans?" Wen Huai frowned and carefully distinguished.

Didn't let them wait for a long time, soon in the bones on the left side of the boulevard, smashed a piece of bone powder, and the four shadows rushed in and rushed toward the right side of the avenue.

But as soon as it landed, the people saw the joint team of the two big gangs, and immediately made a scorn.


"It is Pang Yuanjun of Qinglutan!" Wen Huai recognized one of the people at the first time.

"Wen brother!?" Pang Yuanjun came to see people, suddenly overjoyed, and quickly shouted. "Wen brothers please save me!!"

The other three people also stopped and saw that the two gangs were leading the team, and their hearts were in vain.

But then they are more delighted, so many masters here, can definitely block the madman behind him!

Wen Huai chuckled: "Pang brothers don't come innocent, rest assured, no matter what is behind you, you come over, I will wait for you to be safe."

He is far more powerful than Pang Yuanjun and others, but Chen Qiao is a master. The two big gangs join forces, but the secret is quietly on the bar.

If you can pull in the four Wu Emperors to join, it is also a great help to his gang forces.

Wen Huai has this emboldened spirit, not only because he has the strength of Wu Emperor, but also because the team is sitting in a real Wudi.

Sure enough, he said that Pang Yuanjun was very happy and quickly moved closer.

On the way, they can be described as hardships, from the beginning of the huge moth, to the giant zombies behind, poisonous black wind, psychedelic hive and so on.

They used almost all the means that they could think of using them on the way, and ignited all kinds of troubles in the gray world to stop the person behind them.

But the horror is that the person can barely block for a while at the beginning, and when it comes to the back, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the time interval between blocking is getting smaller and smaller.

For several days, they were exhausted, their diet was running out, and the person behind them was getting closer.

At this moment, they were lucky enough to meet Wen Huai.

"Do not worry, I am waiting for a special trip to Liu Fei's predecessor! Without any surprise, the seniors should be coming back soon. Before he went out alone, he collected the materials in the vicinity and did not return." Wen Huai smiled.

When I heard the name of Wu Di Liu Fei, Pang Yuanjun and the four were slightly settled.

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