Way of the Devil

Chapter 923: Collect one (thanks to the most happy thing is that you are more rewarding than my fat

Suzaku Palace.

A fire fell from the sky and settled in front of one of the palaces.

The flaming light turned into a handsome man in a red robe with a quaint white long bow in his hand.

He was wrapped in a hint of invisible breeze, and it took a long time to reach this world. Some of the higher abilities in the evil spirits gradually became available. It is also easy to use the wind to cover itself.

After Lu Sheng took the bow, he quickly walked into the courtyard of the palace. There was a trace of inexplicable breeze. His body was as invisible as it was, and whether it was breath or sound, people around could not find it.

There was a girl in the green dress who was reading a book in the courtyard. Although she read the book seriously, she did not notice that Lu Sheng entered the door.

Crossing the courtyard, Lu Sheng returned to his bedroom and waved it. The invisible force spread around and completely isolated the entire room.

Sitting with his long bow and knees, his hands clasped the bowstrings tightly, and on the level that ordinary people could not see, a stock that couldn't count the power of the gods, madly poured into him from the bow of the back.

After fully absorbing about half an hour, the whole bow was slowly split and broken into countless white ash.

Lu Sheng let go of his hand, and the countless earth spirits and grievances of the upper bow of the gods have left. But because of his engulfing, the remaining grievances are not much. It was just so scattered, and soon followed the mysterious path to return to the earth.

"Deep blue." Lu Sheng called the modifier at the first time.

Looked at the number of sentimental figures displayed on the side: 246 million.

"Not bad!" Lu Sheng suddenly had a loose heart and a smile on his face.

"Don't let me run hard."

He sat up straight, recalling the process of doing this, and his face was full of thoughts.

"So, in these myths and legends, if I can **** one or two of the treasures, I am afraid that the harvest will be much more than other treasures.

The more famous the treasures in this wilderness, the more the reliance on the estimated sustenance, perhaps starting from this aspect. ”

After sitting for a while, he got up and went to the room to protect himself and strode out of the bedroom.

The girl in the yard just got up and prepared to go back to the room and met him at the entrance of the corridor.

The two did not know each other, the girl looks cold and handsome, the temperament is like a frost, the body is slender, and the eyes are like the eyeshadow, slightly greenish green.

Lu Sheng and his passing through, faintly feel different from the other Suzaku family. He just has a slight heartbeat and doesn't pay much attention to it. As a Suzaku **** person, there may be some variation.

"Bi Fang, why are you still here, the patriarch asks you to go to the front hall to meet, hurry, time is too late."

Suddenly a fire fell from the sky, a girl of the Suzaku family hurried out of the fire, took the hands of the cold girl, and ran outside.

When passing by Lu Sheng, the girl hurriedly greeted him and did not have time to say anything. Then she took the girl out of the air and turned it into a flame.

"Bi Fang?" Lu Sheng repeated a lot.

This is the famous big demon **** of the later generations, which can be heard in many myths and legends, but I did not expect that it is just a little girl who is ordinary and unremarkable.

He didn't care. Since Rain didn't look for him, there was no such thing as him.

Following the corridor, the road was over, and Lu Sheng looked at the direction and flew away to fly away. The direction in which he flew was a cloud-like demon shrine.



The demon court, the Baijing Palace.

The demon **** hundred scenes are tall and fat giants with six eyes. At this time, they are holding two Chinese girls who have just arrived, sitting on the white stone throne of up to 100 meters, looking at the friends who are slowly stepping down. .

"Yunmeng brother, how do you think about this day, I am a guest at this hundred-view palace? Come here, come on, small, fast on the good food!" Giant Baijing was born with hospitality, and most liked to eat human girls.

Yun Meng smiled and shook his head, and walked to the side of the stone seat to sit down.

"It doesn't matter, my brother is here for help."

"Oh? Help?" Hundred Kings put together the ethnic girls in their hands, pinched the sauce on the table, and stuffed them into their mouths and chewed them.

"Your younger brother is poisonous, even I am not necessarily an opponent. What trouble can I have?" One hundred scenes spit out a strand of hair, and grabbed a girl from the big basket on the side.

"This is the case, my brother, I have gotten the same baby not long ago." Yunmeng reveals a mysterious color.

"Only for a few days, I have never been able to see through the mastery. Your brother is good at breaking the treasure protection and grasping the weaknesses. Just be free today, come and ask for help."

Baijing forehand pinched the girl's legs, was about to stuff his mouth, suddenly felt wet on the hand, the girl was actually scared on the spot, struggling in his hands.

"Baby? What baby can make you so hearty?" He rubbed the urine in his hand and took a towel from the waiter's hand and wiped it carelessly.

"It is a magical medicine that can control the power of water for a long time." Yunmeng lowered his voice.

"Well? Dan medicine?" Baijing suddenly brightened his eyes and came to interest.

He recently practiced a supernatural power, just need to improve the power of water control, did not want to immediately get a medicinal herb that can enhance the power of water control.

"That line, you and I have a relationship, take it and look at it." He flicked around and left the girl in his hand and threw it back into the big basket.

Yunmeng nodded, and got off the seat, close enough, gently removed the black box from the sleeve.

"Dan gas can not be leaked too much, otherwise the efficacy will be weakened...." Yunmeng whispered.

The scenery is clear, the two heads are closer, and the line of sight looks at the black box.

Yunmeng stretched his hand and slowly held the edge of the box and slowly opened it up. A slight purple light was released from the box, accompanied by a faint medicinal fragrance.

"Attention." Yunmeng action jerked open.

puff! !

In an instant, a large number of purple and black tentacles rushed from his nose and mouth, and countless tentacles ran into the mouth of the hundred scenes.

The distance was too close, and the hundred scenes were too late to resist, and they were drilled into the holes by a large number of tentacles.

His huge body slammed into the throne behind him and knocked the seat apart.


Hundreds of scenes are about to start, but the right arm that has just been lifted is slowly put down.

"Cloud Meng! You are suffering me!!" He wants to cry without tears, and lowers his voice. The parasitic tentacles that were drilled in the blink of an eye made him understand that his demon body **** was completely controlled by some evil power. Even the sense of resistance is forcibly weakened.

The action that just raised his hand is like this. He originally wanted to release the magical power to kill the cloud, but the parasitic tentacles control his whole body strength, and all the demon power will be recovered in a blink of an eye.

Yunmeng is also showing a hint of helplessness.

"Sorry, I am also involuntarily."



Yunmeng’s movements are very fast. After continuously using the tentacles that have been propagated in his body to parasitize two friends, the two friends, with their own circles, diffusely parasitize the remaining three demon gods.

The new parasitic demon **** has its own circle of contacts. So reciprocating, the evil spirits are constantly in the breeding, parasitic more demon.

However, according to Lu Sheng’s instructions, most of these demon gods are lower-level demon gods with no special sense of premonition.

That is, the level of Jinxian Zhongpin, which is one level longer than the Suzaku.

The higher the level of Jinxian's top grade and even the golden demon's demon gods, Yunmeng and so on did not dare to act rashly.

Jinxian realm, one product and one heaven, the strength varies greatly. What's more, many of the top grade Jinxian also refine their own shells or limbs into a magic weapon for the body. Most of these bodyguards can spontaneously alert the body, which is not so easy to calculate.

In more than three months, there were a small half of the demon in the demon, and all of them were successfully parasitized by Lu Sheng.

But the rest is not so easy to start.

Lu Sheng is just a serious loss of power, and it is inconvenient to use it for the time being, and it also restricts the parasites of many demon gods.

At the same time, he secretly let many parasites take out the various magic weapons they collected, and devour them by his power.

And find out the three strongest of them, as the head of the rest of the demon gods.

At the same time, the two sides of the Lich madly strangled on the earth, not the Tianshan Tianzhu dumped, the sky sank one day, and the gap between the heavens and the earth became smaller and smaller.

Once the world is united, the world will re-enter the chaos, everything will return to the mixed yuan, thirty-three days of various hurricane toxic light, can instantly kill more than ninety-nine of the land on the earth.

Such a world robbery, the rest of the saints do not matter, but the son-in-law of the Terran demon mother, but finally can not sit still.


Yunmeng demon shrine.

Lu Sheng is a pair of eyes, quietly sitting on the side of a throne.

Not long after, Yunmeng and the other two demon gods came together, looking respectfully standing opposite him.

"the host."

The three demon gods greet the road with awe.

Lu Sheng slowly blinked.

"What are the treasures brought?"

"Bring it!" Yunmeng nodded.

Lu Sheng slightly decapitated: "To find you today, in addition to the treasures, it is to decide the next specific action."

"Please tell the master!" The demon **** on the right side of Yunmeng was careful.

Fat is a kind of bird, it is not big, and it can be cultivated to the realm of demon gods. It can be said that it is extremely difficult, but because the blood of the main body is not strong, the supernatural power is not strong, and it is easily parasitized.

However, the fat remains is the most exquisite of the three demon gods. Only one of them can break through to Jinxian’s top grades. It has been repaired for hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, although his blood is weak, he is also faint in the three demon gods. Take it first.

"First put the treasures up." Lu Sheng Ping said.

The three demon gods did not dare to neglect, and quickly brought themselves to other demon gods, and brought the treasures one by one to the table in front of Lu Sheng.

When the treasure is finished, Lu Sheng is like a general view. Reach out and gently pick up the treasure and slowly check it. The surface is inspecting, but in reality it is absorbing the power of it.

A total of eight magic weapons, each of which surpasses the piece of witch that he first succeeded, contains at least tens of millions of units of power.

Although it is not as good as the sacred bow, it is quite awful.

Just this number, some are too little....

Lu Sheng frowned and swept the magic weapon on the table. He parasitized at least 20 demon gods, but the magic weapon gathered was only eight.

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