Way of the Devil

Chapter 913: The beginning of the war

"Really?" Rain was also a slight glimpse, I did not expect that Lu Sheng would be so angry and filled with feelings, it feels like feelings of the same general.

"Really! I am also a descendant of Suzaku's blood, since it is the predecessor of my family to find the door, there is no reason to help!" Lu Sheng smashed the railroad.

Yu Yu suddenly feels a lot better, did not expect to go out and see such a reasonable feeling, deep understanding of the righteous generation.

"Good! So, can you enter my own family and really join me in the Suzaku family?" She also got up slightly and moved a little.

To be honest, since the battle between the dragon and the phoenix, the status of the Suzaku has fallen, and the scenery has long since disappeared. In the eyes of the general ethnic group, they are still the demon gods, but in the eyes of the truly powerful top demon or the witches, their existence is to enrich the ethnic groups in the heavens and the earth.

Not to mention other things, Yu Yu is now the realm of Jinxian's next product. In the lower bounds of the earth, it is a powerful demon, but in the Tianting group, all of them are Jinxianzhong Top, even in the face of the metamorphosis of the quasi-holy level, there is no How much right to speak.

Even if it is the Lich War, they don't have much sense of existence, they can only be ordinary supporting roles.

This also led her to stay for a long time, the temper became timid and cautious. Facing the ordinary ethnic group in the lower bound, a demon king in the Yuan Ying period is actually polite.

On the one hand, she is gentle in nature, on the other hand, she is indeed oppressed and habitually so.

"Return to the family??" Lu Sheng listened to the registered family record, and suddenly hesitated, this Suzaku family temporarily flicked no problem, how can you feel a little momentum, he Lu Sheng wants to quickly find the eyes of evil and black Giant wood, naturally, is to find a strong force to join.

This Suzaku family feels a little weak.

He was hesitant, but Enrou and Lanxi around him were a few meters high.

"I am willing! Of course I am willing!!" Lanxi quickly smashed his son. "It is the greatest wish of my blood-born people to return to the Suzaku family!! Victory, don't hurry to thank the grateful predecessors!!"

On the other side, En Ruo also took the hand of Lu Sheng and hurriedly went down to the rain.

Lu Sheng has not decided whether to join or not. As soon as the parents of this world are excited, it is clear that returning to the Suzaku family is almost the highest glory and aspiration for them.

They all behave like this, they don’t join

Lu Sheng had some helplessness, but his face still showed a solemn and solemn look.

"The younger generation wins, thank you for your guidance!" He went deep into the rain.

The rain did not quit, and the smile was gratified.

Regardless of whether she is the status of the Suzaku patriarch, her own strength is Jinxian, and she is just a strength, and she can afford this worship.

The realm of Lu Sheng is nothing more than Yuan Ying. There are also gods, people, fairy, fairy, and then Jin Xian. The two are in a different realm.

The general demon, if the blood is not pure, at most, it is the limit. The blood is pure, and the qualifications are strong enough. When you can break through the fairy body, you can surpass the common life and death. Become a human being.

This process can take hundreds of years, some for thousands of years. After the immortals, the fairy, the golden fairy, every big realm, at least thousands of years of accumulated hard work, it is possible to break through.

In the middle of the road, we must face a lot of hardships and all kinds of hardships.

Many great geniuses, monks and sorcerers, painstaking practice for countless years, can not step into the post-three wonderland.

Therefore, Yu Yu believes that he can win the road victory.

"So very good!" Rain 萱 feels this out, the blood of this Suzaku **** encounter, although the blood is thin, but so eager and righteous, heavy feelings. I am very pleased in my heart.

She looked at the three demons who were in front of him, and hesitated. I felt that everyone had bowed to each other, and I had to work hard to find the murderer. I didn’t give you extra rewards.

The rain set a certain god, or a hand shake, throwing a red light to fall in front of Lu Sheng.

The red light slowly dissipated, and it was a palm-sized elliptical quaint mirror.

"I don't care, I am the current patriarch of the Suzaku family. If you are willing to enter my own family, then you will separate your own soul, together with the blood of the life, a drop, infiltrate this mirror."

This family of mirrors will record your soul and blood, and give me feedback on the heritage of the Suzaku family. The purer the blood, the more the inheritance, the stronger. ”

Lu Sheng also wants to ask the details, but before he even has time to export, the two parents who are next to him are already incapable of rushing into the blood, and the spirit of the soul drops on the mirror.

He opened his mouth and looked blank, and finally followed closely, forcing out the blood, and separating a trace of this body spirit into the mirror.

Soon, the three-sister Suzaku imprint quickly formed, and Lanxi and Enruo were just vaguely red shadows, which could only be seen on the mirror as a small red Suzaku.

The road to victory is a clear red-red Suzaku pattern, and there is a faint golden light around. At a glance, you know that the blood is very pure.

"This blood purity" rain stunned, but then looked carefully, and vetoed the road victory may be the murderer's thoughts.

The purity of the Suzaku fire used by the murderer is high, but at most it is only the power of the Golden Age.

Lu Sheng is the peak of the Yuan Ying period. The difference between the two is a big realm. The subtle atmosphere inside, she can still distinguish carefully.

In the depths of the forest, the sedentary Suzaku flamingo blood is the golden age. This kind of supernatural power, how strong it is, can only release a lot of power, there is no way to adjust itself.

Therefore, in general, the two parties fight and kill, once they use the magical powers, it means that they are desperate, because this level is impossible to keep in hand.

When Lanxi and Enruo left the Suzaku mark, they were immediately flooded into the mind by a huge amount of heritage. In a blink of an eye, they were sweaty and their breath was frozen.

And Lu Sheng felt that his head was blown up, and a huge amount of huge information flow rushed into his brain.

However, this information is strong, but he has experienced many such battles as a demon, and he quickly accepted and digested the key content.

Apart from the traditional etiquette of the Suzaku family, the tragic history, the splendid poetry, and the inheritance of memory, he gave him two sets of exercises.

One set is the "Nanming Longevity Record" that all Suzaku should practice. This is the main merit.

The second set is the "Red Emperor Stars", which is specially used to cultivate magical powers or exercise magic weapons.

These two sets of merits, one inside and one outside, one main and one pair, and each other, are the main reliance of all Suzaku families.

The most surprising thing for Lu Sheng is that he has been trying to find out what the mess is, and he can't use it.

These two sets of merits can always be indefinitely practiced. Until the highest demon realm, that is, Jinxian top grade.

As for the quasi-holy, it is not the level that can be achieved by perseverance. According to the information in the merits, this requires other special conditions, or congenital or acquired, to be achieved.

"It seems that you have all been inherited, and this inheritance is based on the purity of your blood, and the corresponding height is given to the realm.

What level can you reach at most, and the tribe will also give you the highest level of practice. Don't be too high-spirited, it is the key to first master the skill of the successful practice. "The rain screamed and pointed.

"Xie patriarch!" Lanxi Enru was awake at this time, all burst into tears.

Lu Sheng is not too cool to be a person on the side. He can only make a few tears with no words, indicating that he is moved to zero.

"The two sets of inheritance exercises are one master and one deputy, all of which can be practiced indefinitely. Every nine-fold is one turn. After reincarnation, the practice is rebuilt. The skill of the new repair will be 40% stronger. The skills that have been repaired before will all remain in the body. One of the main points is used as a reserve.

You must wait for a good life practice, and you will be able to break through life and death, achieve the fairy body, and step into the longevity. "Rain the road.


Lu Sheng three respectfully responded.

"This is for you to use." Yu Yan waved again, and a little Jin Mang suddenly flew to Lu Sheng to float in front of him.

The golden light is scattered, and it is a diamond-shaped and exquisite token.

"This is Junshan Ling, injecting mana, you can call out a lava giant in the sacred period to help you fight, and you can continue to warm up with your cultivation, hope you can use it, don't use it for nothing."萱正色道.

Lu Sheng suddenly had a happy time, knowing that this is the benefit given by Yu Yu in advance, and it is good to not take it. He decisively used the token to earn the sleeve.

"Thank you for the patriarch's gift! The younger generation must be remembered!"

The name was set, and the atmosphere suddenly changed. From the previous helpers to the collaboration of the natives.

The spirit of the soul is integrated into the tribe. For Lu Sheng, it is not a problem. Anyway, it is only the body spirit of this world, and the body is not affected.

But the benefits are really real.

At the moment, he ordered an all-out search for the residence of the reclusive flamingo, and the entire Guangming teaching quickly mobilized.

The hairless birds moved very fast. In the afternoon two days later, the flamingo named Fenglin was also blocked in a low-lying canyon.

However, what makes Lu Sheng amazed is that Yu Yu actually silently gave him a voice, let him leave the Fenglin and let him escape freely.

Although it is not clear after this, how the Suzaku family gave the demon to the Emperor, but Lu Sheng did not violate her meaning, simply quietly Fenglin released the giant wood of the forest.

In fact, he is also somewhat unwilling to go. After all, the addition of the wood family is his death, and Feng Lin is a girl who is a black pot.

By the way, the goods are indeed a sister paper, and it is a pure girl with a high purity and beautiful appearance.

So Lu Sheng just played a simple meal and let her go.

After Feng Lin was released, Yu Yu released the news, claiming that Feng Lin was not a member of the Suzaku family. Now he is still missing, and he also issued a wanted order.

After the witch sent people to go after the killing, do not know how to deal with it, Yu Yu did not wait for long, they are ready to leave, but before leaving, she asked whether Lu Sheng and other three are willing to return to their families together.

Lu Sheng has been handed down to practice the martial arts, and he is about to try carefully one or two to see how much height can be promoted in one breath.

If you go directly to your family, it may be too eye-catching, and it is not easy to improve quickly.

It is the Junshan Order that makes him very interested. This is the first real magic weapon he has in this world.

He intends to officially retreat and study, and perhaps there will be new gains.

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