We agreed to practice martial arts, why the hell can you explode stars with one punch?

Chapter 298 The original blueprint of flesh and blood weapons

To this day.

Qin Feng roughly went through the many flesh and blood technology notes that Xia Qingchuan left in the base. He could be considered to have figured out some methods and officially embarked on the research path of flesh and blood technology.

Organized according to his classification.

Flesh technology notes in the base.

Roughly divided into three categories:

1. Comprehensive explanation of flesh and blood technology.

Second, Xia Qingchuan’s unique research.

3. Research diary of the Kamikyo Association.

The first category is easy to understand.

It mainly records the foundation of flesh and blood technology, as well as its various uses and achievements in general fields.

in short.

All involved are common methods of flesh and blood technology, and the knowledge contained in them, if compared with a degree, can only reach the "Master's" level at the highest.

And the second and third categories.

They are all at the "PhD" level.

And they are all the most cutting-edge and top-notch flesh-and-blood technologies in the knowledge of "doctors".

"The Divine God Society, this is a world-class flesh and blood technology research organization."

Various messages emerged in Qin Feng's mind.

He was originally immersed in martial arts and did not know much about flesh and blood technology. He had never searched for related matters. He only regarded this as an auxiliary means for martial arts practice.

Ever since I learned about the three levels of "flesh and blood weapons".

Only then did I really become interested.

and through the web.

A lot is known about this.

I also formally learned about the "Mikyukai", the world's most cutting-edge flesh and blood technology research organization.

To put it simply...

Shrine Association.

He is the god in the flesh and blood technology circle!

And he is the only true God!

This organization not only created the concept of "flesh punk", but also popularized flesh prosthetics and flesh modifications, giving ordinary people without the talent to practice martial arts the possibility of becoming stronger and evolving.


They also created the world's first true "flesh weapon."

Comparable to the top "divine weapons"...

Containment-level flesh and blood weapons!

That's right.

The first flesh-and-blood weapon born in this world is the most terrifying containment level!

At that time, it caused an extremely terrifying sensation.

It is said.

All involve the gods in the "Star Spirit Layer".


Various information on the Internet is quite unclear about this, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

But one thing is for sure.

It is precisely because of the birth of the first containment-level flesh and blood weapon that weakened versions of sealed-level and taboo-level flesh and blood weapons gradually appeared in the future, and the first "ancestral-level" containment-level flesh and blood weapon is well-deserved. Standing at the top of all flesh-and-blood weapons, it is the first in the containment level.


This first containment-level flesh and blood weapon is so famous.

But almost no one knows his name.

someone said.

This weapon is extremely evil. Just knowing the name will cause it to suffer extremely terrible contamination, and one does not know whether it is true or false.

"all in all."

"This mikoshi will be awesome."

"And this awesome mikoshi association seems to be... founded by that guy Xia Qingchuan. It was founded by him and a few friends during his college years. At that time, its nature was just like a university club."

Qin Feng took out a notebook that looked very old, and the pages were yellowed.


Can be seen.


It's mixed with a photo.

In the photo are several college students who look very young. Both men and women have clear eyes and resolute faces.

Except Xia Qingchuan.

Qin Feng had seen their current images of the remaining people on the Internet, and they were known as the founders of the Godly Society and the "saints" in the world of flesh and blood technology.

"The co-founders of these Shinto Shrine Associations were actually from the lower city of Canglang and were admitted to the Upper City University with their true abilities. That's why they teamed up with Xia Qingchuan to establish this Shinto Shrine Association."


"after graduation."

"Except for Xia Qingchuan, the rest of the members of the Shenyu Association chose to leave Canglang City."

At that time, the Goddess Cult in Canglang City was still in its insignificant stage of development.

And inside the city.

Yanxia official troops are also stationed.

The entire political power is still controlled by official people. Therefore, if some high-end talents perform well, they have the opportunity to leave Canglang City and go to other better and larger cities to develop.

Not like today.

After the dignitaries of the Goddess Sect took control of the power.

The policy of "locking the city" is implemented.

All talents.

All elite.

It is impossible to let them out of the city.

If you insist on leaving?

The only consequence faced is one word, death.

"Haha, if this shrine society develops in Canglang City, how can it grow to a world-class level?"

Qin Feng sneered in his heart.

The research log of the Mikoshi Society collected by Xia Qingchuan and placed in the base.

They are all research diaries of the founders of the Kamikyo Association during their college years.


It contains all the fantastic ideas in flesh and blood technology recorded by all the founders of the Mikoshi Society when their brains were most flexible and their thinking was the most open-minded.

And in these wonderful thoughts.

Including the founding blueprint of the "first containment-grade flesh and blood weapon".

And it’s worth mentioning that…

This founding blueprint.

At that time, he was evaluated by the young and frivolous Xia Qingchuan as two words - garbage.

And made some improvements to this.

"I don't know what happened back then. Why did Xia Qingchuan insist on staying in Canglang City and becoming a son-in-law? Is it really because of love?"

"And the Shrine Society, why don't you include Xia Qingchuan's name in their list of founders..."

Qin Feng looked through his notes.

Looking at the founding blueprint of the "first containment-level flesh and blood weapon".

Thoughts swirled for a while.

This founding blueprint is quite complex.

With Qin Feng's physical and technological achievements, he was like a child looking at advanced mathematics, knowing only a few Arabic numerals from beginning to end.


Although complex.

Not very understandable.

Qin Feng watched it with great interest.

He found that when he looked at something that contained a lot of profound knowledge but could not quite understand, it could strengthen his spiritual will.

not to mention.

It's not like he couldn't understand it at all.

More research and speculation can also improve his abilities and attainments in flesh and blood technology accordingly.



Qin Feng's heart moved.

The founding blueprint for the "first containment-level flesh and blood weapon", apart from some simple paper and pen physical sketches, is mostly an electronic version, and can generate an enlarged version of the holographic image.

After Qin Feng generated the holographic image, he found that the shape of the founding blueprint... seemed familiar.

"Why does this look a bit like...the Mountains of Crazy?"

That's right.

If you look at the holographic image of the entire founding blueprint.

you will find out.

This is obvious...

It is a crazy mountain terrain structure that looks a bit mini!

The entire mountain range is in the shape of an indescribable dragon, entrenched underground in an upside-down state!



"Why is this happening?"

"Why did the founders of the Kamikyo Association use the Crazy Mountains as the prototype to create this founding blueprint?"

"What is the connection between them, Xia Qingchuan, and the Crazy Mountains...?"


Qin Feng thought of Xia Qingchuan's plan to ascend to the gods.

His "method to ascend to the gods".

In the depths of Lu Yunsong's spiritual world, after viewing Xia Qingchuan's past memories and learning about his plan to become a god, Qin Feng has been wondering why Xia Qingchuan became a god.

Flesh-and-flesh technology, no matter how well it is researched, can't really help people's technology to soar for no reason, right?


If everything involves the mysterious Crazy Mountains.


There are really some possibilities!

While Qin Feng's thoughts were surging.


The holographic image of the founding blueprint in front of him, a strange flash of light in the mini crazy mountain, attracted Qin Feng's attention.

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