Way of the Devil

Chapter 974: Spirit King IV

"Do you know where this is?" Lu Sheng pointed to the ground.

Crimson is a bit stunned.

"My home!" Lu Sheng has ignited.

He reached out and grabbed his crimson neck.

Hey! !

In a flash, a series of red glows continued to blow up on the road.

The closer he is to the deep red, the greater the impact and corrosion on his palm.

Crimson destroys the world's most powerful virtual demon defense.

It is a barrier to the gods that is enough to withstand the world's largest equivalent nuclear bombardment. It has a tens of thousands of layers of various tactics to build a chain of overall defense system.

"Well?" Feeling the blocking force, Lu Sheng snorted and the power increased rapidly.

The distance between his palm and the crimson neck was only a few centimeters away, but it was just a few centimeters. Numerous dense red brilliance blew open on his hand, and a black-red reticular energy began to cover him.

Puff puff! !

The resistance is getting bigger and stronger and getting stronger. Gradually form a black and red cube, wrapping the deep red into all directions.

Lu Sheng’s hand is just a corner of the hole in the square.

"What's the matter? Actually there are holes that I can't get in?" Lu Sheng was surprised.

Crimson has also come back to this moment. The expression is awesome.

Just now she just did not expect that an ordinary human being would have such a terrible power, and that power would be even stronger than the strongest troll of her majesty.

In fact, she has not received the news that her trolls have been captured by prisoners. Otherwise, there will be no surprises for the strength of Lu Sheng.

"I didn't expect that the little lover of the black fog is actually a rare beautiful man?" Her face showed a charming smile.

"What a pity, do you want to think about following my sister, the black fog will be completely annihilated, and you will have no hope and future with her."

Lu Sheng looked up at her.

"Who is the black fog?"

"Wang Jing, that is your sister oh~" Deep red smiled.


Lu Sheng’s hand covered a layer of purple-black mucus, just through the red defensive hole, and grabbed her neck.


The huge force made the deep red slammed into the wall of the villa and knocked out a large piece of spider web cracking.

Unexpectedly, the dark red face was stagnation, but I couldn’t get rid of it for a while, and I was killed and died on the wall.

"You!!" She turned red, completely did not expect to actually turn over the boat in the gutter, the eyes of the moment, a small mouth.

Hey! ! !

An invisible horror wave rushed out of her mouth.

Lu Sheng is about to work harder. Suddenly the hand was loose.

Looking at it again, the deep red has fallen down the whole person, his eyes are lost, and his body is rapidly melting like a candle.

In a blink of an eye, only one pool of red mud is left flowing to the ground.


Huang Ya came into the door at this time, and at a glance saw the red mud that was melting and disappearing on the ground.

"Flesh?" She seems to know this.

"What do you mean?" Lu Sheng looked at her.

"A very advanced substitute, you can exchange your position with the cockroach in a very short time. To achieve the effect of death." Huang Ya face dignified, "the more powerful the soul, but also the replacement of the substitute. ”

She walked over and crouched down, some squinting at the large cracks on the wall, and then stained the red mud on the ground that had not completely disappeared, and smelled it on the nose.

"It's a very advanced technique. I have never seen such a substitute for the concentration of soul power. This is simply a simple one."

I can see that she is extremely shocked.

"Forget it, nothing, find someone to deal with the wall. In addition, Lu Sheng still wants to ask what."

Suddenly the door was knocked open again.

A white shadow fluttered in and flew into his arms.


Lu Sheng had prepared to kick out, heard the sound, asked the familiar taste, and suddenly relaxed.

He folded his arms and held Wang Jing tightly in his arms.

After running so many worlds, he already felt that he could not find his wife.

Fortunately, now I am facing the undead destruction of my sister. After knowing that Wang Jing is destroying God, Lu Sheng will know.

She is sure to hold it.

"Is it okay? I am going to find you!" Lu Sheng quickly expressed his concern.

"It's okay, just a little tired." Wang Jing embraced Lu Sheng with both hands.

"It’s tiring, it’s good to rest.” Lu Sheng took Wang Jing up and rushed to Huang Ya to make a look.

The latter was fascinated and walked out without a gun with a rifle.

Lu Sheng held Wang Jing gently and placed it on the broken bed in the bedroom.

"You, are you afraid?" Wang Jing felt the dark red residue when he entered the door. Look at the way Lu Sheng looks. Probably guessing that he might know some truth.

"Afraid of what?" Lu Sheng wondered.

"The woman just now" Wang Jing has a long-term mental problem, and the voice has become accustomed to this kind of intermittent.

"That woman?"

Wang Jing nodded slightly.

She didn't know how Crimson had let go of Lu Sheng, but the other party found her weakness in the first time. Since there is the first time, there will be a second time, the third time.

Lu Sheng touched his chin.

"She didn't say a few words to me. I said it was pretty. It's just a little bit of meat. If you say that I am afraid of her, I don't feel it."


Wang Jing was expressionless, but suddenly revealed a gentle smile.

"Do not worry, she will die soon."

"How is the amount? You have a hatred with her?" Lu Sheng said differently.

"" Wang Jing shook his head and stopped talking.

Lu Sheng took a break with her for a while before getting up and leaving the room.

The people of Huang Ya and Shi Shanmen are still waiting outside.

"How? Master." Huang Ya greeted and asked.

"Fortunately, no injuries. Just don't know who is persecuting my sister so tired." Lu Sheng wondered.

"Do we find clues as soon as possible?"

"It doesn't matter. This matter has nothing to do with you." After knowing that his sister was destroying God, Lu Sheng would be skeptical about whether the move to the mountain gate could help.

"Since it's okay, then we won't bother, you and your sister can take a rest." Huang Ya blinked.

"Don't forget to take good measures." The last sentence made Lu Sheng's face a bit weird.

He knows that Wang Jing can't bear his body now. But she has this potential.

The destruction of God seems to be related to the power of absurdity, and the level of this power is extremely high. Even in the wild, the gods and foes of the land, the saints control the world of horror, the power of absurdity is also the world's top level of power.

"I have done it, and I will go back quickly." Lu Sheng waved his hand.

After Huang Yayi left, everyone left. He wandered around the living room for a few laps. I took out my phone and quickly dialed a number.

The phone tweeted twice and quickly turned on.

"Master, what is the command?" Gera's voice passed from there.

“Ready?” Lu Sheng asked.

"I am standing in front of my grandfather's study. If successful, I will call you back.

If it fails, "Jera no longer said more, the beggar believers who were parasitized, the will is a firm one.

There are still addicted people in the mad believers, but it is impossible for the cultists to betray.

"You will succeed." Lu Sheng looked at the time and hung up.

For the power of evil spirits, in addition to the high level of the virtual demon may resist, the rest of the evil spirits, psychic people and the like, no one can resist this double erosion from the body and spirit.

Put down the phone, Lu Sheng closed his eyes and sensed it.

"Andy." He uttered his voice as if to talk to the air.


A black mist appeared in front of him out of thin air and quickly condensed into a black-and-white shape.

It was a black fog shape that was previously saved by him.

"At, Your Highness, what do you want to ask?"

Andy was assigned to Lu Sheng to answer a variety of common sense questions. Although it was summoned at this time, it was 10,000 unhappy at the bottom of my heart.

He really didn't want to deal with Lu Sheng, the real violent madman.

"Tell me about the destruction of God." Lu Sheng proposed.

"This is not difficult."

Andy slammed into a bullet, and suddenly a black mist emerged from the palm of his hand and quickly turned into a large frame of more than one meter tall.

A pair of colored oil paintings hung inside the picture frame.

Three different colors of the figure are displayed on the oil painting.

Obviously, Lu Sheng saw the beautiful woman wearing a black wide-brimmed hat, a black dress and a black cloak.

The face of the man is very similar to Wang Jing.

The other two, one is a blond man dressed in white gold and dressed up.

There is another silver-haired woman that he met just now.

"This is the Three Gods." Andy introduced.

"Destroying God, from ancient times to the present, is a bystander who has witnessed the rise and fall of human civilization."

"From a long time ago, the destruction of God has mastered the mystery of immortality. And countless people who pursue eternal life, continue to follow.

The new **** is crazy because of loneliness, and the successor succeeds. Under the phasing out of the years of destruction, there are only three surviving gods. ”

Andy whispered in a pious tone.

"The names of these three are: black fog, white gold, and deep red. And the God Lord we are pursuing is black fog. The forces under the arm is a causal disaster."

“Causes and disasters?” Lu Sheng was a stranger. "Is this name a bit too big?"

"Not at all." Andy shook his head. "In fact, destroying the gods is the end of all cause and effect. And the black fog, that is, the Lord, is at the end of the causal line. It is the final incarnation of all things."

"Destroying the realm of God is the root of my Lord, and the realm of God is not destroyed. My Lord will not die."

"How did those who destroyed God die before?" Lu Sheng asked the key to the problem.

Since you can't say it, how many destructions have been made before, how can there be only three now?

"It was swallowed up." Andy's tone became more and more low. "The power of destroying God can only be swallowed up by the same kind. And the devoured will disappear completely and completely. Only by destroying God itself can we kill the **** of destruction."

Lu Sheng nodded slightly, and if the destruction of God is really based on the power of absurdity, then this is really the case.

The power of absurdity stems from the power of nothingness. According to Hongjun, this is the power of countless cosmic universes.

It is the opposite of existence, and it is born to strike a balance with the things that exist.

Therefore, in addition to the same power, the rest can only be regarded as their food.

Lu Sheng recalled the moment before the contact with Crimson.

"The last question." He looked at the top of the painting.

"What is that?" He pointed his finger at the silver-white sphere that was suspended above the head of the gods.

That thing is the sinful eye that he has been searching for. Not only the color, the shape, but also the pattern on the top is exactly the same.

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