Way of the Devil

Chapter 914: War start two

After the return of the rain, the Suzaku family spent a lot of resources, and finally confused the things of Fenglin.

The witches found the murderer and were still chasing them, but no one knew that the rain sneak secretly hid the phoenix forest in a special relic that the ancient Suzaku once lived.

That is simply another small space that no one can discover.

The Wu people did not find anyone, and they indignantly killed a few batches of surrounding Yaozu, but they could only helplessly return.

Some people have begun to doubt whether Feng Lin was hidden by the rain, but there is no evidence, and if he talks to the Suzaku family, no one wants to continue to step on this head.

In addition to the worse relationship between the witch and the demon, the situation gradually calmed down again.

For the witches, the small tribes like Zengmu do not have 100,000 or 70,000. What they care about is just a face. The most important thing is that they have an internal trouble and need to deal with it.

The Suzaku family was detained and passed down to the gods. The patriarch personally came forward to arrest the murderer and find out the real murderer. He also apologized on behalf of the demon court and paid a lot of resources.

They themselves slaughtered several demonic groups.

Under such a result, the Wu people could not continue to pursue it, and the matter gradually subsided.

The only difference between the giant woods is that there is a Suzaku **** person in the whole forest, and there is a phoenix firebird that extends the blood of the Suzaku.

And Lu Sheng, also really refining the Junshan Lingbao that was taken from Yu Yu’s hand.


The hairless giant birds in the mountains and plains stepped on the heavy steps and went to the Moxi cattle family with **** eyes in front of them.

Moses is one of the largest demon ethnic groups in the forest of the giant wood. Originally, their site was located on the edge of the site of the Zengmu Wuzu. Now that the Mianmu was destroyed, the site was won by Lu Shengguang, the first time.

And Guangming has become a big force now bordering Moses.

Lu Sheng stood on a broken wooden stake and looked at the distant battle.

Tens of thousands of bright-edged giant birds waved their infinite wings, and the same natural power of the Moses bulls killed.

The strength of the two sides is similar, look at the quality of the body, and have a win-win situation.

The Moxi cattle side has a strong defense, the cowhide is tough, the sword is hard to hurt, and the resilience is worse.

The giant bird has amazing resilience here, but the defense is almost the same.

Both sides have been red-eyed, and they are too lazy to put on the magical techniques. They go straight to the hard. Anyway, the ordinary magical technique is not very useful to them.

The entire forest floor is full of violent percussive and vibrating sounds.

Lu Sheng face is expressionless, playing Junshan Ling in his hand, standing behind him and waiting for the three King Kong.

The four big guards have already been put into the battlefield, but the situation is still deadlocked.

"Teacher, let us also fight! I waited for so long, but it wasn't a special trip to see the fun!" The arm that had been cut off from the life had already come back. At this time, the front color rose and wanted to fight.

The other two King Kong are also eager to try. Recently, with the support of the resources of Guangming, they have been refined and refined. At this time, the war is a good opportunity to prove itself.

Lu Sheng shook his head slightly.

"No, they can't support it for a long time." The situation seems to be tense and evenly matched, but in fact Moses has not supported much time, and their endurance is far less strong than that of the Great Birds.

It didn't take long for the Moses cow to suddenly scream.

A ray of light rose from the sky, turning into a translucent gray illusion in mid-air, falling from the sky and slamming into the giant bird position below.

Lu Sheng did not change his face, and he would gently press Junshan.

"go with!"

A white light was shot on the token, and the white light flew into the air and quickly expanded into an oval white portal.

A huge dark red arm burst out of the door.

A huge stone man, made up of dark red magma, suddenly smashed out of the portal and punched the shadow of the giant cow released by the opposite Moses.

Hey! !

Two huge monsters of more than ten meters were also strangled.

"This is the lava giant?" Lu Sheng played with Junshan in his hand. "This destructive power is the premature infant. It seems that I have not injected too much mana. According to Yu Yu, this thing is the highest." You can summon the lava giants."

He thought so, and injected more mana into the Junshan order. Suddenly the lava giant shone in a circle of red light, and the body shape expanded again. The whole person seemed to have a big increase in strength, and a fist hit the opposite giant. On the virtual shadow, the other side screamed and slammed back.

"Sure enough." Lu Sheng nodded and continued to inject mana. Soon the lava giant became bigger and bigger, and his height quickly surpassed the original giant cow.

Hey! !

It screamed and hugged the giant cow with a shadow.

Bang! !

The whole virtual giant bull was broken, and a certain cow demon from the Moses cattle family spurted out on the spot.

"Withdraw!!" It slammed.

Suddenly the entire Moses cattle family completely withdrew from the forest of the giant wood and migrated towards the distance.

"Go, next." Lu Sheng turned and rushed to the remaining theaters.

At the same time, the other five demon kings are simultaneously exploring the sites in the other directions. In the forest of the giant wood, the site represents resources, food, shelter, and fruit.

In five days, Guangming taught the entire site to be bigger.

From the basis of the Zengmu Wuzu to the surrounding area, the Guangming teaching site has expanded at least twice.

Lu Sheng repeatedly shot on the battlefield, and the lava giant summoned by Junshan was very confusing, and people could not fully notice his own level of strength.

This world is mainly fighting with magic weapons, so that most of the outside world is not focused on himself. Instead, they all value the powerful Junshan orders he holds.

This is also the result that Lu Sheng wants.

After receiving the powerful inheritance method of the Suzaku family, he defeated the surrounding threat forces. He no longer managed the trivial matters and handed over the teaching affairs to the three major King Kongs. After the four major law-protection, he re-entered the retreat.

This time, he wants to really try it out. What is the real power of this Suzaku's inheritance of the exercises?



Demon court.

"Rain." On the jade bridge between the white jade palace, the Suzaku family stepped forward and looked back.

A handsome man wearing a blue jade crown and a hanging jewel in his waist, stepped forward and looked worried.

"Qingzhong? Your Qinglong family is not going to the West Pole? Why is it suddenly coming back now?" Yu Yu said.

Qinglong is the most family of dragons, and it is the closest to Zulong. The combat power is also the strongest of the four elephants. In Tianting, he was divided into leading generals and went to war.

"Not suddenly came back, but there was something wrong there." Qing sighed. "In short, you and I are in the same breath. I don't know how to disclose it in advance. But you are alert yourself. The chaos is coming. ”

Qingzhong did not say much, and quickly crossed the rain and went to the palace in the distance.

The rain owl stood on the jade bridge and always felt a little restless.

"I heard that a few emperors have to play in the lower bounds recently, I don't know if it is true or not."

"It should be true. In the past few days, I was also called to assist in the finishing of the rut. There are only 17 places in the lower bound of Jinwu, and I don't know where the prince is going."

"Yes, if you can know where you are going, you can't let me wait for the family to prepare for one or two. If you can please the emperors, it is also a great achievement!"

The rain slaps the palm of the vocal music. At this time, my heart is moving, and I hear the recent big things about the little demon around the demon court.

"The emperor's lower bounds play" rain is frowning, no name, no reason, why is the three-legged Jinwu ten emperor running the Sun Star in the palm of the hand suddenly suddenly bound?

Her mind was fretting and began to capture the movements from the area of ​​the demon.

Most of the demon gods are very lazy, sometimes they don’t need to pass the voice or the gods, and they can talk directly.

This time is when she can collect intelligence.

There are nine times in ten times on weekdays, but nothing seems to be heard. But this time it seems that luck is not bad. Yu Yan immediately heard several big stars are gathering together to drink and chat.

"The ancestral witch and the Gongrong war have been there for ten days?"

"Almost, the beginning is just a squabble. How can it be more and more powerful? This group of people is really unclear and incomprehensible."

"But it is estimated that it will not last long. The candle will never sit down and watch the two play. It should be time to mediate."

"It’s not a lot of times to talk about the candle nine yin before, but this time you don’t know, the candle is nine yin, it’s not happening!” One star was drunk and laughed.

"No? It's no wonder that the two ancestors of this fire and water have been playing for so long, and it is no wonder that the top ten princes want to"

"Forbidden! This is not a foregone conclusion. Don't be rumored."

"Yes, thank you for your friend."

The sound quickly fell down, and I couldn't hear it anymore.

However, the rain has probably become clear, and the demon king's ten sons are in the lower bounds. I am afraid it is not just a play.

"It’s really wind and rain." She looked slightly condensed and stepped up to Suzaku Palace.

If it really breaks the balance of the Lich, the war may be just around the corner. At that time, she has to think carefully about how to find the best place to live for the Suzaku family.



Lower bound, several thousand meters underground.

Lu Shengpan sits in the dark underground palace, surrounded by a group of reddish Suzaku flames, illuminating the surrounding environment.

He holds the Junshan Order in his hand, and there are a pile of various instruments and rare materials that sweep across the surrounding forces.

"The body has adapted to it, and it can be upgraded again. This time, I have to look at it. How can this Suzaku inherit the practice?"

Lu Sheng is very much looking forward to this. After all, it is the pure blood of the legendary beast and the **** of the gods.

He first recorded the longevity of Nanming from the memory of inheritance and carefully examined it again.

This Nanming longevity record is divided into nine weights. After being built into nine weights, you can reincarnate yourself. The more the number of reincarnations, the stronger the physical quality of Suzaku, the more beautiful the appearance, the more pleasing the vocals, and the stronger the flame.

And once every reincarnation is successful, the life expectancy can be increased by 10,000 years.

Lu Sheng has watched it for several times, and has not figured out the specific principles, the concepts and elements involved in it, the traction of the innate heart, the soul seal, and the elimination of the soul lamp. It is not a normal system of cultivation.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it can be repaired.

Can't understand and can't be repaired.

After reading through the nine-fold exercises, Lu Sheng decisively began to calm down.

"Dark blue!"

He intends to use the magic treasure Junshan as a cover, relying mainly on magic weapons to do it, and he is constantly improving rapidly, and as soon as possible to the limit.


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