Way of the Devil

Chapter 900: Birth two

The three-headed red ridge wolf, the finished glyph will surround Lu Sheng.

"Green roe, this is not your territory, get out!" A red-winged wolf, the leader, screamed.

Although their language will vary from group to group, the whole is common.

Lu Sheng only learned this foreign language from the mouth of Lanxi River Enru in just three days, which is not difficult for him to be a student.

Under the paws of Lu Sheng, he was holding a silver-backed **** that was struggling, standing on a tree squat in the middle, looking around, his eyes were light.

"This forest does not belong to any bird, let alone the weak, without the right to speak."

He bowed his head and slammed the silver back, and then swallowed it up.

"A green roe in the district! Kill it!!" Three red-billed wolf-billed birds fluttered their wings toward Lu Sheng.

However, Lu Sheng only gently evades the left and right, and easily avoids the culling of three birds. Accurately grab the tail of one of the birds and squat on the trunk.

Hey! !

A red ridge wolf's mouth suddenly fainted.

The other two were even more mad, and continued to win the road.

Lu Sheng's current size is just the size of the palm, and they are almost the same, two to one, even if the green birds are fast, they also have great advantages.

Again and again, Lu Sheng can easily avoid it every time, without any difficulty.

After several consecutive times, Lu Sheng observed all of their tactics, and had no patience. Just grab one, and all the stuns on the trunk.

After doing all this, Lu Sheng turned and flew away in the distance.

When I came to this world these days, he already understood what it was.

Here the giant trees are towering, the aura is full of words, all kinds of rare birds and animals are everywhere, even in the forest, he also saw the sacred unicorn flashing from the top of the head.

The feeling given to him here is somewhat like the ancient world of fairy tales in his heyday.

"I hope that the world line is here, can give me some clues."

This is better. The body that he came to, because he is too young, the only cause and effect is to break the shell and eat.

He has done it, and eating it is not difficult for him.

After eating some fruit outside, it was already afternoon when Lu Sheng flew back.

Lanxi and Enruo are still incubating bird eggs in the nest. The rest of the nest eggs have not yet hatched, only the road wins one because the soil nourishment comes out in advance.

"I am back." Lu Sheng said hello.

"Is it full today?" asked Lanxi.

"Fortunately, but I flew a little farther. I met the nearby Red Ridge Wolf-billed bird. The three little guys were not sensible. I was repaired by a meal. I should not dare to come back later." Lu Sheng simply said .

"You have to be careful. Recently, the stone jade fox has noticed you. These ethnic groups are my natural enemies. They are born with special forces that slow down our speed." En Ruo couldn't help but worry about Lu Sheng, pick it up.

"I understand." Lu Sheng nodded.

Recently, his strength, under the nourishment of the earth's atmosphere, has reached a huge height, which is extremely terrifying to the strength of the two hundred pounds of the young adult.

He went back to the tree hole, which he dug himself the day before yesterday. He didn't like to huddle with the couple, but he used his claws to dig a tree hole.

In the hole, Lu Sheng slowly rested on the muscles of his body.

"It's time to practice a practice that enhances oneself. The basic rules of the world are also roughly clarified. It is much more aura than the similar world that passed before. It is an upgraded version of the world of Xianxia."

Lu Sheng still has some experience with this kind of aura.

Looking through the memory for a while, he quickly found a set of holy master-level exercises that did not know when to enter.

With the qi and blood spirits in the gas phase, each other is the yin and yang surface, which can enhance the physical strength very quickly.

Qi and blood stimulate the strength of the body, while the aura grows the potential of the soul. The combination of the two is quite perfect.

"The new world does not know what the basic system is. First, he cultivated it. After joining the system here, he will merge and deduct it." After Lu Sheng determined the practice, he quietly ran blood in the tree hole and absorbed the outside spirit. stand up.

The blood and blood operation, in fact, the effect is not much stronger than the exercise. For many people, it is better to carry the blood for ten times.

But the biggest benefit of qi and blood operation is that it can enhance the internal organs.

The so-called in-house training, outside the practice of bones and skins, is what this means.

This kind of advantage, for Lu Sheng, after running his practice method, it is ten times and a hundred times the magnification effect.

After more than half a month, after he started practicing, his body shape expanded further.

Because of the advantages of the quality of the land, the realm does not have to worry, plus the aura here is terrible.

The previous tree hole could not meet his needs at this time.

Originally, he had a big green bird, and he had grown to the size of the washbasin. Lanxi and Enruo were shocked and terrified at first, and gradually became numb to the back.

Looking at the road, the longer and bigger, the more they grew up, they gradually began to doubt whether they had eaten any treasures of heaven and earth and did not find it. The nutrition was passed on to Lu Sheng.

If it is not the appearance of Lu Sheng, the appearance of the most standard green bird, they may all begin to wonder if the other party is their own.

The appearance of the green **** looks like the magnified magnifying glass, but the color is blue and the eyes are light blue.

Time passed by, and soon Lu Sheng began to try to expand beyond the perimeter.

He needs to get in touch with the civilized system here. Only a large-scale civilized system can find the black giant tree he wants to find and the eye of sin.

These two are the key to his finding a relative.

The flying speed of the green **** is very fast. It can be shuttled thousands of miles in one day, but it is centered on the nest. The surrounding area is thousands of miles away. It is all towering giant wood, and there is no visible smoke.

In desperation, he had to go to the Blue Creek couple who had a lot of knowledge and lived in their 100s.

“Is there a large-scale group that can communicate with the outside world and speak?” Blue Creek is different. "I really know this. There is a giant wood in the west. There are ten Jinwu, the gods who are on fire. It is rumored that they are the people who often communicate with the outside world."

"Jin Wu??" Lu Sheng suddenly suddenly, he seems to have some understanding where he went.

Is this not a mythical world? ?

"Yes, there are also places that are said to be farther away. There are tribal groups called people. They are divided into several camps and often wage wars." En Ru added,

"I have been to a place before, where we call such a wise bird and beast as a demon. It is said that there are powerful saint beasts and beasts to form a group, and a demon court is established! There is also a demon emperor called the Emperor!" Lanxi shook his head Road.

"Think about it, it is really amazing! We are like this, at most, it is a little demon, like the nearby beast Suzaku, may be able to count a character in it." He was exposed to the color.

"The beast and the Suzaku? Is there such a presence nearby?"

"Yes, speaking, our ancestors also had a trace of Suzaku's blood, but it was only in our generation. We don't know how much we are weak. Only the spiritual eyes are barely used." En Ruo explained with a smile.

"Is it?" Lu Sheng thought of a trace of blood impurities that he had accidentally discovered before, and it seemed to be hot, and he was directly expelled as an impurity. Is it the so-called Suzaku blood? ?

"How powerful is Suzaku?" he asked again.

"I don't know if it is strong and strong anyway." This is not very clear about the two green birds.

Lu Sheng asked again and couldn't ask anything.

The next day, in the early morning, Lu Sheng first went out for a circle, filled his stomach, and then went to the white hill where the largest ethnic group, the stone jade fox, was located.

Between the rolling white hills.

Lu Sheng gently shakes his wings and landed in front of the largest hill.

He has stood up straight at this time and can be taller. The original blue-eyed eye of the green roe was revealed at this time, but it gave people an inexplicable alienation and power.

On the hillside, there is a white stone gate with two tall people. The stone gate is half open, and a white fox with a height of half a person climbs out slowly from the door.

The fox's eyes also illuminate the green faint fluorescence, giving a sinister fox.

At the same time, the surrounding hills are also lit up with a pair of double green fox eyes. All eyes are all staring at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng looked around and looked calm.

"Come out and speak." He went out directly. Although the sound is a bird's scream, he knows that these foxes can understand.

During this time, he preyed everywhere, and he did not encounter these foxes. It was only the first positive contact.

A group of foxes have long seen the ever-grown green snails win, and at first they may have thought of attacking the road to prey, but after the road is getting bigger and bigger, they are mostly give up.

Only then, Lu Sheng suddenly came to their doorstep and didn't know what to do.

Soon, a white-haired fox with a nine-tailed tail slowly climbed out of the hills.

"The body of the Qingyuan, the owner of the Fox Hill, dare to ask the son of the road to come, what is the matter?" The fox is a pure female voice, and it is soft and tender.

Lu Sheng blinked and the other person actually knew his name.

"Nine-tailed fox? Call me a son, it seems that you have had contact with humans?"

Nine-tailed fox smiled.

"It is true. Thirty years ago, I worked with a sister of the same family and served a great witch among the people."

"Served the great witch?" Lu Sheng’s heart suddenly became clear, and this is really true.

"So, I want to make a deal with your family." He sang.

"Transaction? It depends on whether you have this qualification?"

Suddenly a wind rushed from behind Lu Sheng, and at the same time a sticky field shrouded him, as if to hinder all his actions.

Almost at the same time, more than a dozen foxes were flying around in the blink of an eye, and lightning rushed to Lu Sheng. More than a dozen strands of sluggish power have piled up on him.

Hey! !

In a flash, a little silver cold flashed past.

Lu Sheng lightning stopped, and the right side of the feather like a blade sharply dripped blood.

More than a dozen stone jade foxes fell to the ground, blood splashed, no sound.

"A long time ago, I realized that trading can be done without paying money." Lu Sheng walked slowly to the nine-tailed fox.

"Like this is the case."

The look of the nine-tailed fox has also changed.

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