Way of the Devil

Chapter 925: Enemy

Just sitting in the hole, Lu Sheng is about to pick up the things collected before the bag.

Suddenly he was covered in a hair, clearly feeling that something seemed to be watching himself. Almost conditioned, he rushed out of the cave and looked away from the snake.

Sure enough, seeing that the snake demon is smiling in the direction he is in, seems to be indicating.

Not to smile at him, Lu Sheng suddenly turned back, just saw a golden fire behind him falling from the sky, turned into a handsome white-haired man wearing a robes.

The man bowed in the direction of the snake demon.

"The merits of the sky, the ability to live in, if you are interested, you can help yourself." The man's tone is dull, but the meaning is profound.

"Very good, Sanqing sent to the sky giant, my brother Fuxi sent yin and yang round eight gossip furnace, colorful stone is my treasure, in addition, who is willing to shoot." The snake demon calmly asked.

"I can survey the position of the four poles." A golden glow was lit up in the distant sky, and a middle-aged Taoist with a sallow color was sitting on the side.

Lu Sheng was shocked and so many people were on the side. He didn’t even notice it.

He is now aware of the anomalies, and this group of people is most likely not the peak of the quasi-saint, the true saint.

Just like the man in the golden robe next to him, he gave him a strong sense of acupuncture. Even his own body is tight in the depths of the soul to prevent it from being discovered.

Lu Sheng did not say anything, the body flame, flying away from the man's position, leaving a full thousand miles, only to fall on the other side of the Zhoushan fragments.

The man in the golden robe did not change his face and seemed to care that he did not leave. His eyes are still calmly watching the snake demon, or the son-in-law.

After a long distance, Lu Sheng discovered that the air behind the man and the cold and cold currents are unconsciously flowing naturally to form a huge yin and yang map.

"Fuxi!" He jumped out of the name in his mind for the first time.

"This is where the boy emerged. The salvation of the saint is something you can mix at will." Lu Sheng had not had time to react, and suddenly felt a cold and rushing behind him.


He was about to dodge, and the coolness suddenly flashed, appearing directly inside his lower abdomen, and then slammed open. His whole body was silent and melted into a lot of blood.

"You!!" He turned his head back to look behind him, a white-haired old man with a cane on his hand, looking at the son-in-law's face, and didn't look at him.

"How? Want to take revenge? The old man, the oldest ancestor of the river, wants revenge to come to me in the underworld." The old man said casually, but for Lu Sheng to persist for so long, some surprised, so by the way to say more.

"I" Lu Sheng Zhang couldn't help but spit out a blood, his face pale.

"What are you? Do you want to beg for mercy? Or do you want to pull the mountain to scare the ancestors?" The river laughed. "There are counts of life and death, the world and the earth, the sun and the moon change, the ancestors kill, these are fixed numbers. I am in the river." It is part of the natural world, and it is part of the number. If you violate the ancestors, it is a violation of the number!"

"I!" Lu Sheng spurted out another blood.

"Poor juniors, this is the weak meat, the heavens and the earth are natural." The light sight of the river is once again falling on the saints in the distance.

"You are fortunate enough to see such a grand event. It is already unprecedented luck. Fortunately, the gathering of several saints will bring about an unprecedented change. You can see it all before you die. Even if you die, it is enough to celebrate. ”

puff! !

The eyes of the Styx suddenly stunned, the lips trembled, and the incredibly slowed down, looking at the dark red arm that penetrated through his chest.

"I am still dead!!" Lu Sheng finally spurted out. A lightning bolt grips the neck of the river and tears it. The huge Suzaku fire with an unimaginable high temperature instantly burns the entire head of the Styx into black, then slams it down.

The red-white flame is like a virus, and it quickly burns the remaining body of the Styx into ashes.

Lu Sheng’s smashed lower body quickly ignited a white flame, and in a blink of an eye the flame dissipated and his body returned to its original state.

"The Styx?? Very good!" Lu Sheng feels that this Suzaku Eucharist is just a moment away, at least one tenth of the Suzaku fire is lost. Under normal circumstances, he is as high as seventy-one turns of the Nanming longevity record. The Suzaku's fire, even if it is fully used for ten days and ten nights, will not cause such a large consumption.

The real big consumption is still used to reshape the body.

Nanming Changsheng recorded the greatest strength, except for the extension of life, it is able to use its own flames at any time to repair all its injuries.

As long as the Suzaku is still there, he will not die.

At this moment, on the surface outside the cave, a group of blood emerged from the air, twisted and formed, and soon turned into the appearance of the ancestors of the Styx.

"I am very good at juniors. You can actually break through the venom and corrosion of my **** Dafa. I am worthy of praise." The river is sullen, and he has a **** river, and the strongest **** is called the blood god. Plus his body is a vast sea of ​​boundless blood, the blood is not dry, he will not die.

What I just lost is just an incarnation.

Just to make him a little embarrassed is that Lu Sheng, a junior, actually killed him as an incarnation.


The ground suddenly exploded, the rocks and the soil were scattered, and a group of fires flew out, turning into the shape of the road at this time.

He also stared coldly at the Styx.

"Very good, I have been victorious for so many years, and for the first time, I have been attacked by the humble indigenous people without name, and you have succeeded in angering me."

"Well??" The river is a yin, this world, in addition to the saints, he has never been afraid of the river! This junior actually dared to speak up! ?

Lu Sheng’s eyes were sharp, he ran across all walks of life, slaughtered hundreds of millions, swallowed the stars, and omnipotent. A small world aboriginal in the district, actually dared to attack him and swayed in front of him, it was his recent bad mouth. Or is this world casually grabbing a guy who doesn’t know how tall it is?

The two looked at each other and saw a sense of killing and contempt from the eyes of the other side.

Styx? Oh, he guy called himself called the Styx, so to speak.

Lu Sheng suddenly thought of one person in the wilderness, dare to watch the saints fill the sky at this time, perhaps it is really the Styx.

However, it doesn't matter, he is the one of the Styx, which is the only way to win him. There is only one ending.

The dark red lines on the road surface are brighter red.


Behind him, a group of tens of meters high blazing white flames gradually burned, and the outline of the behemoths flashed through the fire.

The Styx smiled sharply, and the body began to sway and distort like a water pattern. A **** red glow appeared around the air, and the air was filled with a **** smell.

An ancient and exquisite long sword with a strange shape and a dark red body slowly emerged from the side of his body and was held in the palm of his hand.

"Fortunately, you can become the soul of the dead in the sword. The ancestors will turn your gods into the food of the great Ashura. It will never be super-born! Hahahaha!!"

"Do you think that I can't take your garbage?" Lu Sheng's skin faintly began to appear hot white flames. He had long wanted to try what level of quasi-sacredness, since the river is looking for death, then no wonder he!

A nose sword out, surrounded by a sudden horrible sharp cold cold, but this killing is close to Lu Sheng, but was devastated by some kind of strange and greedy powerful force field.

Lu Sheng’s Suzaku’s fire seems to have some kind of incomprehensible magical power. It’s just that Suzaku’s fire wants to spread and burn, and it’s also resisted by this killing.

The two confront each other, the momentum of the force on both sides, the pressure on me, I press you, each has a win and lose, it is a comparable in a short time.

On the other side, Fuxi and several saints, after explaining their own help, retired.

Only the saints and saints continue to practice the colorful stones.

It’s impossible to make a difference in the short time, and the melting of colorful stones will take a short time.

They also saw the dispute between Styx and Lusheng. It is only for the saints that they themselves represent the top privilege of this universe. Non-sages are in their eyes, but they are ants. It can be destroyed at will.

The saint has a holy position, and this holy position can be proved by several methods. Having a holy position means that you can control the basic rules of the universe in a certain range, and at the same time, you will not enter the three realms, and will be supreme and not destroyed.

This is the privilege given by the universe. Therefore, those who are not sanctified are all ants.

There are several different ways to get this privilege.

The first one is to prove that. It is the saint who is so powerful that even the universe can only recruit peace. The ability to give regular control is also to appease, simply put, the fear of the universe to obtain the existence of privilege.

The second one is the three corpses and nine worms. It is to cut off all connections between itself and the universe, so that you can jump out of the rules of cause and effect and become independent in the world. In order to re-incorporate this kind of existence into its own system and avoid them from messing up, the universe will give the Holy Position as compensation.

The third is the merits and deeds. This refers to the great contributors to the universe and the world, thus gaining the highest reward of the universe, merit and dedication, and achievement of saints. This is regarded as the direct privileged class cultivated by the name of the universe itself.

So it doesn't fall down, and the sky is pouring. As the son-in-law of the cosmos, the first to go here, to make a great contribution to the sky.

The last one is to make a big wish.

This is the standard first guarantee for the universe of empty checks, indicating that they can help the universe to complete large defects and large holes, and demonstrate sufficient capacity and realization possibilities.

It is possible to get a reward for the universe and get paid in advance, which is the Holy Position.

Of course, the premise is that Hong Kong must have great help to the universe and has urgent needs. At the same time, I also have the possibility to complete the ambition. And once the ambition is made, all actions must be carried out around this, otherwise it will fall and lose the universe.

After all, the universe gives the saint in advance, and it is also for the ambition to complete its goal faster, and this fourth is speculative. Before completing the ambition, the privilege obtained is worse than the previous three.

There is no sadness and no joy in the heart of the woman, she is very clear about what she wants to do. This is her mission. When it is today, only she is the most suitable.

But before that, she was a little surprised to see the two little guys who were facing each other.

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