Way of the Devil

Chapter 973: Spirit King III

Lu Sheng turned his eyes and stared at his arm.

The arm is white and slender, and the surface is faint with fine lines resembling deep blue blood vessels. The five-finger nails are sharp and sharp, and there are still some scarlet blood stains on the fingertips.

"Time and space, condensate."

A soft and charming woman sounded as if singing softly in the auditorium, and the echo continued to oscillate back and forth in the room.

Lu Sheng separated the curtains on the spot and torn and shredded. The carpet on the ground followed the smashing into ash.

The oil painting on the wall ignited and turned into a blackened shape.

The snow-white wall was quickly rolled up and grayed out, revealing some traces of old and mottled.

Hey! !

The bottles and cups placed on the table were shredded from the air, and a large amount of wine did not splash around, and it was evaporated by a strange and powerful force.

"Found it! Here!" The woman's voice showed a slight surprise.

The white arm suddenly turned, and it was straight in the direction of Lu Sheng.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! caught!"

Destroy the world of God.

Under the gray sky, there is countless gray dust floating up on the earth.

It's like the raining landscape is upside down.

The dust floated from the ground, flew to the sky, and then disappeared into the unknown endless.

On a vast, rugged plain, there are deep holes in the pit like a moon. Hemispherical craters abound.

Some places even have a hot purple flame, and no combustibles are burning.

In some places, thick black smoke is scattered, and it rushes into the sky in a column.

Among the places where the black smoke is the most, three people floating in the air are facing each other.

Two of them surrounded the third person firmly in the middle.

One of the two, a blond-eyed man in a red gilt cloak, looks like a big aristocrat of the ancient family, smiling and courteous.

He held a cane inlaid with a myriad of colorful gemstones in his hand, and a complex gemstone ring with a golden glow shining between his fingers.

The other person is a charming woman with a silver shawl, looks glamorous, and has a hot body.

Wearing a white princess dress, slender legs wrapped in thin white silk, one arm wearing delicate white lace long gloves, the other arm was not wearing anything, just tapping on her own chest on.

The two are surrounded by the middle, and it is the sister of Wang Sheng who is the winner of this road.

Wang Jing is still a white dress with black silk. The long black hair seems to be getting longer, and the softness is spread to the waist, holding a knife in both hands.

The two knives are of different lengths, each shining with a shimmer of gray.

Compared with the charming woman opposite, her temperament is even colder and indifferent, although her beautiful looks and perfect body make her also a deadly attraction to men. But comparing the opposite women, it is still a poor one.

"Black fog, oh no, what should you call this world? Wang Jing?" The silver-haired woman wearing a princess dress gently pulled her fingers out of her chest.


Her fingertips actually pulled out a large piece of red wire mesh from her chest.

These things, like spider webs, just started to spread in the surrounding air as soon as they left her body.

"What do you want to say?" Wang Jing said with no expression, and the short sword in his hand went forward, and a gust of wind blew in the air.

The wind brought up a lot of gravel and gravel on the ground, and in a blink of an eye, it formed a huge black tornado that was grounded all day long, and rushed to the cobweb.

The red spider web was spreading and expanding, and it was suddenly suppressed by the black dragon. The huge wind pulled the cobwebs and was quickly pulled in. After a few moments, they were shredded and melted into the tornado.

"White Ice." The aristocratic man on the other side pointed to the tornado.

Innumerable white frost, from the bottom up, the huge tornado is instantly covered and frozen. The black tornado, which has just been raging, has turned into a giant icicle of hundreds of meters.

Hey! !

The icicles burst into pieces and turned into countless white spots.

"Without the causal method, you can't break free from the blockade of our two great destructive gods." The aristocratic man smiled.

"Black fog, remember the moment you used to tie me to Tianzhu? It was I lost, but this time I should have won."

The two have been trapped like this for more than three hours.

Here is the destruction of the world of God, a strange world that devours everything at all times, even if they are destroying God.

I also have to resist the invisible engulf here.

The reason why they want to drag Wang Jing here is to use the phagocytosis here, boil the frog in warm water, slowly weaken Wang Jing, and finally kill her.

On the explosive and destructive power, Wang Jing is stronger than their individual, and is stronger.

But they are much stronger than Wang Jing than their persistence.

It is not so much stronger than Wang Jing, it is better to say that Wang Jing gave up part of stamina and endurance in order to get more powerful strength.

Aristocratic man Platinum swept away the silver-haired woman not far away.

The only variable that appears is that Wang Jing’s stamina is stronger than they think, and one of the cards she has just turned out has the illusion that they can’t control the situation.

Despite the fact that there is still a pair of wisdom beads on the surface, the bottom of Platinum has been slightly anxious.

"Do it, don't give her a chance to breathe." The silver-haired woman is the three major ruined gods.

She said nothing, one arm, a few square meters of land on the ground, there are countless red circular marks.

The mark of the road is from dark to bright, like the countless lights that suddenly open.

Hey! ! !

Thousands of red light columns skyrocketed, blasting in the sky, turning into countless pale red cobwebs.

The aristocratic man raised his cane in platinum and turned his eyes into a giant double-edged sword.

"Destroy the Holy Fire!"

With a gentle wave, the sword of the giant sword suddenly shot more than ten groups of white gold flames. The flame danced around Wang Jing, and it burst into a white light beam like a fort.

"" Wang Jing did not say a word, and there was a thick shadow in the whole body.

A black shadow is like a shadow snake, which quickly blocks all the beams.

Numerous red silk screens spontaneously disappeared at the moment of the snake near the shadow.

"How long can you resist? One hour? Two hours? Or one day?" Deep red smiled and kept a lot of red silk screen in his hand.

These nets flew out of her hands and constantly cut everything that came into contact with them. But at the moment of the snake near the shadow, it was suddenly eroded and disappeared.

But she did not care, still continue to consume Wang Jing's physical strength.

There is a limit to destroying God, especially Wang Jing who has not yet grown into a complete body.

It took more than an hour to pass.

Wang Jing still does not change his color, and it steadily blocks all the offensives of the two men. He does not see any fatigue at all.

Platinum and Crimson are a bit anxious.

The two looked at each other.

"I can't take this guy in a short time. What should I do?" Deep red emotions are somewhat unstable, she can't delay.

As one of the gods of destruction, she is naturally not a normal person.

In order to be able to endure long-term destruction of God's destruction of everything around it, there is still a long time of loneliness.

She stripped all negative emotions and formed a separate personality.

This personality possesses all the negative emotions that she does not want to bear. Over time, the total amount is almost to an extreme level of terror.

Every once in a while, she must rest and sleep to suppress the outbreak of personality.

Originally thought that the black fog could be dragged to death in a short time, but now I did not expect to drag myself into the quagmire.

"Old way." Platinum waved the giant sword while talking.

"Black fog is the most important person among us. Finding her most important person and holding him as a card should have a great effect."

They have had a few victories in the past, and that’s what they got. Cooperation is also very tacit.

And the black fog is not dead, anyway, this loss will come back next time. Therefore, they are simply admit defeat, as long as they do not target the people she values.

So the two suppressed Wang Jing while secretly began to open the destruction of the gods, ready to go to arrest Wang Jing, now the most important relatives.

Crimson continued to spill the red net with one hand and the other hand pointed at the air behind him.


There was a black crack in the air.

She didn't change her face, her palms were like a blade, and she stroked from top to bottom.

Awkwardly, there was a long and narrow black crack in the air. As soon as the crack appeared, it quickly turned into a black vortex round hole, and there was a black fog slowly rotating inside.

The deep red eyes flashed a glimmer of silver, and the various lines of communication about Wang Jing suddenly appeared in front of her eyes as a graphic.

Parents, nephews, psychiatric hospital patients, an old nurse who is very cared for, and one, the last brother.

"It's him." Deep red eyes lit up, aiming at the figure of the road in the picture, quietly reaching into the vortex to grab.

"What are you doing??!" Wang Jing was violently alert, and his eyes swept to the action that Crimson was doing. He suddenly changed his face and felt something wrong.


She jumped up and gave birth to two black wings behind her body, and her body ran straight into the deep red.

"It’s late! Hahaha!" Deep red hand grabbed, the line that represented Lu Sheng in the eye, was suddenly pinched by her.

"This time I won." Her face showed a very flattering smile.

Hey! !

The crimson whole person was dragged into the vortex by a huge force on the spot.

The vortex that had just formed was unstable. At this time, it was violently smashed into by a destructive god, and suddenly collapsed.



Wang Jing and Platinum suddenly looked at the black whirlpool that was still there, and didn't figure out what was going on.



Inside the villa.

Lu Sheng’s right arm swelled to the original several times, and the red lines on his body were densely popped, and the eyes were stunned by the deep red that was pulled out of the whirlpool.

The two of them had big eyes and eyes, and they were silent for a moment.

Silence is half a ring.

Deep red took a deep breath and felt a little confused. Looked at the road win in front of me, I feel that the script is a bit wrong.

"You" she opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

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