Way of the Devil

Chapter 930: Quasi-sacred

"What!" Shangyang snorted, and the pale green water blasted open, and the foot debris exploded in an instant.

A hole with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared on the ground.

"Brothers are careful!" In front of the Fei Lian is also a face change, a flying smash hit him.

"Sister, you" Shang Yang is about to call Feilian careful, hands clinging to his sister, is about to force, suddenly countless dense purple black tentacles rushing out from the air of the nose and mouth, along his clothes quickly Drill in.

At the same time, two huge demon forces rushed toward him from the other side.

It’s the two demon gods!

The face of the Shangyang changed, and it was too late to think about it. The hands were pushed open and the whole body was blown open, and it turned into a green water flow. It was necessary to open the distance between the three.

"Look at my Taiyin Xuanguang!" One of the demon gods shook a little, and suddenly a piece of ice and blue halo rose behind him, instantly covering the merchant sheep.

"Dragon fire hammer! Go!" Another demon **** raised a golden light, only to see that the golden light descended from the sky, the bigger and bigger, turned into a leading golden hammer, squatting in the rainwater where the merchant sheep are.

Feilian’s body was rippled, and the gust of wind blew through her body, wrapping the commercial sheep that was about to retire.

"Brother, come join us and integrate with the master!!"

The delicate face of her only one eye is now twisted into a fanatical state of disarray.

"You!!" Shang Yang's heart sank, raising his hand to block the leading golden hammer, green rain in front of him, turned into a shield to block the ice blue Taiyin Xuanguang.

boom! !

The golden hammer made a huge hole in the palm of his hand, but the green rain instantly healed the wound.

Instead, the ice-blue Taiyin Xuanguang freezes the water he releases and turns into countless ice cubes falling to the ground.

"The heavens and the earth naturally listen to me, and melt!" After the Shangyang, the gods emerged and turned into a pale green beautiful bird.

The big bird is somewhat similar to the Suzaku, but it has no long tail feathers, and the mouth is slightly shorter. As soon as the body appears, the sky changes, the black clouds gather, there is thunder and the rain drops from the sky.

"Nine Xuan hurricane!! Come!!" Fei Lian is the palm of the demon god, at this time a pale green **** Shenguang slowly rises from behind him. In the light of God, a strange monster with a deer's body is screaming.

In an instant, there were countless squalls around the wind, trying to blow away the gathering of dark clouds.

Dark clouds and raging winds, the two demon gods madly waved the magical attack to the commercial sheep, and Fei Lian was fighting for the control of the celestial world.

The three were besieging one, but the merchant sheep was still calm, and there was still no sign of hardship, but it seemed to be easy.

"What the **** is it? Feilian, my sister, are you temporarily controlled by this strange thing?" He reached out and grabbed a purple-black creeping tentacles from his body.

The three people of Fei Lian did not say a word, and they fully urged the demon **** to increase the power of the power.

However, Shang Yang still has the same look, and the corresponding promotion is against the demon.

Where his **** of the gods shines, wherever he falls into a heavy lag, all the power disappears, and the original magical powers seem to be wrapped up in countless invisible things.

The four demon gods were deadlocked for a while, and Shang Yang always wanted to leave the war, but under the full delay of Fei Lian, it was temporarily impossible to get out completely.

Another reason is that he wants to play against it and observe ways to save his sister.

Moreover, he also noticed that within a radius of a hundred miles, there seems to be an invisible barrier that completely blocks the area.

After a few minutes of continuous fight, Shang Yang never found any flaws and solutions, and his heart gradually became intolerant.

"Enough. You are not his opponent, just step back." Suddenly a voice rang at a few meters behind him.

Shang Yang’s heart trembled and was shocked. He quickly slammed a large piece of corrosive rain, and pulled away to the left, steadily standing and looking behind him.

Behind his original position, I don't know when there was a mysterious man wearing a black robe and covering his face.

"Who are you? Dare to start with my demon general, it is really daring!" Shangyang face sinking like water, slowly sprouting a sense of killing.

Other demon gods don't care, but dare to start with his sister and fly, it is really looking for death!

The black robe turns his body and faces the merchant sheep.

"It seems that you don't seem to understand the current situation."

Shang Yang suddenly sneered, and the earth beneath his feet slowly lit up a large piece of complex mysterious green light.

"For a long time, I don't move. It seems that no matter what the goods are, I dare to offend my demon." He stepped on his feet and suddenly swayed and swayed.

The black robe looked at the ground slightly and strangely.

"It turns out that you have been laying out the array before? Good thoughts."

Shangyang's eyes slowly turned green, and the long hair began to turn into a green airflow, the lower half was the wind, and the upper half quickly filled the silk arc.

"The sacrifice of the heavens, the water comes!!" He rushed out of the green light behind him, and the light in his mind was his real shadow.

In the blink of an eye, heavy rain falls from the sky. This rain has unparalleled corrosive power, and every minute can erode a real thing including the power of the gods.

The pale green rain gradually darkened, and countless raindrops drip on the ground and the road to win the demon, and steamed the black smoke.

The demon power of the three demon gods is rapidly weakening and reducing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Slow, accelerated consumption, weakness, toxic and so on, and other negative states have appeared in the three demon gods.

This is because they are demon gods, and they are extremely resistant. If they are replaced by ordinary people, they will be drenched with a little rain, and they will rot and die.

Fei Lian opened his mouth and spit, suddenly a group of gusts of wind spurted out of his mouth, blowing away the surrounding rain, rushing to the commercial sheep.


The entire body of Shangyang suddenly grows like water, and it automatically blasts and turns into countless streams of water.

"Let's say, who are you? Dare to start with me, I don't want to be a nameless person." A gloomy voice echoed in the surrounding rain, apparently the Shangyang.

The black robe relaxes the hood and reveals a beautiful and beautiful face. It was the road victory that came from the demon court.

Today's heavens, there are already more than 80% of the demon gods, all of which are parasitic, leaving only these top-level existences, not yet fully controlled.

Nine infants succeeded, and now they are merchant sheep.

After a step-by-step encroachment, the entire demon court will be controlled, and finally the Taiyi Emperor will be attacked, and the Chaos Bell and the River Tullow will be captured.

If it is the Fusang giant wood that can get the peace and harmony, it is not bad.

Lu Sheng’s plan is very comprehensive. After all, whether it’s the Zhou Tianxing Star Wars of the Devil’s Court or the Dahe River’s Da Luo, it’s all that the demon **** needs to sit in the eye. As long as the key moments are started, the success rate is not low.

However, before this, at least the body must reach the same level as the East Emperor Taiyi, and there is the possibility of a chaotic clock.

After all, the Chaos Clock is the powerful innate spiritual treasure known as Dong Huangzhong. It is known as the world's first guardian, both offensive and defensive, and it is extremely difficult to meet with the Taiyuan God.

After returning to God, Lu Sheng suddenly realized that Shang Yang had already suppressed the three of them, and could be defeated at any time.

"It is obvious that your cultivation is like the difference between skill and flying, but the quasi-holy realm can still be more than one enemy and three." Lu Sheng carefully observed and found that when the merchants tried to transport the rain, it was just a glimpse of the devil. Or a trace of divine power can cause extremely violent feedback from the surrounding world.

It’s like that the whole world is helping him to increase his power.

"It turns out that" Lu Sheng has a slight pattern of quasi-saint.


At this time, a group of brilliant green light exploded, and the black rain splashed open. The two demon gods slammed into the ground and fell to the ground. They could not get up for a while.

Feilian is fixed in place by light green transparent rain, and it is not allowed to move. In a short period of time, the victory and defeat have been divided.

Shang Yang’s hand was standing on the side of Fei Lian’s side, his face was dull and he watched Lu Sheng.

"I will give you another chance to speak the messenger, you can die so much."

"Do you think that if they solve the three of them, they will win?" Lu Sheng laughed.

"Of course not." Shang Yang looked calm. "I am just afraid that I will shoot too fast. If you don't have time to explain the truth, you will be killed."

He looked up at the sky.

"You haven't found it yet? This is the sacrifice of the heavens, the dark rain comes to the world, purifying everything that is not mine."

Now you, there is no way to get out of here, when the black rain stops, it is when you are in the body. ”

"Interesting" Lu Sheng also looked up to see the sky black rain. "Let me see, how do you make me look good?"

The two men hang down the hole at the same time, and the four eyes are opposite.

Hey! ! !

Shang Yang suddenly disappeared in the same place, the rain condensed behind the road, turned into a human figure, and a claw hit him in the back of his neck.

A palm with a golden flame was firmly in front of his eyes.


The fire between the two splashed.

The merchant's face is expressionless, disappears again, constantly condenses the body, and flashes from all over the road. The black rain of the sky is still giving Lu Sheng a variety of negative states.

The green light on the earth also binds him to this narrow area.

Shang Yang has never had such a strong anger at this time. His demon power is like a wave, and the realm of Quasi-Holy drives these demon powers to cooperate with the Yuanshen to explode dozens of times of powerful power.

Even if it is the convergent power of the subconscious, so as not to spread to the surrounding demon army, but this powerful destructive power, still let the earth and the surrounding voids show a space crack.

Hey! !

Like the most powerful assassin, Shangyang is constantly flashing and smashing around Lu Sheng. In line with the countless negative states given by Black Rain, and the huge body power he mobilized at this time, he is the first demon **** under the well-deserved demon enchanter!

He once took the first level of the Witchcraft among the thousands of witches. There have also been hundreds of thousands of witches who have been killed by one's own strength.

It is also said in the demon's court that the emperor Taiyi gave the title of "washing the gods."

Everything in the heavens and the earth and his brothers and brothers, and the vacant houses are not vacant. Commanding the demon army to fight the Quartet, there is no defeat.

Hundreds of thousands of Yaozu even began to honor him as a demon.

"There is no one I can't kill in this world!" Shang Yang once again flashed, and the gods rose, suddenly shrinking at their fingertips, turning into a small group, lightning-like roads to the back.


clang! !

For a moment, it seems that the time thinking has stopped stagnation, and the green light index finger of Shangyang’s dazzling eye has been firmly grasped by Lu Sheng.

"Feel the strongest flame in the world." Lu Sheng smiled and clenched his fingers.


Hey! !

In an instant, the world was dark, and a little white gold fire was shining.

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