Way of the Devil

Chapter 936: Quiz 2

There are nine suspicious positions in total, and now it is the sixth.

Looking at the younger sister's far-sighted figure, he quickly found a hidden bush and fell down to the body.

The demon power and vitality in his body will quickly fade in the blink of an eye, just as it may die at any time. Weak and extremely inconspicuous.

Follow the bushes and check the traces of the ground a little bit.

"Even if there are spells buried in the cover, there will always be traces of residual techniques, demon power. Just find this, and then uncover the cover that is covered, you can restore all the original appearance." The end of the heart is awe.

According to his judgment, the bushes of this piece should not be so lush, the location is a bit strange, very unnatural.

‘Now, it’s time to prove my guess. ’

The end is bowed and carefully moved in the bushes step by step.

Time passed by.

Suddenly his body trembled.

'This is it! ’

A shallow hole appeared in front of his eyes. In the eyes of others, this may be just an ordinary pothole, but in his eyes, this hole is mixed with at least ten kinds of weak residual demon power.

"So many residual demon power! Great discovery!" Duan Fang forced the ecstasy of his heart, reached out and gently reached into the pit, and touched the wet soil inside.

"Let me see, the demon power inside is the demon gods." He licked his lips and slowly covered the bottom of the pit.

A special kind of demon power slowly penetrated into this pit, quietly touching the first demon power.

"Who!!?" Suddenly a low-pitched male blasted over his head.

The end has not had time to react, and quickly looked up, and saw a brilliant blue light flying from a distance, and fell to the place.

The demon spirit that exudes in the light is one of the demon powers he has just discovered.

He was stunned and said nothing. He stood up and ran. After running a few steps, the body turned into white smoke, and merged with another sister who was also turned into a white smoke. The two quickly flew away toward the distant sky.

In the woods, the blue twilight quickly landed and turned into a tall man with four arms.

Not just him, the darkness also flies out of a dark giant.

"Someone came to investigate the traces of our previous hands." The man was sinking.

"Kill them!" The giant mouth vomited, and the eyes were sinister.

"Divisional action!" The man nodded and re-emerged, turning into a position where Blu-ray chased the side brothers and sisters to escape.

The giant scorpion exploded and turned into black smoke. It began to run shortcuts and intercepted two sides.

White smoke and blue light slashed through the sky in tandem, and the speed of blue light was extremely fast. Even if it was the blood of the end, it could not escape the pursuit.

After trying to get rid of the fruitlessness several times in a row, the end of the party bites his teeth and raises his direction toward the heavens.

"Be careful, hold back!" he yelled, rushing to the top of his head, where the court was stationed.

But at this time, the blue light behind him saw his intentions, suddenly screamed, the speed suddenly increased several times, and immediately after the end of the two.

In the light, a furry black big handcuff caught the white smoke.

"If you find it, you can't leave it! Give me death!"

When the black hand was not close, it lit up a group of glaring golden awns, as if holding a golden ball of light in the palm of your hand. But the party side can clearly see that the black palm is in the middle of the heart, with a golden eye slowly opening.

Not so close, he felt the golden light falling on himself, with a burning tingling sensation. At the same time, the sister’s pain was also heard, and she was obviously uncomfortable.

"Fast escape!!" Duanfang's heart is extremely desperate. At this moment, he realizes the concern that Bai Ze has been hiding in his heart.

It’s too bad to know that the crisis is imminent, but it can’t find direction, even the delay can’t be done.

He tried desperately to use his body to block the golden light and try to make his sister run farther. But what made him desperate was that his sister was doing the same thing as him.

This led to the fact that they might have escaped, and now it is the possibility that both people will lose their escape.

"No!!" The end of the party stunned, looking at the golden light in the smoke to the sister, and they simply had no time to stop.

"The same kind of map, Yuanhui heaven and earth."

Suddenly a pure white light exploded between him and the golden light. A familiar man's voice is put into the ear of someone in the place.

The golden light handbrake was shattered and turned into countless smoke. There are miniature worlds of mountains and rivers that are fleeting.

"Bai Ze!!? How is it possible! You are not going to the front line!?" The master of the black hand, the mysterious man is incredulously suspended in the sky, as if forced to condense out of the body, revealing the color of horror.


Bai Ze did not have any answer at all. It was just a blast in the ear of the side, white light wrapped the two brothers and sisters, turned into a white meteor in a blink of an eye, fled the original place at a speed many times higher than before, and did not enter the upper garrison of the heavens.



Demon court.

Suzaku Palace.

Lu Sheng was sitting at the red low table and holding a book in his hand.

The book is turned to half the number of pages, the top is full of special information recorded in the ancient text, about the information of the congenital devil, this is some precious books he found from the depths of the Suzaku Palace.

After a while to find the eyes of sin, Lu Sheng came back and went into various processes of pursuing information.

Fortunately, the Suzaku family is the ancient **** beast family. Although the strength is not strong, the information is very complete.

Suddenly a soft bang, Lu Sheng’s book was slightly trembled.

He took a deep breath, slowly closed the book, stood up and walked to the window of the bedroom.

Since the integration of the world's source, his gods have undergone an incomprehensible subtle change every day.

This feeling, like the owner who feeds his pet, but is eaten by the pet and the hand he feeds, all collapsed.

Lu Sheng feels that he is the so-called pet character. As far as the evil spirits are concerned, he is the son of care and is a concern.

What surprised him was that he had plundered the evil spirits of the two worlds. He did not seem to care about this loss, and he still maintained strong concern and care for him.

"If you give me more time, just fine," Lu Sheng sighed, looking at the window of the Suzaku Palace, a faint white mist.

If there is more time and more power, he can take more of the world's source from the evil spirits.

"Master." Suddenly a silver light flew from the window into the bedroom, hovering in front of Lu Sheng.

"Someone was investigating our enemies before the investigation. I suspect that the traces of your remaining battle have already been discovered."

"Is it discovered?" Lu Sheng did not change his face. It was a matter of time before he found out or not. He didn't care.

"Pause the rest of the action, wait for the opportunity. In addition," Lu Sheng lips slightly moved, the sound passed into the light spot. From the outside, I can only see that he seems to be talking to himself, and he can't hear what he is actually saying.

"Understood." The spot suddenly dissipated.

Lu Sheng stood quietly in front of the window and seemed to think about something.

He has now reached the quasi-holy realm, but he is also a quasi-holy, and there are also great distinctions between the strong and the weak. The most advanced, like the level of the river, even the saints take him, because he is the natural rule of heaven and earth. Part of it, although the saint has the power to kill him, he can't do it, because that is the rule of destruction that affects the functioning of the heavens.

The weaker quasi-holy, such as the red cloud, in addition to a broken gourd, there is really no magic weapon. It will be normal for the latter to be taken away by Hongpeng.

Thinking of the magic weapon, Lu Sheng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

"I am now enough to repair, but what is missing is the same Lingbao. The innate Lingbao has a master. The only thing I can intervene is the acquired treasure."

After the day Lingbao, he has already arranged.

Pushing open the door, Lu Sheng went out.

Since the demon court has begun to accelerate the action, then he should start to arrange.

Walking out of the courtyard, Lu Sheng rose to the ground and flew in the direction of a hidden demon temple.

Flying out of the Suzaku Palace, passing through a desolate palace pavilion. Most of these pavilions were built in the first place, but they were built in one breath, but because there are not many demon gods who are willing to go to heaven, and there are many demon people who have died in these years and the witches, they have been idle.

Passing through an empty palace like a ghost field, Lu Sheng quickly landed in a triangle, with a huge building with silver cane sculptures in front of the gate.

An old man in a gray robes with his head down and his face could not see his face stood in front of the palace.

Seeing that Lu Sheng had fallen, the old man showed a slight tribute.

"Everything is ready."

Lu Sheng nodded and walked into the palace gate with the old man.

Passing through rows of sinister blackbird sculptures, the two came to a huge oval silver pool.

The clear water of the original pool has disappeared, and replaced by the dazzling blood of the red.

The edge of the pool climbed with countless purple-black tentacles, which squirmed, but decorated the entire pool like a relief.

There are also a few big demon with black masks on the edge, grabbing the struggling humanoids in their hands and throwing them into the pool.

"There have been 13 thunder gods and thousands of demons." The old man whispered. "All the old guys who are over 100,000 years old."

Lu Sheng’s mouth showed a smile and looked around. He was in the depths of the hall around the pool and saw countless big demon and demon king. They all crouched down their heads and prayed in the mouth.

All the demon's heads are facing the pool.

"All who resist me and disobey the doctrine are heretics.

They will all accept the trial of the fire of God. If they cannot pray to the blood pool of the whole heart and repent of their own faults, they will all be part of the pool of blood and merge with the light. "Luo Sheng went to the blood pool."

The old man lowered his head deeply behind him.

As Lu Sheng continued to approach, the blood pool slowly boiled in the middle, and a bright light rose from the bottom of the pool.

Among the light, a dark red quaint and exquisite huge long sword slowly floats the pool.

The red light reflected on Lu Sheng’s smiling face, reflecting the faint fluorescent light.

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