Way of the Devil

Chapter 775: Get together

Although there are already two major emperors sitting in the town, but a few people still have some anxiety, especially the sand king, he used various means to secrete the monster disaster in the gray world, want to kill the road behind, no one is more than him Be clear, how powerful are the things that you are motivated.

Even when he heard that Emperor Wu was in the town, his heart was still uneasy.

"I don't think we should stay in one place for too long," he whispered.

"His sand king, I don't know what kind of master is killing you, etc. What is the name of the rivers and lakes?" Chen Qiao asked in a voice.

The four people were uneasy and made him feel faint. I’ve heard the reputation of Pang Yuanjun’s four people before, thinking it’s a rising star, but now it’s like this.

There are two of them sitting on the top of the Emperor Wu, and the Emperor Liu Fei's predecessors. If there are people in the world who can overcome their strength, it is really a fantasy.

Such strength is at the side of the body, actually still so timid and shrinking, it seems that several have not seen the world of the country.

"Do not worry, no matter who he is, as long as he dares to come, then let him have nothing to return." Wen Huaifeng lightly swaying iron fan, with a touch of smile.

Hey! !

Suddenly, the right side of the bone pile exploded, and a large piece of gray bone powder, a tall and strong figure slowly walked towards everyone.

The whole team suddenly became stiff and quickly entered the state of alert.

Wen Huan Chen Qiao even stared at the bone powder at the same time, the two people in the distance faintly saw the figure paused, and his sight first fell on the Pang Yuanjun four people, then seemed to notice this side, slowly moved over, looking Yourself.

Wen Huai chuckled and was about to speak.


Suddenly a hot wind swayed from the side of the person, as if the wind elves were surrounded by love, and there was a steady flow of air around the person.


Another hot and slightly hot warm wind blows from the direction of the man. Instantly blow away the surrounding bone powder. Looking from afar, the air around the man seemed to be twisting, as if the flame was equally distorted by the transparent air above the flame.

The calmness of Wen Huai’s face gradually disappeared, and instead he became more and more dignified and horrified.

"This is the Wudi oven!!??"

"Is there still no despair?" Lu Sheng’s voice came from far away. "Give up, no matter where you flee, you can't escape the filial piety of your son!"

"Do you want me to kill all your companions, interrupt your whole body bones, and you will be willing to go home with me?" Lu Sheng had some cold and cruel words, so that Wen Huai and others were even more terrified.

The bone powder drifted around with the wind, and the airflow was almost hot, but the coldness and shadow of Pang Yuanjun's heart spread like ink dripping into the water.

He suddenly understood the idea of ​​Lu Sheng.

The other party has long been able to catch up with him, but he has been hanging so much, just to make him completely desperate.

Let him keep trying his best, until there is no other way, he can only go back with him. Give up everything and go home.

When he thought of it, he trembled.

If it weren't for this guy, he should now be successfully killing the feast after the Fengjiazhuang, instead of fleeing here like a dog at home!

"Ah!!!" The more you want to get angry, Pang Yuanjun screamed, "You have the ability to kill me!!"

Lu Sheng shook his head slightly, and this Pang Yuanjun and Tang Qingqing, a talented and ambitious want to unify the martial arts, another repaired too much, as the red dust.

It is impossible to complete the cause and effect by not using the point.

He pursued all the way, not too slow, on the one hand, he needed more time for the body to improve his strength, on the other hand, as Pang Yuanjun thought, he was completely desperate, and he went back with him.

"This friend, I don't know if there is any misunderstanding between you and Pang brother. I am Wen Huai, a friend of Jianghu, and gave a white mountain iron hand title.

If a friend doesn't give up, why not give it to the next face. Let's sit down and talk about it, lift the misunderstanding, and let the joys of the hands be happy. "Wen Huai brains swiftly turned, but the face was slightly stiff, and he slowly said something."

Lu Sheng glanced at the entire team. He had not eaten anything for a few days. He happened to meet this team. Maybe he could get some food and drink from them and figure out what the environment is.

The only drawback is that if Pang Yuanjun still wants to run, perhaps it may not be possible to have the vacancy to figure this out.

Lu Sheng’s line of sight shifted and fell to Pang Yuanjun.

"I only have one request, let Pang Yuanjun go back with me." He sighed.

Wen Huai's skin was pumped, and he opened his mouth and wanted to talk, but he was suddenly interrupted by the sand king on the side.

"You said that you are the son of Pang brother, there is evidence! Pang brother, as far as I know, has only one only son, and has been left in the Qinglu city altar, named Pang Sicheng."

"I am Pang Sicheng!" Lu Sheng nodded.

"Pang Sicheng is only ten years old this year!" Sha Wang sighed.

"I didn't say I was eleven years old!" Lu Sheng sneered.

A man was stunned and a bit sluggish. Pang Yuanjun couldn’t help it.

"If you really think about it, you can remember the big thing that happened to you when you were seven years old! It is that thing that makes you more and more fat!"

Lu Sheng glimpsed a little, and then quickly found out all the big things that happened at the age of seven.

After a moment, he browed slightly.

"At the age of seven, nothing happened!"

Pang Yuanjun was swindling him. At this time, he heard the words and suddenly he was panicked.

This is not really thinking of that kid? ? ?

He always felt that he seemed to find something unspeakable.

"Then, can you still remember that you went out to take a bath last year, what happened?" Under the hesitation, Pang Yuanjun asked again tentatively.

Lu Sheng remembers this.

"Of course, I was already very fat at the time. I was not careful. I couldn’t move out of the bucket when I took a shower. From then on, I have to help people in the back."

After listening to this answer, Pang Yuanjun suddenly suffered a lightning strike.

This person, actually, is his fat son Pang Sicheng who doesn't learn anything? ?

The rest of the onlookers also understood this. This person is afraid that he is really the son of Pang Yuanjun. He just did not know what caused it, and his image changed greatly.

Originally, Pang Yuanjun always thought that it was a neurosis, and suddenly came out to find himself trouble, but now it is true that he is a son. His mind is a little bit alive.

"If you really think about it, I am not thin to you since I was a child. If you really want to reward me, if you can help me get the harvest in this gray world, then you will chase after me all the bad things, I can not I care about you."

When Pang Yuanjun was determined to be his own son, he knew that the other party would not really wait to kill himself, and his heart quickly relaxed. Instead, I began to think about how to use this ‘son’ powerful force to get enough benefits in the gray world.

Lu Sheng slightly feels weird. Before this, Pang Yuanjun was afraid that he was afraid of death. Now he actually relaxes.

"I can really help you, but that is only to harm you." Lu Sheng sighed, "The fame and fortune are empty, and you still follow me."

"I don't go! There is a kind of you who killed me!" Pang Yuanjun sneered.

"Then you will die!!" The voice just fell, Lu Sheng's figure suddenly disappeared in place, a violent heat flow accompanied him at high speed.

Almost for a moment, Pang Yuanjun felt that he was falling from the icy gray world, as if he had fallen into the hot, hot summer desert.

The skin is like a layer of hot grit on the skin, and you can't get rid of it.

He wants to breathe loudly, but the air that is inhaled is hot, and the lungs are faintly burning.

"Save!!" The cry for help only came out with a word. Pang Yuanjun felt that his collar was smashed, and his chest and abdomen were hit by a strong hammer. The strength of the whole body was loosened.

Wen Huai and other emperors at the same time shot, a few Thunder like tricks from several directions at the same time hit Lu Sheng.

At this time, Lu Sheng had already taken Pang Yuanjun’s collar and removed the power of his body.

There were several killings around him. He was in danger, sneer, and the left arm swept a circle. The arm was automatically raised with muscles of different sizes, aiming at the number of strokes.

Hey! !

In a series of rushing crashes, Wen Huai’s first complexion turned red, and her mouth vomited blood, stepping back a few steps. After that, Chen Qiao and Sha Wang and other three people, all of them splashed with blood, all of which were hit hard in an instant.

The five people were all looking blank. Before they could say a few more words, they saw that Lu Sheng took the person to relax and jumped out, and then jumped out of the height of seven or eight meters and leaped away in the distance.

At this moment, a gray illusion rose from the distance and straight into the palm of the road.

"Two instruments are empty!!"

This palm is very quick, but the closer it is to the road, the slower it is.

Slowness only seems to be slow, but in fact an invisible force pulls the surrounding air, so that Lu Sheng is inevitable, and is pulled by a whirlpool of traction, unable to dodge.

In a hurry, his left palm erected and a frontal punch was punched out.

Hey! !

At the same time, the two men flew out at the same time. Lu Sheng took a cold sigh and turned his head and continued to plunder.

Another gray shadow quickly landed, and it was a short old man, but the old man was watching the palm print on his chest.

"I clearly blocked it," he murmured, suddenly overflowing with a trace of blood in his mouth.


"Liu Fei senior!!"

Wen Huai’s group of people suddenly became shocked and quickly rushed to help the old man.

Lu Sheng took Pang Yuanjun and returned all the way to the original road. Pang Yuanjun did not say a word in his hand, but his face was extremely ugly.

"If you really think about it, why do you do this, you know that you can do this kind of behavior, you can be called a big rebellion?!" After a while, Pang Yuanjun was stern.

Lu Sheng is too lazy to care for him. Since the person has already caught his hand, he will return to Qingcheng in the first time and let him and Tang Qingqing gather together.

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