Way of the Devil

Chapter 901: Strong one

"Interesting" Shi Yu fox Qingyuan paused, his face regained his smile, but on the human face, there was a cruel and cold smile.

"How many years have passed, there has never been a monster, dare to wild in my white hills"

She suddenly rushed forward, and the nine tails quickly expanded and became bigger. The blink of an eye seemed to cover the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters, such as the same big umbrella, covering the road to the past.

At the same time, the air is filled with a faint red mist, which is a special charm of the nine-tailed fox family, which can confuse the chaotic biological mind.

Lu Sheng blinked a little, feeling a huge amount of weird energy with a strong aggressiveness, covering up and down the whole body.

"Is this the demon power in Lanxikou?" He is just an ordinary spirit bird, and there is no demon power. Only the creature that really started to practice can have a demon power. At most, he absorbs some aura. Counting the beast.

Only when the aura is completely transformed into its own power can this be called demon power.

"Although I don't have the power of demon," Lu Sheng stepped forward. The right wing raised a thorn.

Hey! !

The whole demon power is as real in his eyes, like a pale green air curtain. The position on the left side of the center is just the weakest link, and he is a little more precise.

puff! !

The nine tails of the demon power were suddenly in the air and could not move at once.

All the demon powers are like the wind, and the four buildings are scattered all over the place, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"How is it possible?" Qingyuan's big eyes, unbelievable back.

She clearly is a family of demon kings in the Golden Age, dealing with a small guy who has not yet converted the demon power, but it will be broken by the magical power.

It’s not just her, the rest of the foxes around, some foxes that can’t talk, even if they open up the wisdom and refine the foxes of the crossbow, they are incredibly watching this scene.

"The king is careful!!" Suddenly an old fox screamed.

Nine-tailed Fox Qingyuan suddenly woke up and returned to God, but just saw Lu Sheng rushing to himself in front of him.

"Go to death!!" Qingyuan suddenly broke out. Under the horror, Jin Dan continued to scream a lot of demon power, and hundreds of green demons, all turned into poisonous and wind-blade, overwhelmingly falling toward Lu Sheng. .

"Dead!! Hahaha!!" Qingyuan is almost constantly releasing more dirty and windy blades. The golden Daniel period is full of flawless realm, so that she can have a great demon power, a steady stream of continuous Unleash large-scale surgery.

A steady stream of demon powers, a wide range of areas to attack the magic, this is also the strongest point of the Golden Age.

For a time, the entire hilly area around the tens of meters, and even some of the white foxes' own foxes, were also wrapped in dirty and wind blades, cut into pieces of meat, or poisoned to the ground.

Lu Sheng holds his breath, and the body has a hint of aura to protect his body quickly. However, because his current aura is not refining, it is just a common spiritual bird. This kind of defense cannot last.

"Just let you be the place where I came here, the first battle." Lu Sheng took three steps in a row, and the right wing was accompanied by a huge physical force, and a lightning bolted forward.

Avalanche collapses! !

The claws on his wings suddenly broke, and the demon power of the Golden Dan period was his extremely hardened claws, and he could not afford it.

But the seemingly huge wind blade and poisonous scorpion in front of it suddenly solidified in this thorn.

boom! !

As Lu Sheng’s feathers fell a few, the entire demon wind blade collapsed and collapsed.

Among the countless green demon power spots, Lu Sheng flashed past and the left wing flashed past.


A circle of cold light, the Qingyuan had not had time to react, it was broken by a huge force, and the entire head was completely cut.

The red blood fountain splashed out and sprinkled around.

The remaining poisonous cockroaches and wind blades in the air finally dissipated completely. The surrounding foxes have been close enough to prepare for the encirclement. At this time, I saw this scene, and suddenly I was sluggish for a moment, then I was scared and stunned, and fled in all directions.

Only a few foxes screamed with grief and rushed to Lu Sheng.

To deal with Jin Dan's demon Wang Qingyuan, Lu Sheng also needs to use the master-level skills, but to deal with these ordinary demon fox, he is almost a hand.

A few times, there are a few more fox bodies on the ground.

After killing the remnant resistance, there is almost no fox left in the entire white hill. After Lu Sheng waited for all the foxes to escape, he slowly walked to the hills that opened the door.

Entering from the gate, there is a dark tunnel that does not know how deep it is.

Going down the tunnel, Lu Sheng will soon enter an extremely large underground cave.

There is a thick layer of white bone on the ground inside the cave, which looks awkward.

He looked down and carefully distinguished them. These bones are all bones of various animals, and they are layered. From bottom to top, many bones have begun to smash, and some have been covered with green hair. Know how long it has been placed here.

There are many small caves on the wall at the corner of the cave. The entrance has traces of frequent entry and exit.

"It seems that this is the base camp where they live." Lu Sheng found the biggest hole in the hole and walked in.

There is also a small stone door installed inside, and the door is flashing with a light green light.

"There is still a blockade?" Lu Sheng raised his hand, the claws at the end of the wings straightened, and gently stroked a few times along the demon gap in the stone door.

For him, the demon power is like a string of toxic ropes, as for the demon wall, that is, the ropes that are tied together to form a rope wall.

Even if he doesn't have the power to play, he can't face it, but it's easy to untie the rope along the gap.

After a few strokes, the demon power on Shimen suddenly spread and drifted to other places.

Lu Sheng pushes the stone door, which is a pink stone cave like a woman's boudoir, a pink bed, a bed, a reddish stone wall, a pink fluffy carpet on the ground, and some flowers on the wall. The room exudes a touch of floral fragrance and a special body fragrance of a certain female creature.

However, Lu Sheng was not interested in these. His sight fell on the bookcase of the room for the first time.

There is a shelf above the bookcase, and the top is a good book. On the side of the right desk, there is a blank book that seems to be just opened, and a little bit of calligraphy is written on it.

Lu Sheng walked over and reached for a book from the bookcase and opened it freely.

"Speaking of the fox family's charm?" Lu Sheng frowned and looked at it. Although the text is unreasonable on the top, but many of the picture marks, but let him probably see, this is a special exercise to explain how to seduce male creatures.

"It seems that I have to find a literate teacher to teach me the text." Lu Sheng looked at the weird words on the book, and he had plans.

From this day on, he stayed in the White Hill, and the original stone jade fox was all driven away by him, which caused a small sensation in the surrounding forest.

Lanxi and Enruo also specifically asked him if there was any injury. Lu Sheng’s answer made them both gratified and fearful.

However, soon, Lu Sheng came from the forest, and found an old elk with a text to teach the text on his book.

For the general creature, the text may have to be studied for a long time, but for Lu Sheng, he has systematically studied many languages, and he is already familiar with how to learn the language.

It took five days to completely master the language of the word, and learned all the accent of the old elk, and Lu Sheng finally began to officially look at the books and cabinets of the Fox family.

The former Qingyuan is just a small demon king in this forest. It can only be self-protected at the top of the surrounding area. Otherwise, it will not be relocated to these places, and coexist with various small families to compete for food.

A few days later, Lu Sheng sat in the white hole, and looked at the book in a book cabinet.

‘Miao Yuan Xin Jing’

The name of the book has a faint charm style at first glance.

Open a page book, Lu Sheng brows also picked up slightly, a bird frowned, it looks a bit weird.

But this book, or the contents of the entire White Hill Cave ** collection, is to make Lu Sheng can not help but frown.


Lu Sheng threw the book on the table.

"It's all the interpretations of Miaoyuan's heart! It's not a detailed explanation of Miaoyuan's heart, it's the use of related techniques, or other foxes' experience transcripts of the Miaoyuan heart."

Miao Yuan Xin Jing, fox family magic surgery major practice, only after practicing this practice, can have the demon power to run other techniques.

After losing the book, Lu Sheng had no choice but to pick it up again.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. I can only try it on cultivation. After I have passed through the realm, I will re-edit it to see if I can introduce a new practice that suits my own." The world seems to be aura, but for the aura. Use, but with a completely different world view as the core,

"Before the Jindan period of the Qingyuan Fox King, just because the demon power is sparse, although the Jindan period source is constantly demon, but the Golden Age is not a higher Yuan Ying period, the demon power has not undergone qualitative changes, the power is not large, so I can break it with my eyesight and martial arts.

But after all, it hurts the paw. This is the gap between pure power. Even if my realm is higher than that of the little fox, there is no way to make up for this essential gap. ”

Lu Sheng knows that he can't repair it. If he comes to this world, he must focus on the mainstream system here. Otherwise, he will go against the sky and pay a price far beyond the normal way to achieve a small amount of achievement.

This does not meet his needs.

As for finding other ethnic groups, it is more trouble, and it is not necessarily so successful to get the classics.

What he wants is to grow up quickly, and then find the whereabouts of the black giant tree and the eye of sin. Not wasting time here.

"So, let's get started." Lu Sheng quickly browsed through the whole heart.

Throughout the wonderful heart, the only purpose of practicing the demon is the charm. The whole heart has a total of five layers. According to the truth, the highest level can reach the point of charming all ordinary creatures.

The realm of Qingyuan’s practice is the third layer. The third layer of the Miaoyuan heart is the Golden Age.

After the whole heart was turned over, it was filled with all kinds of worships called Jiufu Niangniang. Various attempts were made to persuade the practitioners to believe in Jiufu.

In addition to these confusing religious idioms. The real practice content is only a small and a half.

And five layers, each layer is divided into three small layers, a total of fifteen small realms.

"So, now I am going to practice the first layer of Meiling Tiancheng." Lu Sheng looks dignified and slowly begins to pull in the spirit of the heavens and the earth according to the content of the heart.


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