"Hey, Brother Qin, Qiangwei and I have arrived at the Shangcheng parking lot, but there will be a little traffic for a while."

"Where are you now?"


Guren's voice with a bit of soft and cute temperament came over.

The annoyed voice of Qiangwei sounded next to her:

"Routine traffic restrictions have started again here."

"Damn it, I really don't know why those people from the lower city who have a little money like to go uptown every day for a walk?"

"Are they that free?"

"So you like to dedicate your money to the people in the city, buy some so-called high-end afternoon tea, take a photo, post it on WeChat, and be complacent about it?"

"Can't you do something serious?"

Qin Feng smiled.

His "Crimson Demonic Dragon" can change its appearance and paint to improve its appearance, thus packaging himself into a high-ranking person who looks like he belongs to the powerful class.

In this way, entry will not be restricted and no identification will even be required.

Among the people in the upper city, there is an even stricter hierarchy.

The bad nature of bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

It can be said to be vividly reflected.

"I have reached the outer ring area."

"Huh? So fast? Oh, if I had known I wouldn't have slept for five more minutes, so I happened to be stuck at the current limit point. Brother Qin is really sorry, but I can only ask you to wait for Qiangwei and me first. ”

"It's okay. I happen to have some things I need to buy, so I'll take a walk first."

"Okay, Brother Qin, I'll contact you when Qiangwei and I come in."


After hanging up the phone.

Qin Feng raised his hand.

A strange headband that looks like an antenna but has the texture of flesh and blood appears in the palm of his hand.

This ring.

It is an extremely common "holographic network headband" among many flesh and blood technology products.

It was Qin Feng's leisure time.

Using the knowledge of flesh and blood technology that I learned, I personally created the first flesh and blood technology product.

"After studying flesh and blood technology for such a long time, I am now capable of making some flesh and blood technology products myself, although currently I can only make some gadgets."

Put the circlet on your head.

Receive network signal.


The light comes on.

Qin Feng felt that his field of vision had become wider, rising and rising, becoming like a "God's perspective".

at the same time.

The structure of the entire "outer ring area" of the upper city was displayed in front of him from a three-dimensional and holographic perspective, forming an extremely detailed and complete map.

Qin Feng looked down at the map of the "outer ring area".

There was a look of thought on his face.


The "outer ring area" of the upper city is divided into four parts:

The street of sleepless singing and dancing.

Yunxiao Business District.

Goddess Avenue.

Elite factory area.

It’s easy to understand that the street never sleeps with singing and dancing. It is home to many nightclubs, custom shops, cinemas, afterimages, theaters and other entertainment venues. No matter day or night, this place is extremely prosperous and very popular.

There was no rest at all.

Hence the saying "Sleepless Street".


These are the best places to have fun, and the most important thing is... consumption is relatively cheap and cost-effective.

The Yunxiao Business District is a high-end consumer and trade area developed with the well-known "Yunxiao Club" as its core.

strictly speaking.

This is also mainly an entertainment venue.


Consumption is high.

The products they play with are all high-end goods and high-end products. If you don't have assets worth tens of millions of Yanxia coins in your pocket, you won't even be allowed to set foot here. It's very overbearing.

Goddess Avenue, since it is named after "Goddess", is a religious activity place dedicated to spreading the teachings of the Goddess Cult.

It is worth mentioning that.

Various high-end schools and colleges in the upper city.

They are all set up in this goddess avenue.

Especially the students from Lower City who passed the college entrance examination and entered the Upper City University with high scores will definitely be placed in the Goddess Avenue and brainwashed by the teachings of the Goddess Sect day and night.

As for the final elite factory area.

Most of the factories and enterprises in the upper city are stationed there.

Low-class urbanites with "elite" status mainly work in elite factory areas. If nothing unexpected happens, they will end up like this in their lives.

There are only a few executives from big companies.

Although it is also an "elite" status.

But he can also be regarded as a middle-class upper-city person.

Only those who can come into contact with the existence of the "powerful" level can be qualified to enter the inner ring and live in the inner ring.

Strictly speaking.

Only the "inner ring area" can be regarded as the upper city in the true sense.

As for the "outer ring area"...

It's better than Xiacheng.

Just a few levels of high-end.

"The map of the inner ring area is not public, because it is mainly where the dignitaries of the Goddess Cult, the warriors trained by the Goddess Cult, and a small number of high-end elite upper-city residents live."

"Strictly speaking, the inner ring is a 'Forbidden City' that only those with high status can enter."

"There are very few commercial places there, or... they are completely boutique, high-end, and membership-based."


"If I want to be relatively safe and secure, it seems that I can only wander around in this outer ring area for the time being."

Qin Feng touched his chin.


Scan to the "Sleepless Street of Singing and Dancing" and the "Yunxiao Business District".

There must be more advanced goodies to buy in the inner ring area of ​​the upper city.

But obviously.

It is not so easy to enter. It is not enough to drive a luxury car and dress yourself up like an upper city dignitary. Therefore, Qin Feng is not considering entering the inner ring area at present.

If there is a need in the future, you can find a way to enter.

"The Street of Singing and Dancing is a place where almost all people from the lower city will visit. After all, the consumption cost performance there is very high. In addition to entertainment venues, there are also various other large-scale commercial stores selling various products."

"Moreover, many "middlemen" who sell special commodities are also there, which can be said to be a mixed bag."

"If nothing unexpected happens, the next place to purchase Rose Red Lotus is there."

Qin Feng's eyes turned.


His sight converged on the "Yunxiao Commercial District".

"In that case, I might as well go to this "Yunxiao Commercial District" first to take a look."

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