Way of the Devil

Chapter 934: First hand

Yu Yu only wore moon-white underwear and leaned on a wicker chair. Two beautiful women gently pressed her to the shoulders and waist.

"You are here? Road wins." Rain was a very tired look.

"I just went to the lower bounds, and now the Lich has even been sent to the lower class demon **** like me. The generals have been getting more and more nervous.

I am afraid I will not rest for a long time, I will have to go down the border."

"The patriarch is careful." Lu Sheng nodded. He is naturally clearer than the rain, which is actually caused by his disguise.

Such as the demon **** of today's court, in addition to Kai Peng, Bai Ze, Ying Zhao, the rest are almost his subordinates.

Most of the demon gods are likely to have been detected, so they are gradually not entrusted with heavy responsibility. On the contrary, this performance of the rain is absolutely normal, and it has become one of the few demon gods who have been commanded by Taiyi.

"Recently, the Emperor asked me to cooperate with a little guy called Duanfang to investigate the cluster of demon gods. I heard that you and Yunmeng demon have few friends, and they are friends. Go back and remember to remind him that they are less with the demon gods of the cluster. "Yu Yu kindly reminded.

"I understand." Lu Sheng nodded.

"In addition, when are you going to make sure the Taoist?" Yu Yan asked another question of relative feeling.

"Determining the Taoist?"

"Not bad. Now the Lich Wars, the Wus are strong, in case there is a situation of three long and two short, our Suzaku family can also leave a kind of ignition." Rain sighed. It seems that it feels a little bad for the situation of the war.

"If you think, these people of heaven, as long as they are in love, can be chosen as a partner. The rest of the males are also determined."

"There is no such plan yet." Lu Sheng shook his head slightly.

"So Xiao Ning? She has been enamored with you, or you will leave her a seed, and maybe some thoughts in the future." Yu Yan looked at Xiao Ning behind Lu Sheng, with a smile in his eyes.

"She is still small. I still don't understand what I like." Lu Sheng shook his head slightly.

"Well, do you have no physical needs?" Xiaoning asked softly behind him.

"Any male will have a desire, how can you win over you, you can't see it at all? It's hard to make you like it." Suddenly Xiaoning seems to think of something, his face becomes a bit weird.


Lu Sheng reached out and squeezed Xiao Ning's face and turned it 180 degrees.

"Ah!! It’s going to be broken!!!"

Xiaoning screamed, and the rain was also a slight glimpse, and then he laughed.

"You have a very good relationship. It seems that I don't have to worry about it." There was a smile in her eyes.

"So, that's it, I have to go down the border and go back and bring something." Lu Sheng faintly said, "See you next time."

He squinted at Xiao Ning's face and slowly withdrew from the main hall.

He didn't dislike the beauty, but he didn't find the kind that made him tempted. For Xiaoning, for the whole Suzaku family, he was actually a passing passenger. It is impossible to stay here and live safely.

Maybe if you look for it later, you will find the top powerhouse at the same level as him.

Lu Sheng took Xiao Ning out of the main hall.

"Okay, go back to rest, I have something to do, go back first." He thought about it and threw a red flame with his own flame.

"Take this, if there is any trouble, tell me quickly, I can help you. If you can't help, you can find something to do."

Xiaoning catches the fire charm.

"Is this a token of love?" She looked with a glimpse of hope.

"Not counting, waiting for your chest to grow twice as long as I am now, I might consider it again." Lu Shengbi licked her hair with no expression.

"All said that don't lick my hair, I am not easy to make it!" Xiao Ning looked distressed.

"Know it, I know." Lu Sheng still wants to say something. Suddenly, a fire symbol flies from a distance and falls into his palm.

He reached out and grabbed it. A trace of news poured into my mind.

‘Master, everything is ready, and the British recruit has already entered the ambush. ’

"Exactly." Lu Sheng’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye.

Yingzhao is the chief executive who manages the chores inside and outside the heavens. If he is taken down, the penetration of the whole heaven will enter a new stage.

In addition, the strength of the British recruit is also the strongest among all the demon gods.

Even if you don’t have it, even if you add Shang Yang Jiu Ying, you can beat Ying Zhao, but you may not be able to catch him.

"It seems that I have gotten my hands."

Lu Sheng’s heart is determined.

"Well, go back and have a good rest. I will bow down and see you later."

"Amount waits for me to win the brother!!" Xiaoning still did not respond, and saw Lu Sheng jumped into a red light and flew away from the fence, and disappeared into the clouds in a blink of an eye.

Lu Yunshan.

The rolling hills are filled with white clouds at the top, and there are vultures and birds in the mountains, which are long and crisp.

Deep in the mountains, in a large lake.

The entire lake was covered by a huge, golden transparent shield. There are three people in the shadows of the crazy collision, the weapons in the hands of the mixed fists constantly smashed together, making a huge and dull percussion.

Two people are crazy about the third person.

The tiny blue blood spots splashed from the besieged man, and there were a lot of blue monster pieces like mucus.

"Give up the British trick, the array of methods arranged here is completely designed for you, not only can suppress you can not restore the original shape, but can further deform, and exclude any other heaven and earth spiritual power." The other two siege people, One of them is low.

"What about that!" Ying Zhao’s eyes were all bleeding, and the block movements were slower and slower. "Take me in a hurry, everyone is going to die, take a shot. There is something in me, you should be the clearest."

As a celestial confidant, he never lost much good things. There are also a lot of one-time big power consumables.

The three demon gods who had been besieged before were the one-time magic weapons that were suddenly shot, and they were killed.

Lu Sheng silently disappeared in the distance, and saw what he saw.

In his perception, there are still dozens of different kinds of mysterious magic weapons in the British recruits. As the court master of the Emperor, the good things in Ying Zhao are naturally not less. Some of them are rewarded by the Taiyi Emperor, but more are the instruments that he made using the treasure house materials for free.

After all, the Emperor can enjoy it, not just the magic weapon, but also a variety of secret methods.

"How is the situation?" Lu Sheng asked softly.

A woman in a tight black dress quickly emerged beside him.

The woman has a long hair and a long waist, her chest is very flat, and her knees are on the road.

"Returning to the master, there is no way to break away from the British recruits, and we have no way to intervene. The enchantment is a powerful enchantment with the demon gods."

"It doesn't matter let me in." Lu Sheng smiled.

at this time.


The entire shield was directly blasted, and the British recruited into a wolf, flying from the sky and flying towards the distance.

The other two demon gods were actually attacked by their sneak attack for a moment, holding their chests and squatting on the lake for a while, and they could not speak for a while. Only the blood slowly flows down the corner of the mouth.

"Interesting." Lu Sheng mouth a hook, step forward.

His whole person turned into a streamer in an instant, and the teleportation usually appeared behind the British.

A white flame wrapped around his right arm and grabbed forward.

"Who!!?" Ying Zhao is still escaping, and suddenly feels a sharp spike in the vest behind him.

He changed his face and crushed two gray beads again.


The two groups of green and green scorpion venom fires burst out of his arms in a blink of an eye.

These poisonous fires seem to have life-like, and they have gathered together after the British recruited, and they rushed to the road like a living creature.

Lu Sheng's index finger moved, and the white glare turned into a mist, spreading rapidly outward.

The misty white fire just touched the green-green poisonous fire, and swallowed it in a blink of an eye. Continue to move toward the British.

"How is it possible!! This is!!?" The British recruited a look, then revealed the color of incredulous.

Lu Sheng’s hand was lightly printed on his chest.

boom! ! !

In the sound of a huge explosion, the British recruited the whole person to fly back and turn into the original shape. It was a winged monster with a human head and a leopard-like body.

But at this time the monster was exceptionally miserable. He was covered with flames and scorched feathers everywhere. The original large amount of gorgeous red hair, together with the feathers, was burned by the overbearing strong white fire.

"How is it possible!!" Ying Zhao can't believe it at all. He is one of the top demon gods who are the demon courts. Here, there are five demon gods who are besieged by Jin Xian, and it is normal to hurt him.

But now this new guy, but one-on-one, hard to eat the previous Xuan Ming nine poisonous fire.

That is the vicious flame that even he did not dare to touch easily during his heyday. It is also relying on this that he can temporarily escape under the siege of the five golden fairy.

Can this guy

"Before the ghost car was sneaked, I thought it was the Witch's hands. I didn't expect it." Ying Zhao turned back and knew that he couldn't escape. He simply focused on the man in front of him.

He was furious and seemed to be printing the face of Lu Sheng deep in his mind.

"who are you!?"

Lu Sheng smiled and the white flame between the fingers slowly spread out.

"Who I am, it doesn't matter. What is important now is that if you don't return to me, next year is your day of worship."

Ying Zhao was silent, and suddenly he laughed.

"That can be said."

His voice just fell, and suddenly a golden beam of light in the sky suddenly fell, covering it with precision.

"It’s finally to see the mastermind behind the scenes, and the Emperor will personally seize you and execute you!” Ying Zhao laughed. "This is why I deliberately come out alone, really great!"

Hey! !

A huge flame force protects the British move and pulls it toward the sky.

Lu Sheng can feel the root of the flame is from heaven. He smiled and didn't seem to worry about it being discovered by Emperor Taiyi.

"It’s a pity that I really want to take you down."

Looking far away from the British move that is rapidly flying away, Lu Sheng looks the same, gently stretched his hand.

A brilliant white gold flame automatically forms a long bow, shaping between his hands.

A large number of flames spontaneously agglomerate between the heavens and the earth, and a huge arrow of palm-like thickness is condensed on the longbow bowstring.

"The beginning of heaven and earth"

The top of the arrow suddenly exploded a myriad of golden glare beams.

In a piece of gold, a pure white Suzaku quietly woke up from the crouching, blinking and whispering.

"Ling Guang."

Lu Sheng gently let go of the bowstring.

Hey! !

The heaven and earth instantly lit up a golden beam of light. As if the curtain was smashed, the golden base fabric was exposed.

The sharp gold thread, like a blade, shot in the direction of the British move, and the white flame suddenly exploded, completely drowning and burning.

Demon court.

The armrests of the hands of the Emperor of Heaven were split open.

After the curtain was silent for a moment, then the anger was extremely angry.

"Do not!!!"

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