Way of the Devil

Chapter 927: Break through one


The red flame ignited next to the road, and he continued to rotate around him like a lantern.

From the Suzaku Palace, he first came to one of the demon temples he controlled.

This Dongfu is located on the earth, a place called Guangshan. It looks like Guangshan is no different from other mountains. It is green and green, lush, birds and flowers, and strange animals lurking.

But in fact, this is just an appearance. The demon family here is mild and peaceful, but once it is too close, it will erupt in an instant, transforming into the most ugly weird beast and tearing up all the living things that dare to enter.

Among all the caves of Lu Sheng’s demon gods, this is the most hidden, and the camouflage is also the strongest.

Dongfu is located in the depths of the mountain, surrounded by demon gods who have laid out tens of thousands of years of solid protection, and there are hidden illusions and a large number of tricks.

Lu Sheng is entrenched in the depths of the cave. The body is faintly golden and red, and the squirrel is slowly appearing. He is in a certain form between the original body and the avatar.

He is still recovering his own Suzaku fire. He was sneaked by the Styx before the stick. It took so much time to slowly repair it back. The powerful flame of Zhuque Shenhuo has no way to quickly transform from the outside world, but must be slowly secreted by his own original body.

It can be said to use one less point.

"Fortunately, it has finally recovered completely." Lu Sheng Chang Shu breathed, only the most complete state, in order to perfectly meet this complete upgrade.

I have roughly tested my current state.

Like the phoenix family, the Suzaku family has a similar pattern of natural characters. The phoenix family is born with the words Auspicious, and the Suzaku family also has it.

Just like the glamour before Lu Sheng is born, it has nothing to do with the day after tomorrow.

The true power of the Suzaku family is actually derived from this natural pattern.

Through the words on their bodies, they exchanged with the universe, naturally stimulating rules and forming magical powers.

The human form is one of the easiest forms to communicate with the universe, so the road win is between the human form and the original form, and at the same time has the advantages of two forms.

"Deep blue." He meditated.

The light blue interface popped up in front of his eyes, and several boxes popped up on the top. It is all the magical exercises he has learned in this universe.

In addition to the opening of the Nanming Changsheng Record, there is also the Red Emperor Star, but for the Red Emperor Star, he has not yet planned to deepen.

Lu Sheng looked at the current Nanming Changsheng Record.

‘Nanming Changsheng Record: Seventy-one to nine-fold, (Shentong: high-level flame heart, high-grade flame shape, advanced flame strengthening, high-level fire ethnic pressure, seven-level Nanming Shenhuo)’

"There are still 500 million sentimental powers, try to see a few levels." Lu Sheng thought of a move, issued instructions, let the modifier to improve the power of one turn.

The box of Nan Ming’s longevity record suddenly blurred.

A lot of sentimental powers rushed out from his chest like a wave, and filled the limbs. A hotter heat is flooding the road to the body.

He closed his eyes, this feeling is already a familiar road, he can perceive the flow of heat into his own countless cells, and the practice of Nanming Changsheng records automatically and super-high-speed flow.

The longevity record, which originally required tens of thousands of years of hard work to make a breakthrough, is undergoing a metamorphosis at an extremely exaggerated speed.

The inheritance of the Suzaku family's inheritance method, the more difficult it is to practice the breakthrough, the general Suzaku can repair the 30th turn, it is already a gift of talent, spending countless years. The latter is to continue to think about it, but also to consider the issue of the maximum number of lives.

Lu Sheng’s physical talent is not very good, but he has deep blue, deep blue uses the power of sending power, and hardly cultivates his exercises, forcibly upgrades to seventy-one turns, which is equivalent to the skill of other Suzaku for more than 10,000 years. for.

According to the calculation method of the floodplain, here is the unit of the Huiyuan, one will be 10,800 years, and the first will be the 12th meeting, which will be 129,600 years.

Lu Sheng’s current cultivation is almost equivalent to the accumulation of ten yuan. That is, it has been cultivated for millions of years.

Nowadays, the Suzaku, who has lived for millions of years, is the Yuzu, the Suzaku.

There is also a top demon in the devil's court, and there is such a level of skill.

"It is very powerful, but in fact, in the wild, even a river can not beat." Lu Sheng shook his head slightly.

The Styx is an old monster that has lived since the beginning of the day. The avatar is compared with him. If it is really out of the body, it is really impossible.

"But this universe, time is not worth the money, the power of the Styx and so on has already reached its limits, and many of the top demon gods have reached the innate limits early and can no longer go forward.

Even in the demon court, the top demon gods have long been inaccessible, stuck in the bottleneck. It is only those low-level demon gods that are truly nourished by the Sunday Star Wars. ”

Lu Sheng’s mind is counting.

After a short time, the dark blue interface slowly and clearly.

‘Nanming’s longevity record: the 72nd turn, the ninth weight. (Shentong: Heart of Advanced Flame, Advanced Flame Formation, Advanced Flame Enhancement, Advanced Fire Race Pressure, Level 8 Nanming Shenhuo)

Nothing else changed, that is, the Nanming Shenhuo became a level eight. This is a change in the magical powers, and Lu Sheng clearly felt that his body was somewhat subtle and could not be said. It should be that the number of lives has increased, and the body repairing power has also increased by about 30%.

Obviously the effect of this turn is this.

After the promotion of Nanming's longevity record, it began to infiltrate a trace of mysterious material, entered the body of the demon, and began to absorb the subtle death of the body, forming a gray stone. At the same time, the ontology seems to be the same, and the soul is gradually increasing.

"It costs nearly 50 million to send too much power, and this 500 million is not enough." Lu Sheng is frowning.

"No matter what you lift first."

His mind was slightly moved and continued to enhance the longevity record of Nanming.

Seventy-third turn, seventy-four turns, seventy-five turns, seventy-six turns until the eightyth turn!

Lu Sheng’s hot white fire is gradually getting a strange black.

The appearance is white, and there are black silk lines inside.

The flame is only peas in size, suspended in front of Lu Sheng, but the heat that has been radiated has melted the inner walls of the surrounding caves into golden magma, protecting the big bursts of crazy smoke. From time to time, the protective charms are directly cracked and blown up, turning into black .

The air has already been dried, and the surrounding area is filled with rocks that are heavily vaporized. These rocky gases show a turbid, pale golden mist that constantly flies around the road.

Outside the gasified rock, it is a golden magma, outside the golden magma, it is a yellow magma, and then it is red, dark red, until it is dark.

A large amount of high-heat gas was transpired from the entire Guangshan surface, and the nearby animal demon group was found to be wrong. The panic fled away from the distance.

A few daring big demon think that there is a different treasure to come to the world, and the team rushed to the direction of Lu Sheng, but could not stand it when he was halfway, and turned and fled.

Lu Sheng is sitting in the same position, his body is like a three-legged golden wolf, emitting a horrible flame that is enough to vaporize all matter.

The Zhuque Shenhuo was originally a southern flame with special ability between the heavens and the earth. Only when the sun is really hot will there be such a terrible horror.

But at this time, Lu Sheng has been hard to push the temperature of Suzaku's fire to a level similar to that of the sun.

The powerful lethality of the fire that is possessed by Shenhuo is even strengthened to the point where it can't be added.

Lu Sheng can feel it, and if he does not improve much, he can touch an indescribable barrier.

That should be the innate limit of this Suzaku Eucharist.

Although the ancient animal blood is weak and powerful, it is not without limits. Just like a tall building, the frame that starts playing is no matter how high it is, and there will be a limit. The same pool, the pool that is bigger and wider, will also be filled.

The road victory uses the power of the gods to cross the hardships accumulated by others for millions of years, and will soon reach the bottleneck of the Suzaku family.

"Not enough, you need more power to send more power." Lu Sheng can feel that he is about to reach the limit, and reach the limit, and then break through, before you can reach the quasi-holy realm.

The limit of race qualification and the limit of physical fitness are actually the first shackles of the congenital universe that naturally limits life.

If you want to break through, it is nothing more than the four methods, to prove that the three corpses are sacred, the merits and deeds, and the ambitions.

I don’t have to think about it. Lu Sheng is not going to take this road, and it’s no longer awkward to live with the three dead bodies.

Therefore, he intends to go to prove that the only one in this universe is the Pangu.

Pangu Yuanshen was born in congenital chaos. He was born with no rules and restrictions, so he could infinitely strengthen his power until he broke all rules.

Lu Sheng knows that his greatest advantage is that his own body is not a creature of this world. The demon body is not restricted by this rule, and it also has advantages in this respect. It’s all right to walk.

Yes, he intends to borrow the power of the body to help the Suzaku's Eucharist break through the limits when it reaches its limit.

"Almost go, let me find any special treasures with a long history." Lu Shengpan sat in the center of the golden mist, and slowly surrounded by the horror of the golden golden Suzaku. Numerous spatial cracks centered on him and spread slowly around.

The original Qingbi landscape of the entire Guangshan Mountain is rapidly being baked by high temperature and turned into a **** like the Flame Mountain.



Demon court.

Taiyi is separated by a bead curtain and overlooks the lower ministers.

There is a brilliance around the hall, and there are large virtualized ostriches and dragons flying around. The Suzaku family led the musicians to play the solemn and low music.

"Now the ancestors of the ancestors are two, the strength is greatly damaged. I was a little less than before, but I was forced to protect myself. Now the situation is changing, it is better than when I was in heaven.

You love Qing, can you have a good policy once and for all, to solve the witch? "He was also physically and mentally exhausted by the witches.

The brother-in-law, for the last murder, wished to merge the ancestral sorcerer's plan. After being discovered, the death battle degraded nine emperors, and the remaining Sun Star did not care, and lurked in the name of the incognito.

Now that Sun Star is returning to her position, Taiyi is therefore very worried. After all, it’s the ten sons born to my brother and sister-in-law, but now

As a result, his aversion to the witches has become more intense. He also went to the Imperial Palace several times before and begged the saints to be shot.

‘Since the saints are unwilling to take the shot, then the emperor will do it himself! Holding this idea, Dong Huangtai called the group of ministers to find good strategies.

The ministers sat in the hall, and they were silent.

Taiyi’s sight fell on his most capable cadres, and he swept away from the sorcerer’s body.

"You are the pillars of my heavenly court. Why don't you say a word?"

"Your Majesty, now the inner bar of the witches is indeed the best time for me, but in the same way, my heavens have suffered heavy casualties in the previous wars. The twelve gods are in great power, and the power is too horrible, even if it is less. The two ancestors are far from being able to match. "The demon **** Bai Ze slowly opens.

Bai Ze is a young and handsome student with a beautiful face. At this time, he is holding a fan, holding a cup in one hand, and his tone is peaceful.

Taiyi knew that he was persuading himself, and he could not act rashly for the time being.

"If the ancestors go to another one, or let me wait for the upper hand." Bai Ze continued.

“It’s easy to say.” Shang Yang shook his head slightly. “Even if you designed and solved Zhu Rong’s work together, it’s just that they have a gap between the two, and the relationship is very poor. But now the witches have the same enemy, they have no way to start. ”

Both of them are the top demon gods under the slogan. The status is different, and the speech is naturally more casual.

Only the rest of the demon gods heard that Zhu Rong’s work was actually solved by Bai Ze’s design, and suddenly they were shocked and looked at Bai Ze.

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