Way of the Devil

Chapter 984: Conflict two

"I don't have much interest, but who let us unconsciously become the leader in the mountain gate, people can not control whether you are with the Qianshan Association, they will only fight all the parts related to tradition. You That's it." The board smiled.

"Right." He turned his head. "I heard that you are the strongest genius in the past 100 years. At the beginning, many organizations have influenced you. If we are not moving, please don't necessarily join us. .right?"

"Yes." Lu Sheng definitely answered.

"Then I can ask a question, can you? You can defeat the European anode and Zhao Quangen now. According to the two of them, do you still think that they are too weak?

That's right, now there is a chance in front of you, can let you show how powerful you are, dare to do it? ”

"" Lu Sheng is too lazy to return to him, so inferior to lead nonsense, a little technical content. The fool will be recruited.

"Don't talk, I told you that this is really not my battle. Soon you will be forced to do it. Do you know what name you are outside now?" The board smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"This!" He moved his thumb. "The people say that you are the strongest in the moving hills, and the BlueGrande Stars is ranked seventh. All, in the genius of the whole Republic, you are ranked seventh. Before you defeated The European anode, ranked ninth."

"" Lu Sheng looked at him like a fool.

"How? Don't believe it?" The board head smiled again.

"I said, not interested." Lu Sheng hand slowly took it out of his pocket, went to the side to look at the mobile phone monitoring sister Wang Jing.

He is completely uninterested in the ranking of these messy things.

"Don't go, I haven't finished yet. I will tell you that there is a sister in the European anode, which is one of the top spirits of the ice and snow club. You have seriously injured her brother, and the door is not pursued. It does not mean his sister. Will be indifferent." The board head quickly rushed to finish the words.

Seeing that the footsteps finally stopped, he quickly and proudly said. "I will tell you that the person of the European anode, the power of the child, how can be as simple as the ordinary people do not rely on the mountains. Otherwise, like his level, even if he is genius, he can not do the position of the vice president of the new yuan. ”

He sat down on a stool beside Lu Sheng and continued.

"You think about it, why? Right? You have the right qualifications, but there are many qualified people. If you can bring benefits to other people, people will be willing to follow you. Support you, this. Reason, are you right?"

"What do you want to say?" Lu Sheng was a little impatient. He just wanted to look down at his sister's sleeping position, and now he has been disturbed by this nonsense, and his patience has been more and more consumed.

"I just want to tell you." The smile on the face of the board was slammed. "In the door, you are the strongest genius, but here, try to be low-key. Don't be too mad. Otherwise, no one can protect you."

Lu Sheng has a look.

"I think you may have made a mistake.

First, I never said that I am the strongest.

Second, I am strong, not because I am strong, but because you are too weak.


He paused.

"From now on, don't bother me! Do you know why the European anode is seriously injured?"

"Why?" The board is not angry, just a hippie smile.

"Because he is too noisy."

Lu Sheng took the mobile phone, and the body exudes an obvious impatient emotion. If there is a saying that is different, it will be a gesture of hitting people.

A huge amount of soul power, like the deep bottomless abyss, slowly spread from him.

The cold soul force oppresses the souls of people in the place, letting them involuntarily tremble.

Except for the opening of the board, the rest of the people could not help but shudder. They have quietly gone further from Lusheng.

"There is a strong soul." The board smiled and said, "It seems that the gold level is peaking. At such a small age, it is at this level. It is really a genius. It’s just a moment when I meet Ouyang Yu, I hope you." Can still be so arrogant."

Lu Sheng blinked and looked at the guy in front of him, and he gave him a very strange feeling. He clearly had a bandage on his body and was hurt, but he didn't seem to care, and he was not defeated.

It’s like everything in front of him is just a game for him. There is a sense of height and down.

Intuition tells him that this guy is not like a simple gold gate.

However, Lu Sheng is too lazy to think about it. It is not simple, it is not simple, nor is it his opponent.

He walked to the side and occupied a corner alone. The rest of the people did not dare to come close to him, whispering each other far away.

In a short while, the red woman led the team out of the door, it seems that it is going to the ice and snow station to watch the lively.

Leave the board and two nursing staff, look after the two women in the bed.

They seem to be preparing to transfer what they need. The two women are not simply violated, but seem to have been devastated for a long time, and the whole person is almost abolished.

Lu Sheng frowned and looked at one of the women's eyes, all of which were dead.

"But forget it, don't be too lazy to manage, and you will die when you meet it." He won't fight for a few people who are not relatives.

Just like the red woman just now, look at her like that, it seems to go to see the lively, with a bunch of people to bring the scorpion, at first glance is ready to fight.

But it doesn't matter to him anyway.

"You are not interested?" The board head came again, and the face was laughing.

Lu Sheng shut down the monitoring of Wang Jing on the mobile phone, Wang Jing unconsciously turned over, the long skirt was tilted up, revealing the scenery under the privacy skirt.

He has already regarded Wang Jing as his own private property, and naturally he is not willing to let him be eaten by others.

Closing the phone, Lu Sheng sat on the single sofa and took a drink from the small table on the side. I don't know who gave him the best.

"Yucheng Gang, only recently broke through the gold level, although his power of the scorpion is not bad, attached to the soul of the ancient general Li Rongxin, but his spiritual skill is not too good, comprehensive strength, also in the gold General pass."

The board head is self-contained.

"The red pity is the old strongman in gold. But the strength is not as hot as her measurements, no point, and it is still wounded. It is also a middle layer of gold. The biggest problem is that she has a bad temper, very Hot.

People are beautiful, good in shape, but their temper is hot. Do you know what kind of woman is the easiest to be? ”

"Being raped." Lu Sheng was cold and did not say a word.

"Not bad." The board smirked, "So, if I guessed it, it would be very fast."

"" Lu Sheng is too lazy to care for him.

"In fact, I still want to say that you are a disciple of the old Huangyun Temple, and that is a pity, is a small scorpion of Huang Ya."

Lu Sheng has no words to stop the action.

In fact, regardless of whether he is willing or not, he is now faintly the strongest person in this station.

No matter who is a disciple or a manager, no one can easily defeat a deputy general manager and the European anode.

And still there is no damage to the defeat.

So for the strength of Lu Sheng, everyone is recognized.

But Lu Sheng’s temper is notorious. If he is not related to him, he is too lazy to pay attention.

Therefore, how to move him to become a key difficulty.

Fortunately, I don’t have to worry about the board soon. After the relationship between the red woman and the road winner, he will understand where the key point is. So he deliberately encouraged the general to lead the team to find trouble, he himself stayed at the station.

The facts are indeed as he expected.

Lu Sheng stood up impatiently.

"The trouble is dead, where is the location?" He strode to the door.

In any case, Huang Ya has been doing his best for him, without credit and hard work.

"I will take you there!" The board head quickly laughed and followed.

Lu Sheng turned sharply.

"Try it again?"

The face of the board was stiff, and the smile on his face quickly straightened, and the face was serious.

"I am in a bad mood, so someone laughs in front of me, I will be very upset." Lu Sheng was low.


For the first time, the board head feels that there is a kind of inexplicable trepidation in the soul hidden in the depths of his body.

He swallowed a spit and didn't dare to speak again.

He has an intuition. If you say more, you may actually be abolished by the monsters in front of you.

Yes, monster.

This is his evaluation of the genius called Wang Dong after he personally contacted him.


The door was wide open and the wind and snow came in.

A few mouthfuls, the drunkard with the bottle swaying, just passing by at the door, laughing at the chest and blowing a cow.

"Get out of the way, don't block the road!"

Lu Sheng has a look.

An invisible giant force is like a heavy hammer, lying on two drunkards.

Hey! !

The two men deformed on the spot, and the layer of soul power in the whole body quickly disintegrated, the body showed an unnatural twist, and then flew away, stunned in the corner of a trash can.

Lu Sheng pulled the collar of the collar, handcuffed in the pocket, and looked at the side of the board.

"Follow me!" The plate was shaken and ran to the front.

He didn't think that Lu Sheng was so cruel. If he didn't feel good, he would swear.

Although the two men had not died, they had to lay down for at least ten days and a half before they could go down.

The people who saw the scene on the street had escaped from both sides and avoided it.

It is possible to reinvent the two high-level silver masters who have the soul protection body by the soul. This kind of strength is not the qualification of the gold-level connection.

The board head leads the way, while watching the passers-by who are far away from the distance. My heart is full of emotions. This is the first time since I joined the transfer gate.

Lu Sheng’s heart is also annoying.

He didn't take care of these trivial things. The only purpose he came here was to accomplish the destruction of God.

However, in order to avoid other annoying people, it is not bad to solve all the factors that may cause threats.

His mind is faint and has some calculations.

In the past, it was an inspection to determine what level might pose a threat.

Then, it is a threat, it must be eradicated.


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