Way of the Devil

Chapter 960: Psychic II

The two had a simple breakfast together, one morning, one reading, one daze, and another boring one morning.

The purpose of Lu Sheng’s coming to this world is to find the eye of sin. Now that there is a clue, it is possible to determine the goal by figuring out whether the eye is the eye of sin.

The power of investigating ridiculousness is only incidental.

However, the family that did not expect to come is also somewhat unusual. This mentally ill sister, Wang Jing, seems to hide some hidden secrets.

But he is not the character of seeking the bottom, the secret, since it is a secret, it means that the other party is not willing to tell you.

Since it is not willing, then it is useless to force it.

After eating a customized lunch at the hotel, Lu Sheng plans to go out and wander around, and staying in the room feels bored.

Change your clothes and just go out.


The door was ringed again.

He walked over and opened the security door directly.

Standing outside the door, it was a beautiful girl with a tall figure.

"Zhang Qiwei?" Lu Sheng looked puzzled at her.

"I am your cousin!" Zhang Qi was black and helpless, but when she just exported, she recalled the previous incident, and Lu Sheng reached out to the palm of his hand.

The heart could not help but jump a little, press the feeling of swaying.

"I heard that your sister is going home, I come over to see the sister." She carefully lowered her voice. "Sister Jing, is she okay?"

"Fortunately." Lu Sheng nodded. "Would you like to come in and sit down?"

"No, no." Zhang Qiyi is an ordinary t-shirt jeans, but still outlines the beautiful figure of the front and back, which is also her most confident place.

But at this time, her eyes were slightly wide, staring at Wang Jing, who suddenly appeared behind Lu Sheng.

It’s not that the body is broken and it’s frustrating, but

The mental patient actually let her wander around at home! !

This is to die! ! !

Standing behind Lu Sheng, Wang Jing just quietly glanced at her. Zhang Qiyu felt that her skin was hairy, and countless chicken skins were springing up.

"I have something to do, go first!" She said nothing, stumbled and turned and ran.

The heart constantly evokes the dangerous rumors about this cousin.

Lu Sheng looked puzzled and looked at Zhang Qiyu, who had escaped. He didn't have to look back. He felt a warm body sticking to his back. The full and soft touch made him unable to control the Zhang Qiwei who had just ran away.

"Only I can satisfy you," Wang Jing began to talk nonsense again.

Lu Sheng has long been used to it. Close the door and prepare to take a nap in the afternoon.

Of course, it is a nap on the surface, and it is actually a cultivation.

Early the next morning, the people who came to pick up the mountain gate arrived.

The pure white car stopped downstairs, and Lu Sheng walked out of the elevator with Wang Jing wearing shoes.

Two short-haired young men in white stables are waiting for the road to win.

"Please, brother." One of them laughed and pulled the door open.

"You are one of the five disciples we value most at this mountain gate. If you develop it in the future, please take care of it. My name is Chen Hao. He is Wei Rulin. They are a few years ahead of you, and they are brothers."

"Two brothers are good." Lu Sheng took a hug. Bring Wang Jing over. "This is my sister Wang Jing, I am Wang Dong."

The two young men looked at Wang Jing, and the first thing was amazing, but I don’t know why, and then there was a natural disappointment from the bottom of my heart.

This inexplicable emotion caused them to frown unconsciously and quickly remove their eyes from Wang Jing.

For this degree of gaze change, Wang Jing has long been accustomed to.

Her appearance is very beautiful, she is also very sexy, the white skirt is only in the middle of the thigh, and the black pantyhose outlines the slender and perfect hip-leg curve.

But useless.

The external creature, as long as it is close to her, will be disgusted. After a long time, it will become hatred, hatred, and finally become malicious.

This is the essence of the broken ring.

Guide all creatures to the destruction of nature. This belongs to her and belongs to the most essential force of causal disaster.

It is also the most vicious curse.

Destruction is actually not just four from super-ancient. There have been ten at most.

But in the long years, the rest of the gods of destruction are crazy. It became a beast that only knew about destruction.

No one can accompany them, no one can understand them. This long-lasting loneliness made them finally desperate, chose to be close to each other, use each other's destructive essence, destroy themselves, and finally disappear completely into the history.

Wang Jing has been reborn for twenty years, and many things are naturally known from the subordinates.

In fact, the rest of the existing destructive gods have already been mad. Turned into a complete beast. Killed by the rest of the gods of destruction.

In other words, in the world today, there are only three destructive gods left.

She is sometimes fortunate that if she did not choose to erase the memories of each world and continue to reincarnate, I am afraid that she has already chosen to destroy herself.

Causal disasters seem to be subordinate to the powerful forces, but in fact they dare not approach her for too long.

Like ordinary people, they are close to her for a long time, and they will be attracted by the nature of destruction and eventually to destruction.


The door is closed.

Two Shimengmen’s brothers sat in the front row, and Lu Sheng and Wang Jing sat in the back row. Wang Jing relied on Lu Sheng, and soon he heard a uniform breathing sound. It seems to be asleep.

Lu Sheng side looked over the window.

Because Wang Jing is, it is not easy to talk about the things of the psychic people. This kind of thing needs to be kept secret in front of ordinary people and is convenient for state management.

Bored, Lu Sheng turned to look out the window, the endless stream of vehicles constantly surpassed by this car.

The moving gate headquarters is not far away. The car drove for about an hour. After entering a long tunnel, it came out again and went into another area.

The barren hills on both sides are endless, and graves of different sizes can be seen everywhere on the mountains.

Some places also have established cemeteries, but they all seem to have been abandoned for a long time. No one is taking care of it.

The presence of Wang Jing made Lu Sheng realize that taking her up the mountain, she must not do anything, so when she arrived at the foot of the mountain, he placed Wang Jing in one of the most luxurious hotels in Shanjiao County.

Then don't go anywhere, so I went up the mountain with my two brothers.

Shishan Gate sounds very ancient, but in fact the headquarters is in a villa estate built on the mountainside.

Lu Sheng sat in the car and walked up the circle around the mountain road. He quickly saw the ten-story spire building at the headquarters.

The white buildings are quite eye-catching in a lush green forest.

The building was surrounded by a large circle of gray high walls, with power grids and cameras on the walls, and people walking around the thick walls to patrol.

At the gate, Huang Ya and several other middle-aged men and women who are solemn and solemn are standing and waiting there.

The car stopped and Lu Sheng came down from the car. Huang Ya took the initiative to meet.

"Let's go, the uncle is arranged, go to the basic test first, then test your physical limits and see which psychic is suitable for practice."

"Good." Lu Sheng looked at the sights of middle-aged men and women with a slight look, knowing that they did not see it with their own eyes, and would not completely believe his qualifications.

But this is human nature.

Follow Huang Ya into the high wall.

A few turns along the road between the buildings, and soon they walked into a dome-like tall building like a mushroom.

While walking, Huang Ya also introduced his interest to Lu Sheng.

"Speaking of it, there is no evil spirit in the world. Legend has it that one day, the sky suddenly has a huge whirlpool. The psychic people in the world have their inner eyes and can see the soul of the soul.

After the whirlpool of the sky appeared, the psychic people saw the innumerable black worms that slowly appeared through the inner eyes. ”

"Black bug?"

"Yes. It is the content of the slate. Black worm, black fog, black monster. Finally this is the demon." Huang Ya briefly introduced.

"The demon will devour the soul. And it is the soul that devours the psychic, so naturally, we become enemies with the devil."

Lu Sheng nodded thoughtfully. It seems that the demon is more like a foreigner, and suddenly there is a day to travel from other places to come here.

The two entered the mushroom building, and a group of white coats in the room quickly hung up and began to check the value of Lu Sheng and test various body data.

Only the strengthened steel needle is the skin that can't get into the road.

"Relax! Relax! You don't relax, we can't take blood tests!" The doctor was so anxious that he was sweating.

Lu Sheng completely relaxed his body without words.

I had been busy for a long time, and I took a little blood from him.

"Then is testing the physical limits."

Huang Ya is also speechless, with a road to win a ring-like ring.

Above stood a plate-bearing brawny who stood for a while.

"Henry, use the soul force." A man who seems to know that Lu Sheng is physically strong, went up and sweared.

"A child, can you use it?" The strong man Henry looked at the road victory slowly into the ring.

"Henry is also the limit of the human body, plus the soul force, to deal with you, should be able to measure your limit value." Huang Ya introduced.

"Well." Lu Sheng took the next shoulder and stood in the middle of the ring.

This is an opportunity to test the strength of the psychic system. He intends to take a good look and use only 13 times the human limit to test the special power of the psychic.

Huang Ya stood under the stage and looked around at the periphery. A group of people outside, Grandpa Huangyun Temple did not know when it was here, and looked up at the road victory on the stage. There is also a person standing next to him.

Young woman with long white hair and glasses. It’s just that the woman is wearing a white robe with a huge tiger-like tiger pattern on her chest.

"Is he one of the five spiritual candidates?" the woman whispered.

"The future will be placed on the five major spiritual species of these younger generations. The most important thing for me is his Wang Dong." Huang Yunsi calmly said. A scar on his forehead trembled as he spoke.

"Isn't it four before?" The woman frowned.

"A new choice has emerged. It is the seed that Yaxuan found abroad." Huang Yunsi replied.

"So, this Wang Dong is just a student, Henry who uses the limits of the body to use the soul, is this necessary?" The woman once again questioned.

"Henry will be merciful." Huang Yunsi looked at each other and looked at the two men in the ring game, ready to start.

Lu Sheng looked at the tall, strong man standing opposite.

Henry also looked at the well-balanced road win.

"I heard that you are one of the top five seeds selected in this door. It is really enviable. Can you be selected as one of the five major spiritual species?"

He put his gloves on his hands and licked each other.

"Do you know what I hate most of you like this kid?" He pointed to his own eyes.

"Eyes. Eyes."

Henry laughed.

"Little devil, I hate your eyes. If you are half-dead, don't blame me, don't remind you."

"I heard that you are a young devil of this age. The favorite thing is to be beaten home and look for your mother to cry." Henry stood on the stage and refused to talk.

Lu Sheng stood on the original ground with no expression, completely unmoved.

The following Huang Yun Temple slowly nodded.

"This kind of provocation is not irritating, so the heart is good."

The white robe woman also nodded.

"It seems that you have really found a good seedling"! ! !

The voice did not fall, and the entire stone platform was cracked and broken on the spot. A black-and-white cannonball flew out and slammed into the interior walls of the building.

The wall cracked on the spot, the whole building swayed, and the zenith directly dropped large chunks of mural rock, revealing a huge humanoid hollow.

The white robe woman was dumbfounded, and like her, there was Huangyun Temple on the side.

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