Way of the Devil

Chapter 959: Psychic one

The pale yellow slate is engraved with dense ancient patterns.

In the pattern is a group of ancient people wearing grass skirts, holding up their hands, splitting one eye in the palm of their hand and watching the huge whirlpool of the sky.

Lu Sheng carefully erected the slate from the desk and wiped it gently with a damp towel.

The contents of the slate have changed.

Some tiny black bugs appear in the picture, they surround the huge whirlpool and seem to be flying down.

In the middle of the vortex, a black eye with exactly the same shape as the evil eye emerges slowly.

This slate was sent from the front of the mountain gate. For the sinful eye he was looking for, Yimengmen quickly responded. After collecting a lot of information, they sent such an ancient slate.

It is said to be a hidden antiquities discovered by archaeologists from an ancient ruins.

Lu Sheng didn't care how this thing came. He only cares if the eyes above are the eyes of sin.

"You are, what are you looking at?" Wang Jing, wearing a white dress, walked slowly from the side.

The clothes on her body are very strange, they are always very clean and have no smell. Even the sweat has not been seen.

And the surrounding bugs are never willing to stay by her side. It’s like even bugs are afraid of her.

"Some boring things." Lu Sheng shook his head. "I was very interested in this recently, just take a look." He pointed to the black eyes in the whirlpool.

"Oh." Wang Jing slowly moved from the left side of Lu Sheng to the right, then gently hugged his arm.

"Would you like to sleep with me?" Her cold voice was unconsciously talking about ridiculous words.

"" Lu Sheng looked at her silently. “Can you speak something normal?”

"Would you like to take a nap?" In a different way, Wang Jing gently put his face on Lu Sheng's arm.

When a person stays in the dark for a long time, suddenly a little bit of light shines in a day, he will not want to leave, every minute he wants to stay in that light.

Wang Jing is like this now.

"You go to sleep first." Lu Sheng pulled out his hand and looked down at the small text on the side of the slate. He planned to check the ancient Chinese dictionary to find out what time the picture above was from, and where.

Although the arm is drawn from Wang Jing's chest, the soft feeling is not bad, but now it is important.

Wang Jing looked at the slate carefully, turned gently and went to the kitchen to pour water.

Pick up the glass bottle.

In the glass water bottle, the water slowly goes down the gravity, flows out of the bottle, and falls into a clean glass.

If anyone can see the most subtle aspects of the clear water, you can see that innumerable microbes, bacteria and viruses in the water, when poured into the glass from the water bottle, all the microbes are like withered plants, all dim death.

“It’s the glory of my Lord.” On the glass window on the side of the kitchen, a white-haired old man with a black dress appeared.

The old man, like the oldest aristocrat and gentleman, gently bowed to Wang Jing.

"Although as one of the four arms of my master, such power has been seen countless times, but every time I feel sincerely amazed." The old man respectfully respected Wang Jingdao.

"Call you, there is something to explain." Wang Jing turned to look at the old man, the two eyes are opposite, the four pupils at the same time filled into a complete lacquer black.

"Find this." In Wang Jing’s eyes, the pattern of the vortex eyes on the slate was naturally emerged.

The old man’s eyes were slightly delayed, and the same pattern appeared at the same time.


As one of the huge shadows of the destruction of God by causal disasters, he will also wake up from the endless darkness with the awakening of Wang Jing.

Causal disasters, not only one person, one individual, but also a large group of powerful terrorist forces.

It was a super-ancient giant army that once belonged to the destruction of God.

The old man is only one of them.

"In addition, my lord, although that Wang Dong is also a bit capable, but as the original form of destruction, you stayed with him for a long time, really good?" The old man suddenly whispered comfort.

"You, there should be no flaws."

"He is not a flaw in light." Wang Jing's eyes returned to normal. "I don't like others to violate me. This is the first time."

The old man's face is unchanged, bowed down and respectfully retired, and the body is turned into a black shadow to dissipate.

Wang Jing lowered his head and turned his face to the living room. He walked toward the living room.

The kitchen door is slowly closed.

"My Lord is not dead, but I don't want to sleep for so many years." In the empty space, a voice indifferent.

"It doesn't matter, the mortal people in the district, for hundreds of years, it is the leisure of my own leisure.

After all, what we lack most is time."



"The strongest in the world is the four ultimate spiritual kings. Also known as the ancient destruction god."

“They all come together from the super-ancient period, because of great achievements, unprecedented greatness, and opportunities for fortune.”

Move inside the gate.

Huang Ya followed his grandfather Huang Yun Temple and walked slowly in the long and dark mountain tunnel.

Grandpa was gloomy with a faint voice, constantly screaming in the tunnel.

"What do you say now? Grandpa?" Huang Ya wondered.

"Because the place we are walking now is one of the legendary destructive gods, the original nest of Mercury in the water." Huang Yun Temple is faint.

"In the demon, the destruction of God is the highest emperor. Underneath, it is a series of strict levels of trolls, vain lords, virtual demons, etc."

"Our Zongmen was sealed at the beginning, and part of the troll's limbs is here." Huang Yunsi paused and walked back.

"Yaya, we seem to be huge, but you must remember that there are still powerful trolls on top of me, and the legendary destructive gods."

"Life, you should remember awe and humility."

Huang Ya nodded seriously.

"I remember."

Huangyun Temple continued to move forward for a while, turning a corner and coming to a deep blue and cold water pool.

"It's here, jump on."

Huang Ya nodded, and said nothing, went forward and jumped forward.


The water in the pool is splashed.

Huang Yun Temple looked at this scene quietly.

This is the reward that Huang Ya received after he introduced Wang Dong to Shanmen.

Wang Dong’s high qualifications are rare in the world. It is a terrorist qualification that is more than ten times stronger than ordinary people.

Such a seedling, as soon as it begins to practice psychic, will soon become the most powerful part of it.

It only takes ten years, and it is very likely that there will be a vain-level powerhouse.

"After soaking, you will lead Wang Dong to come to the mountain gate and begin formal practice." Huang Yunsi was silent.

"Yes!" The voice of Huang Ya came from the water pool, and there was some inexplicable firmness in the pain.

Thirty-eight times more

Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were the beautiful face of his sister Wang Jing.

The cheap sister, who was quietly squatting on him at this time, was closed and seemed to be sleeping sweetly.

A touch of faint scent from Wang Jing, drilled into the road to win the nostrils.

"I, it has become stronger again" Lu Sheng feels the most subtle changes in the body, although with the aid of the earth, through the mystery, this body is forcibly fixed in the limit of ordinary people.

That is 13 times the ultimate strength.

But through the sorcerer's jealousy, he still feels the enormous power of the cells and genes.

"Get up." Lu Sheng hands gently patted on Wang Jing's buttocks, the delicate touch of the stockings and the warm elasticity of the skin, so that he could not help but move.

"It doesn't matter," Wang Jing closed his eyes and whispered. "It doesn't matter what I do to me."

"Okay, get up." Lu Sheng was silent, and suddenly remembered Chen Yuxi. The igniting of the heart suddenly dissipated.

He gently put Wang Jing aside and sat up.

"You are not, what do you like most?" Wang Jing slightly closes his legs, and his long, slender legs are slowly placed on Lu Sheng's thighs.

The long legs wrapped in black silk gently rubbed on his legs. If he was replaced by another normal man, he was afraid that she would have put her on the spot.

Lu Sheng is about to talk.


Suddenly the phone vibrates.

He vomited and reached for the phone and looked down. It is Huang Ya.

Press the answer button.


"It's time to come to the mountain gate. Your psychic guide is ready, you can start." Huang Ya's voice came from the phone.

"Well, when?" Lu Sheng has always respected the power system of the local world. This can do more with less.

"Can you be tomorrow? I will send someone to pick you up."

"Yes." Lu Sheng thought about it, the holiday was over, and when it was time to go to class like Wang Dong, it was not possible.

Anyway, first solve the chores on the side of the move gate.

"So, see you tomorrow. I will contact you again."

"it is good."

The phone hangs up. Whether it is Huang Ya or Lu Sheng, in fact, there is nothing to talk about.

In addition, Wang Jing gently pointed his chest to his chest.

The phone has no way to fight.

"What should I eat for breakfast?" Lu Sheng took Wang Jing and put it aside. Come down from the bed.

"Feel free." Wang Jing followed the bed, a black long hair did not know when, tied a white ribbon.

She did not wear shoes, and slowly walked behind Lu Sheng, just like a small follow-up class, where Lu Sheng went, where she went.

"I have to go out tomorrow." Lu Sheng took out the milk bread from the refrigerator, while explaining.

"Together." Wang Jing looked at Lu Sheng and sat down on the dining table chair. He wanted to sit in his arms sideways, but he was held down by Lu Sheng and placed on the chair on the right side.

"Then don't mess with me, can you?" Lu Shengyu.

"it is good."

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