Way of the Devil

Chapter 935: Test one

The smell of flame roasting is still floating in the air. A trace of blue smoke continued to spread from the earth.

The side slowly crouched down, in the original lake, now the bottom of the crater, reached out and gently squeezed the finely divided soil.

He put the dirt in his mouth and chewed it.

"This flame tastes strange."

"What a strange method?" Bai Ze asked in a low voice not far away. He knows that Fufengzi's son is far more professional than himself, so it is no problem to trace such things directly to him.

"I have never tasted the flame of this taste. In the top ten flames between heaven and earth, I have tasted nine kinds of residual flavors, but this has no impression." Duanfang wondered.

“Will it be the last?”

"Impossible, the last kind is a high concentration of pure sun fire, I have not tasted it just because even if it is residual, the power of the sun can burn my tongue completely." Duanfang shook his head.

He stood up and looked around in a circle.

"According to the traces of the residue, Ying Zhao's uncle should have been here before, and he played against the people in this original lake. Finally, the other party failed to retain Uncle Ying Zhao and was taken out of ambush."

"It is true." Bai Ze nodded. From the point of view of the residual traces, the end point is consistent with the previous tracking demon.

"But." The end of the brow is close. "After the British uncle has left the ambush, it should have been successfully escaped, so with his realm of strength, what magic weapon can be in such a distant position,"

He can't understand.

Bai Ze’s silent memories.

"Perhaps there are only a handful of top-ranking saints who can do it. The rest are the saints who are high above, but the saints act, and each other's every move is world-famous, and other saints are always on the lookout.

So the most unlikely is the saint. And if you are quasi-holy, I know that there is a guy who can do this easily. ”

"What is the ancestor of the Styx?" Duanfang immediately reacted. "But the ancestors of the Styx can't have such a high temperature flame. So it can't be him."

"What else do you find?" Bai Ze continued to ask.

This 趟英招招 disappeared, and even the residue could not be found. The Emperor of Heaven confirmed that the British tactics had been completely degraded, and even the Yuanshen disappeared completely.

Under the wrath of Bai Ze, he immediately came here with the unparalleled side of the world. Now, it is necessary to look at the performance of the end.

"There is another point, this strange flame, I have already remembered, if there is no accident, the next time, no matter how disguised he made, I can instantly recognize it." Duan Fang smashed the railroad.

"That's good." Bai Ze nodded. "Let's go, go back first, things here must be long-term."



Lu Sheng walked slowly in the sky above the flooded land.

Underneath the endless sea of ​​trees and the tall and prominent giant wood from time to time, he clearly realized that he is no longer in other worlds.

It is in the wild world where the aura is extremely abundant.

At this time, he was standing in the sky above 3,000 meters above the ground, looking down at the earth, like the sand table, the trees and the cliffs above, one by one as the most exquisite building blocks.

After he killed the British recruit, Lu Sheng went directly to the position of the sinful eye that he had explored before.

The sage of the niece is about to end completely, leaving only a few tiny gaps in the sky.

The rest should be the sacred limbs, for the four pillars.

However, Lu Sheng is now free to watch. He has been delayed for a long time, and it is necessary to solve the evil eye before the flood of the wild war.

Now that he has refining the world's source of two units, he has entered the Yuanshen, and has just come to try to solve this problem.

The source of the world is integrated into the body, and it is a special change that was unimaginable before. This kind of change is unreasonable and overbearing. Even if it is a road victory, it will no longer want to inexplicably use the power of the world to enhance its strength.

After the integration of the world's source into the Yuanshen, he clearly felt that the connection between himself and the evil spirits was deeper and closer. And this is not what he wants.


In the sky, there is a giant bird with a wingspan of 30 meters, and a sly look passes by Lu Sheng.

The giant bird has pure white soft feathers that look like a magnified version of the seagull, just two strange eyes on the face.

The four-eyed seagull passed by and awoke Lu Sheng from his meditation.

He returned to God and placed his palm firmly on the tail of the four-eyed seagull.

A powerful demon breath passed down the four-eyed seagull tail feathers, and the giant bird sighed with a sigh, and after flying far away, it hovered back.

Lu Sheng gently fell on the back of the giant bird and stretched his finger in a general direction. The giant bird screamed and flew in that direction.

Although it is not the phoenix of the king of birds, the Suzaku family is also subject to the abundance and awe of many low-level birds because of its noble blood.

Coupled with Lu Sheng's powerful quasi-sacred cultivation, it is not difficult to control this giant bird's low-level monster.

The four-eyed seagull is extremely fast, although not as good as the road, but it is far superior to ordinary birds.

Lu Sheng gave it a touch of tentacles, and the tentacles of the evil spirits multiplied in it, giving it more powerful endurance and resilience.

The giant bird is flying at high speed continuously. This high-speed full-force flight lasts for an hour in its normal state, but after being parasitized, the giant bird has lasted for more than three hours, and there is no tiredness.

Lu Sheng stood quietly on the back of the giant bird, and all the demon spirits on his body all converge. To prevent any troubles and accidents in the middle.

As the giant bird continues to lower its height under his control, the earth becomes more and more clear.

After a few hours of high-speed flight, the earth gradually changed from the previous green to the large dead forest that is now dead gray.

Numerous dead trees are like remnants of the remains after the fire has burned, and the blacks are covered with a lot of ashes.

Looking from the sky, it is like a piece of black mud covered with dandruff. The black dead tree of the claws stretches and twists the sharp limbs. The ground is dry, cracked black hard mud.

Lu Sheng reached out and took out a black pearl of the size of a fingernail from his arms and gently rubbed it on the top.

The pearl suddenly glowed soft yellow, and the light detached from the pearl like a smog, condensed above it and pointed in one direction.

"This side." Lu Sheng controlled the giant bird to fly in that direction. At the same time continue to reduce the height.

It took about two more hours.

The four-eyed seagull slowly landed in front of a huge, lacquered black dead tree.

This dead tree is different from other dead trees around it. It has a rough bottom, but it is obviously a white wooden door made by the day after tomorrow.

The white door panels are extremely thick, but the threshold is hidden, and the darkness is revealed in the gap.


Lu Sheng gently jumped from the back of the giant bird and stood on the ground.

He sorted out his robes and walked slowly toward the tree-hole gate.

Going to the threshold, he saw a line of text engraved on the top, which is a long-lost language, but the grammar and strokes seem strange, but the meaning is still understandable.

‘Nanxingfu Empty Cave’

Lu Sheng stood in front of the door and took back the sight of the text, and his eyes fell on the hidden door.

As he stepped forward, the invisible force automatically pushed the half threshold.


An unpleasant noise just spread, and Lu Xun was carefully isolated by the invisible force field. Only a few subtle sounds were heard, and disappeared.

Lu Sheng walked in carefully from the half door.

Inside is a tree hole that is not too big.

The black lacquered inner wall, a few rough stone axes scattered on the floor, wooden short bows on the wall, and two lamps that look like lighting.

Lu Sheng brows close, close to the past, and reaches out to remove one of the lamps.

"This is not like the style of this era."

Some of the lamps are like lanterns. There are portable places on the top. Although the workmanship is rough, it can still be seen. There are oil lamps in the outline.

Lu Sheng quickly found a trace of human life in the tree hole. But those seem to be a long time ago. The traces left in the tree hole, the latest one, also have a lot of dust accumulation.

What makes Lu Sheng somewhat moving is that there is something in the corner of the tree that looks like short sleeves.

Lu Sheng reached out and made a move, and the clothes rushed up and quickly approached.

He grabbed the clothes with a sigh of relief, and he carefully identified them, and there were still residual trademarks on the clothes.

"This is this!" Lu Sheng’s heart was shocked.

If this is where the Lujia relatives have been, does this mean that there may be kinships in this world.

Lu Sheng put down his clothes and walked slowly around the tree hole. There is no second valuable thing besides opening the clothes.

The eyes of sin still have no whereabouts. Lu Sheng is only on the table in the tree hole, and he perceives the suspected trace of this thing.

Without finding the eye of sin, he began to focus on this and spread his search in all directions.

On the other side of the demon court, it continues to follow the original plan.



Xia Qiushan.

"It is here. If I am not wrong, according to the analysis results, the most likely to be ambushed is to flocculate the predecessors." In the mountains, Duan Fang and his sister Duan Li whispered.

"Ali, you remember, once you are in trouble, crush the jade in the first time, don't hesitate to hesitate."

"I understand." Duan Li Zheng focused.

In fact, the situation of the Lich battle in these days has become more and more serious. Bai Ze is temporarily unable to open the body, so the two little guys will temporarily stop. After he has slowed down, he will continue to conduct new investigations.

But after a few days, Bai Ze did not come back, which made the end of the party anxious, so he took advantage of his blood in the hidden tyranny. He took his sister and started a private investigation.

This is the sixth position they have privately investigated.

According to the judgment of the party, these positions are very likely to be the positions where the behind-the-scenes hands have been hands-on.

All of these locations have one thing in common, that is, they are extremely concealed, and they are very easy to cover up and cover up the battle.

After waiting for Uncle Bai Ze to wait for the left and right, the party with his sister intends to go down the border first, and the investigation is clear, which is a saving time.

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