Way of the Devil

Chapter 937: Burning one

Among the light, a dark red quaint and exquisite huge long sword slowly floats the pool.

The red light reflected on Lu Sheng’s smiling face, reflecting the faint fluorescent light.

"This knife seems to be able to be used for many years."

"Amount, master, this is Nanming from the fire sword is not a knife." A side of the demon can not help but reminded.

"You read it wrong. He is a knife, but he looks like a sword."

"The sword is actually a kind of knife, which can be used interchangeably." Lu Sheng smiled. "Not to mention, it is just a better disguise. I saw his essence at a glance."

"But I am not a knife is a sword." Nan Ming trembled from the fire sword and made a squeak.

"Is lost the sword of the self?" Lu Sheng shook his head slightly. "You just didn't recognize yourself."

"But I have been remembering that I am a sword from birth to the present." Sword Spirit still wants to talk.

"That is a lie!" Lu Sheng broke. "Actually, your true identity is a double-edged sword, a sword, and anything that is used to fool you."

"Is that the case?" Sword Ling was hesitant.

"This is the case, you should be lucky to meet me, let me help you uncover the true identity!" Lu Sheng spoke.

"But I still feel"

"Your feeling is wrong, like a knife. I never think that I am a weapon. I always blame people who hold the knife, but in fact they are weapons. The knife is made for cutting. They are weapons, nothing. Say it." Lu Sheng improved his voice.

"I was actually a knife??" Nanming was a little confused from the fire sword. He himself had only a simple sense of intelligence. At this time, he was confused by a road call.

Lu Sheng saw the situation and quickly increased the role of psychological guidance.

"Do not worry, I will never humiliate you. From now on, you are the strongest knife for my road victory! To help you get back to normal, I will call you later, I will change your name for you."

He is in the right direction: "You are the peerless gods handed down by the Suzaku family. The power is infinite, and the non-Suzaku King can't use it. If so, from now on, you will call, Zhu Wangdao."

"Zhu (Pig) Wangdao?"

A group of demons around are relatively silent.

"Okay, just like this, the collection ceremony continues. I need more demon people, and more powerful demon." Lu Sheng calmed.

He is trying to create a power to make something that he has relied on for extreme dependence. From the beginning, he was surprised by this strange thing, or energy. But there has been no idleness to really explore it.

But now, in this new world of waste, he has enough power and time to try and see if he can artificially create this special high energy.

Lu Sheng walked to the edge of the pool, reached out and gently plunged into the blood pool.

The rippling thick blood drowned his index finger, and a powerful sentiment was quickly passed into his body.

"In the end is success, or failure, wait and see." In the light of the power of the power, Lu Sheng retracted his hand, got up and turned away.

"Gong your home."

The guards of the demon are all in the same place. A large number of tentacles emerged from behind them, like octopus, pilgrimage toward Lu Sheng.

Out of the demon temple, Lu Sheng took a deep breath.

He did not know whether the millions of sentiments that he had just sucked were made, or whether they were originally on the demon of these sacrifices.

But when the blood pool is formed and the number of surrounding Yaozu sacrifices is fixed, he will absorb all the power of the sigh.

If there is still a generation of power after that, it means that artificial power is feasible.


Suddenly, Lu Sheng looked a move.

There was a subtle snoring in my mind, as if something had suddenly split.

He closed his eyes and could feel that in his consciousness, your parasites, which can be extended at any time like weeds, suddenly lost a few.

“Is it discovered? Or is there an accident?” Lu Sheng is not known. But it doesn't matter. The arrangements for this have already been done.

He looked up at the top of his head, and the golden sun slowly released the dazzling sunlight. Although it was a little dim before the shooting, it could maintain normal light.



"This is the flame!"

In the Baize Palace, the end is pale, and he is staring at the white powder that Bai Ze took out.

This powder seems to be the ash that remains after some kind of flame incineration.

Bai Ze brows tightly, and looks at the demon teacher Xiao Peng not far away. This thing was got from him.

Can't tell the origins. But let the end party affirmed the answer unexpectedly, that is, the owner of this flame has the same breath as those who are controlled.

In the corner of the hall of the White House Palace, there are also a few grotesque demon corpses lying there.

These were brought by the demon teacher, Peng Peng. He killed these strange demon people. Although they were extremely strong demon gods before their death, there was no resistance in front of the demon teacher.

"These guys actually set up an ambush and tried to attack me. After I found out, I killed it directly. I heard that you were also ambushed, and sent it to compare it to see if it was a batch, I didn't expect it."

The sorcerer sneered.

"There is actually no fear of death, dare to go to the demon enchantment and really want to die!"

"Not not looking for death," Bai Ze shook his head slightly. "The demon may not have a few sirens besieged, but if the number doubles?"

"What about that? It's just a chicken." Peng Peng is as proud as ever.

"What if it is ten times more?" Bai Ze asked again.

Yan Peng's face changed slightly.

"This is impossible! The forces of dozens of golden celestial beings can be brought out between heaven and earth, that is, my demon court and the witches!"

"Nothing is impossible." Bai Ze got his own answer. The ants can kill the giant elephants, not to mention the ants, but the real demon gods.

Dozens of people together, even if it is Kuang Peng, will not be able to catch.

"This is not a wheel battle. If there are dozens of demon gods joining forces, combining large arrays and combining power with one another, then no matter how strong we are, even if it is a quasi-holy, it is difficult to face up." Bai Ze is like telling a fact. Calm and said.

"What about that? What do you want to say? Want to say that the person behind this control can mobilize such a big force?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is exactly what you guessed. That guy can really mobilize so much power." Bai Ze said lightly.

"Absurd!" Kuang Peng refused to believe, "Bai Ze, you have recently investigated the case and found out that your brain is stupid or what? These stupid rumors, in addition to being laughed at, are there any use."

"In fact, you don't have to be so troublesome." The side that had been silent for a moment, suddenly reached out and picked up the white powder.

"I can follow the smell of this flame and find its owner."

Both Bai Ze and Yan Peng heard the news and shocked at the same time.

"Are you sure?" Bai Ze slightly widened his eyes.

Duan nodded, solemnly.

"Absolutely ok!"

"That's the hand!" Xiaopeng sneered. "I have to look at it. What kind of monster is this, you can control the demon god!"

"The action is as fast as possible, we have to find him before the guy does not respond!" Bai Ze agreed to nod.

"Good!" Duan Fang nodded. "I feel that the breath is very close. If not guessed wrong"



Hey! !

A rush of piano sounds continued, as if it were gold and iron, from a temple in the Suzaku Palace.

Xiaoning bowed his head and played with enthusiasm.

Lying on the wooden couch, the girl gently massaged her head.

The rest of the tribes sat down on the lower sides, listening to the music, eating the delicacies of the delicacies, and from time to time someone got up and chased each other, the atmosphere was very active.

The Suzaku family had a rare banquet.

Lu Shengpan sat in a middle point on the left side, and was slowly pouring a full glass of wine with a pot of wine.

Hey! !

Suddenly a huge earthquake was transmitted from a distant palace complex.

The banquet was slightly stagnation, and Xiao Ning looked up at the rain and asked if he would continue.

"Perhaps it is a certain part of the demon temple is broken, it does not matter, continue." Yu Yan also flashed a trace of doubt in his eyes, then comforted.

The music continues to play.

Hey! !

Suddenly, the palace gate was knocked open by a huge force. A group of monsters surrounded by tyrannical devils strode into the palace.

They are more or less entwined with the spirit of the gods, and they are all demon gods who are tyrannical to the limit.

Walking in the forefront, it is the end and Bai Ze. And the demon teacher Kun Peng.

Behind them is the new demon **** re-recruited from the lower bounds during this time. It’s not enough to be recruited before, and now I’m in desperate need of strength, so I’m not so much about it.

"Where?" Bai Ze looked to the side.

The end of the party sniffed the nose, and the line of sight swept over a slugged Suzaku family, and soon stayed on Lu Sheng.

Paying attention to the look of Duan Fang, Bai Ze also looked at the road wins with a blank face.

"Excuse me," the rain slammed up from the wooden couch and saw the scent of the gods wrapped around the group, and the expression suddenly became extremely dignified.

"Yu Yu has seen the demon teacher, Bai Ze seniors, and the demon gods." She quickly walked down the high platform and respectfully bowed to the ceremony.

"British recruits, is it you kill?" Bai Ze did not pay attention to her, but stared at Lu Sheng, stepped forward, cold channel.

The amount of information contained in this question made the rainy face change, and the Suzaku family also screamed and exclaimed.

The death of Ying Zhao did not preach, and he always concealed everyone, but now he was told by Bai Ze in public.

Suddenly everyone thought of this, indeed, I have not heard the order of the British General Manager for a while.

Following Bai Ze's line of sight, Yu Yu's attention fell on the sitting road wins.

Xiaoning’s hand slammed into the ground. Her pretty face was so scared that she was stunned and she was shaking a little.

It’s not just them, all the people of the Suzaku family who attended the banquet. At this moment, the sights are all concentrated on Lu Sheng. For this beautiful and gentle, gentle temperament of the lower bounds, they have always had a good impression.

Just don't know why he will be involved in such troubles.

"You predecessors, is there any misunderstanding?" Yu Yu could not help but explain.

However, Bai Ze and other demon gods did not look at her, but stared straight at the road that was still sitting.

Surprisingly, shocking, and completely different from the surrounding.

Lu Sheng took the glass and heard the words, and the face suddenly calmed down.

"I didn't expect you to move so fast." He drank the drink from the cup.

Don't be pure wine or high-alcohol, he prefers this wine-flavored juice.

Although the Yaozu called this wine, he insisted on calling it juice.

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