Way of the Devil

Chapter 991: Heart soul

"You.....I saw it...." The middle-aged man slowly whispered, seemingly talking to him, and feeling like talking to himself.

"What did you see?" Lu Sheng picked up his eyes and was about to catch up. Suddenly I saw that the man turned into a myriad of fog and slowly dissipated.

This fog is completely unperceivable, just like when he first saw those strange demons...

"Adijac's messenger.... You finally chose this step...." The man's voice slowly dissipated as if it had never existed before.

"What the hell?" Lu Sheng looked at the man dissipated, and his heart felt vaguely, and he seemed to have missed something that was extremely pitiful.

But he can't say what it is.

I remember the care of the evil gods, the evidence that came from the hegemony he got after he went to the evil spirits to grow step by step and achieve the evil spirits.

After getting the card of the tyrant, he often has the evil gods behind him and silently supports his feelings.

Just now, in the face of the middle-aged man carrying the lamp, he actually had the feeling of being similar to the card of the tyrant.

At this point the man has completely dissipated.

The gray streamer around it keeps moving, and the road wins a little closer, and recognizes that these are people who move very fast.

"It seems that the time level I am in is a bit wrong. Then adjust and slow down."

Lu Sheng took a deep breath and began to control the soul and influence his senses.

The senses determine perception, and in the universe dimension, there are many things that can only be truly touched when the human perception reaches a certain limit.

When there is contact, there will be information exchange. Will affect each other.....

Lu Sheng constantly fine-tunes the speed of perception.

The big theater in front of us is getting slower and slower, and the streamers are getting slower and slower.

Gradually, the streamer turned into a gray shadow.

The gray shadow gradually has a physical body, which is turned into a living person wearing a variety of dresses.

Lu Sheng is standing between these people.

He is like invisible, no one has found it, no one has noticed it.

Everyone is slowly passing by him. Unconsciously avoid him.

Lu Sheng knows that this is the extent to which their perceptions do not reach their own.

It’s just that he temporarily lowered his perception to this level and saw all that was in front of him.

"So say....What is it here?"

He carefully observed the people passing by.

A couple passed by his right side, and the woman's eyes were wrinkled, but with a smile and a look of peace. The husband was polite and dressed in a white short trench coat like a nobleman with a silver short stick in his hand.

The short stick is engraved with subtle handwriting: Yadi Dynasty Debius.

Seeing this, Lu Sheng instantly understood what was going on.

The Debius family of the Yadi dynasty, a family that was completely annihilated because of the sinister acts of the past thousands of years ago.

It’s now in the air.

Either, this is the world of the dead, but Lu Sheng does not feel any dead soul.

Either, because of time, he temporarily felt back to the scene thousands of years ago.

He watched the couple slowly pass by and walked in the opposite direction.

The two men disappeared at the end of the corridor, and Lu Sheng slowly strolled around the new Grand Theatre.

Guests who come to watch the show are preparing to perform the troupe, the cleaners and maid servants everywhere.

There are also large theaters where loud cheers are heard from time to time.

Lu Sheng is like a ghost, slowly walking in this area.

No one can see him. No one can touch him.

The theater is full of excitement, people dressed in weird dresses thousands of years ago, and greeted each other casually.

Walk in the direction of the King's Theatre Hall.

Lu Sheng soon stepped into the hall of the Grand Theatre again.

This time, the hall was silent, and the people who had come and gone have not yet started to perform.

Behind the stage, there is a faint yellowish faint glow.

Lu Sheng looked in the direction of the direction.

"This kind of light...." He felt like he had seen the light somewhere.

He walked around the stage and walked into the background while staring at no one.

A group of men in clown costumes are rushing to make up on the face.

Lu Sheng bypassed their room and walked deep into the background.

Finally, in a junk room in the background, Lu Sheng found the source of the yellow light.

A brass gate that is more than four meters high, is shining bright and soft shimmering around, covering the entire range of the surrounding room.

It is not this door that makes the road win, but the way it exists.

Just like translucent, the door reveals a sense of illusion and unreality.

He slowly walked to the front of the door, outside the window of the right side of the debris room, projecting into the soft sunset sun, and faintly heard the playfulness of the moustaches on the grass outside.

Not a child.

Is a mustache.....

Lu Sheng saw through the window and saw a group of men with moustaches at the feet of an oversized fat lady, clamoring to listen to the story.

He twitched his mouth and looked at the fat lady, who was three meters tall. She wore a chubby pink apron with golden jewelry on her head, which looked very kind.

Looking back, he looked again at the front door.


Suddenly, the door actually slowly cracked a gap.

Then the threshold is slowly getting more and more open. Showing a darkness inside.

In the darkness, a tall, gray-skinned old fish, slowly swinging a wrinkled black fish tail, lifted his head from the darkness, and revealed a piercing smile at Lu Sheng.

"Welcome to you, young people."

Countless languages, countless kinds of sounds at the same time.

Lu Sheng heard the English language from the voice, and the part of his native language, Huang Quanxing's mother tongue.

He glanced at him and stared at the old fish in front of him.

She wore a worn-out gray robes, and the neckline seemed to have been washed for a long time, with thick dirt.

The withered hands also hold a black water bottle with a weird, worm-like balance pattern.

"Who are you?" Lu Sheng asked.

The bark-like skin on the face of the old man is wrinkled and seems to be laughing.

"Too many people have asked me this way. However, I have also forgotten what I originally called. You call me mermaid."

"So, you appear in front of me, what is the purpose?" Lu Sheng asked cautiously.

Here is the destruction of the realm of the gods, his enormous soul force is rapidly consumed every moment. The living thing that can exist for a long time here, I think that I must be irritated by my ass.

So he decided to try it first.

"Not that I am in front of you, young people." The old man smiled. "The card of the tyrant you hold... is one of the most precious substances in the world....you can use it here." Switch to what you want.

As long as you like, then anything can be..."

"The certificate of the tyrant?" Lu Sheng stunned, then shook his head. "So, can I be invincible in the universe?"

"Of course.....just, to reach that height, the certificate of a tyrant is not enough." The old man smiled.

Lu Sheng carefully stared at the guy and wanted to see if she was lying.

But no matter how he used psychological guidance and the evil spirits of the demon body, the old fish in front of him seemed to be completely absent.

Just like in front of him, it is just an illusory shadow.

"So....plus my perseverance?"

Lu Sheng said again, he heard that some of the power can be traded with such imaginary things. If this is really the kind of power in front of you, maybe it’s just a test of one or two.

The old fish skin was slightly sucked down.

"Sorry, plus your perseverance is not enough...."

"So, plus my courage?" Lu Sheng seriously.

"Sorry, it is still not enough." The smile on the face of the old man slowly faded.

"But I think it is enough." Lu Sheng looked at her seriously. "The whole life of a person, from beginning to end, is courage and perseverance.

I am able to go to the realm of today, relying on both. ”

"Yes....but still very sorry....they are not worth the price..." The old man shook his head slightly.

"In addition, tell you a message in advance..." The old man's face slowly revealed a secret smile. "The illusory guard here is already aware of your existence. Soon he will personally come and clear your instability."

"and then?"

"That is, you still have a short time. If you can't trade enough power from me, then you will be killed by the Guardian, and the soul will be completely swallowed up and become a new Guardian."

The old fish monster laughed.

"No Guardian....." Lu Sheng heard this for the first time.

"Yeah...they are vain guards, the avatars that kill all the things that exist. They are not dead, the only way to get rid of them, not to kill, but to fill them...." Slowly receding backwards, and gradually the body is hidden into the darkness.

"Although I am very grateful to you for telling me this news, I still want to ask a question at the end. What is the place here?" Lu Sheng quickly said.

"Here? The ridiculous land... the psychedelic gap between nothingness and existence...." The old fish monster laughed.

"Here, presence and non-existence, this is the process of dynamic transformation."

The old fish raised his fingers.

"It's like me, in fact, I only exist in your sight, and no other existence can see me... but can you say that I don't exist?"

Her figure gradually disappeared into the darkness, the brass door slowly closed, and the whole disappeared in front of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng stood quietly in the sundries and stared at the place where the door disappeared.

There was a small, burnt half-burning candle on the ground.

The flame of the candle seems to have just been extinguished, and there is still a faint smoke.

He walked over and picked up the candle and put it in his arms.

Hey! !

Suddenly there was a heavy pedaling on the ground outside the theater.

Lu Sheng raised his head and looked to the top of his head.

I saw that the ceiling of the entire theater was suddenly pinched by a golden hand, like a cover, and the cockroach was uncovered from the top.

The gray sky outside is filled with gusts of wind.

The people in the theater all disappeared. Only left Lu Sheng one standing in the background of the debris.

He looked up at the sky, where there was a huge dragon flying through the tiger's markings. It was slowly twisting two large black and white faucets and staring at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng noticed that there was a huge black hole on the back of the dragon. These black holes devour all the things around them all the time.

Air, dust, splashing stones, etc., even the light, can not escape the fate of being swallowed up.

Looking from afar, it is like a flying black whirlpool on the back of the dragon, constantly absorbing everything around.

Lu Sheng looked up and four eyes of Feilong.

The dragon stayed, and it seemed obvious that the action stopped.

Then it slammed.

Hey! !

In the huge vibration and sound wave shock, Lu Sheng just set the starting hand, and saw the double-headed dragon turn and ran.

Just a few breaths, you can't see the trail of the dragon.

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