Way of the Devil

Chapter 803: Unexpected change

Evolution and degeneration, these two abilities are almost produced by the sacred martial arts practiced by Lu Sheng.

At the beginning of the predecessor of the thousand gods, the unreliable fertilizer practice, the core is to let the surrounding creatures freely evolve, enhance and prosper.

Although there are certain restrictions, it is also a powerful method of arrogance, at least in terms of cultivation.

Later, after he was modified from the unconventional ordinary virtual practice, it became a practical practice. Until now, Lu Sheng has finally realized the power of this partial practice.

"Degenerate everything, even the soil and rock can be completely degraded and destroyed. Although the attack range is narrow, but the power is very large. The range is about 100,000 kilometers. This is the strongest distance after my full force broke out."

Lu Sheng regained his sight, and he probably calculated the timing, skill, and power of the magical power.

After confirming everything, he began to slow down the physical form and quickly restore the original human form.

"I have to find an opportunity to test the specific power of this magical power. But now I have to go out and see, maybe it is time to transfer."

Lu Sheng paused, and a finger shot in front of him, a little yellow light shot, quickly condensed into a clear ice mirror.

The face of Li Shunxi slowly emerged on the ice mirror.

"Boss, you finally got in touch! Yuan Zongzhu has already determined the world of specific migration. I have been waiting for a long time. Do you think we are following the past, or are we looking for one independently?!" Li Shunxi was anxiously anxious.

“How long has it been in the past?”

"It has been more than three months since you closed the retreat!" Li Shunxi quickly said.

"Three months!?" Lu Sheng was also surprised. He now only realized that creating a common magical power, actually took more than three months.

The key is that he did not feel any passage of time in the underground.

"Well, I will come back to set the destination right away. The world coordinates set by Yuan Zongzhu sent me over."


The ice mirror was broken, and Lu Sheng quickly got up. Since Shentong had already been established, he should immediately start preparing for this great disaster.

The conflict between the Protoss and the Ancient Beast is very likely to turn into a massive storm of destruction, leading to the complete death of this star field.

So in order to prevent this from happening, Lu Sheng knows that he must find a small world in reserve.

Soon Li Shunxi passed the world coordinates and communicated through a special ice mirror.

Lu Sheng probably looked at it and found it to be a small world very close to the demon world. I also agreed to let everyone follow along with Qingzong to migrate into this small world.

There are so many preparations for large migrations, and there are too many places to be tested. It is necessary to test the physical laws of the world, the laws of energy, the basic laws, and the specific effects of time on living things.

After entering the world, what planets are selected, and there are no problems and side effects in any environmental life. These steps are very many. Qingzong is obviously ready, and a large number of elites have entered the small world for testing.

On this basis, a large number of experimental case summaries are given, which is much more convenient than testing one person.

Half a month later, the migration began formally.

All the planets under the Qing Dynasty have a light blue fluorescent light on the surface of the stars. All the fluorescence is like a lot of little fireflies, and the flashing light is bright and dark.

These light spots, each of which is a huge arched portal with a height of more than ten meters.

A large number of people lined up into the light door, and the surface of the instant star body also lit up countless purple light doors. This is the self-designed transmission array of Lu Sheng personally engraved.

Compared with the sect of the Qing dynasty, although it is not mature enough, the optimization has reached the standard.

After all, the Qingzong sect is not completed by one person, but is the best product that is concentrated by a large number of people.

Setting up the goal world's light door continues to swallow a large number of people.

Lu Sheng and Li Shunxi stood on the sidelines and watched the Supreme Lord continue to practice. From time to time, they will also ask the road to win some questions about the lord.

Lu Sheng naturally knows everything, and recently he has felt that he has touched the edge of the lord, and may soon be breaking through.

He has been stuck in the Lord for too long, and only the body of the road is nourished and fertile. In the case of the quietness of the breath, it can be quietly broken.

But such a breakthrough, in fact, there are also bad places.

In the final analysis, the nourishment ability of the thousand gods is to slowly nourish the land of the road to other creatures.

This nourishment itself is actually distracting the energy of the virtual level that Lu Sheng has cultivated into other organisms.

And this kind of energy has a strong personal imprint, and can even be recovered by Lu Sheng at any time. So this breakthrough is actually the evolution of the illusory nature.

This is the core principle that Lu Sheng really realized after he recently completed the original light.

Li Shunxi looked at the tall Guangmen, and his face involuntarily revealed a hint of worry.

"Boss, have you entered the opposite world? How is the situation there?"

Lu Sheng nodded slightly.

"I have divided the flesh and blood, and shaped the child into it. The opposite is the endless ordinary space. The transmission point is a broken comet belt, which is convenient for Qingzong and our respective temporary residences."

"In terms of rules, most of them are the same as this one, and only the law of flames is extremely suppressed."

"So, is there a low temperature world?" Li Shunxi thought thoughtfully.

"Almost, there is nothing to worry about. Qingzong has energy conversion devices, which can use the array method to convert heat energy, build a life nest, and transform the natural environment of the planet." Lu Sheng replied. “It’s not these that we’re worried about now. How long does it take for a specific migration to complete?”

Li Shunxi counted the time, and quickly looked around to see the progress.

"It will take about one month and four days."

"One month is enough." Lu Sheng nodded slightly.

Once the other worlds are transformed, because the laws of physics are different from the laws of energy, he has to recalculate the data of the method of landing, and it takes a long time to reconstruct the array, and it is relatively troublesome to think about it quickly.

So he intends to come back once again when he leaves the Devil World.

If you don't go to the high-energy world for a month, you can go to the world with a huge time difference and you can harvest another wave of soul power.

"In addition, let the class come to see me." Finally, one sentence, Lu Sheng turned and flew in the distance, turned into a yellow light to the instant star king palace.

Li Shunxi turned back and looked at the road winner who left, and he sighed.

Since he came to the instant movie star, in addition to collecting a little information every day, most of the time has passed the peaceful and peaceful ordinary life.

Not long ago, he met a girl who went out to travel together. The girl was very beautiful, and he was very happy to talk to him. The two men’s feelings leaped forward, almost to the time of marriage.

Suddenly, I came to this matter and completely interrupted his plan.

"I hope everything goes well." The heart flashed a thought. Li Shunxi carefully sensed the evil jade in the body. Without any indication, this was a little relieved.

The foretaste of evil jade is that the more powerful the object is, the easier it is to predict.

Because the more powerful the existence, the impact of every move can be too great. On the contrary, the more ordinary things are, the harder it is.

This is also the key to his ability to rely on evil jade to avoid the mother of pain. But now, there is no change in the jade jade, maybe this migration will be very safe.

In the Star Palace, Lu Sheng was sitting alone in the empty hall, under the huge white crystal throne, and his hand was carefully flipping the booklet that had just come from the red fog.

The second page of the booklet clearly reads: Vigilance is weird.

However, if it is in a dimly lit place, it will automatically be converted into another book, and the content displayed above is completely different.

"This book should be more than just a record book, there should be other uses."

Flipping the blank page above, Lu Sheng thought about it, suddenly extended his index finger and gently clicked on the book.


A layer of gray-black light film spreads out from under the fingertips and spreads quickly over the entire book.

After a while, the booklet was completely covered by a black light film, and the surface slowly appeared a clear and complicated handwriting symbol, which was also mixed with a lot of weird patterns.

Lu Sheng carefully looked through a page, before in the dead world, he had not had time to look carefully, but now there is time to flip.

He did not know the symbolic rune above. However, the pattern can be seen.

The entire booklet has a total of ten pages. Except for the cover, the second page is a purely written symbol. I don't know. The third page, the sixth page, and the ninth page each have a pattern that does not know what effect.

The pattern on the third page is like a certain kind of flying ship. It looks very rough. The back of the diamond has a lot of sludge-like things falling down.

The patterns on the sixth and ninth pages are two strange monsters.

Lu Sheng opened the ship and looked at the monster on the sixth page.

It was a huge creature that seemed to have no specific shape of gas. He has a human face, and his body is deep in the middle of a large cloud, as if he is part of the cloud.

There is a line of handwriting below, but Lu Sheng does not know the meaning, but fortunately he quickly found a small number of Eritrean words from the line of the line.

"Encilion?" He slowly recited the name.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the remains of the red fog should be the remains of the last universe. As for the monsters on this picture, it is very likely to be an extremely powerful monster in the universe."

"So far, I have never encountered the extremely powerful weirdness. If there is a weirdness in the strength of the virtual level, and this weirdness can move around, it is not far from the end of the world." Lu Sheng’s heart suddenly flashed this thought, and then he was shocked by himself.

Isn't that what I said?

His heart feels a bit weird.

"First of all, let's take this time, let's go down and say it again! Wait until the universe is changed, the starting point is different, and if you want to come, you have to re-adjust it for a long time."

Putting down the book, Lu Sheng got up and walked to the left, and soon walked out of the palace, through the corridor passage, and went to the test area.

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