Way of the Devil

Chapter 929: Quasi-san

The splendid white gold flame burned and the large ground around it was vaporized.

Taking the road to the center, the area is a few kilometers away, and everything is turned into a white gold mist. The outermost mist released a white gold glow, then turned into pure gold, and finally turned into white in the middle.

White is as inclusive as black, and it contains everything that represents the ultimate.

The flames skyrocketed and swiftly rushed toward the sky, and a large amount of invisible smoke blew in all directions along the wind.

In the middle of the flame and the smoke, a purple jade light spot descends from the sky, and all the obstructions are opened, and it falls straight to the middle of the road.

The fire is automatically separated in front of the purple jade, the smoke is hot, the magma force field, nothing can block the light point falling.

The white fire core splits with the light, revealing one of the huge white suzas that smashed thousands of miles.

The normal Suzaku is only a few kilometers above the kilometer, but at this time the Suzaku in front of it even grows to tens of thousands of miles, which is thousands of times that of the ordinary Suzaku.

Lu Sheng is full of madness and burning, and the burning material condenses an invisible and strange thing.

It is a kind of glittering material like a wave of light, in which there is a faint silver spot flashing.

He can feel his sacred body and body, burning together, and speaking, Suzaku's sacred body can be promoted so fast, on the one hand because of the power of sending power, on the other hand, because the energy concentration of the world is extremely high, Plus his own qualifications are strong enough, the combination of the two, resulting in qualitative changes.

A mysterious feeling of mysterious and mysterious, poured into his heart. It seems that both bodies are undergoing some qualitative change.

"This is the condensed god??" Lu Sheng can feel that his consciousness seems to be shifting, from the depths of this body, gradually shifting to the newly formed transparent and translucent special material.

A feeling of being more active than before has spread throughout the body, as if he had carried a myriad of heavy loads in the past, and now suddenly all of them are removed.

Like the colloid, the Yuanshen continued to distort and shape, gradually condensing into a handsome man with a perfect shape.

The man was wearing a golden red feather coat, long sleeves fluttering, a long black hair hanging down to the waist, and a gold-red exquisite crown on his head.

Its face is cold and cold, and the skin is as flawless as white porcelain.

If it weren't for the Suzaku's fire that was surrounded by absolute heat, I am afraid that it would be a beautiful woman to change clothes.

Hey! !

At this moment, a purple light descended from the sky, and it settled in front of Lu Sheng, suspended in the air.

"This is!?" Lu Sheng blinked out his hand and gently pinched the purple light in front of him.

The halo is scattered, and it is a piece of purple jade.

A clear message flooded into his mind.

"Purple Palace? Hongjun?" Lu Sheng suddenly understood the meaning.

"What is this? Zhaoan?" He looked around and surrounded everything. Everything around him collapsed under the burning of Suzaku's fire. The rules of the flames have reached the point of absolute expulsion.

In this extreme case, if the spread of too much land, this universe will cause a bad situation with only a single rule.

When Lu Sheng turned to think about it, he thoroughly understood what it meant to prove it.

"I understand that it is impossible to break through the rules within the rules. However, if you can use reasonable rules, you can exclude all other rules and leave only one rule.

In the natural universe of heaven and earth, there can be no only one rule. When a single rule excludes all other rules, the basic law of this universe will collapse.

This can also achieve the breakthrough rules in disguise, forcing the universe to give privilege to prove the purpose. ”

Looking at the fast purple jade in front of him, Lu Sheng’s mouth showed a sneer.

"What is this? It is a threat to my world. I immediately released the jade."

Although he did not know how far he was, Lu Sheng knew very well that if it could not provoke erosion of this universe, or other important reasons.

This purple spot will never fall easily.

Perceived the information transmitted to the mind, Lu Sheng snorted and smashed the purple jade.

From the inheritance of Suzaku, he learned that a big sign of quasi-saint is from the connection between the soul and the universe.

Jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements, breaking all connections, independent of the heavens and the earth. Refers to the saint,

Lu Sheng has played the next god, and there is something in the depths of consciousness that is connected with the aura outside.

It’s just that the connection is much lighter than before.

He looked up at the sky, his eyes seemed to be able to see through the layers of the gas, looking at the Purple Palace, which is located thirty-three days away.

"Well, it's not yet time." He moved his mind, and the numerous white flames around him suddenly shrank and flew back to his present body.

The glare of the sky disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the remaining gasified rocks quickly cooled down and condensed into a liquid magma.

The magma is pumped away with a large amount of heat, and it cools and solidifies in a blink of an eye, turning into volcanic rocks and some glass-like substances.

Within a few hundred thousand miles around Lusheng, the original Guangshan has long been turned into a plain ruin, and the ground is smooth, as if it were coated with a layer of shiny metal.

The huge white Suzaku body slowly faded and dissipated. Lu Sheng took care of the robe and made a slight turn. It turned into a white flame and flew into the distance.

The white flare gradually adjusts halfway, returning to the original ordinary red flame color.



The Lich War continues to stalemate.

Every moment, there are conflicts between the Yaozu and the Wus on the earth, and countless monsters and witches are all gone.

With the slow escalation of the war, some lower-level demon gods began to appear casualties. After Lu Sheng quietly returned to the demon court, a huge and fierce battle broke out in Wushan, the lower bound.

This battle directly led to the three demon gods, the witches annihilated the two witches. Millions of lichs turned into fly ash.

The demon court urgently dispatched the top demon gods to the lower bounds, and cooperated with the Shang Yang to summon the power of heavy rain to form a temporary block. It is just that the Wu people also have the intention of retiring troops. The two sides temporarily suspended their wars, and each of them smashed troops on both sides of Wushan.

Under these circumstances, Lu Sheng couldn't sit still in the Suzaku Palace. Shang Yang was one of the strongest demon gods in the demon court. This time, using the full force to form a rainstorm to block the Lich and the two races is a good opportunity for him.

The nine infants he had parasitized could not be used for the time being, and he was still recovering from the demon court. Because the Nine Infant Palace is very close to the Senate Hall, once no one is there, it is easy to be discovered.

Therefore, Lu Sheng dispatched Shang Yang’s sister Fei Lian, and the other two demon gods who are just leisurely. Together with him, he personally cooperated with Shang Yang.

Unlike the Nine Infants, Shang Yang is known as the Rain Master, who controls the power of the rain. In addition to the strong strength, there is also a terrible twilight speed.

If one accidentally escapes from it, it is really troublesome.

Moreover, Lu Sheng has a different hand, and there is another reason. This Shang Yang is the demon **** who is the closest to the quasi-holy in the demon court. He wants to test what his current level of strength is.

Quasi-sacred, if he did not understand the mistakes, they all belong to the limit, and the short-term and small-scale influence the existence of the rules. But this existence does not reach the point where it has a great impact on the universe. Therefore, the standard of taking the holy position is not achieved.

Wushan Gorge.

Stretching on the sides of the vast canyons of thousands of miles above the earth, on the blood-red plains, there are numerous large military accounts that stretch to the end of the horizon.

On the right side of the gorge is the Wu nationality, all black military accounts and a large number of spiked fences shining with black light. A team of strong and barbaric Wu ethnic people walked around under the guidance of the wizard.

A large battalion of a tiger's head is swaying over the big battalion. It is the strongness of one of the twelve ancestors, and the projection of the ancestral sorcerer. This time, the army was the united army of the sectarian tribes under his command, and he fought in the Yaozu.

On the other side of the gorge, a group of shining green fluorescent eagle heads are circling over the entire demon army, patrolling any situation around them.

There is a pale golden light shining on the ground below, which seems to be a huge array of methods covering the entire military camp.

A large, pale yellow military squad is housed in a group of white cloud smoke, one of the largest gold camps.

Shang Yang Duan sat in the middle of the big account, sitting on the sides of several demon gods in coordination. The atmosphere in the camp was slightly suppressed, and the demon gods were not very good looking.

The tactical strategy discussed earlier, in the case of half of the implementation, was unexpectedly discovered by the witches. The sneak attack suddenly evolved into a positive war. Both sides were unprepared, and a large amount of military power was put into it. Both sides killed themselves in the cracks of the canyon. More than a million deaths and injuries, fighting each other's vitality.

"I don't know about other theaters, but this seventh theater is absolutely not allowed to have any tactics of avoidance. This is not just what I mean, but also the meaning of your sire." The shape of Shangyang is an awesome old man with a shackle. Often dressed in dark brown exquisite robes, embroidered on the robes are the pale green beautiful birds dancing. That is his original prototype.

"But if I don't have follow-up support, it is inevitable to completely defeat." A demon **** looked ugly. "I waited for the Yaozu to be far less united than the Wuzu. Many of the monsters were difficult to tame. When they were up, they didn't care about anything. The encounter was good, and the magical powers were all right, but the group war was really a loss."

"It is said that, but if you can take advantage of me and avoid the Witch Group charge, it is not impossible to win the game." Another demon **** Shen Shen.

Shang Yang is about to open the door, suddenly flew straight into a red jade.

He reached out and recruited Yufu, and looked at the contents inside.

"What does Feilian do?" Shangyang face reveals doubtful color, but still did not say anything. Nowadays, one more demon **** is also a combat power, but he is strange that Feilian should not be sitting in the town now? How could you suddenly find him in the lower bounds?

Leaving this apart, he continued to discuss the next arrangement with the rest of the demon.

About half an hour later, after the meeting ended, the commercial sheep calmly walked out of the tent and walked slowly toward the south, and soon turned into a green water stream, disappearing in the same place.

The water flowed over a large dark red plain, and soon he was in the southernmost part of the military camp. He saw a black robe, and only the one-eyed sister Fei Lian.

In addition to flying low, there are two other demon gods that look strange.

"Brothers and adults!" Fei Lian saw the commercial sheep far away, and suddenly smiled and took the initiative to meet.

"How come you? The demon court does not need the demon **** to sit in the town, staying behind the starry sky?" Shang Yang frowned. Slowly form people and land on the ground.

Just lying down, he felt a numb in his foot, and there seemed to be something hidden into him on the ground.

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