Way of the Devil

Chapter 990: Holy Spirit II

However, without waiting for his reaction, Lu Sheng quickly recovered a large number of tentacles.

Nange, who left the tentacles, lie on the ground, completely ignoring the temperament of the moment, but her eyes were not changed when she looked at the road.

Look carefully, it still changes a bit.

If she said that she was angry at the beginning. So now she looks at Lu Sheng, is despair, anger, and hatred!

"咦??" Some of the discoveries of Lu Sheng accident.

The concentration of evil spirits in this hole is too great, causing the evil spirits to seem to have failed.

“No, it’s not like a complete failure.” Lu Sheng carefully felt the state of the lower Nange.

The evil spirit seems to have reached a delicate balance with some kind of power in her own body.

This balance occupies almost all of the physical strength of Nange, so that now she, a single body of power can not be called, can only use the physical strength.

Although it can accommodate the body of hundreds of millions of souls, it is absolutely powerful.

But she has no soul power. At most, it is just an ordinary weak version of the troll. It is okay to deal with the general psychics, and meet the master.

According to the judgment of Lu Sheng.

Among the world's psychic people, the million Dura soul is a watershed. Upward can be collectively referred to as the descendants.

Gold and silver at this level and below are completely different.

In the descendants of the gods, the gap is also different.

Like the top of the ice and snow club he defeated before, and the deputy head of the ice giant, the total amount of soul power is about five or six million, very strong, but it is. Still not beyond the normal state.

These can be regarded as the combat power of the troll level. It’s just that they don’t have the troll’s undead ability.

Going up, it should be to destroy the level of God.

Lu Sheng does not know how much the destruction of the soul is, but it can be located above the troll, then at least eight or nine million, or even tens of millions.

Only Lu Sheng has never felt the fluctuation of soul power in her sister Wang Jing.

Looking back, he looked at Nange again.

"How much soul power do you feel about destroying God?" He directly asked his doubts.

"Oh, at least three billion. I told you what to do? Don't think that you are holding me, I will listen to you everything! Dreaming of you!" Nange smiled coldly.

"Three billion"? Road wins nodded.


Suddenly a soft whistle, quietly passed from his body.

"Breakthrough me again." Lu Sheng looked at the information displayed on the dark blue interface. Slightly calculated, just 3.5 billion Dura.

"Exactly." Although it is consumed by millions of gods, Lu Sheng is very calm, and if you want to acquire nature, you must have to pay.

He turned his head and looked at the dark blue whirlpool again.

"So, you should have been eyeing here for a long time?"

"Not bad." Nange snorted. "You are really strong, extraordinary and strong, but it will never be a destructive opponent."

"How about we make a deal?" Lu Sheng smiled. "You tell me how to be a **** of destruction, I will let you go. How?"

"Oh." Nang did not care to chew the bubble gum in his chewing mouth. "You must commit suicide once and say it again."

"What do you mean?" Lu Sheng smile slowly disappeared.

"It is literally meant to become a destructive god. It must absorb the mysterious power here in the state of the soul. After reaching a certain critical point, it will rush into the vortex in one breath." Nange casually.

"The way I am giving you, but the question is, are you dare?"

Lu Sheng took a deep breath.


He broke through again

Lu Sheng took the time to look at it, this time is the soul of 3 billion Dura.

In this hole, the body and soul are climbing wildly with the support of that mysterious power.

Before this mysterious power is exhausted, there is no limit to this kind of improvement.

Lu Sheng once again looked at the dark blue vortex suspended in midair.

"Is it hard to try it in."

Nange stared at the cold eyes.

Lu Sheng did not care at all. This time, he began to scatter a trace of gray soul power and deep purple mist, the two forces mixed together to form a brand new, mercury-like viscous metallic luster liquid.

The liquid showed a faint color, but more of it was deep purple. Lu Xun whole person is completely wrapped up and down.

He stepped forward.

The snoring sounds, the cave slams for a while, the road wins and rises, and the moment it slams into the vortex, disappears.

Nange opened his mouth and didn't figure out what happened. He saw the metamorphosis and rushed into the whirlpool.

"Is this really life??!" She tried many times, and the whirlpool people couldn't get in, even if they entered, they would be extremely suppressed and eroded, just as the whole world was rejecting themselves.

She was forced to squeeze out only for a few seconds.

but now

"It's best to die inside!" she muttered.

After living for so many years, she is so wrong for the first time in this world.



Between the gray world, the wind blows.

The ground is constantly rolling up again and again like a wave of ripples.

涟漪 slid into the distance, crossed a piece of rugged and vast plains, and soon came to a ruined, gray-black theater.

Lu Sheng stood in front of the theater and looked up at a huge theater more than ten meters high and hundreds of meters wide. His heart was quite weird.

He just stood still in the hole, and now he actually went to this place.

Is the transmission capacity of this world so strong?

He remains skeptical about this.

"Just, here is the end." Lu Sheng looked up and there were quite a few buildings in front of the theater. But in front of him, this is the largest and widest.

Standing in front of the gate, Lu Sheng took a deep breath and slowly wrapped his right arm in more soul power.

Soon, the power of the evil spirits and the mysterious gas energy all returned to him, leaving only a thick dark purple soul on his arm.

Lu Sheng skillfully controls a circle of gray soul power, and wraps himself a new layer of protection from top to bottom.

In this mysterious place, the easiest way to ensure safety is to reduce the movement and reduce the contact area with the world.


Lu Sheng slowly pushed the door open and strode in.

At the entrance, there is a wall with a row of windows on the wall to see the view of the largest hall in the theatre.

Under the dark sky, the entire theater theater, around the seats, in the aisles, densely filled with audience.

It’s just that these audiences are expressionless and motionless. If you can look closer, you will feel extraordinarily horrified.

Lu Sheng frowned, regained his gaze, turned a corner, and slowly walked in the aisle in the theater.

From time to time, the line of sight is slowly passing over the walls of some birds and beasts.

These places give him a thick and false sense of incomprehension. Obviously, they are contradictory feelings. But when combined, it makes him feel extraordinarily true.

Lu Sheng walked slowly in the theater and touched his stomach from time to time.

Before he rushed in, the light is wrapped in the soul of the body, at least one billion.

And consumed so much soul power, making him seem hungry now.

Lu Sheng gently vomited, passed through the aisle into the door, standing in front of the second floor door.

On the left side of the gate, a circular window, you can see the hall inside, countless audiences are quietly watching a group of dazzling halo in the center.

Lu Sheng looked carefully, and the halo could not be seen. Only a blur.

In the entire theater, the rows of spectators are expressionless, and all the lines of sight are focused on a dark red strange ground in front of the middle halo.

Push the door open.

Lu Sheng carefully walked along the left edge of the aisle, for fear of any movement.

Here, especially in the air, it seems to start the strange sound of the previous one again. It seems as if there are countless people whispering something in his ear.

Lu Sheng’s eyes saw that the soul of his body was gradually decreasing. The heart was once again slightly anxious.

He came here not for a simple stroll.

Soon he entered the hall, he carefully did not make a sound, all the way up the aisle, and soon found the last row of seats in the theater that belonged to the highest point.

It is wonderful.

Everything here seems to be as static as time and space. Countless things, countless dust, liquid, and air. All are stuck at this moment.

What is even more bizarre is that when he watched it in the distance below, he saw the crowds in the audience, all people.

But when he really ran up, he found that the seats were all empty.

“What is it here?” Lu Sheng pulled the seat down, then gently released the theater seat he had just touched and let him bounce back.

It is the revamp of the most familiar cinema in his memory.

From the highest point of the hall, search all the way down.

After turning around the theater for a while, Lu Sheng did not find any clues. He had to go down and rushed in the direction of the original.

But still did not find any clues.

No results were found. Before that, as many people disappeared, Lu Sheng had to retreat from the hall.

Hey! ! !

Just as he had just left the theater hall, the hall behind him immediately seemed to be alive, and there was a huge noise.

It seems that time is moving forward again at this moment.

When Lu Sheng went forward, he walked a few steps and heard the loud thunderous applause from the theatre behind him.

He narrowed his eyes and turned to look at his eyes, where he stood still again.

He sneered, no longer hesitated, and once again stepped back into the theater hall.


Everything that just happened to be annoying is as if it was pressed by the pause button.

Lu Sheng took a breath and regained the leg that was ejected.

The moment he retracted his leg and left the theater hall.

boom! !

The theater that was still still alive came to life.

In the aisle, on the seat, gradually appeared a dense crowd of people, a large number of humanoid like a black shadow, constantly in the hall to go and go, very lively.

Seeing this scene, Lu Sheng seems to have some understanding of what is going on.

"Is it time? My time, too fast?"

He suddenly understood something, perhaps because he was too fast, and everything around him looked like time was still.

So when he concentrated his attention, everything stopped for a moment.

"So, now, to adjust the sensory organs"

He closed his eyes.

“First, slow down listening, a thousand times.”

With the micro-manipulation of the soul force, the sound of the time has just been a mess, gradually began to show a sense of layering, distinct.

Some of the voices are slowly and clearly audible, and people are cheering and talking.

"Then, the vision is slowed down by a thousand times." Lu Sheng once again began to control his vision system.

After a few minutes, he slowly blinked again.

The theater in front of him changed completely in his eyes.

"To satisfy your wishes, to satisfy the desire of the countless Holy Spirits to carry the ultimate cause and effect, to understand the sound of all beings."

In the crowded theater before, all the things at this time are gradually disappearing, or directly blurred.

In the middle of a lot of gray streamers, a middle-aged man in a gray coat with an old-fashioned oil lamp in his hand, slowly passing through the empty aisle, like a never-wearing ghost, sings strangely everywhere in the theater. Prayer words.

Lu Sheng’s gaze crossed the large corridor and stared at him straight.

The gray-haired man seemed to notice that someone was watching him. He simply turned back and showed a strange smile to Lu Sheng.

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