Way of the Devil

Chapter 912: Suzaku II

"I" Yu Yu is inexplicable, I don't know anything, and naturally I don't understand how to defend.

"There is nothing to say about it now. The Suzaku family is trying to provoke the battle between the heavenly court and the witches. It is a crime and is directly convicted." The demon teacher, Peng Peng, was impatient.

"Not bad. The demon teacher said that although I am not afraid of the group of muscular barbarians, but this time I really do not care. Give up the murderer, give them an explanation, it is a matter of course." Demon ghost car slowly whisper .

He and Kun Peng have always been a camp to advance and retreat.

"It makes sense."

“The Suzaku family is timid and should indeed accept punishment.”

"These things are so bad that the Suzaku family is sinister."

The surrounding demon gods have long enjoyed the lazy life and did not want to fight the witches. The Suzaku family suddenly took the trouble to pick things up, plus it was just an ordinary musician group, and it was not in their eyes.

The rain screamed and listened to the more and more complex colors.

If she only feared at first, then now is the real anger, and unwilling.

Trying to distinguish a few sentences, but the words of the surrounding demon gods are more and more difficult to hear, and the Suzaku family is indeed conclusive, there is no way to argue.

In the end, it’s okay to make a speech and let the demon gods give a face and let go of the rain.

As a result, the Suzaku family had to pay for the inheritance treasures that their ethnic groups had preserved from ancient times to today.

Eliminate this innocent disaster.

When I walked out of the main hall square, the whole person was shaking, and it was purely shivering.

In the family, the secret treasure Nanming was surrendered from the fire sword, and it was still inexplicably accused of being framed. This is, in her opinion, a shameful shame.

The situation is stronger than the people. This is already the best result. If it is not for the help of the emperor and the emperor, I am afraid that the Suzaku family may be handed over to the witches.

The entire Suzaku family is now dozens of heads, and can't afford to toss.

Leaving the main hall square, Yu Yu quickly returned to Suzaku Palace. In any case, since she said that they did not do what they did, then the emperor personally handed them over to them to find out the real murderer.

Because the person uses the Suzaku Shenhuo, so the same as the controller of the Suzaku Shenhuo, Yuzu and other Suzaku bodies will be able to find clues as quickly as possible.

In a short time, the Suzaku family rained and hurriedly left the heavens with a confidant, and flew away in the direction of the extinct Mt.



After nine days.

White hills.

Lu Sheng is carefully giving his parents Lan Xi and En Ruo conditioning, scenting the Suzaku flame.

In his attempt, he discovered that as long as the flame is not too close, the heat generated has a warming effect on the soul of the creature.

So when I’m idle for a while, he will adjust the soul of Lanxi and Enrong, who are just ordinary spirits.

It’s been nine days since the distance has been eliminated. In these nine days, Lu Sheng reopened once and will be successfully broken into the Yuan Ying period.

This is also the bottleneck of his present, because he has only reached this level in the previous aura world, and then it is an extra road forcibly deduced.

At this point, his previous experience in Aura is also exhausted, and then he has to look at his pure deduction.

At the peak of the Yuan Ying period, his speed of promotion will not be so fast, and then he will have to go through the painstakingly step by step.

"Shenger, you tell me, are you really awakening the blood of Suzaku??" At the warmth of the raise, suddenly Lanxi asked, his eyes were awe.

"Yes, you see it?" Lu Sheng smiled. "I just woke up a while ago, I thought I wouldn't be so fast."

Lanxi and Enru looked at each other and showed a deep sense of pride.

"That way, you are also the blood of the Suzaku family, and then you have to go to the family to register. If you can return to the Suzaku family, it is a great glory!"

"Return to the Suzaku family?"

"Nature, since it is the blood of Suzaku, it is the best choice to return to the Suzaku family. They have the most complete experience of cultivation and cultivation. All of them are not the resource conditions for Suzaku's practice." En Ruo explained. "This is of great help to your future. Compared to the practice of the Taoist temples collected in the surrounding tribes, the true system of inheritance, too much powerful and powerful magical magic weapon, only that inheritance, It is possible to practice."

Lu Sheng is also thinking about it.

What is the strongest in the wild? Magical! magic weapon!

This is the same whether it is the ordinary demon or the innate saint. There is a sacred sword array, and there are colorful magic stones, fire ravens and other magic weapons.

Which one is not a monk's hard work and cultivation for countless years.

None of these magic weapons can compete in a leapfrog.

Lu Sheng thought and felt a little heart.

He can really improve quickly, but there is no bitterness in this magic weapon. There is really no quick way to call it.

This magic weapon is divided into two major categories.

The innate magic weapon is extremely powerful, not a sinister scent, but a meritorious golden light. Most of the acquired magic weapons are amazing, or they have been trained as high-level monks for many years.

This time, Zengmu was killed. Although Lu Xun’s last blow killed the other side, his claws also broke several nails. Therefore, he is also interested in the famous magic weapon in this place.

"Report!" Suddenly, the little demon of the Guangming Church rushed into the cave. "Teacher, there are outsiders who call themselves the Suzaku family. I came to ask me to cooperate with us to verify the blood of the Suzaku nearby!"

"Well?" Lu Sheng is a glimpse, the blood of the Suzaku appears nearby. Isn't that what he said? There may not be one, which was mentioned by Lanxi En before, the flamingo Suzaku who lived in the depths of the giant wood.

"There is no hard battle for the other party?"

"No." The demon hurriedly replied.

"This is quite strange. When did this giant Woodson appear such a courtesy monster?" Lu Sheng touched his chin.

In the wild, the strong are respected, and the strong will never obey the rules of the weak.

Therefore, the other side is a Suzaku family, the strength will definitely be strong, but they are willing to abide by the rules and regulations.

"Go first to see one or two! Victory, if this is really a Suzaku family, then I am the source of the blood of my ancestors!!" Blue Creek was a little excited.

"Our ancestors used to be a flame bird with the blood of Suzaku! If it is really a Suzaku family!! It is simply the glory that has been cultivated for many generations! It is a mythical animal that existed in ancient times!" Extremely excited.

Lu Sheng is speechless.

"Okay, then let's meet together." Looking at the two parents' excited eyes, he suppressed the words that made them avoid it first.

With two spirits, Lu Sheng changed to a large stone hall, let the demon send the spirit fruit wine, set the seat.

Soon, two feminine women in a red dress, under the leadership of the demon, walked slowly into the stone hall.

"Hello is the bright teacher?" Rain is very bad, but the long-term ritual habits, and the excellent quality of the Suzaku family from ancient times, still let her stay calm and dignified.

"My name is Yu Yu, from the Suzaku family. I came here to investigate whether there is a descendant of Suzaku with a high concentration of blood.

As an aboriginal, I hope to assist me in checking the card. ”

Looking at Lu Sheng's face unchanged, even if he heard the name of the Suzaku family, there was no movement, and Yu Yu’s heart praised it.

"I can feel it. You also have some Suzaku blood in your body. If you are willing to serve my family, after I have done it, I can use a drop of blood to be used as a transaction reward and give it to you."

"A drop of blood?" Lu Sheng is not sure whether the reward is light or heavy, but the other side's Suzaku bloody, thick and indescribable. His own Suzaku's blood is actually a half-hanger. It is not pure, and it is not pure, and it contains a lot of chaotic elements.

However, if the other party is absolutely pure blood, it may be possible to give Lanxi and Enru to take them, greatly improving their qualifications and the pure blood of Suzaku.

"So, the deal." Lu Sheng nodded. "As far as I know, there is really a flamingo that may be in the blood of Suzaku, but it lives in the depths of the giant wood. It is not easy to find it. You come to me and find the right way. Otherwise, you are looking for it. I am afraid that for ten days and a half, I don’t want to keep up with it."

Rainy suddenly a happy, nodded quickly.

"That would like to thank Xiaoyou." She is already more than 7,000 years old this year, and her face is full of tenderness, and her bones are not even thousands of years old. This name is not cheap.

"Several people please sit." Lu Sheng signaled that the rain and two people sat down to rest.

"The two predecessors came from afar, there is nothing to entertain, thin wine wild fruit, please feel free to eat.

It’s just that the younger generation still has some doubts. I wonder if you have found the blood of the Suzaku, what are you going to do? ”

"The child, I made a big mistake, I waited. I only tried to protect the other side. I am now in a situation where the Suzaku family is not good in the world. There are dragons and bloods, there are demon gods, strengths are It is much stronger than the ethnic group that I am good at.

You are also the blood of Suzaku, you should also know that the only way I can wait for the blood and the magic is to rely on Nanming to leave the fire.

But Nanming has a limit from the fire and the temperament is useful for low-level opponents, but it is almost useless for a stronger demon god."

The rain has not been out of heaven for a long time. At this time, the heart is resentful and helpless. Under the unwillingness, he shook his head and complained.

Lu Sheng is also a frown, Nan Ming from the power of fire, he has not touched the end, but the temperament is useless?

He didn't think it was a painful helplessness to see the rain. It didn't seem to be a cure.

"Speaking of the predecessors can tell, what is the Suzaku flamingo in the end?" Lu Sheng curious.

"The child did not know that the sky was thick and thick, and he actually slaughtered a large witch tribe of the Wu people." Rain sighed.

Hey! !

Lu Sheng was shocked and suddenly shot in front of the table.

"What! Actually so daring! Killed a witch?!"

He was shocked and stood up and squatted a few times.

"Predecessors can rest assured that if they do this, the younger generation will definitely help you bring it to justice!


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