Way of the Devil

Chapter 916: Nanming Changsheng recorded two

"But the benefits are obvious. My body has at least tripled to the original! And there are a lot of impurities in the body. It is more pure and pure." Lu Sheng has a kind of hunch. If he is now repenting, he may have any practice. Easier efficiency than before.

This should be an improvement in the nature of the qualifications.

And if you start with the Libra City Lord Purple Moon, you should be able to easily defeat each other in the first form.

"And the number of lives has also increased to 550,000 years, not bad." Lu Sheng is quite satisfied.

Since the power of the gods is used up, he also plans to get up and test the current state of one or two.

Just after a departure, Lu Sheng had not had time to raise his hand, just moved slightly.

A lot of pure white light was ignited around the time.

He gave a slight glimpse, this is not his Suzaku fire, it seems that only his arm moves, traversing a trajectory in the air, these trajectories naturally derived from the natural flame.

The white flame burns the surrounding gray matter in an instant, just like the snow and ice dissolve quickly in the sun.

The gray matter in the cave is melted rapidly in a few seconds, leaving only a little bit of residual transparent matter after burning, dissolved in the air and completely disappeared.

Lu Sheng suddenly looked at his naked body.

The clothes on his body were all burned by the white flame, and the power of the flame was so incredible.

"I should say, is it the oldest beast?" Lu Sheng once again looked at his arm and saw the dense and mysterious lines on it. He seemed to understand the root cause of the flame.

"The seventy-first turn of Nanming's longevity record, light and every move can trigger the natural phenomenon of the heavens and the earth. It is true that the name of the beast is just not knowing the state of my present, and how powerful it is compared with those demon gods."

For the time being, there is not much to do, Lu Sheng quickly converges, and the natural deception of the demon level is slowly unfolding, wrapping the body and naturally is isolated from the outside world.

He will not completely untie this layer of isolation until he completely controls his body.

The promotion is too great, leading to the victory of this master level, and there is no way to completely grasp the full strength of the body.

He needs more time to adjust.

Otherwise, if you accidentally blow your breath and burn your subordinates and relatives, it is really a tragedy.

After finishing this, Lu Sheng will have time to check out Junshan’s magic weapon.

Sweeping the rest of the power.

"There are still a hundred thousand, it is enough to upgrade this Junshan order." Lu Sheng took a breath.

This is the magic weapon of the past, and it is closely related to his spirit, so the power can be regarded as a part of himself and can be promoted to a certain extent.

Nan Ming’s longevity record raises the power of Suzaku’s fire to the level. Lu Sheng does not know, but he knows that his control is too bad. If he is not careful, he may burn the other side alive.

The world is famous for a long time, all kinds of magic weapons are long and long, and the power of sending them is absolutely abundant. Just a piece of witchcraft in the area before, it has accumulated millions of powers.

Therefore, Lu Sheng’s current thinking is to investigate the evil eye and the black giant wood intelligence while trying to grab the magic weapon.

In order to grab the magic weapon, the Red Emperor and the powerful cover magic weapon are indispensable.

"Improve Junshan to make power, always improve and don't stop!" After Lu Sheng took a break, he ordered directly against the dark blue.

The dark blue interface quickly blurs.

On the surface of Junshan, there is also a splendid golden haze, and the original simple and exquisite lines on the upper side are quickly becoming more concise under the influx of a large amount of power.

The size of the entire token also slowly began to shrink.

Lu Sheng carefully sensed the changes inside.

The promotion of Junshan's order seems to be based on his Nanming longevity record, and the influx of sentimental power corresponds to his time of sacrifice for this magic weapon.

The more you send your power, the longer you will sacrifice this magic weapon.

After all, his own demon power is already a powerful level of the 71st turn.

Soon, Junshan ordered to reach the limit after pouring into the tens of thousands of powers. Its whole body has become dark gold, only half a slap in size, and the front and back have a complex and gorgeous pattern resembling the shape of the Suzaku.

Lu Sheng took Junshan Ling and perceived the magical effect of the inside. His face suddenly showed a satisfactory color.

"Next, it's time to find a magic weapon." Lu Sheng carefully recalled some of the most famous magic weapons in the wild.

Pan Guzhen, Chaos Bell, Zhu Xian Si Sword, even if it is, then wait for the innate treasure, each one is in the hands of the top power, but the day after tomorrow magic treasure should have a lot, have the opportunity to get it.

Then, the place with the most magic weapons should be now, under the saints or in the heavens!

Bang! !

Suddenly there was a loud noise accompanied by vibration, which spread rapidly from the distance.

Lu Sheng had just sacrificed the Junshan order, and he felt that the whole earth seemed to tremble.

There was countless sorrow in his ears, and the life around tens of thousands of miles, at this moment, all made a tragic and screaming.

This is actually not a sound, but a wonderful instinctive wave, just in the Suzaku's body, it is now a voice.

"What is this!!?" Lu Sheng's soul has been moving rapidly away from the distance, flying in the direction of the sound.

It is just that no matter how he explores, he can't see the location where the sound spreads.

He took up the Junshan order and the whole person rushed up.

The wall of the head was directly smashed and torn under his unbridled brute force. The seventy-one-turn Nanming Changsheng Record, even if it is a revolution, only a small part of the increase, but the accumulation of more, but also quantified qualitative change, the achievement of the road to win the horrible physical strength.

Hey! ! !

He rushed out of the ground and steadily landed on the right side of the ground.

The sky is raging, and countless clouds are rushing towards the far away.


Suddenly, a red spot of speed was striking, and lightning came from a distance and fell into his palm.

‘Tianzhu break! Separation of heaven and earth, to be chaotic! You can move to the land of my Suzaku family as soon as possible. I can take it out personally, or I can protect you one or two.

But no matter what, don't stay in the same place, the giant wood of the forest is too close to the witches, once the lich is fighting, there will be no room for buffer. ’

It is the news of the rain, and it is the unique means of the Suzaku family.

"Tianzhu? Not Zhoushan!?" Lu Sheng immediately reacted. The look changed.

If Zhoushan was broken by a joint laborer, and Zhu Rong’s double body, then it should be the son-in-law, but why did the rainy mention mention the possibility of the Lich? It’s hard to be done, this co-worker is not broken, and there are handwritten pens hidden in it?

No, the ancestral witch is two, and the demon is not going to move south! The trouble is big!

No matter what, this is a tremendous change. It is not enough for him to rely on him. The Suzaku family is so high that they should be able to avoid this robbery.

Lu Sheng did not say anything, quickly turned into a fire and flew into the main hall of Baiqiu, and began to summon all the generals.

Everyone felt the big earthquake just now, but I didn’t even think about it.

Soon, the Guangming taught three major surprises, and the five demon kings gathered together. After half a hour of deliberation in Baiqiu, some of the Yaozu were unconcerned, and they were willing to follow Lu Sheng to leave. The other part was obviously unbelievable. May be far from home.

Lu Sheng does not force.

Immediately began to use the rain to send the message of the fire, and then reply. Contact the Suzaku family. Everyone went to heaven with the rain, and escaped from the disaster.

The area of ​​the heavens is very wide, with tens of thousands of hairless birds in the area, and the Suzaku family has local resettlement.

The demon court, Suzaku Palace.

A beautiful girl wearing a purple red jersey, led the road to the temple.

"The patriarch went to the East Palace to participate in the discussion. Are you calling Lu Sheng? The place where you originally lived, how is it compared to our Suzaku? Shouldn't we be beautiful?" The girl named Xiao Ning, on the age, the road The victory is still big, and now there are already more than 5,000 years old.

I have always lived in a simple family, and my heart is pure and has no heart.

"I haven't been to Suzaku, I don't know what it is, but there should be no family beauty." Lu Sheng smiled and answered

"Yes? That's a pity." Xiaoning picks his eyebrows and secretly looks at the road behind him.

Strong and tall figure, beautiful and innocent facial features, a bright golden short hair, like dazzling sunshine, gorgeous and dazzling.

Compared with the males who are softer than women in the Suzaku family, the masculine type like Lu Sheng is her favorite type.

Xiao Ningmin is blushing, and the eyes are squinting at the road from time to time.

"This is the partial hall for the reception of guests. There are a total of fifteen people in the Suzaku family in the heavens. There are not many people. Now everyone is busy with other things. It is not here for the time being." She looked around and saw no figure. .

"Is it?" Lu Sheng nodded.

"The patriarch wants me to take you here to wait. When she comes to the parliament, she will come and pick you up. Otherwise, do you have a rest here?" Xiaoning whispered.

"Okay, trouble you, Xiaoning." Lu Sheng smiled gently.

"It’s so good, other sisters are not there.” Xiao Ning gently sat next to Lu Sheng.

"Not at all? What positions do they hold in Tianting?" Lu Sheng asked curiously.

"It’s just a normal music official. But because we are very popular with the emperor and the empress, so the status is not bad." Xiaoning spit out his tongue, it looks as pure and lovely as the next girl.

If it weren't for her perfect body and a thick Suzaku body, there was no way to see that she was already a Suzaku beast in adulthood.

"Legemon" is better than the imagination.

"Big brother?" Xiaoning suddenly asked softly.

"How?" Lu Sheng side overslept.

"Looking at the sisters, aren't we, do we have a shot first?" Xiaoning was red and shy, and whispered.

The smile on the face of "Amount" Lu Sheng suddenly froze.

"Well, why? Big brother? A shot, just a shot! Just be the first time to meet Xiaoning's meeting."

I will tell you that the rules of other demon gods, some meet in order to show politeness to each other, but to do the other ten days and ten nights! Like our Suzaku Palace, there are very few. ”

"" Lu Sheng is speechless, and suddenly he thinks that the present heaven is essentially the demon of the demon, and the demon, the essence is not all kinds of powerful beast monsters?

The so-called ritual and honesty is nothing but the rules that emerged after the great people of the future generations. For the Yaozu, there are not so many. If you want to eat, you can eat it. If you want to play, you can play it. If you want to do it, you can do it without any scruples.

This is natural.

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