Way of the Devil

Chapter 932: Wrestling two

Lu Sheng quickly raised his hand, and the force rushed out along his arm, condensing into a gray tentacles, rushing to the merchant sheep covered by purple and black tentacles.

In the moment when the gray tentacles appeared, Lu Sheng’s ear seemed to hear some mysterious whisper and whisper. An evil, distorted, and devastating desire swarms out of his heart.

‘Chaos, carnival, fusion, erosion....’ With all kinds of desires, there is a similar instinctual impulse that rises rapidly from Lu Sheng’s body.

These weird impulsive instincts were quickly annihilated by Lu Shengyuan, and the desire was because it was part of his god, but it was suppressed. After all, he is not a quasi-holy sanctuary, and he has not abandoned these seven passions.

The gray tentacles and the inexplicable energy of the commercial sheep quickly collided.

The two are like water and fire, and they are incompatible with each other. When they are in contact, they release a lot of twisted black space cracks.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath and the situation was somewhat unexpected.

After he stabilized the gods at this time, he felt that in the depths of the distant mother river, a huge, chaotic and powerful universe, just like the same black eyes that were only strange and evil, was staring at him at this time. It releases the powerful gray energy of the silky scorpion and transmits it to the inside of his body.

"This power....this familiarity...." Lu Sheng brows close.

"It is the evil world!" He immediately recalled the essence of this power.

The opposite of the energy that is resisting the power of the evil gods, must be the source of this universe.

"I really became the son of the evil gods.." Lu Sheng clearly sensed that the gray chaotic power, when flowing through his body, not only did not destroy his physical body, Instead, it constantly penetrates into a wonderful mysterious substance and constantly strengthens his god.

On the contrary, the aura around the universe and the mess of energy, it is obvious that there is a strong rejection of his body.

"Sure enough..... my erosion of Shang Yang may have provoked the resistance of this universe. Shang Yang Xiu is already close to quasi-holy, that is, Quasi-Holy has touched a part of the rule of law, and this part is this The square universe absolutely does not allow minefields that outsiders touch....

Therefore, I am a reef, and Shang Yang has been unable to get it. Fortunately, I got the card of the tyrant of the evil gods. It seems to have become the pioneer and the son of the evil gods... well... I like it. ”

There was a gloomy smile on Lu Sheng.

The evil world did not give him any clear consciousness, or the world consciousness was a chaos. Their instinctive rewards are good for themselves and punish those that are harmful to them.

This is the instinct of the world.

Now, Lu Sheng, who carries the card of the evil spirits, is constantly using the evil spirits to touch the evil spirits, and he has been highly recognized by the evil spirits. He is the sage of the tyrants, and now he has many evil spirits. Instinctive tendency.

A large number of chaotic evil evil spirits, the origin of the world, the source of continuous influx into the body.

This is not a power of evil spirits, but a powerful force that is bigger, more complex, and more inclusive than all evil spirits.

"This is the source of the world...." Lu Sheng has seen countless forces. But the source of the world is still the first time to see.

The source of the world is the driving force of the most roots of the whole world, and it is also the powerful energy that divides all the energy of the whole. It is the source of everything.

But such power is also the most difficult to reach. It is itself a fragile absolute balance, rather than simply recombining all the energy of the universe to reproduce the world's source.

"If this is the source of the world, then .... the energy of the commercial sheep ...." Lu Sheng through the Yuanshen, carefully perceive the business sheep who are struggling to survive not far away.

There is another force in his body that is not weaker than the origin of the evil spirits.

The same chaos, the same broad and powerful. But it exudes a wonderful feeling of being above and indifferent.

"Different world sources, are there different types of divisions?" Lu Sheng’s heart is clear.

He slowly reached out and suddenly split a small thing in the body. It is an oval gray egg-like substance.

The little things emerged from his palm, and the inside rolled a gray electric light.

This is the card of the tyrant, the mysterious treasure that he succeeded from the evil spirits.

Lu Sheng was indulged, and the Yuanshen instantly invaded.

The card of the tyrant has no vitality. It is just a dead object. No information has been obtained before, but now, through the gods, he has read some extra pieces of residual information.

After only a moment, Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes.

"It turns out that....." His eyes are much clearer than before.

There is not much information left in the certificate of the tyrant, but it is enough for him to understand a lot of content.

"Go back and say it again." Lu Sheng's palm was pinched, and the gray tentacles suddenly broke.

His body flashed and suddenly disappeared into place.

When it appeared again in a moment, he had already carried two charred bodies in his right hand.

A large piece of white gold Suzaku quickly covered him and two bodies. In a flash, all three were turned into flames.

The fire rose from the sky and flew away from the distance.

Not long after, there were two other dawns flying away, followed by Lu Sheng.

Before the ruins of Shilin where Shangyang was located, at this time, the heat was quickly retreated and restored into a large lava stone area.



Suzaku Palace.

Lu Shengshen returned to Suzaku Palace without knowing it. He has now stepped into the quasi-holy, and every move can trigger a huge flame.

After getting the purple jade symbol, he felt that a lot of fire aura around him was alive more than dozens of times before.

It is as if the symbol gives him the right to control the fire.

He is now free to send a glimmer of flame, will be rapidly amplified by the surrounding fire aura, the power expands to the original dozens of times, hundreds of times.

Although the core Suzaku fire did not become stronger, the scope of the attack was much higher than before.

The simple description is that the previous hit is a person who is naked. Now hitting people, first of all, there is a large group of innumerable youngsters rushing to the group, unless the younger brother can't beat him, he will get his hands.

This invisible magnified the destructive power of his strength.

Lu Shengpan sat in a partial temple deep in the Suzaku Palace, holding a new brewed wine in his hand, and he calmly listened to the melodious sound of the piano.

Xiaoning gently played the long piano on the side, and the beautiful face sneaked into the road from time to time, a pair of springy and charming look.

Since Lu Sheng came to heaven, the little niece of the Suzaku family is like a demon, always like to turn around him.

Even the only few male Suzakus chatted with Lu Sheng, and there was a hint of spoiling and selling.

However, it is still good, even if it is a male Suzaku, the appearance of the body is not lost to the female, even more beautiful, although Lu Sheng does not accept good intentions, but nourish the eye is not excluded.

At this time, he closed his eyes and drank alcohol, which seemed to be enjoyable, but his heart was still thinking about the abnormalities that occurred when parasitizing sheep.

In the end, Shangyang was still parasitic, and the power of this universe was forced by the power of the evil spirits.

Lu Sheng can feel the card of his own possession, and it seems that with this parasitic success, some slight changes have taken place.

The evil power that he should have cultivated for a long time is also a chance to recover completely.

What puzzled him the most was that his body, the countdown on his chest, disappeared completely under the confrontation of the world.

The countdown is the only clue that he wants to reverse the original eagle's Angies.

Now it is directly broken off under the scouring of the world's source.

"From the information obtained from the card of the tyrant, the source of the universe is considered to be a relatively high force, one level weaker than the mother river, and there are countless singular powers between countless universes.

Time and space are constantly being generated and shattered. The universe is also ups and downs, and there is nothing to be inclusive.

The source of the universe can be tolerated, it should be just the entire energy type of the universe itself. In the outer void, even the power of the mother river is only one of the powerful forces. ”

In the card of the tyrant, there is not much information left, but for countless universes, the whole time and space of understanding, but let Lu Sheng have an eye-opening feeling.

Perhaps the information left by the owner of the last tyrant's card may be the trace of the transmission of the evil gods themselves into it. In any case, Lu Sheng has obtained a lot of information secrets through the traces and fine energy structure inside the card of the tyrant.

There is not only the source of the world in this thing, but also the strength of the mother river, and several other powerful powers, although they are only a trace of residual traces, but also make Lu Sheng stunned.

Through the natural arrangement and conflicting balance between these energies, he analyzes and judges a large amount of information.

"Since I have become a pioneer and a child of evil spirits in disguise, then .... may be more comfortable in terms of evil power...."

Lu Sheng gently put down the wine glass and pressed it on the table.

Regarding strength, no matter what strength, he does not matter, as long as he can make him stronger and get more freedom, then he can accept whatever.

The source of the world of the evil spirits is higher than that of his own evil spirits. This power seems to be the reward feedback he got from eroding the merchants, and he is transforming his body spirit and body.

"However, this power of Huang is only borrowed. I can feel that after another ten days, all the sources of the evil spirits will completely disappear.

It’s not a powerful force that I have built myself, and naturally I can’t keep it...”

Lu Sheng has been indulging for a moment.

"It seems that I can only use the deep blue, try to refine it into the power of my body..."

He has already tried it, and his own Suzaku Shenhuo cooperates with evil spirits, if it is converted according to the ratio of one to one.

When the two add up to about 100,000 units, they can shake the source of the evil spirits of a unit and integrate their refining into their own bodies.

This kind of power is all-inclusive, and the nature is absolute chaos. Only by breaking the balance of chaos can we absorb and refine it.

It is just that the efficiency is extremely low. That is to say, Lu Sheng has repaired and polished 100,000 units of Suzaku's fire and evil spirits, and can refine the world's source of a unit.

It is only for him that as long as it can shake, the only problem for the deep blue is how much power is sent.

According to his judgment, this source of the world is probably the same powerful energy as the red moon in this universe.

If you don't get it quickly, it's really wasted.

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