Way of the Devil

Chapter 928: Break through two

"Today's plan, when the wait-and-see is the main, the witches are sorrowful and angry at this time, when the war is the strongest, we delay one or two, waiting for their momentum to weaken, and then make plans." Bai Ze seriously.

"Good." Too little to agree.

Now the demon squad has hundreds of millions of soldiers, nearly one hundred demon gods, and only half of the demon gods staying in the demon court. It is not easy to maintain the battle situation and set up again.

Taiyi asked a little bit about the current situation of all parties, and encouraged him to reward the sinful demon in the war.

The proceedings are considered to be over.

After the meeting of the demon gods, Bai Ze got up and moved together with the British. Both of them have always been friends, and they talked relatively freely.

Stepping out of the House of Parliament, the two follow the white jade fence on the edge of the heavens, while enjoying the tumbling clouds below, while chatting casually.

"I heard that Nine Infants had a sneak sneak sneak peek before, and they failed to smash and smash. They suffered minor injuries. Why don't you go to see one or two together?" Ying Zhao has always been a warmhearted person in heaven, and he has a lot of good deities. Among them, nine infants are one.

Bai Ze and Jiu Ying have been together for a while because of their duties. They are friends. The words are also laughter.

"Nine Infant Palace is not far from the neighborhood. I thought about it before. I just have time today. Let's go together, otherwise I won't know what troubles."

"Just with the power of nine infants, against the willows, even if the killing is not successful, it is not the top of the wounds, but the strength is even weaker than the nine infants, I have dealt with him." Bai Ze Frown slightly.

"That's right, I will know it in the past." Ying Zhao is also an eyebrow.

Both are top demon gods, the speed is extremely fast, and they will come to the Nine Infant Palace in a blink of an eye. The snake demon who is guarding the door will not be able to neglect and will go in and inform.

Soon, the palace gate was wide open, and the sound of nine infants came from inside.

"Two brothers, please come in!" The voice was a bit gloomy, and it was obviously a bad mood after the injury.

Bai Ze and Ying Zhao tied side by side, his body flickered, and he stepped into the main hall of the Nine Infant Palace.

In the dark black hall, a burly man with nine heads was sitting opposite the one-eyed woman. When they saw them coming in, the man quickly got up and the gloomy surface faded.

"The two brothers, the younger brother was only slightly injured, can't afford to visit the brothers together!"

"Since the nine-baby brother has a guest, then he will leave first." The one-eyed woman who was sitting before smiled slightly, and got up and bowed to the British recruit and Bai Ze, and suddenly exploded and turned into black smoke.

"What is that?" Ying asked questions.

"It’s the wind after the wind." Bai Ze knows all the demon gods in the entire demon court and directly names them.

Isn’t Nine Baby not always in harmony with Fei Lian’s brother? How come together with this?

Ying Zhao’s heart is moving.

He carefully looked at the face of the nine infants and sensed the demon power in his body. As he said, he was only slightly injured.

Pressing the strange heart, Ying Zhao and Bai Ze sat down and chatted with Nine Infant for a while, then got up and left.

Out of the Nine Infant Palace, the face of Ying Zhao was slightly sinking.

Both of them are silent, until they go far, they are going to the location of the Sun Star Palace, and there is a hot and hot place around them.

He stopped and leaned on a fence.

"Bai Zexiong, when did Nine Infants and Fei Lian get together? Didn't he always keep up with Fei Lian's elder brother?"

"I am also a bit strange. The lower bounds seem to be a bit strange. The nine infants seem to be a bit strange." Bai Zeshan is smart, smart, and astronomical, and extremely sensitive to the slightest change.

Although the nine infants did not change much on the surface, he still felt a slight anomaly.

"I didn't feel it, but recently, Tianting seems to be a bit strange. I don't know if Bai Ze did you find out?" Ying Zhao is not only the top demon of the war, but also responsible for managing the trivial things of the whole heaven. Emperor's powerful help. So I feel keen in this regard.

"Oh? What?" Bai Ze’s eyes started.

"The original demon gods are all twos and threes, each grouped according to regional temperament. There will be almost no extra contacts on weekdays. But in the past year, some demon gods who did not move very much have started to connect with each other. Even a few demon gods who have mutual hatred, Also began to abandon the former suspicion." Ying Zhao Shen Shen.

"Is that the case?" Bai Ze has been responsible for the operation of the various battles in the heavens, so he did not pay much attention to this aspect. When he heard the British move, his heart suddenly felt a little wrong.

"You said this, I also saw a few demon gods who were not on the road together and talked and laughed."

Ying nodded.

"This feeling is like the whole demon god, starting to condense into different small groups."

Bai Ze agreed to nod: "It's a bit, but even if you unite the group, it doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't affect the situation of the witches."

"If it is just that, I don't have to say much, just some worry." Ying Zhao shook his head.

"There is nothing to worry about, there is a heavenly emperor in charge of the Sunday starry battle, and there is a large-scale river Luo Luo, the demon court is not the ancestral witch, the rest of the turmoil is a small matter." Bai Ze comforted.

"That's right." Ying Zhao also smiled.


Lu Sheng’s hand is playing with a round ball of lacquered black egg size. There is a lot of dark fog inside the sphere, and there are also nine monsters like dragons and dragons like snakes and non-snakes.

A large number of Suzaku fires around him have been converged back, leaving only a little protective flame around themselves.

A lot of sentimental powers are constantly flowing from the black beads into the road.

"It's not the legendary nine-baby beast, so there is such a huge huge power in the inner Dan!" Lu Sheng face with a sudden absorption of a steady stream of power.

This inner Dan was just sent by his demon god, the heart of the nine infants.

As the most demon **** of the demon court, the nine-infant was originally going to slay the stalking Liu, but he did not expect to be ambushed by his own people in the middle of the road, but he was helplessly parasitized and became a member of Lu Sheng’s demon god.

It is also the first top demon to be parasitized.

Although seven of the demon gods have been hit hard, everything is worth it.

Lu Sheng had hoped that the nine infants had been practicing in the body for many years. As an ancient beast that can control water and fire, Nine Infants is almost as old as the Suzaku family.

Lu Sheng is aiming at his Nei Dan magic weapon. He is going to try it. These long-time demon gods, the magic weapon of their own sacrifice, see if there is any power.

What he expected was that the inner baby of Nine Infants not only had the power to send power, but also a lot!

"In this way, perhaps as long as there are many demon gods in history, or existed for a long time, there may be a huge accumulation of power."

I don't know how long it took, Lu Sheng unleashed the nine-inner Dan, and checked the sentiment.

"There are actually 100 million!?" He was slightly awkward. "Before I knew this, why should I go around and find the magic weapon?"

"This is really a waste of power everywhere!" Lu Sheng delighted, immediately remembered the many demon gods of his parasite. Although most of the demon gods are not well-known, there are also many who have lived for a long time, and perhaps they can also harvest a batch of power!

When I think of it, Lu Sheng quickly orders through the body, and all the demon gods take turns to send their own demon Dan Nei to him.

A few days later, a demon **** lurked in and out of Guangshan. They didn't stay for a long time, and the speed was extremely fast. They all came with a strong covert technique, but it didn't cause any movement.

These demon gods have tens of millions of contributions, although not as good as the top demon gods such as the nine infants, but they can't stand the number.

And the power of the road in the hands of Lu Sheng, and soon it has finally increased to an unprecedented 3 billion!

The quasi-holy machine is at this time!


The sky flashed through the road, and the edge of the sky above the mountain was already filled with colored matter.

The pouring of the Tianhe River is slower and slower.

The river around the Guangshan Mountain is in a hurry, and the heavy rain has been pouring for ten days.

Lu Sheng took a hand and stood at the hole in the mountain, quietly looking at the slender rain outside and dancing.

The longevity record of Nanming has been deduced to the ninth and nineteenth, and reached the limit of true meaning.

His original Suzaku shape has reached an immense degree.

Even if the ancient ancestor of the Suzaku was alive, it would never be his opponent. If anyone in the Suzaku family weighs the strongest, then he is the well-deserved Suzaku King.

"Suzaku Wang I like this title." Lu Sheng calmly reached out and caught a few drops of rain falling from the sky.

The water drops on his palm, as if he just fell into the palm of his hand and slowly rolled on his skin.

"So today, let this title be a real name."

Lu Sheng smiled.

For a moment, he gently shook his hand.


The water droplets in the palm of your hand suddenly turn into a white gold flame. The flames are squeezed out from the finger joints, and the threads are intertwined to form a perfect illusory flame flower, which is slowly and openly open.

There is a white gold delicate Suzaku quietly crouching in the flower.

Suzaku slowly raised his head, and his eyes suddenly ignited a pure golden flame.


Lu Sheng stretched his hand and squeezed Suzaku in his hand.

expensive! !

The sword-like white gold flame exploded from his hands and rose into the sky. As if the heavens and the earth suddenly opened a crack door leading to the world of white flames!

"Come on! Burn it!!" Lu Sheng opened his arms and laughed.

boom! !

Countless white gold flames centered on him and blew up in all directions.

Numerous untouched rocky mountain soils disappeared in the flames.

The space does not break open, spreads like a spider web, and numerous air auras leak through the crack into the outer void. This is the world's vitality leaking!



Purple Palace.

In the middle of the empty hall, Hongjun slowly blinked.

"Guanwu's purpose: to divide the road to win the South Ming Suzaku the Great, palm of the sky and the **** of inflammation. No. 1 South of the net of the Lord, to control all the visible invisible fire in the South."

A purple jade symbol is formed by itself in front of it, and it floats out of the Zixiao Palace in a blink of an eye, and falls toward the lower boundary.


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