Way of the Devil

Chapter 983: Conflict one

The helicopter propeller that rotates at high speed is like a gray disc, stirring a lot of air with rain.

The raindrops were smashed in all directions, like the extended lace of the disc.

In the heavy and spacious cabin of the helicopter, there are a total of twelve displacement gates in the two rows.

Among them, Lu Sheng will sit in the second place on the left.

Everyone is silent, the aircraft is too noisy, and it is very difficult to speak. It is too lazy to say.

Lu Sheng looked out from the round window of the aircraft.

The steep white snow-capped mountains are constantly retreating under the plane, and they are rapidly climbing towards the higher parts of the snow-capped mountains.

The feeling is that they are constantly flying towards the top of the snow-capped mountains.

Early this morning, Lu Sheng was asked to take a special plane to this wilderness mountain range.

After walking more than ten kilometers, he boarded the heavy transport helicopter to the destination.

My sister Wang Jing entrusted a few black fog people to look after the mountain.

They have been protecting Wang Jing for a long time. Apart from destroying God, the remaining hostiles can guarantee safety.

The helicopter continued to raise its height, and soon the rain turned into snowflakes.

In a short while, at the top of the snow-capped mountains, on a wide ribbed open space, the white flowers of the snow layer covered the surface of the open space.

The helicopter hovered in midair and gently towed a ladder.

The gatekeepers who moved the gates one by one climbed down the ladder and jumped a few meters above the ground.

Lu Sheng’s last one jumped.

On the ground of the snow, it looks like ordinary snow, but there is a thick layer of cushion-like things underneath.

"Here...." He stood up and sensed the abnormality in the first place.

A large amount of dissipated soul power is like a mist, steaming from the inside of the mountain.

Lu Sheng just glanced around and saw the earth's soul power of a stock, like a fountain, spewing out from the ground.

The team led a man named Yu Chenggang. Before the European anode and Zhao Quangen had been injured by Lu Sheng, they could not come for a while and could only cultivate in the mountain gate.

Not only that, Shanmen has also spread Wang Dong, which is the fierce name of Lu Sheng.

Before the test with the elders kept secret, the results were also heard by people with a heart. It is said that Wang Dong and the Da Yuan Lao are in full swing and unbeaten.

The details are very different and have been rumbling.

Lu Sheng glanced around, and the team removed a total of 12 pilots. At this time, he walked to the end and the rest did not dare to be too close to him.

The little girl who was sorting out the parcels around him, after a glance at him, was even more trembled, a look of scared crying.

The team is divided into two parts, one part is the powerful mountain gate gold master, all with the top gold hopper, as a protective force, with the resident of the station here to replace the rotation.

Also called shift change.

The other part is the one who came to visit Wanling.

Among them, there is his road victory. Apart from him, the other two are famous geniuses in the door.

Lu Sheng looked at the two young men in front of him, a boy and a girl, who were only twenty years old.

It seems that he noticed his gaze. The two people in front were all tight and did not dare to have any extra moves.

Lu Sheng then looked at the six people who led the team. They sat on the snow and rested, wiping the scorpion. There were three professionals who were responsible for contact and maintenance, and they were busy checking their portable equipment.

However, the original harmonious scene, in the moment when Lu Sheng’s eyes glanced at the past, it was a stiff spot.

The people who were drinking water were almost picked up.

The finger of the person who is debugging the device is not allowed to move.

The girl who was on the phone was white and her face began to stutter.


Lu Sheng is a little annoyed, obviously he is an 18-year-old boy. How did this group make him like a thousand-year-old monster?

Soon all kinds of preparations were completed, and a petite girl who was almost scared to cry was trembled to him.

"Old... boss...oh don't be a brother...it's time to go...."

"....." What is the boss?

Lu Sheng looked at the girl in front of his face without words. Looking at the strongest people in the team, these people are also stiff in his sight, very unnaturally paused.

"Well. Relax your child." He reached out and rubbed the girl's hair. "I don't eat people."

The girl was more scared, and her body was like an electric shock.


Lu Sheng is speechless, but he does not know that this team is originally a new home for the New Century. After all, in the high-level power, in addition to Kaiyuan, traditional disciples are no longer opponents of the New Century.

Now the vice-president of the Singapore dollar and a deputy general manager who supported him were seriously injured by Lu Sheng like a dead dog and thrown out of their own home.

Shanmen also criticized a few things because they were provocative, but only painless.

Now that he has won the road, it has become one of the most powerful and dangerous existences of the entire Yishan disciple.

Moreover, the rumor is that his character is tyrannical, and if he does not agree, he will be seriously injured.

Otherwise, why do you think that the beautiful man who is as polite as the European anode will be labeled like that?

Lu Sheng glanced around and finally found that there was only one young girl who seemed to be responsible for debugging equipment. She was not very afraid of him. She was also afraid of him, but more of an alternative kind of worship.

Lu Sheng sensed a familiar atmosphere of the earth's soul.

The Xinyuanhui's broken mountain is refining the earth's soul power, the purity is almost the same, but the concealment is better, the atmosphere is more active, not as heavy as the traditional mountain-moving spirit.

Let the road to feel familiar with the earth's soul force, obviously the same as the move of the mountain.

"Forget it, I am afraid, I will save you no one to bother me." Lu Sheng took out his mobile phone and watched the surveillance.

In the surveillance, Wang Jing was sleeping on the side of the room. In order to ensure safety, Lu Sheng placed two cats that were touched by his parasitic evil spirits around Wang Jing’s rest, and protected the surrounding environment at any time.

In addition to the black fog human form and another team just arrived like a vampire-like guy. These two cats are also one of the defense lines he set.

From here to the foot of the mountain, if he releases his full strength, it will not exceed ten minutes. So much defense, defensive ten minutes should be no problem.

Recovering the mind, Lu Sheng followed the team all the way up, stepping on the thick snow, the ears were all the sound of the wind and snow.

The people present are masters, far from ordinary people. The speed of the trip is in such a harsh environment, and it is still the speed of ordinary people running wild.

In a short time, a group of silver-white metal buildings gradually appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The city that led the team just rushed into the building and walked straight on the street covered with snow powder.

There are still a lot of people in the building group. Although there are not many people on the street, there are laughter and music sounds from time to time in the doors and windows of the building. There are many languages ​​that are incomprehensible.

Soon, the city just found a medium-sized four-story pyramid building. The first one touched the key and opened the door.

The rest of the people sneaked in, and the last road wins back to the door.

Inside the door is a round, spacious hall with a strong exotic atmosphere.

The chandelier resembling a torch is hung on the wall, and the ceiling is a huge screen that is slowly simulating the scene of the starry sky.

It’s just that the hall is a bit uncomfortable.

Two young women with thin sallow sallows are lying on the single bed, weak and weak. Two caregivers are responsible for feeding them water.

In the corner, sitting on the knees with a bandaged body tied with a bandage.

A woman in red is sitting in a chair and resting on her knees with a long knife on her knee.

When I saw that the city had just brought in, the women in red and the head of the board quickly got up.


"Well, what's the situation?" Yucheng just asked.

"It has been cultivated, and recovery is still good. It is them.... When we found them, it was no longer...." The woman in red looked awkward.

"Is it a sinister beast?" Yucheng just asked coldly.

"No..... Now we are more skeptical about the alcoholic Kyle of the Ice Giant Mercenary." The woman in the red dress flashed a hint of hatred.

"Drinker Kyle....." Yucheng just looked stiff.

The name is very common and the nickname is very common. But .... Kyle's strength is not ordinary.

As the 17th strongest player in the black bell list, he is a world-class top player who is stronger than the Mt.

In fact, the other side is also very well-informed. The real master of the moving gate has not moved. It is only two staff members here, and no evidence has been captured.

"It's not just that we move the mountain gates, there are many organizations around the country, and the stations are in trouble. There are a few background strengths that are not strong, and some people are tortured to be unconventional." The red woman was angry.

"But now it's alright. The two intelligence investigators sent by the people of the Nasta Ice and Snow Club also recruited. After being raped by the drunkard, they found their identity.

Hey, the ice and snow will rank fourth in the world. Apart from the three major organizations, they are the strongest. Inside is a master like a cloud, and there are several people sitting in the town. You are coming right, we are going to have a look at the excitement," said the brawny.

In order to find justice for their own people, they were also slightly injured in the one-on-one hand.

And people are still ruthless, which makes them even more heart-warming.

The drunkards caused great trouble, and they naturally gloated to prepare for the past.

"Settle down these people, let's go together." Yucheng just said quickly.

"Okay." The woman in red quickly spoke a few words with a few other leaders, and the sights were swept away by the three people who came to visit.

Especially staying on Lu Sheng for a second, it is obviously determining his name and identity.

"Well," the plate head shot from the side of the slap on the shoulders of Lu Sheng, and gathered up the hippie smile. "Even the hypothesis of the European anode is easy to be disabled. It seems that the new yuan will not necessarily be your opponent. It is our benchmark for the thousand mountains!"

"I have no interest in what Qianshan and SGD." Lu Sheng does not like this kind of guy who is familiar with people.

This reminded him of his friends in the dormitory of the evil spirits.

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