Way of the Devil

Chapter 924: Collect two

"I am looking for you here, but also want to thoroughly clarify, after the plan." Lu Sheng hand pressed on a golden hairpin, while absorbing the power of the inside, while the line of sight fell on the three demon gods.

"You wait, let's talk about the situation of the current fairy court. How is the demon **** layered, from top to bottom, overall."

The three demon gods glanced at each other, and the third demon **** sang the snake, step forward, whisper.

"In this respect, the subordinates are the officials of the demon courts. They are more clear about this aspect, or they are explained by their subordinates."

The snake is the only female of the three. Her human figure looks like a beautiful woman with a dark black dress. The figure is also very full and hot. It seems that one more point is awkward and one point is thinner. The waist is full of grip, as if at any time may be overwhelmed, it is about to break.

"You said." Lu Sheng nodded.

The snakes sorted out the ideas and opened slowly.

"The demon of the highest, is the emperor of the emperor, Taiyi, Emperor, and Sui. These three are in charge of the Zhou Tianxing battle array, the mixed Yuanluo array, and Fusang giant wood."

"In the demon god, these three realms are congenital, and secondly, the demon teacher is Peng Peng."

"The demon teacher Peng Peng?" Lu Sheng eyes a deep, this goods is the one who killed the red cloud in the legend of the wild.

The snake nodded.

"Xun Peng is the only quasi-holy of heaven in addition to the three. Under him, all the other demon gods are only Jinxian."

"You continue." Lu Sheng faint.

"Under the demon teacher, the strongest has seven demon gods. According to the division of the temper, they are all powerful and can compete with the Jinxian top." "The seven are Bai Ze, Ying Zhao, Ji Meng, Jiu Ying, Ghost Car, Lu Wu, Shang Yang."

"They each have their own powerful supernatural powers, and even among all the demon gods in the whole world, they can be ranked in the forefront."

"Can you figure out their magical powers?" Lu Sheng said.

"It's hard. They are too strong. Even if I wait for ten matches, it's a problem to win." Yunmeng smiled aside.

"Yes, the same as the demon god, they are the most important heavyweight of the Emperor."

At this time, Lu Sheng just put the last magic weapon down from his hand.

"Now the Lich Wars, you can find a chance to set up in the lower bounds, as long as you control one, as a breakthrough, the rest will be easier."

"In this case, there is indeed a chance." The snake thought for a moment and whispered.

"You said." Lu Sheng looked up at her.

"After March, Nine Infants will be sent to the Xiangliu tribe to kill the Great Witch, and I would have traveled as an assistant." The snake explained. Among all the parasitic demon gods, she has the highest position and is the easiest to reach the core information of the heavenly court.

"After March, you will arrange all the demon gods who can get to the lower bounds. Go to the siege together, remember not to let him run." Lu Sheng told him.

At this level, he has to do it. Naturally, he doesn’t have everything to do with his own affairs.

"Yes, master!" The three demon gods quickly and respectfully bowed.

"Well, you go back, remember to try not to be found." Lu Sheng said freely. The things they meet, the less people know, the better.

Although even if it is found, the problem is not big, but in order to prevent trouble later, it is still necessary to eliminate the possibility.


The three responded quickly.

"To the master, not long ago, the Suzaku family of the rain patriarch was martyrdom, and now the war continues, the demon court is not enough, the demon **** Akasaka, please send the Suzaku family to his subordinate army to fight against the witch clan."

"Red 狰?" Lu Sheng eyes a glimpse. "The results of it?"

"The result was imprisoned and rejected by the emperor, but the rain patriarchs strongly urged the war, and did not seem to want to stay in the demon court." Ming snake explained.

"Then don't bother, if there is a deliberate targeting of safety, please inform me again." Lu Sheng told me.


"There is another one, the sinful eye that the owner mentioned before, I found it."

"The eye of sin? Found it!?" Lu Sheng spirited. "Where? Take me there!"

"The place is a strange place, there are countless mud trees, no earth, only countless gray-black rocks. The eyes of sin are in the deepest part of this region." Fei continued.

"It’s just that I’ve sent subordinates to try to get close, but when I’m just getting close, all the subordinates I’m sending will be inexplicably frozen and then instantly blend into the rock below.”

"Have you personally tempted?" Lu Sheng frowned.

"These have tried it personally, but I haven’t walked in, and I feel that there is a huge threat that may come at any time. I will not dare to continue."

"Even if you feel threatened," Lu Sheng is a stranger.

The fat man is the demon **** of the demon court. Although the strength is not strong here, it is the top-ranking Jinxian Chinese character in the lower bound.

Even he feels threatened, and the things there are probably not dangerous.

"Can't you fly over?" asked the snake.

"No, there is no way to find a direction when it is empty. It will be automatically transmitted when flying for a short time." Fei Yan regrets.

"You said this, the place is a bit like a saint, a place of ignorance that was mentioned in the sermon." The snake frowned.

"What is the land of vain?" Not only was Lu Sheng not heard, but even fat and Yunmeng were puzzled.

"Sacred words, vain is the enemy of everything in the world. Today, the Purple Palace is the pillar that has been suppressing the tempest. The remaining six saints are in various directions, suppressing the intrusion of different regions. .

It’s just that the saints are too vain, and I don’t know what it’s like. ”

"Is it?" Lu Sheng picked up his eyes and vaguely felt that this was lingering, and it was very likely to be related to the things he had contacted.

From the Yunmeng demon temple, Lusheng did not return to Suzaku Palace, but directly to the lower boundary, turned into a fire cloud to fly to the place where Zhoushan.

The original is not Zhoushan, at this time has been dumped into a series of mountains. A huge, **** round hole in the sky is constantly surging to leave the Tianhe River.

In addition to the mountains outside the mountains are all a vast ocean, the water of the Tianhe River is highly toxic, ordinary creatures can not survive in it.


At the top of a mountain, the road fires from the sky and falls from the sky, falling in the mountains and transforming the human form.

Standing on the top of the mountain, he looked around and there was a silver-blue river in the sky.

The fragments of Zhoushan are divided into several pieces, lying on the ground, with heavy paleness, almost becoming the only giant island in the ocean.

"Yuan Shi Tian Zun will collect the fragments of Zhoushan and practice it into the sky. Then the whole power of the whole mountain is probably an astronomical number. I just don't know how to collect it."

Lu Sheng quietly observed the surroundings, this is the rumored Tianzhu, supporting the pillars of the sky, there must be a lot of secret treasures on the mountain. He came here this time, and he also planned to save the sky before the son-in-law. Squeeze it again.

By the way, look at the power of the saints, how powerful it is.

"The original world was just looking for clues. I didn't expect that there would be such a big surprise. It was just that deflation." I don't know why, Lu Sheng vaguely recalled the entrance that was seen when he entered the Tianmo world. A strange sight on the gate.

The **** red door gave him a strange sense of uncertainty.

"The deficiencies seem to have to find a good time to investigate one or two." Lu Sheng spirits scattered, looking for a direction to sense, following the most lush place, once again turned into a cloud of fire

What he left is a piece of debris in the middle of Zhoushan. According to the truth, it should be part of the mountainside. There are absolutely many hidden treasures.

Before the surrounding area was too cold and too cold, all kinds of space was broken, and there was no living thing at all.

But now in this state, although there are also a lot of space cracks, the yin and cold currents are constantly dissipating, and the strength can be weakened a lot.

The fire cloud of Lusheng flew along the mountains.

The ground below is full of continuous ice and snow, and occasionally some green and green, but all are broken branches and leaves, in addition to ice and snow, the most is the boulder, many dozens of meters in diameter, and even hundreds of meters in diameter of the boulders rolling around.

He ran along the way and soon saw the first green lawn with light green fluorescence. In the middle of the lawn, there is a strange flower of three colors of petals.

Lu Sheng is unceremonious, but it is a catch, and even the flowers and soil are all grabbed, stuffed into the whiskey bag that was snatched from the demon god.

Passing over the lawn, it was soon a string of black round fruit with spikes, hanging in the middle of a blackened dead tree with yellow light.

Lu Sheng decisively took away.

After that, I received a lot of things in succession. All the things that seemed to be sold were all sold by the road winners.

After a full flight for several hours, gradually the road wins vaguely to see the slight color of the front flashing. At the same time accompanied by a huge roaring beast.

Flying closer, the color of the front is becoming more and more obvious.

In the middle of the endless Tianhe water, a huge woman with a top body and a snake, is solemnly facing a huge copper furnace with a gossip, throwing a piece of colored stone into it to smelt.

There is also a black behemoth like a giant tortoise, which is being locked by a number of black chains full of mysterious symbols.

"Nüwa saint?" Lu Sheng slightly frowned, although it seems that this scene is just a common snake demon in what is very common, but after the collapse of the collapse of the mountains, it is not right.

The current environment here is extremely bad, even if the general demon gods are not willing to come in. This seems to be the same as the ordinary snake demon woman how to suddenly appear here.

He and the opposite snake demon are at least tens of thousands of miles away, but for some reason, he does not dare to approach again, but only looks at each other's movements.

If it is a son-in-law, then he is very likely to be able to see the power of the true saints.

Looking at the opposite snake demon is concentrating on the colorful stones, it seems that the stone melts very slowly, and the road wins and finds a piece of land to land, and he dug a hole to drill in and retreat.

He only got the sacred bow of the sacred bow and the eight treasures contributed by the demon god. The difference of one million is 300 million.

Just now, I have just caught so many natural treasures to see if I can provide some power.

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