Way of the Devil

Chapter 802: Jintsuji

Sitting on the edge of the Magma River, Lu Sheng was the first time to focus his attention on other places.

He picked up the martial arts robe and looked up and down.

Soon he found some mystery on this robe.

Each scale of the robe is covered with countless fine patterns. These runes are not far apart, and a red crystal resembling gravel is embedded in it.

It can be seen that this is an extremely perfect nested unloading force method.

It is able to spread the external force through the layered scales, then pour into the crystal and release it completely, thus weakening the offensive.

"Just, there are too many patterns and crystals on this side." Lu Sheng is the first time to see the powerful equipment of the virtual level.

But to his surprise, there are tens of millions of light-scale scales on this robes, and each scale is all tiny and numerous patterns and crystals like viruses.

The scales were already too small to be seen. The formations and crystals on the scales are even more powerful and perceptive, and they barely see the mystery of the upper side.

"It's no wonder that it can't be copied. It can only be rough processed with natural materials. Even if it can be produced, it takes too much time and effort." Lu Sheng put down his robes.

"My strength has reached an extremely large level. It is very difficult for this level to be greatly improved in a short period of time. But it is not impossible."

"The actual combat is divided into two parts: the martial arts melee and the magical technique. My melee ability has reached the limit, but the magical technique has a lot of potential to tap."

Lu Sheng is very clear, he has always been relying on talent to eat, the fight has always been to go to the hard bar, the tricks are turned over and over are the killing of the stars, Shenwei or the instant fist.

These are actually martial arts melee categories.

He has always been used to assist.

But he is very clear that his body contains unimaginable power. Such power, in many cases, even he himself feels horrible and shocked.

Especially the world of the heart that has been idle.

The strongest cuddling of the demon, the devil, was actually used by him as a common technique for cleaning the cannon fodder.

This time, he is going to dig out his powerful magical skills. And how to use it, he already has a draft in his heart.

With a heartbeat, Lu Sheng slowly filled a black ripple, and the original red and yellow ground did not know when it had been dyed black.

A lot of black is slowly swaying like a thick lake.


Suddenly a subtle stream of water bubbles, a huge foot with a black crane head more than ten meters long, slowly floating in front of Lu Sheng.

The black crane did not fully emerge, just showing a head and two scarlet eyes.

This is a thousand gods. When Lu Sheng feels that the spirit of reincarnation is thorough, the spirit of the soul is a powerful form.

In fact, the giant crane is the soul of his god, the soul is a thousand gods, but it is a different form.

"The giant crane and the thousand gods have the most perfect and powerful flesh, and they are also extremely resistant to all aspects of energy. Compared to my actual combat magical powers, the power is definitely stronger.

If I can release the magical spells in the form of a thousand gods, then the power will definitely reach an unimaginable level. ”

As for the magical powers, Lu Sheng also chose the same one that is very suitable for the thousand gods.

It is not difficult for him to screen out a technique from his many times. It is difficult for him to choose the best one for the thousand gods.

Lu Sheng’s heart moved, and the whole person slowly sinked and sank into the black lake.

Soon the black crane and the thousand gods slowly followed the sink into the Black Lake.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes in the darkness of the surrounding darkness. He decided to deduct a technique and grow to this extent. He could not always rely on the deep blue, and must have his own sentiments and parts.

"The resistance of the thousand gods is the same as the resistance of my body, so what we really need to do is to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses, and to develop strengths, that is, to take advantage of water, fire, poison, and enhance the resistance of other sources of energy."

Lu Sheng’s mind is spinning fast, and a large amount of martial arts magical knowledge is constantly sifting through his heart.

A vague silhouette of the supernatural power is gradually formed.

This black lake is actually the body of the thousand gods.

Thousand gods are the spirit of the reincarnation of the soul, but once turned into a thousand gods, it is no longer the soul of the soul, but through a special reincarnation, transformed into a semi-solid form.

Lu Sheng is equal to one thousand and one.

"With all my feelings."

"With my life martial arts!"

"With my wisdom!"

"With my invincible qualification!!" Lu Sheng opened his arms, his emotions stirred, and he felt a sense of time, and suddenly appeared a lot of dark gold silk.

These silks flew out and began to spread in the Black Lake.

In a short period of time, the dark gold thread completely occupied the huge body of the whole thousand gods.

"Get started!! The tide of anger!!"

Suddenly, with the road win as the center, in the entire dark space, a layer of dark gold ripples suddenly swayed.

The ripples of a circle are getting brighter and brighter, more and more dense, and they are quickly connected into one piece, completely forming a round of dark gold discs.

Crazy flashes on the disc show all the rune gods that countless road wins.

After a large number of sacred runes flashed for a while, they began to shrink rapidly, condensing a delicate black sword with slender black and slenderness.


Lu Sheng blinked and looked at the long sword in front of himself.

The blade is black and black with black energy. The hilt is a sharp black cockroach, and there are just two sharp cockroaches on one left and one right.

Numerous fine ant-like rune symbols circulate around the hilt, sparkling with lavender fluorescence.

"This is" Lu Sheng reached out and tried to catch the sword.

boom! !

In an instant, the long sword exploded, and a large amount of black current mixed with purple light spots splashed around. The huge impact force caused him to change his face, and quickly withdrew hundreds of meters.

Fortunately, the dark space is extremely large, and the thousand gods as a huge existence that can destroy a planet, the volume is also extremely large.

At the beginning, there were already thousands of meters, and now it has expanded to several kilometers. There is plenty of room inside to digest this explosion.

"Failed?" Lu Sheng returned to the previous position and perceive the traces of energy explosion left before.

"Sure enough, the simple and rude construction, the supernatural power structure obtained is extremely unstable. And a lot of energy is wasted on the conflict of conflicts, and there is no way to exert the maximum power.

A proper energy architecture system is required to fully exert the strongest power. ”

"So, what is the energy architecture I need?"

Lu Sheng closed his eyes again

Time passed by, and gradually, the black mist began to condense on him.

The black fog is getting thicker and thicker, and it is getting more and more dense.

It was a pair of black, purple-colored armor. The helmet and shoulders had spikes that bent upward like horns. The visor was like a straight strip of hard metal.

Two sharp metal pieces, like a collar, protrude from the sides of the neck. These two metals are much higher than the head, and the edges have an ancient and mysterious complex **** pattern.

The most surprising thing is that his left arm is turned into three giant wolf heads, and the wolf's neck is connected together, just in line with Lu Sheng's arm.

The right arm is turned into a twisted black dragon beast, and the tail of the dragon beast is connected to Lu Sheng's arm.


Under a crisp sound, Lu Sheng slowly opened a pair of black wings full of metal feathers, which is the huge wings of the black crane.

"It’s fast, I feel it."

Lu Sheng closed his eyes, and the soul of the soul faintly washed away some kind of initial impulse.

It is more primitive than the desire to survive, from the depths of countless reins, hidden original desires


A burst of black bubbles rose from his feet.

Lu Sheng's entire body slowly rises and rises. His legs don't know when it has disappeared. Instead, he is replaced by a thick and strong giant tail!

The giant tail swayed gently, and his whole person opened his wings, and a large amount of black energy flow quickly gathered in front of him.

At the same time, a group of gray chaotic light **** slowly condensed in front of Lu Sheng.

Three wolf heads opened their mouths and spit out a cold blue cold stream, rushing into the ball of light. The dragon beast of the right arm also spurted a burst of purple black flame into it. It seems as if the balance is stable.

The light ball trembles slowly, getting bigger and bigger, and getting more and more unstable.

At the same time, Lu Sheng's rough and hard scales began to feel some kind of huge energy quiver.

Flames, cold currents, and a host of other kinds of powerful energy are mixed together in a strange proportion to form a cluster of gray watermelon-sized spheres.

"This is this!" Lu Sheng knows that what he wants is finally achieved. There are so many magical techniques, but only the gray chaotic ball can really play its full power.

In order to condense the gray ball of this group, he must transform his own body into the form that can best exert the magical technique, which is the strange and terrifying form of horror.

If the previous three-sided multi-arm form is the most suitable state of melee, then his current state is the most suitable state of magic.

In this state, all the magical powers can play more than two hundred percent of the power, and the final gray sphere, only this form can be condensed.

As for the gray ball of the group, although it is just a small group that has just been condensed, the attribute of it is extremely terrifying to return to the original and destroy all structures.

It is necessary to know the form of any biological thing, which is the result of nature after the evolution of countless years. When it returns to the original, it is to degenerate life into an organ, the organ degenerates into a tissue, the tissue degenerates into a flesh and blood cell, and the cell degenerates into various A more subtle source of life until it is completely degraded into the most basic constituent elements.

This is the ultimate method of Lu Sheng’s strongest talent through the virtual world, the world of the heart, and the performance.

Through numerous ways, such as hallucinations, hypnosis, energy induction, energy shocks, etc., the cohesion of all cells in the other's body is disintegrated.

It can be said that while seeing this chaotic gray sphere, the attack has already begun.

Because vision itself is also a means of attack.

"The opposite of evolution is degradation." Lu Sheng looks at the gray sphere in front of him. "Evolution and degradation, the two are the ultimate ring for all life."

"Evolution is getting, degradation is giving up."

"Evolution is cohesion, and degradation is separation."

"If this is the case, then you will call the original light. Return to the light of all origins!"

Lu Sheng’s right arm’s dragon beast screamed and bite into the gray ball.

The gray ball suddenly brightened in the mouth of the dragon.

boom! ! !

A gray-black light column blasted out of the dragon's mouth and shot at a very distant place in the darkness.

The light column breaks through the Black Lake, penetrates the rock wall of the underground cavern, and shoots deep into the starry sky.

Everything was completely shattered and turned into countless particles that were invisible to the naked eye.

At the beginning, there was no difference between energy and matter in the world.

Some are only chaotic.

In the deepest part of the circular hollow, Lu Sheng looked up to the bright starry sky outside, suddenly realized in his heart.


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