Way of the Devil

Chapter 933: First hand

Land boundary, Huangquan Mountain.

The huge golden wings slowly fangle behind a giant rhinoceros monster.

It flies along the mountainside and falls out in a mountain. The huge body turned into a human form in a thick white fog.

"On the side, my uncle is coming to see you." The rhinoceros monster is a strong man with a sturdy body. Wearing brown leather pants and a leather whip with a rough but inlaid gemstone.

As soon as the sound fell, there were subtle footsteps coming out of the mountains. Soon, two small figures rushed out from the side of the woods and rushed toward the big man.


Running in front is a handsome young man who looks handsome and thin. He is dressed in a cyan long dress, followed by a slim girl with a white tunic skirt.

The two stood in front of Dahan in front and behind and smiled.

"What about your father and mother?" Dahan asked with a smile.

"Going out and collecting medicine, I haven't come back yet." The young man answered seriously.

"Then let me go first. I said that I want to take you to a good place to play. I can't go in the place on weekdays. If there is a good chance now, you can't wait for this time." Dahan smiled.

"Okay, let's go back and bring something, and my uncle please wait a moment." The youth side quickly hurry.

"No problem, let's go."

The side took the girl back quickly, and then vacated a few times, passing through a mountain and falling on a wide stone platform.

There is a cave house hidden between the vines on the stone platform, and the party is about to enter.

"Wait, brother, do you have any feelings, this time Uncle Mishan is a little weird?" The girl suddenly whispered a sentence.

"Weird?" Duanfang glimpsed, and then carefully recalled the uncle's move, not to mention, it is a bit strange.

"He seems to have a special kind of taste that can't be said. The smell of the rhinoceros of the previous moon is almost invisible." The girl continued. "The father specially passed us when he left, and he must be careful. Now the father has not gone much. Time, Uncle Mishan took the initiative to contact us.

And the father there"

"I understand." Duan nodded, his face gradually becoming serious. At this juncture, the Lich Wars stretched innumerable ranges. If you are not careful, it is really possible to plant your head.

"And, I just saw two uncles of Mishan, blocking both of our entrances and exits." The girl continued.

The end of the hesitation was suddenly dignified.

"Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

"I'm sure." The girl was smashed.

"Uncle Mishan has always been a close friend with his father?" Duanfang felt that his brain was not enough.

"In any case, I always feel that this kind of specification and arrangement" is the girl's color. "Now it is a war period, be careful."

"Let's go to Uncle Bai Ze! Go, go clean up, we will go from the secret road!" Duanfang took the initiative.

Although Mishan has a good relationship with their father, it is only a good friend, and it is far from being close to the demon relationship such as Bai Ze.

The two little guys are talented and able to avoid all the life they want to avoid by smell. After simply tidying up the things, the two quietly flew away from the back of a secret road.

Baize Palace.

"You said that there are some things wrong with Mishan? Are you still running with subordinates to catch you?" Bai Ze looked strangely at the two children in front of him.

They are his good friends, the children of a powerful demon **** called Fufengzi. Fufengzi did not like to fight, deciphered the invitation of the Emperor, and lived in the mountains. Only a few friends knew his whereabouts.

Bai Ze’s brows are slightly embarrassing. Recently, the situation of the demon court is quite wrong. The demon gods of twos and threes gathered together. Some of the demon gods who were strangers to each other seemed to always like to get together. It seems that they are negotiating what is unknown.

His original magical calculations, no matter how many times, still have no results, which makes his mind faintly wary.

"What about your father? Before he said that he would go to Jiuhuashan to visit friends, Jiuhuashan is only a few days away from your Dongfu, and hasn't returned yet?" Bai Ze continued to ask.

"We didn't go to Jiuhuashan in the middle, but we didn't find anything." Duanfang looked pale and dignified.

"Not only the father is not there, even the Jiuhua demon king is not there," girl Duan Li added behind him.

"You can think of coming to me in the first place. It is very correct. I have something to do here, I need you to help." Bai Ze said.

"On the side, you have inherited your father's natural powers, and this matter is also related to whether you can find your father's whereabouts. So, are you willing to help me?" He stared at the youth seriously.

The side has a slight glimpse and basically no hesitation.

"Let's come to the uncle, this is to find the father! What is the need, even if the uncle mentions." He knows the speciality and strength of his supernatural powers, and now he wants to find his father as soon as possible, I am afraid I really have to contribute.

After all, on what to track, the world has not encountered more than him.

Bai Ze nodded.

"You need to check it out for me. Some of the demon gods suddenly disappeared before the whereabouts of the residual demon power. I have not returned so far. I suspect that there was something unexpected.

Whether it is the witches or not, we must investigate the truth of the matter. ”

"I understand! Please ask my uncle to lead the way." Duanfang nodded.

Suzaku Palace.

Lu Sheng slowly opened the door and walked out into the yard.

It’s been more than ten days since he defeated the merchant sheep and parasitized it. In these days, she almost every day remains in the body of the world before she refining.

This kind of world source from the evil spirits, the high quality, the intensity of the density, is simply shocking.

He spent a lot of effort, and he barely left two sources of world power, refining it and integrating it into his own god.

However, it also consumes a large amount of Suzaku's fire and evil spirits. Of course, the most is the sending power, and the power that has just been succeeded is used up.

Of course, he thinks it's all worth it.

The current tribes of the Suzaku family in the yard are performing activities such as playing music in other palaces.

Only a cold girl in a red dress sat in the corner, holding a book in her hand and slowly flipping it.

Lu Sheng did not pay attention to the girl and went out of the courtyard. Immediately there was a fiery jade coming from a distance and falling into his palm.

The fire broke out and a message came into his mind.

‘Master, the ambush against the ghost car failed. He seemed to notice something in advance, not passing the position. ’

"Oh?" Lu Sheng’s eyes glimpsed and he was a little surprised.

"It seems that the demon court seems to have finally noticed something and began to be alert. But now the whole demon enchantment, 90% of the ministers are completely controlled by me. The rest is just a few. Even if it is discovered, it is too late. ”

He couldn't help but chuckle and distract the traces of the fire.

"Road wins big brother." Xiaoning flew toward him from the fire.

This Nizi changed into a red dress, flew up and fluttered, and floated like a fairy, it looks like there is a beauty.

The fire cloud fell in front of Lu Sheng, Xiao Ning Jiao smiled and rushed to Lu Sheng.

"Win brother, how do you have a mood to go for a walk today? Recently, you don't care much about me. You don't read books or play in the lower bounds, nor look for me."

Lu Sheng took a small shoulder and held her firmly on the ground, avoiding her embrace.

"It’s just a matter of busy cultivation. You know, I am coming from the lower bounds. Many things are left below. I have to move up and down, and my subordinates need to settle down."

He has taught the subordinates there to return to the original place of the lower bounds. From time to time, Lu Sheng arranged for them to go to various places to slowly expand their power.

Since the discovery of the evil spirits parasite will be good for him, Lu Sheng decisively began to let a large number of subordinates who are parasitized by themselves spread to the surrounding, let them parasitize all the creatures seen in the field of vision.

It is true that the Guangyou Church is doing this.

Recently, Lu Sheng began to feel the gaze of the evil gods faintly cast back to himself again. This time it is clearer than the last time.

In the resolution of the dozens of days, he has been able to perceive and watch his evil gods, there are more than forty.

There is only a vague tendency in these evil spirits, and there is no particularly sensible consciousness.

They seem to be following some ancient rules, and as long as he meets certain conditions, he will be rewarded.

However, Lu Sheng will not work for them in such a vain manner. It is reasonable to say that the world's source of power into his body is to help him strengthen his body and soul, and he will retreat himself, but it is estimated that the evil world can not think of it. The source of the world, actually will be used to win the road with dark blue, hard to give birth to two.

Full of the world's source of two units, Lu Sheng is integrated into his own god.

Looking back, Lu Sheng looked at Xiao Ning in front of him.

"How come you came back so early today?"

"Yu Yu sister is coming back, just today, the palace I went to did not have a banquet. The demon gods there were temporarily ordered to fight in the lower bounds, so they came back first." Xiao Ning smiled. "To the victory brother."

She suddenly got to Lu Sheng’s ear and whispered.

"In my skirt, I don't wear anything, do you want to touch it?"


Lu Sheng made a hard effort to bring Xiao Ning's face over and smashed. It is deformed like a dough.

"Nu is doing it very much." Xiaoning said that he was unclear and wanted to break away, but he was not strong enough.

"The little girl's family, Mao did not grow well, and I was thinking about something in my mind." Lu Shengbi was expressionless and screaming.

"Hey!" Xiaoning slammed back, and the small faces on both sides were reddened.

"My hair has long been together! Don't believe it!"

She squatted her skirt and scored her legs.

"Go." Lu Sheng’s voice has been heard from a dozen meters away. "The girl's family is to be reserved."

"Tear! Xiaofei is holding it? Now even your hands have not touched, the opportunity will only be reserved for the preparers! This is what you said, win the brother!" Xiaoning put down the skirt, and turned to chase the road Win.

The two entered the Suzaku main hall one after the other in the white jade fence of Suzaku Palace.

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