Way of the Devil

Chapter 917: One point

"I said that heaven is such a rule?" Lu Sheng asked carefully.

After all, he was born from a civilized society. For Xiao Ning's words, he felt a little weird.

"Yeah. If you are disrespectful, you can see the emperor and the niece and the maiden. The fertility of the three-legged Jinwu family is super low, but they have not yet made ten princes. If you don't work hard every day, don't say Ten, that is, one is enough."

Xiao Ning covered his mouth and smiled.

"Okay, there is such an insider." Lu Sheng is also speechless.

However, he came to the demon court, but it was not for these things. Now it is not broken, the Lich is about to fight, and the fish is the most wanting to do it.

And when the war is approaching, he must find the eye of sin and the fall of the black giant tree as soon as possible. Otherwise, once these great supernaturals hit the real fire, they may be directly defeated.

"Well, if you don't touch me, I will do it. I like others to touch me." Xiaoning rises up and crisps.

She wore a pure white tube top, and the plump pair stood tall, just in front of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng is speechless and is about to speak.

"Xiaoning, what are you doing again??" Several soft-dressed girls in white tulle dresses hurried into the temple and saw Xiaoning's entire body sticking to Lu Sheng, suddenly yelling.

"Fu Fu sister, Xiaoxiao sister, are you not invited to perform music and dance? How come back so soon?" Xiaoning turned helplessly and turned to look at the door.

"Hey! Xiaobo hoof, if the patriarch is not greeted with us in advance, you can't help but break the little brother's body!"

"That is! Fortunately, we rushed back in time! Xiaoning I warned you! The little brother's pure yang is everyone's! Sisters have a share! You want to swallow, it is no way!" Another eyebrow has a red crystal The long black hair girl of the forehead is drumming.

"Ha? Everyone has a share??" Lu Sheng feels that he seems to have heard something unreasonable.

"You misunderstood, I just just have time to come and receive it."

"Who do you say this letter?"

"You didn't even wear it, but dare to say it was not intentional!!"

"Sorry, Lu Sheng brother, the patriarch asks you to go over the next time, please come with me." The three men quarreled into a group, another petite and cute girl sneaked from the side, and Lu Sheng got up and quickly escaped. Partial hall.

Lu Sheng had not figured out what was going on, and he was pulled out of the temple door.

"It's all about Nieer, and my brother called me Xiaoni or Nieer." The girl smiled and showed two small dimples on her cheeks, which looked very cute.

"You don't blame them. The Suzaku people in this court are very few, and they are almost all women. Some men are not only more beautiful than us, but also weak in temperament. There is no masculinity at all, let me wait. I can't get on them. Over time they become like this."

"I can understand that I just didn't think that the atmosphere of the demon court is so." Lu Sheng shook his head.

"This is the case. There are many demon gods in the demon courts, and the witches have been fighting for too long. They have no threats, so it is enjoyment to take away the pleasures every day.

My Suzaku family is okay, because of the special constitution, even if they are willing, and many other demon people will not consciously burn each other. Even if it is a demon, you can't avoid the pain caused by the burning of the Suzaku. So it is still self-sufficient. ”

"Can the demon gods not be avoided?"

"Nature, after all, although I am not strong in actual combat, the power is the oldest beast. It is the ancient flame of the dragon and phoenix era. Although the demon **** will not be burned, the pain still exists. Only a few demon gods can ignore the pain.

But those demon gods are too ugly, and the emperor is taking care of them. We still have the right to choose. Nie smiled and explained.

"Why did you and the emperor take care of my family?" Lu Sheng asked.

"Because of the music. Our patriarch Yu Yu is the best musician in heaven. Only her music can relax the emperor." Nier smiled.

As soon as they spoke, they quickly walked between the Baiyu passages and entered a red-hot pavilion.

In the pavilion, Yu Yan is sitting opposite a petite figure, and seems to be swearing.

Seeing the arrival of Lu Sheng, Yu Yan finally said a few words, let the other person get up and leave.

Just when the petite figure left, he made a face-to-face with Lu Sheng.

Under the horror of a glimpse, Lu Sheng looked at the other side.

The cool and innocent exquisite appearance, petite and slender figure, wearing a black one-piece lotus leaf skirt, perfectly highlights the small waist with a full grip. The neck and arms, thighs, are exposed, like the most delicate and flawless porcelain.

The most ridiculous thing is that this even the little buttocks when he walks, the ultra-short skirt can't cover the buttocks, perfect to reveal a touch of purple under the skirt.

"Hey!" The other party snorted and deliberately slammed into the road. As a result, he was too weak, but he was almost stumbled.

"Don't think you won! I will never give up easily!"

The little guy was blushing, a little angry and angry, and once again, he snorted and passed by.

Lu Sheng was speechless again. He didn't know how he provoked the other party. He looked up at the rain patriarch who was standing up.

"Don't blame him, as one of the three remaining males of the Suzaku family, he also has his own self-respect. After all, the male Suzaku of the pure blood of the Eucharist is too few. When you see you, you will lead all the people." The attention, a bit of temper is also taken for granted." Rain is helpless.

"Male??!" Lu Sheng suddenly lost.

"Yes, you are looking at the skirt he wears, so I thought it was a female?" Yu Yu smiled and smiled. "No, in our Suzaku family, as long as they can completely display their own beauty, no matter what dress, It is allowed. Don't be fooled by the foreign minister, the skirt is good, everything else is just a show of beauty props."

"Yes?" Lu Sheng felt that his three views were subverted.

"Of course, if you like it, you can wear it like this. No one will control you. In heaven, there is absolutely freedom in this respect." Rainy smiled.

"Well, don't say this, or talk about business, patriarch, not Zhoushan break, but true?" Lu Sheng shifted the topic, and looked awe.

"You come with me." Rain nodded, reaching for a hand on Lu Sheng's shoulder, and the two people suddenly changed around, and countless images flashed across the side.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Sheng found that he was standing on a vast plain like a green emerald. At the end of the horizon, a white mountain that was grounded in the sky, was slowly bending from the middle waist.

The speed of the break is not fast, but it is accelerating every moment.

"That is not Zhoushan." Rainy and calm, "Community and Zhu Rong two ancestors fought here, I wish a little better, and the work is angry, one end hits the mountain, the result is that you see it now These top talents are mad, and it is really a disaster."

The cold wind with broken snow blew from the side, and a bitter ice chill made the road win a chill.

"This is too chilly, even if I wait for Suzaku can only stay in a short time, the two ancestral battles have broken the space around this shape, and many space cracks mostly lead to the too cathode domain." Explain.

She waved her hand again, and suddenly they turned their eyes to the front and returned to the pavilion.

"What I showed you just now is the memory scene I witnessed before. What you feel is what I felt at the time." Yu Yu said helplessly.

"Now the earth is afraid that the situation is even worse. There are not many **** people at the level of the Eucharist in our Suzaku family. Together with you, there are only five derived blood-stained people on the earth. If you take them up in time, you can be prepared. ""

"Thank you for the patriarch's favor." Lu Sheng hugs his fist.

"Don't thank me, in fact, this is the same as the work of the Gonggong. There are also the designs of the top ten Jinwu princes. The witches have now learned the truth and will soon be fighting the heavens. At that time, you should pay attention to protecting yourself." Ramp.

Lu Sheng originally thought she would have other attempts or requests in exchange. But now it seems that she really only made these choices in order to continue the ethnic group.

"Understood." Lu Sheng nodded.

"Well, I still have guests to see, you should go to rest first." Rainy faint.

Lu Sheng slowly left the pavilion and walked halfway. Suddenly, outside the palace group, there was a horn of horns. The desolation of the horn was accompanied by a huge drum beat, and the tiny beasts screamed and continued.

He kept his pace, guessing that the demon court should officially dispatch the army, and may have to fight the witches at any time.

"I will take you to the residence. The Suzaku Palace is actually very big. There are enough places for you to be active. Just remember, don't leave the Suzaku Palace. The many demon gods and subordinates outside are not good. The generations, if they are angry with one, even the patriarch can't keep you."

Nie is careful.

"Good." Lu Sheng nodded.

After the two of them were in tandem, Nie quickly took him through the big palace and finally stopped at a beautiful and luxurious mansion.

"This is where you want to live for the time being. Let's go, let's go in." She took the lead in pushing the door to the white jade house.

Inside, there are two beautiful girls dressed in goose-yellow dresses and cheeks, and walk out with the lanterns.

Seeing that Nie and Lu Sheng came in, the two girls were somewhat shy and bowed their heads and quickly left.

Nie explained while walking.

"There are two bloodstains of the Suzaku Eucharist who come up from the lower bounds. You can get along well. In addition, the outside yard is a shared bath for men and women. If there is nothing, you can go in and have more bubbles, which is good for repairing.

Also, the most important point is that you must remember to lock the door at night. "She turned her face, very serious."

"?? What's wrong?" Lu Sheng was stunned by her sudden awe-inspiring look. I don't understand what is important about this.

"If you don't lock the door, I am afraid that you will not be able to get up with the bed tomorrow. Before that, Xiaoning must have told your group to the group of guys.

This heaven is boring, and the entertainment that can be enjoyed is wine, mating, mating, and wine. Pure yang is not vented on your body. If you can keep it, it is the best, and it will help you in the future. and so"

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